Wonder Woman Villains

Danny Houston is playing an adaptation of the Duke of Deception, who is manipulating powers behind the scenes and is attempting to escalate the carnage and violence in WWI in order to appease his master Ares.

Elena Anaya is playing an adaptation of Dr. Poison, who is helping the Duke with his mission and whose chemical weapons have already killed thousands on the battlefield. Her face was disfigured as the result of an accident from one of her chemicals.

The focus of the movie is to show the greed and carnage that can be wrought by man in modern times, which subsequently shocks and horrifies Diana to the point that it forces her to step away from the greater affairs of the world in favor of working in secret for decades.

The major gods (Ares, Hermes, etc.) will not be seen in the movie.

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Reminder that the budget was only 100 million, so there will b no flop maymays from our Marvelfriends.

there will be tons of "I have good sources that say WB spent a quintillion on marketing this"

I don't know much about Wonder Woman or this movie besides the trailer and BvS
but does she just go around like fighting soldiers while being a female god thing? those look like normal people and she's like Superman strong

Those have started to pop up around Civil War too.

Actually it's $175mil, which is the same as Suicide Squad and around the range of most Marvel movies. It's a good number for these sorts of cape films.

>Danny Houston is playing an adaptation of the Duke of Deception
>Elena Anaya is playing an adaptation of Dr. Poison
Literally Malekith-tier. Good job, DC

>The major gods (Ares, Hermes, etc.) will not be seen in the movie

Budget $100 million[1]

No Dr. Poison is a good villain the problem is they are white washing her & taking away her mythos.

Nice source there user, does your dad work for WB too?

>I don't read comics
Why are you here?

So the Duke is trying to appease Ares, but Ares won't be in the movie?

>they are white washing her
DC continues to be based.

2 Things: Why did they wait THIS long to announce their villain lineup and THIS is there A game for Wonder Womans first movie? I know Wondy doesnt exactly have the best selection for villains but we couldnt have Circe? The period piece stuff may have been a bad move

I don't read Wonder Woman
I'm an Legionfag

I imagine they want to make the gods seem less corporeal, more "godlike".

I kind of liked Azz's take on them. It was a nice change of pace from "guy in armor" or "guy in a business suit"

Japanese people don't exist during WWI, user.

Better than Ares/Circe for the hundredth time

>It was a nice change

No, it wasn't. He literally made Ares look like him. Poseidon and Hades looked like they belonged in a children's cartoon.

Or it's just another Thanos.

>I don't know who these guys are so they must suck.
To casual.

The film isn't going to be released for another 9 months. Kingsley and Pierce were in negotiation for IM3 only twelve months before release.

And Circe needs the context of WW's mythology to work. It's easier to setup the backstory first then connect it to a character if you're not making a parallel.

Dr. Poison isn't exactly a quality villain. Golden Age version is pretty generic outside the twist and modern version never quite gelled.

Malekith could have been good, desu, it's just that Marvel really fucked Thor 2.

>Dr. Poison isn't exactly a quality villain.
She definitely can't carry as a solo, but her shtick is good for a supporting role.

Chiang was the one who redesigned Ares. Scuttlebutt is that he did it as a joke after Azz described Ares as a bitter old man.

Rucka put him in a business suit first. Azz's version was better.

I really wish Eccleston got better Hollywood roles.

I can tell simply by looking at the woman with that stuff on her face that this is going to be a quality film thats going to be talked about for years to come.

They are literally on the same level of obscurity as Malekith.

Fuck off back to Cred Forums

I'm a Marvelfag, but i think this movie not only looks good but will probably make some serious bank. Gadot is a little weak as an actress but the rest of the cast is stellar and the director has some chops.

The face prosthetic is pretty cool, famalam.

damn that's bad it won't make as much as suicide squad in the summer with all that competition

lol please shit villain is shit
Wonder Woman has close to the worst rogues gallery in comics
apart from circe,ares(lol public domain character) and cheetah(not really good just iconic)
Her rogues are terrible

Might as well have just used captain nazi or something

That's from this article, which isn't saying that the movie itself has a $100mil budget but is instead using that figure as a benchmark. The actual budget is unknown, but it's been rumored elsewhere that it's similar to Suicide Squad and is pretty reasonable.


I would have liked it more if he didn't immediately shit all over the concept

> "What if we if we made the god of War a washed up old bastard that was tired of fighting?"

