Costume Thread

I actually love this look as a heavy duty/going-to-war suit.

personally never liked the helm/mask cause it seems like if you can land a pile driver that his head would be stuck to the ground.

As much as I like the Rebirth outfit, I want something more realistic

I also kind like the new JL Tactical Suit, the nite-owl googles are okay

Truly a classic

Tacticool was fine for a while but Jesus is it overplayed and it tends to encourage gritty facist asshole Batman which needs to die for at least a decade.

Batman Inc was perfect for me. Modern but still sleek and not overly gloomy

Hopefully after Infamous Iron Man is done, Doom gets scarred again


hasnt the man lost enough? He saved existence for christ sake yet still couldnt save him mum

Neal Adams Batsuit is best Batsuit.

>Tfw people still associate this suit with the Adam West Batman

>Gold chain
>Fur lined cloak
>Badass ensemble
Is Doom the freshest character in comic book history?

Best Iron Man armor

Exclusivly played with this suit in Arkham City, I t's one of my favorites
I hate this so much. Fuck that dumb glow and the wierd angly "web" design. Fuck those boots and fuck that metallic sheen


Considering Neal Adams didn't design it, then yeah.


Better spider costumes passing through

I select this beauty everytime I play Arkham City

>tfw literally every Spider-Person has a baller costume
How do they keep doing it?

The Arkham games never get the costume quite right. They always forget the black portion over his face.

I actually hate it, too ironman for me.

Whenever I played AK, I always went with the BvS suit, even though I didn't really like it all that much in the movie. In the game though it somehow looked perfect.

I also always put Nightwing in the Original Arkham suit and Robin in the OYL suit.

Personally I think Rocksteady is absolute garbage at costume design.

I don't know, not a big fan of that one. I like the 7.41 Batsuit better. I even kinda like the TT Batsuit.

Spider-Gwen and new spider-people costumes are bad, tho

Yeah, but Arkham City had the best alt comic based costumes.
Arkham Origins and Knight costumes look fucking weird.
>that bruce sameface with weird lips
>that Beyond suit
>literally Arkham Knight suit repainted red

>Bad costumes
Bad characters sure, but their costumes are good
>bottom pic
the fuck is up with New 52 Batmans shoulders?

>Spider-Gwen costume
Eh, to each his own
And as I said, AK costumes look weird, too modern

Same costume, different game.
They didn't even bothered to change Bruce's face to look like Miller's art or older Bruce.

I think theres a lot right with this costume. Short ears, white eyes, decent logo. I mean he has armor plates but it blends better than other suits that have tried it

Black Manta has one of the most iconic looks out there

I like this one because it's simple and cheap for Halloween

Holy shit,that's the coolest Doctor Doom i've seen in a while.

I think that has to do with the costumes actually being used in cutscenes now, and there are a couple scenes where Bruce takes off the cowl.

Best batman coming through

it's official

This was a really great design for a stealth armor, and it's a shame it was discarded so soon.

>when the artist doesn't draw the webpits

My men

Az when?

>no Sinestro crops

Come on. Literally missing the best one.

I hate that Jean-Paul has essentially been written out because it was created by Quesada.

The fucking chastity belt though.

The Bale and Burton suits look pretty good.

Still waiting for a complete Arkham City edition to come out, though I'm doubting it's going to happen.


I agree. I like it because it's the kinda costume I'd throw together if I had spider powers.

It's pretty bad especially since now when Azrael shows up, like in the Arkham games or in the Grayson annual, he's been a poorly done amalgamation of Jean and Lane. The Convergence Jean was pretty great though.

Yeah I'm not a fan of the crotch guard, though it's great in shots where you barely notice it like here.

>Convergence Azrael

I missed that issue, sadly. Glad to hear it was good.

Am I the only one who feels like Batman looks fine without the black crotch region on a suit, but if Superman doesn't have the red shorts/"speedo" it looks wrong?

No, it's the colors.

Why is Bale's costume so fucking bad.

his face....

Solid black rarely works, and his jaw is weird.

Begins suit was alright
TDK suit wasn't

The Trinity looks great currently

Why is Diana the only one that gets a lower body?

Hate the crotch guard, hate the glowing chestpiece, fully think people only like the batsuit because it was introduced in a Morrison comic.

Are you me? I do all of that.

I like it because it looks a lot like the BTAS suit only less blue.

Cause the artist wants the underoos back. A lot of artists have been shading out the crotch areas on these two lately to break up the colour.


What horror movie is this from? Looks spooky.

It's his Revoltech, with posable ass action

Earth 2 Trinity looked good too. RIP

I still don't see how they thought it was a good idea to waste those Superman and Wonder Woman designs on dead men walking. So much better than the initial New 52 designs.

I still don't see how they thought it was a good idea to waste those Superman and Wonder Woman designs on dead men walking. So much better than the initial New 52 designs.

Not to fond of Batman's suit though. There was something off about it. Something janky a street-level that was ill-fitting even for a Batman living in an apocalyptic universe.

I absolutely love that suit.

It's the most A E S T H E T I C shit while combining practicality.

Tacticool done right.

Ugh. It's too...busy for my tastes.


Ben wants his costume back, whore.

Patriarchy, of course.

Not me. It really looks heavy and it kind of ruin my suspension of disbelief when he's gliding around with that cape.

... can't... unsee it...

I figured that was it, just thought I'd ask.

I love the New 52 Robins with a passion. Except for Tim's suit.


Why is it that so few designs work on Superman?

its the cape im afraid

I like it when everyone looks professional

Hard to improve on perfection

Aronofsky and Miller's Batman movie had some nutty ideas but this modern take on the original Finger pulp costume is perfecto.

