Yfw Clyde ruins today's episode

>yfw Clyde ruins today's episode

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Why is Clyde so despised on Cred Forums?

>That death stare
Action series starring Lynn when?

because he's getting more screentime than the waifus, and his only gimmick seems to be "I LOVE LORI" and "MY DADS"

I can't speak for Cred Forums, but I find him to be annoying because of his crush on Lori; which was funny at first, until it became a huge part of his character and kept coming up.

he's a shit version of Cookie for ned declassified


Brandon, can you kindly fuck off somewhere else?

Because he is just annoying and his only characteristics are having a crush and having 2 dads.

There will probably be an episode where Clyde "dates" Lynn to make Lori jealous or something.


I've actually found him more entertaining in the latest episodes. Probably because he's around Lori less and acts more like a considerate friend to Lincoln.

There's actually a Lori dates Clyde to make Bobby jealous episode next week.

People really need to stop comparing characters that are nothing alike just due to having the same skin color.

Nigga the fuck you talkin' about. They're both nerdy black guys who happen to be smart/stupid, have glasses and wear similar clothes and crush on a girl.

I find him annoying.

>Clyde had no lines
>Lynn and Lincoln changed in front of each other, repeatedly
>Rita being extra THICC
>Lynn just being a complete badass like usual.

Another 9/10 Lynn episode. She da MVP.


MEGA: mega.nz/#!BpER1bgJ!gkErSHpM6J3YLIGWbc6JAXWpfryz7HyzUwQSSklN-KQ
Drive: drive.google.com/file/d/0B0U-etJwLLSHX2RBNk5URHJLT3M/view?usp=sharing


Google drive?

Sorry didn't see


The gotta make sure they emphasize how straight he his to prove that having gay parents doesn't make you gay.

Clyde spends most of his time on /aco/ fapping to dick girl Lori porn

The premise of the show is Lincoln and his 10 sisters. Half of the episodes evolve around him and Lincoln. He isn't interesting. They could just replace hin with one sister every episode and no one woukd miss him.

He is just over compensating because his dads expect him to be straight.

Hes boring, pbnoxious, and i want to see more of the sisters instead of just clyde and lincoln.

I was very busy this last week or so, can you please tell me how many new eps are out? MEGA also welcome if you have it. I have Roughin' It and The Loudest Yard.

>liking the clyde episodes
You are the cancer killing TLH and need to die horribly.

Moar Clyde!

Get rekt faggot

Clyde X Linc is endgame

He's gonna give him the salami

Clyde only exists because Savino is relatively traditional and it's impossible for Lincoln to be friends with or confide in his sisters, so they needed a generic best-friend character outside the family just to give him someone to talk to.

So.. Erwin from Billy and Mandy?

>and it's impossible for Lincoln to be friends with or confide in his sisters
Thats fucking retarded. If i had a sister, id use her as my main emotional support while also helping her needs, among other things

To be fair, do any of Lincoln's sisters look like they would be good emotional support? The only one I could think of would be Luan or Lori. Luan would have to really see someones upset to put her comedy aside and Lori keeps too big of a responsibility front so talking mature with her is hard. Lincoln is the odd man out (although hardy the voice of reason himself). There's Lisa who seems pretty much autistic so Lincoln wouldn't feel comfortable going to her.

Lucy, though extremly goth, seems well with coping with negative emotions.

I actually like his dad's better than Clyde. They seem like nice people

Until the Louds broke them

Also a robot

No matter how great or supporting you're not going to discuss your boners with your sisters but with your male friends. There's nothing controversial or even odd/interesting about boys wanting to hang with boys and girls with girls.

And I say this as a once boy who shilled for mixed play. It's unnatural to treat boys and girls as the same, and to expect boys to enjoy boy/girl playing as much as say playing war with their male friends. The dynamics of intergroup relationships are entirely different. Think of it as a machine. A girl is the sand that clogs the gears and makes the machine fall apart. Nobody wins, everyone loses.

You can compare the entire formula of Ned's declassified

Anyone got a request?

Lincoln balls deep in Lucy.