"Great idea, Azz. But who is the villian for your story gonna be?"

> "Oh I have this great new OC who is the first born son of Zeus and Hera who wants to take over the world and cause war and destruction!"

I think she could carry as a solo, it's just that she was pigeonholed as an extremely specific mad scientist.

"Sir, you've spent over 200 quintillion dollars in marketing!"

Thank you OP for attempting Wonder Woman leaks

I laugh my ass whenever some retard posts scores of knowledge for directors, plots, castings, release dates for Man of Steel 2, Suicide Squad 2, Shazam, etc., but cant come up with a bit of illuminary information about the moving coming in less than a year

Yeah, isn't she Asian?

>Movie about WWI
>Not having Ares be the villian


She was originally Japanese.

>Not having Ares be the villian
>Literally the first sentence is talking about Ares.

Id be so glad if the gods are incorporeal.

keep that corny parthaneon shit in Clash of the Titans

>no gods
>no monsters

Is there going to be any magic in this movie whatsoever outside of Diana's own powers?

WW1 is a good point that shows the world at its worst. Glad its a jumping point for Diana's disillusionment

>Id be so glad if the gods are incorporeal.
We're going to get a corporeal form Ares in the comic sometime (it's inevitable), but it'd make sense that they're going this direction since they're dialing back with the Azz stuff and going more classic style Diana with Rucka right now.

>Danny Houston is playing an adaptation of the Duke of Deception, who is manipulating powers behind the scenes and is attempting to escalate the carnage and violence in WWI in order to appease his master Ares.

>The major gods (Ares, Hermes, etc.) will not be seen in the movie.

So instead of just getting the Ares shit out of the way you're going to drag it across two movies? Almost insuring that the sequel would be another nobody villain who is just some tool of Ares. Even worse that you may do that with one of WW major villains reducing them to some lapdog to a greater threat.

FUCK I JUST WANT SOME GOOD NEWS ABOUT THIS MOVIE. Something that gets me excited to see it.

Wasn't Dr. Poison Asian? Is anyone going to bitch about that like the strange movie?

Just use your head, user.

They're releasing a smaller movie for WW and in a very bad month where the movie will have tons of big-budget opposition.

They probably want to save the Greek gods roles for high-profile actors. So they'll wait and see if WW will do well.

If the movie does well, big actors will want a piece of it and you'll probably have your Ares in the sequel

If the movie does bad, we won't have another WW sole movie and instead she'll only appear in JL related movies.

>Captain Nazi
would be funny, I guess
wonder if there is going to be a cameo by Adolf

>X thing is X
2008? What are you doing here?

memes are immortal

I highly doubt it will do bad. People can see more than one movie and the only oppsition is Transformers desu
Dont act like Bad Boys or Kingsman is gonna do anything.

My point was more, They shouldn't have used Ares to begin with. And I don't give a shit what big name they get to play him because drawing out the concept of the Ares villain into a second movie is worse than just having him in the first.

As of now, for me, the best possible option is your last sentence.

>we won't have another WW sole movie and instead she'll only appear in JL related movies.

>the plot is "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD"
>white Dr. Poison
Ugh. I keep fucking telling you retards this movie's going to suck, but you don't believe me. Idiots.

I don't even know if Bad Boys is coming out. We've heard nothing about the production.

What is probably going to happen: Danny Houston is playing a regular general who "is influenced by Ares" and Elena Anaya is playing some Johns' OC Donnut Steal

Pantheon not Parthenon dumbass

>incorporeal gods
>not corny

oh yeah can't wait for space cloud Ares

Dr. Cyber merged with Dr. Poison?

What about Dr. Psycho?

No normie knows who Dr Poison even is.

So we go from minor forgettable/forgotten Wonder Woman villains to no Wonder Woman villains at all.

That really wouldn't surprise me in the least.

But to be fair I don't think Johns was on the scene early enough to make an OC for this movie.

>Bad Boys

kek, it's finished

>Pirates 5 a week before
>Cars 3
>Despicable Me 3
>Trailer has less than half the views of BvS and SS

All I want is a modern day Wonder Woman movie, with the usual mythic monster material, and have Cheetah and/or Giganta

>One wears a full mask.
>This wears a quarter face prosthetic.
>They're merged!

Spoiler, no disrespect, but your fucking high if you dont think thesefilms being released in the same 2 week period as WW is a bad thing. I want a good Wondy movie, but we're looking at a lot of well known brands competing for those weekend numbers.