Wondy has never looked better. Except for maybe pic related

Das rite

its like hes wearing a suit made entirely of of jeans

can't unsee

It's like they modelled it from Bale's appearance in The Machinist

Batman looks like he's wearing a tuxedo

I liked this Green Goblin best, then his look on the cover of Tbolts volume 2, his look inside Tbolts, then his classic look
real men abstain

>massive package

Ironically they just support Quesada more by keeping the elements of his design active across new iterations. Its not like he wrote the character, just created the design.

I bet Manapul just wanted to include those bangin hips. I don't blame him!

>he doesn't like Mayday
Tasteless fag

The Mark 46 just sits really well with me. I hope he's still using it by the time Infinity War comes around before he gets his usual Act III upgrade

i really liked that one and the third act suit, which may have just been that one, that he used in AoU

Miguel's original costume is easily my favorite Spider-suit. It's minimalistic, but still iconic.

The one he's wearing now just has too much going on. If the book was drawn by someone else and they replaced the white with black/dark blue, it would look 100 times better.

I'm a sucker for white in costumes.
And red/white is just icing on the strawberry/vanilla cake.

Iron Man and War Machine were easily my favorite parts of the movie. These are both by far the best two suit designs I've seen yet for the two.

I really hope that if there is an Iron Man 4, that the Russos direct it. They've got great taste in suits and they seem to REALLY know how to use Robert Downey Jr.

I used to think the way his face/mask worked was weird, but I got used to it.

Though they haven't quite figured out how to work it in 3D without making it look kind of terrifying.

The problem is that the design tries too much to look modern.
They do the same with Terry's suit in the Batman Beyond comics, while the best part of it is how simple it looks.

They've perfected it familia

I love the Moebius-looking details on that. Nice.

Wonder Woman

The Flash


Transistors motherfucker

spider Gwen and miles have literally great costumes user.

The pointy bulge always disturbs me.

>and the third act suit, which may have just been that one, that he used in AoU
That would be Mark 45

I agree. Making it look futuristic worked with the simpler designs because basic design elements - a skull, a bat, claws - will probably survive in some form for centuries. The more they complicate those things and try to make them look "techy," the less sleek and futuristic they actually look.

best costume in the movie

hell yes i loved how shiney it was, how red it was. so good. my fourth favorite moviesuit overall

Is this just fan art? I mean damn I'd kill for an ongoing about Doctor Strange with his TA's Magik and Scarlet Witch training the next gen of magical heros.

No way he uses it in infinity war. Steve literally just destroyed it.

>No Barbara speeding in her wheelchair.

It still needs something to break up all the blue. Those lines on his sides don't cut it. The Supergirl suit is a step in the right direction. Give him a real belt.

Yeah, I have a number of problems with the new Rebirth suit, mostly in the face. Terry's Batsuit is one of those costume designs you just never fuck with no matter what.


this will never not look fucking retarded

suck my dick dan slott, you fucking cuck you did this to spiderman

Yellow symbol > all black


That suit looked so fucking good in the movie

Going to have to disagree with you there. The gold and metallic blue detailing works well enough, there just needs to be more of a contrast between those and the bodysuit.

How can people say they want Batman more realistic when he's the complete opposite of realism? How many billionaires do you know go around attacking people at night dressed as a bat?

I don't give a fuck that it's yellow, I hate that it's actually backlit and glows.

I think a problem a lot of the armored Batman costumes have is that they make the plates too glossy. That's terrible for stealth. It makes more sense to have them with a matte finish

You're right. But that also runs the risk of looking too tacticool, like Dark Knight and stuff.


Can the other armors even compete?

I love the whole concept behind Hawkman.

i thought the mask was apart of the hat

Fuck yes.

Romita/Conway era Goblin is easily my favorite Goblin costume. The bright colors are really appealing to the design.

>Liking the new 52 Robin suits
All of the robin's new 52 outfits are awful. Only Jason's is half way decent by being the least terrible of the bunch

I'm rather partial to the caped costume he had after the Gathering of the Five.

Of all the amazing door opening shit that could have supported DECADES of comics that Morrison gave us before editors threw in the trash and ignored forever: Batman Inc. may be the most painful

Best suit in the game, indeed.

When are they gonna go full Bleeding Edge?

It's one of those designs you just can't mess with.

Both count. I especially like that all of the white on his Moon Knight suit is crescents.

Those big old cavities all over the suit don't sit well with me, especially in the chest area. I couldn't get over that part.

LOVE the color palatte, hate the actual armor. I was always a fan of the Rider feel Tony's suits had, and the Ultimates armor just kind of turns him into a pseudo mecha.

I'd love to see that paint scheme on an MCU armor as a reference to it.

Nah, I like Ultimate armor exactly for that
Skin tight Iron armor just turns me off. Shit needs to be bulky to be able to do the shit he does.


It's so retarded and weird that it warps back around into being amazing

It's the JJBA of superhero costumes

>That purple undercape

Hgggggggggggg I love it

What is that ungodly abomination

I miss the Wonderpanties

>the Ultimates armor just kind of turns him into a pseudo mecha
That's what makes it so great. It really emphasizes ARMOR, unlike the skintight (((armor))) we have now

Rebirth Batman Beyond.
They should just rename him as Bulldogman Beyond by now


Absolutely disrespectful trash

Absolute abomination

Best spiderman costume

One of the greatest and underrated

Best batsuit coming through

We get closer and closer with every movie.

Exquisite taste, gentlemen.
I though BvS was a pile of shit like everyone else, but it had best batsuit.

you made it so much worse