More of Rita's ass in workout shorts

crazy luann with crazy dialogue

with a dash of incest

ill want to keep it sfw for now.
Ill give it a shot

He's an annoying kid that wants to fuck his best friends sister

he´s black

>you're not going to discuss your boners with your sisters
Well, user....

and it steered away from Lincoln eating up the attention until Lynn snaps at him angle I was afraid it might go into. They kept their scheme professional and played it perfect until the injury


Leni trying to be Tsundere to Lincoln

and failing

Yeah I appreciated that she didn't give a shit about anything except playing, to the point that she played too well.

Rita smacking her ass while a scantally clad lucy gives lincoln a lap dance

Yeah, it is so straitght that nigga cant even go into his iwn backyard without leaving his dads sight and having they gayest kinds of things to have during a fucking night out in the woods

I appreciated Lincoln didn't act like a faggot and let the praise go to his head. He knew to downplay that shit and get it over with as soon as possible, definitely not what I expected after the limo episode

Lucy doing something both macabre and cute.

I also like how they didn't play up the whole "girls cant play football" theme that always happens with situations like this.

He's barely in a handful of episodes and even then he doesn't get much screentime. You act as if the show shouldn't show anything that isnt the sisters.

I'm not even a Lynncolnfag, but seeing her be the costar in today's episode after a week of Clyde really makes it appearent how weak of a character Clyde is. Lynn was so much better as a sidekick to Lincoln than Clyde is.

redraw this

Is that Osomatsu-san?

>Lucy yanks away the football to that music
I appreciate it

I think it just needs to be noted that Lynn was the "co-star" of the episode, which is why she was so enjoyable. Lynn was just as involved in the plot as Lincoln was.
Even in "Clyde Episodes", Clyde only ever manages to break out as being the sidekick rather than actually being on equal footing to Lincoln. His appearance is nigh negligible, despite how much they clearly want us to find him endearing.

even in the episode they go camping or the loud getting attention from his dads, Clyde is a non-character, he's just an entity Lincoln bounces dialogue off of. I think the most 'character' he's ever shown was trying to be a massive cock blocker during Linclon and Lori's double date


I think he's more like that black kid with asthma from Malcolm in the Middle. He's the reason why I stopped watching.

Fuck I just caught the fact that it was "Lucy"

Holy shit, todays episode was fucking excellent. And i dont even like football

All this episode proves is that

we don't really need Clyde

No shit man

>Advanced Calculus
almost missed it...

I dont get it

It's about the character in the cover Professor Calculus. Ever seen Tintin?

>best waifu is a zero

wherever you are
Please continue
"Lincoln Louder"

Come on Lincoln. Stand your ground for once. If I see a group of guys rushing towards me with violent intent, I stay and take em all on at once

Delicious Lola foot

that seems an uncomfortable position for a heel to be

his whole character amounts to being lame and being in love with Lori
nerdy black friend is a real tired clichie
seriously being in love with your best friend's sister and telling them how in love you are with them is uncool
he's black

Oh shit. Niiiiiiice.

The Peanuts gag was really cute too.

top kek

Really, I'd say the episode was a 6/10 and is greatly overrated by all of you. If they'd made it so that Lynn would train Lincoln for the final game and thanks to her training, Lincoln wins, albeit barley against the opposing team along with the removal of Lola's segment to make room for all of this, it would've been a 9/10 episode.

Problem is, they decided they'd rather have a ending consisting of Lincoln not even peeping about his entire family being at the final game, the Loud family's ignorance of Lynn not being seated anywhere and a rushed liar revealed cliche that has Lynn and Lincoln going near scot free. All of these problems just causes the entire episode to topple down from what could've been one of the show's best episodes to yet another mediocre clichefest.

>Ever seen Tintin?
The movie a few years back. Thats it.

That part made me crack up so hard. You just know lola got wet when she was trying to run over lincoln.

His dads are funnier then he is, and not because there gay. They seem like genuingly likeable people, and have very comedic reactions to the events that transpire around them. i can only imagine the turmoil and guilt they must feel that there son is a obsessive freak who has a literally helga tier shrine of his crush

>the Loud family's ignorance of Lynn not being seated anywhere

They probably figured she was at one of her other sporting events.