, no disrespect, but your fucking high if you dont think thesefilms being released in the same 2 week period as Bad Boys 3 is a bad thing.

, no disrespect, but your fucking high if you dont think thesefilms being released in the same 2 week period as Pirates 5 is a bad thing.

, no disrespect, but your fucking high if you dont think thesefilms being released in the same 2 week period as Despicable Me 3 is a bad thing.

, no disrespect, but your fucking high if you dont think thesefilms being released in the same 2 week period as Transformers 5 is a bad thing.

Do you get my point? Movie studios know what theyre doing

The script was completely rewritten when Johns assumed, and the character seems to be only secondary so it's entirely possible she wasn't in Snyder's plot.

It doesn't help that all Wonder Woman's villains are WWII since she didn't exist in WWI. Honestly, it isn't like people ever get tired of seeing Nazis get punched.

>being this clueless

the studios have faith in all those movies even with a lot of competition because they are already established franchises and sure to bring money

remember that they already moved WW release date to a more favorable weekend

How are these characters supposed to be any sort of challenge to Wonder Woman?

You must be high if you think these movies would draw in the same audiences.
Im pretty sure WW is gonna be marketed to high hell now that we got SS done with.
Its gonna get traction. Im not saying Transformers isnt gonna be a big opposition, i am admitting it might be but honestly WW is way more anticipated than most of these movies.
You guys kept ssying other movies wete gonna piss on SS and look where that got you.
DC is still in normies mind and WW's first movie is gonna be lit. I havent been overdisappointed by the DCEU so far but im still going in cautiously for a well construsted story.

Cars 2 significantly underperformed domestically and Cars 3 is fighting for the same primary demographic as Despicable Me 3. Pirates 5, Bad Boys 3, and Transformers 5 are the real competition and Transformers 4 had a huge domestic drop. I say international box office is going to play the defining role in who comes out on top.

>Despicable Me is not a huge audience drawer

u wot m8


pls no

>The script was completely rewritten when Johns assumed

Really, I thought they had already started filming by that time. I'm pretty sure they released those photos of her and the director on a battle field or something LONG before Johns. At least long before he was announced.

Have you not noticed the thing from this summer where most franchise new entries have done far worse than their predecessors?

Keep parroting pointless platitudes plebian

He was already involved at that time, he just wasn't top dog



Gotta see it now. Fucking based.

Doesn't matter, they all are going to make a lot more than WW

Bad Boys 3 isn't even going to come out in 2017
Stop saying stupid shit

That is so disheartening. He was there all this time and couldn't talk them into a better WW movie.

They can basically attack her without resorting to physicality, which most things couldn't stand up to Diana anyway. The Duke essentially relies on illusions, trickery and deception. In the recent Wondy mini he had mobs of controlled soldiers attack her and it's not like she wants to go all out and kill them since they're not acting on their will. Poison can weaken her with gas and toxins, which was common in WWI. I mean, they're HER OWN VILLAINS, so I don't see why they couldn't take her on.

Im was talking about Despicable 3 and Cars 3 having a different audience than WW in my first sentence.
But honestly its the foreign boxes where both movies made their money last time.
But im pretty sure a mother would rather take her daughter to see WW.

That's three weeks from Wonder Woman, which is an eternity in the summer movie season.

Suicide Squad cost more, tho.

Which is why it's important to note that it's all the other movies combined that are going to kill it

It's a lot of movies covering up a large demography at all times, even at the opening weekend because sure as hell Pirates 5 will take audience from WW at the opening weekend

SS only did as well as it did because there was and there still is ZERO competition

Yeah... all DCEU movies so far have taken the 1st place at some point, but WW is probably not going to beat Pirates on its second weekend.

You guys keot saying Sasuage Party was gonna kill SS and other movies.
And look where that got you.
WW is gonna do fine and Depp isnt the money maker he used to be. His last couole of movies have underperformed like hell.
Plus the man driving force vehind these movies:women have a new thing to latch onto which is WW.

>Zero competition
This. Dont get me wrong, SS in no way flopped financially and it is perhaps the most enjoyable out of the DCEU as of now, but lets not pretend that it wasnt a "meh" movie with nothing to oppose it that month.

Man i cant fucking spell.

