
ITT: Characters that are just downright adorable and make you smile.

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Only the qt'est

He always reminded me of n00b from bffs

god damn, you still posting this garbage?





I think you got problems man, did you parents beat you as a kid or something?

My mom yelled at me a lot but she'd beat my father

My father hit me once and it was only because he was drunk

My mom's Ex-BF beat me and my brother every hour of every single day

Both of them, to be honest

That's sad, but really, you need to stop posting your shit in every thread, and go back to drawing, or practicing your skills, or doing request for draw threads or something, everyone here hates you.


I don't do requests I get enough faggots asking for requests on DA

Also request threads on Cred Forums are the most cancerous generals on this site.

As if you're not cancerous yourself, by constantly posting your art and DA link to almost every thread here on Cred Forums, and still contribute absolutely nothing to them.

Cred Forums has loads of shitty threads

and i bet those are the same threads you go to, to post your shitty fetish art, but aside from that, those threads are only shitty to you.

>Cred Forums is a hivemind

I'd have to agree, because everyone here agree's that you're an autistic shilling faggot.


>Faggots asking for requests on DA
That's because you won't stop making low-quality fetish drawings, my dude

Also your fetish is, to put it frankly, retarded

Explain why.

It is perhaps one of the most autistically specific fetishes I've ever seen, and therefore it automatically falls into the "retarded" category.

Where did it even come from?

Also, you shilling your bad art won't make me like it.

It came from a statement my ex girlfriend came up with when she left me for a guy with a bigger wiener.

Adorable little pink haired princess. I just want to hug her.

Beep beep, Edgy Dork coming through.

Fuck off Jeremy you can't make your waifu real

No one believes your evil sentient computer virus bullshit you will die a virgin



Those button eyes are just adorable, I'd snuggle him 24/7 tbqh.

He's kind of a douche but he'll get better, I believe in him.

Bu-But muh Aelita!


She is pure

Goddamnit, every time.






What the fuck am I looking at?

best girl