I wonder what thought process led Lori to believe Clyde of all people would intimidate anyone into thinking their relationship was under threat.

There were five new eps this week, and there will be five more next week.

Heck, more of the girls in workout outfits in general. Surely Rita has the other girls keep in shape too, since there is no Fatty Sister.

Lucy starting a psychiatric business when?

>Embrace the Darkness

What a try hard.

Drink bleach you homophobic fucker.

I like it alot. Do you have a tumblr. Also, have you drawn any lucy nudes?

dunno why my post was taken off so ill just be careful with the lewd stuff for now. my tumblr is lioxdz.tumblr.com

Rita's ear

Was this anyone else's favorite part of the episode?

He's black


The Loudest Yard > Roughin it >> Come Sale Away > Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru > The Waiting Game

The Loudest Yard (9/10) > The Waiting Game > Roughin It > Come Sale Away > Girl Guru (6-6.5/10)

>Waiting Game that high

Every single episode besides loudest yard has been a 0/10 besides the garage sale one. That was 3/10.

Ending with Lori was cute, and Clyde and Lincoln just hanging out was kind of neat. I can get not liking Chandler, and not liking how Lincoln submitted himself to him, but it lead an alright lesson and a reconciliation with Lori.


so what do you do after getting your ass kicked?

>The Loudest Yard
> The Waiting Game
> Come Sale Away
> Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru
> Roughin it

the loudest yard>the waiting game>roughin it>come sale away>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>girl guru (worst episode)

So do we make out under the bleachers? Or what?

I don't get it. I just watched the whole set of new eps and they were all good. Why are you people complaining?

I'm starting to dislike Lincoln. It's been a bad week of episodes for him. It's not like he's facing actual football players. Can't he even play football a little bit?

Why are we cursed with such pussy beta MCs?

>It's not like he's facing actual football players.

He was just being a lazy fuck, Rita could have signed him up for tennis or swim team, and he'd still try to flake out of it.

laziness or incompetence his enjoyability is steadily decreasing.

Because people hate fun.
Only one of the episodes this week was genuinely bad desu The Waiting Game. There was nothing funny in that episode besides Lincoln and Clyde holding hands.

Eh, I kind of suspect people are just projecting too heavily on him. People want to imagine he's an alpha pimp who pounds his sisters' asses every night because that's what they want to self-insert as but this week really showed that he's always just been kind of a wuss.

i'm getting tired of watching wuss MCs.

You could make your own story where your MC is always smarter and stronger than everyone, and every woman in the world wants his dick. If Cred Forums was writing Lincoln, they'd make him as unbearable as that Least I Could Do guy.

Lincoln's had his high points, but this week of episodes really sucked for him.

he doesn't need to be a mary sue. he just needs to be competent. and less emasculated.

and yes it is indeed a bad week for him like I posted originally. in addition to being a wuss he's a lying conniving bitch as well.

I was okay with it all.

I think it's projection too. I'm pretty hardcore about things like this, but I like Lincoln. He doesn't strike me as a wimp at all and he even took a proper kiss from a girl. That alone is more than most of characters we get achieve. Remember Dipper? THAT is a wimp, not Lincoln.

Well that was quick. And very well done.

there are degrees of wimpiness and this week has shown Lincoln to be a proper wimp.

>Remember Dipper? THAT is a wimp, not Lincoln.

We'll probably have to wait to see how Dance Dance Resolution turns out.

Bad end:
>All four of Lincoln's dates shit all over Lincoln, even the sisters who arranged the dates get mad at Lincoln
>He makes a cringy apology letter to Ronnie Anne, who dumps him anyways
>Clyde takes up half the screentime (he's already confirmed to be in the episode)
>Savino confirmed for Hack 2.0

Clyde ends as Lincoln's date
Lincoln's bottom

>he just needs to be competent
And he often is
>and less emasculated
But just this week, there was an episode where he learned that that isn't even a thing he needs to worry about, and you could argue that the same thing was apparent in Toads and Tiara, where it emphasized being yourself rather than what people expect you to be.
I feel like you're forgetting that he's just a kid.
He's going to fail more often than he's going to succeed, and it's from these failures that he develops as a person character. Sure, that doesn't excuse the development not being enjoyable to certain viewers, and in the format it's in generally these kinds of things end up having a character learn some variation of something they probably already learned in the past, but Lincoln was always kind of a "wuss". He's not the tough kid, Lynn is, he's not the dirty kid, Lana is. He's the "thinker" who tries to avoid most problems by getting around them, but time and time again he's shown that when it comes down to it he'll do what needs to be done for the betterment of those around him, and he'll work for it.

