What does Cred Forums think of Rick Remender?
What does Cred Forums think of Rick Remender?
I have no opinion on the man but I've enjoyed some of the stories he wrote.
Cool writer, I liked his Venom and X-Force runs.
Cap and UA could have been better.
Him and Spencer are also the two members in a very special club where they triggered a lot of people with their Cap runs.
He was pretty funny on SNL.
I don't get this reference
He looks a bit like Jason Sudekis.
he's not very "good" but his stories are usually more interesting than Waid's or anything Bendis does.
which is funny because Captain America has the most consistently mediocre runs of any comic character
This. he's not a good writer, but he's at least kind of creative some times unlike Waid or Bendes.
UXF venom and deadly class are great
the other stuff ranges from mediocre to bad but got good art but he tries to make the plots somewhat different from the rest
I love the work he does.
Favorite stuff is Venom and uncanny X force, and I also enjoyed Klaus, most of Uncanny Avengers, and I even thought AXIS was a fun little mini event.
Met him at a con, and got him to sign this.
Nice guy, but he definitely seemed a little annoyed at Marvel. I asked him why he killed Pat Mulligan, and he said Marvel told him they wanted to off a bunch of the symbiote hosts, which is why Scream and Hyrbid also were killed.
I think Rick Remender has a Deadpool love he rarely talks about. Not a lot of people liked axis but I did.
Being better than Waid or Bendis doesn't say much.
He got fat and I don't read comics by fatties
Uncanny XForce was GOAT, Black Science and Tokyo Ghost are good
I like him when he isn't giving his opinion on mutants or killing characters.
I enjoyed Axis
I enjoyed his run of Venom, Uncanny x-force and Uncanny avengers... Shame that he was removed from the x-office, most of his plots for the run would be great
Says the fatty.
Don't forget Brubaker triggering Foxnews viewers.
He has a lot of books I like, and a bunch I'm not a fan of.
I love his Venom, Uncanny X-Force, and Deadly Class.
Not much of a fan of his Captain America, Uncanny Avengers, or Axis.
Also it's fun to watch him insult people on twitter.
>Not a lot of people liked axis but I did.
It was a real life AXIS, most people seemed to either actively dislike it or didn't care for it and Cred Forums was in love with it
He is handsome asf and a pretty nice guy irl
>Cap could have been better.
I honestly loved the Dimension Z stuff, but I'm a big JRJR fan. I could've read Remender slowly turning Cap into Warlod for longer
I regret that we lost most of the cool characters he introduced with his Cap run, although it must be noted that Remender did kind of get rid of most of those characters himself.
>we lost most of the cool characters he introduced with his Cap run
Yeah Jet Black, the new Nomad, and Doctor Mindbubble were neat additions to his supporting cast and rogues gallery
d-de-delete this!
Nice one mate
I have his entire Venom run in issues (and the rest of it with Bunn), wish I could get my favourites signed
Love Uncanny X-Force and Uncanny Avengers, would have loved to see what he would have done on X-Men.
I really need to read his other stuff.