>Gadot can't act
>rumors of ON-SET rewrites
>Geoff Johns, who can't write WW for shit, the guy from Pan and Heinberg, who wrote the god awful OYL WW introduction, all wrote different versions of the script
>anons are seriously expecting this to be good
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

And you keep thinking people care that much about WW to make it beat all those other movies, or even worse: to not be affected by them at all.

So you're saying the villains of these period piece superhero movie are a rogue military officer from the "evil" side who betrays his comrades to pursue a far more radical agenda based on his beliefs in an old religion, and that furthermore this radical villain is aided by a mad scientist and weaponsmith that creates the big bomb the hero and his team of multicultural freedom fighters must defuse.

Sounds groundbreaking.

Also, it's probably going to do very poorly on China, considering the themes

>You guys
Ok stop lumping everyone in the "DC's FINISHED LOL" boat. No one thought Rogans 5th grade story submission was going to beat SS. Depp isnt the moneymaker he was, but you drop his name like Will Smith, and normies are still going to be interested regardless

It goes well with how much stupid shit you say.

>Pirates 5 a week before
>Cars 3
>Despicable Me 3
I literally didn't know any of these were coming out. Jesus.
Pirates 5 is especially baffeling to me.

At best it's going to make the same amount of money as First Avenger. Which will probably be considered a success. But still far from a hit.

Face it WW was dead on arrival the villains are subpar wannabe Captain America baddies. I don't care how good the actors/actresses are no one is saving that movie. The people just don't fit their parts really.


But that was my point, WW is has a lot stacked against it given that weekend release.

Will Smith has more nostalgia and minority backing than Depp does. Hes a much better actor than Depp too.
But the constant threads on/co/ about Sasuage party beating SS for one day gave a different impression but i can chalk that up to Cred Forums invading everytime a capeshit comes out.
Theyll care a hell of a lot more about WW than fucking Kingsman thats for sure.

We sum kinda Howling Commandos

About as groundbreaking as a guy with no super powers tricking an 2 superheroes into fighting eachother.

>Theyll care a hell of a lot more about WW than fucking Kingsman thats for sure.

Sure, but don't pretend Kingsman won't take a share of audience from WW, specially if WW isn't very good, or even bad, which is not unlikely.

Now combine that with all the other movies also taking its share.

But it did exceptionally well both financially and critically. Not to mention the average movie goer is probably a little burnt out on cape movies. As soon as a trailer drops, theyre going to get momentum. Again, Im not saying WW doesnt have a good following, but it has competition

And it was a surprise for people, they will be a lot more hyped for Kingsman 2

I like it

Do you not know how summer works? There's a ton of blockbusters week after week because people are out of school or on vacation. There's a larger potential audience than any other time and it's enough to support multiple films, especially if it's anticipated like WW. CW was #1 for only two weeks and still broke $1bil. SS was riskier to put out at this time because people are going back to school and work. There's a reason studios generally don't put blockbusters at this time. Plus GotG released at the same time with the same lack of competition. SS will end within 5% of GotG'so domestic total, yet there isn't a single Marvelfag crying that GotG got lucky where it was with no competition.

>Will Smith has more nostalgia and minority backing than Depp does. Hes a much better actor than Depp too.

You're lying to himself at this point.

Im not saying theres no competion either but its not as drastic as some folks are saying.

>Here comes the meme accounting.

It pretty much sounds like a classic DoD plot. Trolling nations into allying with each other and setting off a political chain reaction that kicks off the Great War.

Wonder Woman would not be sexually attracted to Steve Rogers at all

He honestly is tho. Will Smith is a household name compared to Depp. He much more liked too. You cant deny that.


This movie will be shit, anyone that disagrees is a delusional fool.

They're about the same, senpai.

Not even close

Those cracks on the mask looks like it's articulated, so it'll flap as she talks. I feel as though that will be distractedly hilarious.

The real idiots are the guys itt thinking that even when the movie is shit they'll be able to convince anyone here of that fact.

It's three separate pieces.

Will Smith is part of what drew people to Suicide Squad.

>anticipated like WW

And there's your problem. WW is not nearly as anticipated as you think.

I think the problem here is YOU arent excited for those other movies, which is completely fine because I could give 2 shits about Pirates now, but we live in a world where Resident Evil still drew in an audience sadly. Point is, that many well known franchises, especially Kingsman and Bad Boys, are going to steal weekend sales.

Wonder why they didn't get Anaya who is a much better actress for WW, though it wouldn't appease the musclefags

If they didn't want her because of that ultra lesbian movie then why cast her as another role anyway

Ok? That still means it's going to move as she talks, which seems like it'll look goofy as hell.