Good end:

>shenanigans abound and everything comes crashing down, but his sisters stop it and admit their mistake

At least that's what I believe will happen. But we shall see. That fucking picture still pisses me off.

We've seen him survive in the wild by applying seemingly meaningless skills he thought were detrimental to him. Give me a week with him and he'll form his very own RWDS by the end of it. But if you want a more radical alpha, go watch Mighty Max.











ok... where's the tiger?

There is no tiger, Lisa just dressed up like one, and Leni misheard her explanation and made everyone else think there was an actual tiger around.

It could be anywhere. It could even be right behind you


>their son

credit where credit's due for the edit but I'm oddly enamored with that weird walk cycle they gave Lynn you see in the last panel

Wait.. that never happened..?

of course it did, it's to make it look like Lincoln was out playing football all day getting dirty

Wat. Is this canon? Holy shit...

>just get caught up on the last few episodes
>all of them were good, with only Roughin It really standing out as a below average
>Come Sale Away and Loudest Yard were great

why were people bitching about these episodes again? is it because MUH LINCOLN DIDNT """"""WIN"""""" ? CNfags falseflagging with their usual tricks?

Have some Detroit Rugby Football Club Lynn, thread.

You are so retarded your condition has yet to be named. Leni is smarter than you. That's how retarded you are.

Pretty obscure reference for an American show. That's pretty cool though.

Here's logoless webrips of this weeks episodes (no subtitles, sorry). Unfortunately I couldn't get one for Come Sale Away:

Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru:

Roughin' It:

The Waiting Game:

The Loudest Yard:

Roughin' It / The Waiting Game:

would have been cute nod if the parents names had been carved into the bleachers somewhere.

>The show is so Lincoln-centric that they don't even give Lynn enough screentime to mention that there is girls football in their town after they find out she's been playing instead of Lincoln

they specifically said there wasn't girls football in town when they were coming up with the plan

>I could actually criticize the episode but I'll talk about what I wanted it to do instead

Opinions like yours are worth even less than a dime a dozen and you should consider suicide for posting this to begin with

That's the point, I expected Lynn to give a little "girls can play sorts and it's not fair that they can't" speech but instead the focus was on Lincoln switching places.

I just thought it would have been a nice opportunity for the show to give Lynn a bit more spotlight, to get more characterization with a few more lines. But instead the main focus is Lincoln, who was just being lazy

>I wanted to give Lynn more screen time with something painfully pretentious and out of character

There's a reason you're not working on cartoons

You guys have fucking awful shittaste. Besides the loudest yard, all of the episodes were unfunny garbage, with the only one with some funny parts being come sale away.

These episodes and Come Sale Away are the only new ones right? I haven't seen a new Loud House episode in a while. What aired before these?

they came back from hiatus with a Loud bomb this week so only 5 episodes since Novel Idea


>since Novel Idea

I missed more than I remembered than

What was before that?

Lynn seems smart enough to know not to start some kind of war.

At this pont just wiki the episode list
This. I don't know why user wants Lynn to act like Lisa Simpson, she has enough sports to play if she wanted and it was a nice subversion having the coach recognize game and scoop her up for next year

I thought something came after novel idea before this bomb.
Because lincoln and clyde took up most of the screentime, and they were boring and unfunny.

I would but I remembered that they aired them out of order so knowing which episodes aired is a total pain

But sure why not

They have little descriptions so that might help you get orriented

That would've been really obnoxious.

Yoou see that thing way to often in cartoons.


It's probably not even a matter that "they can't" just that there just isn't a girls sports team.

