Animosity 2 storytime

Files are really big, you are advised. Also, fuck vegetarianism





















This was surprisingly fun.
Also can't wait for that dropbear next issue

still shilling this here huh

Sick references bro

Read the first issue and liked it.
Haven't read issue two yet.

Does he try to kill the dog or the guy? Why is her dad such an unusual dick towards Sandor?

bennett and aftershock are shit

fuck vegetarianism

In India non-vegetarians are seen as annoying. They are like vegans in the west, funny how the world works

>still shilling this

Storytiming is not shilling...

Not to say I like this book, because I don't. I've seen weirder concepts, but I really can't get into this one, it's just dumb.

Because dudes in Bennett's comic are dicks. This guy is a type of dick that should be familiar to you if you know more than like, a dozen dudes.

I'd say it's goofy, and it's definitely deliberately goofy.

To be fair, this is literally the best (and definitely the best edited) Bennett comic I have ever read.


Gators with no sense of irony make things even worse.

Oh for fuck's sake i smiled

I don't think anyone anywhere would argue that the Moose would in fact be the deadliest enforcer in the US not locked up in a Zoo.

God dammit Oscar that was the wrong reaction!

No kidding. I don't think they do a good job of getting across just how massive those things are. Definitely would not want to duck with one, let alone one with two strapped squirrels on top of its horns.

I'm surprised that noone pointed out that even if human reproduction rates should be lowered as well; the fact that formerly unintelligent animals now have intelligence means they have a skyrocketed change in infant mortality rate so animals are not at nearly the same amount of equilibrium as humans whom were at least starting to see declines in populations. Then there's his insistence upon calling "meat" "the flesh of animals" instead when meat's definition is the fucking flesh of animals so he's being a pendantic little shithead while doing it wrong at the same time.
This senator is also clearly unprepared for this debate. What idiots have over a MONTH to prepare for what could be the biggest political meeting in the history of the United States and fuck it up by not being prepared after what have apparently been three attempts.
Then there's the sheer amount of wildlife entirely dependent upon humans to survive in the first place that clearly don't realize how fucked they are without us.
The carnivores that can't survive on vegan diets or have food stored up (which haven't continued to hunt discreetly) should also be starved to death or starving now so entire ecosystems have just collapsed completely by now.
There are also entire species that are where they are entirely due to human intervention. Fucking chickens outnumber us because we keep them alive. What are they going to do for food when they can't depend on us to give food to them for free now?
The notion of human dominance by that Moose is also entirely laughable considering how little of the landmass we occupy compared to animals and how badly we've always been outnumbered.
The Moose is also far too late to be demanding that animals set to be destroyed pre-sapience be freed because humans would have either immediately did that or killed said animals by now. He's lumping farm animals with rabid dogs when killing farm animals is now considered illegal.

The moose just has ridiculous demands.

>The moose just has ridiculous demands.
All moose do.

So do fish and insects have human intelligence too?


I think he killed the robber, they really shouldn't have cut away from that scene. They ruin the Dad's relationship with the dog, good or bad.

ia doggo body even capable of turn its hand like that?

Eat shit. I'd rather OP storytime this than the absolute shite marvel is peddling.

Fish probably do but I doubt insects will

And how exactly is the deer supposed through the grenades?

He also has guns

This is ridiculously hard to follow with all these fucking random time skips.

anyone got #1?

>Marguerite Bennett

so.. is this good?

Watership Down, Animal Farm and Planet of the Apes?

It swings its head around until the grenades build up enough momentum to launch free of their pins.

So far. There's been a few moments where, if you know their previous works, you can interpret very poorly. By any other author, the dad losing it would just be another typical tragedy of post-apoc stories, but the author will probably make people more suspicious.

The animals, so far, have been portrayed with a enough variety to make the more ludicrous demands, like that of the moose with the human halting of reproduction, seem more like the animals being crazy and selfish over something the author actually thinks is any sort of proper thought. We'll have to see as we go if things settle down into the expected retardation, but it's been a pretty fun two issues so far.

Not really, but it's probably her best work, so that should tell you something.

So do we. Additionally we have bombs, actual jet fighters that don't get stopped by birds, nukes and various other things. The moose only gets away with things because we aren't psychos willing to give the gift of FREEDOM to our backyard in retaliation for terrorist attacks.

They said insects do in the opening narration but if they really did then everything should have been fucking over.
Either the writer isn't thinking thing through much or the insects are waiting for everyone to become rotting corpses to feast upon.

Those are the most incompetent snipers ever
>"OMG a suicide bomber!"
>suicide bomber monologue

>"OMG a moose with assault rifles is threatening the senator!
>"meh, it's the plenipotentiary, let him"

Rocky and Bullwinkle got hardcore.

The bomber is incompetent as fuck too
>Praise be to humans as lords over all
>Fuck da amimals!
>Explodes in the middle of a bunch of humans

>Because dudes in Bennett's comic are dicks

Just a reminder that this is the author, so try not to be too shocked if the men in her books are written as chauvinist monsters FOR REASONS.

And suddenly it all makes fucking sense.