They should just move it to March.

Bad Boys 3 was pushed back to 2018 because of competition with WW.

Why not? He's a better looking, kinder, more noble Steve...Trevor, HIS NAMES STEVE.

It is but not for anything to do with the movie.
People just want the idea of a wonder woman movie.
And actually I think that's going to be a double edged sword because hopes are going to be high like they were with MoS and if that vocal minority isn't satisfied they will torpedo this movie's chances by word of mouth.

Im honestly not. You got me there senpai.
But kingsman isnt a big known brand like you think and i dont doubt Transformers or the kids movies. But WW is riding on the growing coattails of the DCEU which is an audience favorite dispite critics and media being unpaid marvel drones.

That's why.
Steve Trevor has to kind of suck in order to not steal any of Diana's thunder. Rogers would be the top in the relationship and in WW that's a no no.

>But WW is riding on the growing coattails of the DCEU
I think you guys are saying the exact same things and drawing entirely different conclusions.

It is anticipated by a vocal public on social media

I've seen a lot of regular folks not knowing there even was going to be a movie

At least so far

People may want a Wonder Woman movie but they barely know anything about her, just the costume and maybe that she's a female Superman

Sooo only comic fans will complain about whatever shit WB does, unlike with Man of Steel where everyone and their mother knows Superman and expected something different

>The major gods (Ares, Hermes, etc.) will not be seen in the movie.
because too unrealistic? fuck this. FUCK. THIS.

That would make since if she hadn't dated Superman and the only reason they weren't together now is because he died.

I have a long enough memory to recall lots of people hating on SM/WW when it was still fresh.

>DCEU which is an audience favorite

Is that why MoS and BvS underperformed and are generally laughed at?

Suicide Squad was succesful, but wasn't a smash hit either. Not to mention that it's a movie that sold itself entirely on the Joker, Harley Quinn and Will Smith, none of which will be Wonder Woman.

>it forces her to step away from the greater affairs of the world in favor of working in secret for decades
Well at least she didn't completely abandon the world of man. Still doesn't explain how she knew Lex had a picture of her of how she was going to take back a digital copy

I think it'll look less goofy than Richard Harrow in Boardwalk Empire only moving half his mouth.

That was probably changed later to try making it more "optimistic"

The original idea was obviously to present her as a cynical bitch

>People may want a Wonder Woman movie but they barely know anything about her, just the costume and maybe that she's a female Superman

Yes. They barely know anything about her. And a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Think about it this way.
Avid comic book readers know that, *on occasion*, Superman has been forced to take someone's life. The zeitgeist though? They have a different impression of the character. Cultural osmosis gives them the idea that he acts a certain way and there are some things the character never does.

Wonder Woman is the same way. People have ideas and expectations of her, even if they don't know a thing about her books. WB is almost guaranteed not to meet those expectations, if for no other reason than because of how contradictory some of them are.

And Diana has it worse because her movie was demanded for years because she's a woman.

The gods not bein in it is a fucking good thing. I am sick as shit of Wonder Woman getting reduced to a cut-rate Kratos by uncreative writers. The fact that she has actual rouges in this is fucking exciting.

I was prepared to not see it since I just fucking KNEW Ares would be in it again. Now I'm really excited.

Oh yea people hated, I was/am one of them. Doesn't change the fact that they were dating and in love. I'm not arguing what I think SHOULD be. Just that Diana, based on precedence would in fact find Steve Rogers attractive.

>they underperformed
Stoo trying to make this meme true because its not

>No gods
So I guess because it's DCEU we're not going to do the Thor thing and throw a fit about it downplaying magic and fantastical elements?

Thanks Johns I guess.

>Honestly, it isn't like people ever get tired of seeing Nazis get punched.

In regular war films, adventure films, sure. Superhero films, no Cap got dibs on that sorry.

DC is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position here. If they just straight up ignored the whole war backstory and went Clash of the Titans people would still complain

>MoS 2 turned into BvS because WB was disappointed
>Heavy damage control after BvS because it wasn't the success they wanted, with producers fucking admiting that they would try to fix things

Stop being stupid

they didn't lose money but they didn't perform as well as WB wanted

Mos2 is still happening tho.

Instead of copying Cap 1 it would be copying Thor 1.

We never got an offical statement of how WB wanted it to perform.