Then I'll talk about my criticisms of the episode:
1. Lola's segment is unneeded and is only there to get Lynn into the episode, a thing that could've been done without getting Lola into the fray.
2. It's heavily implied that Lincoln never tells Lynn about her family being at her game, something that seems a bit out of character for Lincoln.
3. For what is implied to be several months, the Loud family never decided to check the tree Lincoln was sitting in while Lynn was faking Lincoln.
4. The liar revealed aspect is incredibly rushed which softens the whole impact of it.
5. Lynn and Lincoln go away from committing massive name fraud almost completely scot free.
6. Lincoln losing the game just feels as a cop out just to find a way to torment him in a non-deserving way (he could've been punished instead for his massive lying).
7. Lincoln never really develops as a character despite him "learning the lesson". If he would've actually had to train very hard for the final game as a trade off of him not playing the other games, he could've learned a great lesson about hard work and not going the easy way out.

Lola's segment was also funny as hell.

The best I can gather from this is that your main issue with the episode overall sums up to it just having negligible fill-in-the-blank spaces, which is just par for the course with Loud House.

The only exception to this is the last part which is essentially just repeating "the episode should've done what I wanted instead."

What episode was the Peanuts gag?

>Senseless, amateur nitpicking is criticism

Fuck off retard

Loudest Yard

>even the music is changed during the sequence

>i can only imagine the turmoil and guilt they must feel that there son is a obsessive freak who has a literally helga tier shrine of his crush
kek the gays are embarrassed

even lisa
wich is weird

In a show where the only appeal is waifus he takes screen time from the waifus.

he's not even a desirable shota like Lincoln is

>It's a kids form a secret club and don't allow worst sister in episode

This goddamn fanbase has to be the most gullible one I've seen in years.


I guess that gif is from the upcoming episode "A Tattler's Tale"



I think that'd be really week, like the Girl Guru moral. We see Lynn playing sports all the time, so we don't need a "girls can play sports too" moral anymore than we needed a "all girls are different moral" after practically every episode has a bunch of girls acting differently.


I said it as a joke. I know it's fanart.

honestly, no one really seemed to care that a girl was playing football. Since the coach was so quick into adding her on to the team, im guessing that the only reason there wasn't a girls football team around was because there wasnt enough interest in it.

and... finished!

336557lookin for more requests :0

The teacher coming onto one of her students? Lincoln being the obvious choice.

Lucy posing in slutty outfit and an exposed stomach. She can be aged up.

Didn't think to see you in these threads.

Anyways, Chandler and Lynn making out.

Not him, but, alternatively, Chandler and Lincoln making out.

well shit, i gota do it since 2 people asked


but is it with lynn or lincoln?Or both?

Fuck the fujoshi I just pictures them making out and as soon as they finish

I can see Lincoln saying and this will get me the invite to your party?

the fuck? saturday? just PICK a schedule, Nick

>to wikipedia
this shit's been back for a week now? nobody fuckin told me. i specifically looked it up the other day and it said there had definitely NOT been new episodes. god dammit.

well thats 1 down

1 down,ill see if i can do the lucy one before i go and ill try to do the chandler one tomorow

Because he only personality is have a crush on lori, the joke is good at first at time, but get repetitive in the 461748698 time.

Continuously based.

Just a heads up,if the request has lucy theres a 90% chance ill do it

wherever you are
Please continue
"Lincoln Louder"

Me and my dick thank you could you do an edit where she has a purple colored see through top and post it on your tumblr?

How about some yuri with Lucy and the Goth Date?

ill do it tomorow,might post it to my nsfw tumblr depending on how it ends up(ill have a link to it on my normal blog if i end up posting something there)

Thanks in advance, bro.


cuz 4 chan is full of racys cracas


Go back to tumblr you fucking faggot.

i would love to draw lincolm in the middle

As a person who grew up in the same area that the loud house in based on, ask me anything.

I don't know, how big is the house, actually looking at it?

I meant something realistic. The house itself is fictional.


This pic is cute. Irritatingly so.

The house is real. At least, the one it's based off of is. It's where Chris grew up.

Huh, didn't know that.

If I recall, Lincoln's name actually coincides with the street, or sometihng.
Anyone, I'm not show what else to ask. How often do things get so hot that the Louds would have to walk around in their swimsuits/underwear?