You realize that she has stories that don't involve the Greek Gods, right? She even went into space for a little while.

She was trying to find the original copy. Digital copy could be false flagged with photoshop and some historical pictures.

So? It was delayed. It's a FACT, confirmed by Snyder, the writers, the producers, and even some members of the cast, that MoS 2 was going to follow right after MoS, and that Batman would only be hinted in it.

After MoS UNDERPERFORMED, they decided to make BvS

WB executives said they expected MoS to break 1 billion. Not even BvS did that. How is that not underperforming?

>I don't read Wonder Woman

Again: Why are you here?

>She even went into space for a little while.

And that's the kind of story they should adapt in a movie, not any movie but her FIRST movie, right?

>She was trying to find the original copy. Digital copy could be false flagged with photoshop and some historical pictures.

>DCEU apologists will literally find a way to explain away everything.

What WW misconceptions are contradictory? Well I suppose most people didn't expect her to use a sword and shield in BvS because that's a recent thing.

Really if they just ditched the shield or saved it for god battles it wouldn't feel like Captain America so much.

Her FIRST movie was back in the seventies bro.

>She was trying to find the original copy. Digital copy could be false flagged with photoshop and some historical pictures.

And what "she" (actually Batman) found was... A DIGITAL COPY

feature film on the silver screen

happy now?

>WB executives said they expected MoS to break 1 billion.

Where did they say that? BvS and I'd believe it, but not MoS.

Not the guy you've been talking to. I think WW is closer to Ironman, GoTG, or Antman, Maybe a little better. As long as the movie has the representation of a "strong" woman. Everything else is filler. You get the BARE basics and the majority of people will be fine. THAT is what MoS fucked the Basic core Superman. Super nice guy that doesn't worry about himself in the face of helping people got pretty much ignored or switched out for brooding doesn't know where he fits in to the world. They could have kept the movie almost exactly the same and just changed Jonathan to being more supportive after the bus thing and gotten rid of the church thing. And it would have been a much more accepted "Superman" movie.

Ironman, Antman, Almost all the Guardians are significantly different than they were in the comics at least prior to the movies.

Just look at the praise Gabot got for the smirk she gave when she was fighting Doomsday. Is loving or missing battle what you think of when you think WW. But to the average person, Oh WW = Amazon = warrior = loves to fight. And it was fine.

>What WW misconceptions are contradictory?
How much violence she uses, for one.
There's a whole big scale between "gives civilians a talking to and cool down hugs" and "Wonder Woman hates necks" and everyone's got their preferred choice.

They actually said much more than that, surpassing Harry Potter

>Warner Bros. motion pictures group president Jeff Robinov went so far as to predict it will be the studio’s highest performer ever. That would mean the 3D movie, which cost about $225 million to produce and another $150 million to market and release around the globe, would have to top the $1.3 billion cume for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2”

But I lowballed it because that could just be their most optimistic expectations. They still obviously wanted it to break 1 billion.

>NEET and his message board friends aren't looking forward to WW.
Clearly empirical evidence, user. This movie is surely doomed and won't at all draw the demo that massively flocked to SS to check out Harley Quinn.

I'm talking about women. It's okay if you didn't think about them. I understand due to your lack of experience dealing with them.

>Trailer views: 25 million

Sure, it's a fine number... not nearly as much as BvS, SS or CW

And BvS got beaten pretty badly by some minor competition

So what will happen to WW against all the big blockbusters?

>Dr. Poison

>implying these rumours have any more credibility than "your call"

Hype is a fairly unreliable method of determining if a film is going to be a success or not. It's a positive indicator, can't be relied upon.

Sure, but there's nothing indicating WW is a highly anticipated movie outside of the geek community, which is the statement being made here

Honestly it's way to early to tell either way. Check back in six months and then pay attention to expected opening draw.

The fact that BvS didnt literally print money and suffered a 60% drop the following weekend kind of infers it didnt do as well as projected


Unfriendly reminder that Civil War had a 59.3% drop its second week

I love how this word is just thrown around to prove how much BvS was a colossal failure but there's never really any context behind it. BvS was projected to make $300mil for WB and will likely make $278mil instead. That's a 7% difference.


To put that into context, see pic. CW is projected to make $390mil. The second movie in DC's burgeoning franchise featuring Batman. Superman and Wonder Woman will make around 3/4ths of the 13th film of a well established franchise featuring damn near everyone and the debuit of Spider-Man as well.

Could they have gotten that money if BvS was more well recieved? Of course. That's why they made DC Films their own thing under Berg and Johns. Because they want the franchise to be in a good enough place that they get that 7% that they didn't get. And they also want that 100mil that CW got on their 13th film once DC's 13th film comes around.

>So what will happen to WW against all the big blockbusters?
Considering the film directly caters to half the viewing audience due to their gender and the other ones don't, I'm sure it'll do fine.

Most movies drop. But its only DC movies that its made to look like an abnormal thing.
CW almost had the same perecentage drop. Get these Cred Forumsmemes outta here.
BvS killed it in home sales as well.

>women will watch Wonder Woman simply because they are women

that's another delusion of yours

>Women don't watch movies focused on women.
That must explain why absolutely zero women watched things like The Devil Wears Prada, Sex in the City and Desperate Housewives and why Suicide Squad pulled in more women than any other capeshit. Demographic targeting is clearly a fantasy since the viewership for that shit is all dudes.

But WW can fly and is a hundred times stronger than Cap. Surely that could have set the action pieces between the two characters apart enough to not "confuse" audiences.

This IS the universe where they thought the best thing to do in the first Batman/Superman crossover was kill Superman

So why didn't they watch Ghostbusters?

Because nobody wanted a female Ghostbusters. Not even women. Just like not every guy watches every guy movie.

Women wanted a Sex in the City movie because they liked the series. Women wanted a Devil Wears Prada movie because they liked the book. Nobody thought "Hmm... You know Ghostbusters would be great if it were all middle aged women." except for Paul Fieg.

In Wonder Woman's case, her appearance in BvS was well received among women and cape movies are huge right now. I went to my niece's school orientation last week and she wore her Wonder Woman shirt. Every female teacher and aide we ran into asked us if we knew the Wonder Woman movie was coming. My girlfriend, who generally isn't into comics and capeshit knows about it. They're really looking forward to it.

And if there's one thing that never happens, it's a villain getting improved motivation in adaptations.

That's...really awesome!

I hope Dr. Poison wears her freaky leather costume later on in the movie.

I dunno why people are bitching about Duke of Deception and Doctor Poison, I mean Alexander Pierce and Not-Yet Crossbones weren’t big tier Cap villains, neitheir was Winter Soldier, yet they managed to do something good with those characters.

If they can spin something interesting out of DoD and Poison and revive Wonder Woman's rogue gallery outside of Ares and other Greek Gods (because Ares and Hades as bad guys, even Zeus gets old quick) then more power to them.

So? So was Zemo and a bunch of the MCU bad guys before the MCU became popular.

Malekith sucking was all the Thor 2 writers and the director, comic Malekith has always been more interesting especially under Simonson.

I have to agree, I know a lot of female casuals who are hyped for Wonder Woman just because she's Wonder Woman.

I like the freaky mask.

>In regular war films, adventure films, sure. Superhero films, no Cap got dibs on that sorry.

When I went to see TFA my sister and father couldn’t stop comparing it to the Rocketeer (for obvious reasons).

Yeah people will compare and never stop bitching but no one character has dibs on anything.

That said I am glad they made Wonder Woman take place in WWI, WWII stories are more abundant and WWI isn't as covered in fiction like WWII.

Casuals said the same shit about Flash villaims before they got popular and if you think about it they are just Villains with gimmicks and evil version of X character.

As for Cheetah just do the Urzkartaga origin.

So is Wonder Woman depowered during WW1 or something? Because plowing through soldiers like butter might get old after awhile considering she could go a few rounds with Doomsday. Then again I know next to nothing about Duke and Poison so feel free to correct me

Shes not invurnable so theres a real danger of her getting hurt.

I dont see how WW1 era rifles are a step up from Doomsday's punches/beams. I know her power level tends to vary but again this is worth bringing up

you, I like you

i liked n52 Ares that was sort of an ally/mentor

ares as a villain is boring imo

>So was Zemo
Nah, I feel like Zemo was a tier or two above Malekith. He's one of Cap's most iconic villains, whereas Malekith barely even ranked compared to Enchantress, Loki, Hela, etc. For one thing, Zemo's a recurring villain who has been in many storylines, and Malekith from what I can tell, was a major part of one before they started using him a lot more in conjunction with Thor 2.

and it's still true, only Flashfags claim that Flash has a good rogue gallery

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