Dud you fuck any of your sisters or mom?

It can reach upper-80's to low-90's in the summer. Which in Michigan is pretty brutal.

>It can reach upper-80's to low-90's in the summer. Which in Michigan is pretty brutal.

Down south we call that "April". Or "May." Thanks to global warming, there are occasions we call that "the week before Christmas."




Hey sis!
Check Out this moves.


wait a second is that guy on the book from tintin series?

which one? the blond guy over there or I'm not seeing it?.

Probably, someone else pointed it out and said so. There are a lot of references to old comics and comic creators.


>don't act like you are not impressed.

I want a episode where lisa experiment with licoln and accidentally makes him grow up to the age of 20 and HANDSOME.
I want to see the loud sisters struggle to not just jump and him and ride him right then and there.

Damn, son. Glad I live in the midwest, then.

We get it, you want Lincoln Louder to update, jeeze.

or he turns into a girl

Larry was such a dumbass in that episode


Huh. I thought you were dead.

>Died? No. Became stronger? Yes!
I lost interest with /trash/ and decided to abandon it.


Whatd i miss?

She said mayo



>wanting mayo

What is he laughing? Not seeing anything.

from that angle he can discreetly see lori big ass and a tomboy loli ass without anyone noticing.


link to the rest.

don't worry lola, it's a special sauce...
it comes from a weiner...if you know what I mean

Oh good, i need more protein to make my butt look big.

Cr0u70n Please continue "Lincoln Louder"

This was the funniest moment in the episode.

if you want I can help you out with that sis.

Anything for you, linci

well, that settled it.
we'll need to go my room first...and before I forget it, you need to promise me that you will not tell anyone about this, k?

Take it to the erp thread in /trash/

alright user...if this roleplaying makes you feel uncomfortable then that's no good.

Only my stuffed animals will know

golly that's nice to know.
then we won't lose more time, let's go!.

Okay lini, im ready to get the mayo......why are you pulling out your weenie? Do i have to do the icky stuff i did to the judges to win my pageants and to dad for that new cynthia doll?


well, this isn't what I had in mind...but whatever.
Are you ready sis?


hey Cred Forumsmrades

TLHG flockdraw, join if you want, for fun, moderated

being honest here...I'm not clicking that.

So what do you want me to do lincoln? I want to make you happy, but please be gentle unlike daddy

we had a bunch of drawfags last night, and even a rare artist , do what you want, I try to keep the garbage out





of course my little princess.
perhaps I may join, but I still have my doubts.

I feel like "keeping the garbage out" leaves out some of the fun.
Sure you should get rid of people causing trouble, but some people just want to drop in, doodle a bit with everybody and drop out.

I never got to screencap the Ronnie one, sorry

do as you will, the users are what make the flockdraw after all

i unmute everyone who joins who isnt obviously trolling, and mute ones who draw over others art or erase

I liked Lynn.

Holy shit. This is really bad.



Only time it was funny was during the Ronnie Ann episode.

>nothing alike
>same skin color

Almost looks like Simon

it is

Oh damn

It's amASSzing the content that one ship can generate.

You're saving all of that and putting in on the booru later, right?

already doing it now, just finished a session and have over 80 images saved

Only reason for me is because he takes so much screen time away from the sisters, which is the main draw of the cartoon.

Also his schtick of always fainting around Lori has already gotten old and the first season isn't even over yet.

He's not that funny and he's pretty flat for a big supporting character

check out my pixiv since i cant even post a link to it. same name as my tumblr

Wheres your pixiv?

Who is that kid?

>endings shoehorned in 75% of the time
>fart jokes last for too long and are fucking gross the way they're executed
>jokes are executed poorly and end up being really unfunny
>sisters personalities are awful and come off as corny more than anything
>Lincoln's character is "I'M JUST YOUR NORMAL EVERDAY KID" shit

I thought this was supposed to be one of the best shows on Nick, but its just really nice animation mixed with cringeworthy writing. Whats the fucking appeal?


>>Lincoln's character is "I'M JUST YOUR NORMAL EVERDAY KID" shit

Lincoln's a freak just like his sisters

Are you ready user?