Other comic books film heroes have real costumes, why does marvel insist on making shitty quality products?
Other comic books film heroes have real costumes, why does marvel insist on making shitty quality products?
Why do you make the same threads everyday?
Other comic books film villains have real costumes, why does marvel insist on making shitty quality products?
cgi looks better than anything we can make in real life
Are you kidding? That bodysuit looks great, I'd watch White Panther in action anytime.
Real answer: a lot of it is due to time constraints by Disney on a lot of stuff
Due to time constraints, Marvel makes real costumes for actors then creates CGI costumes over those costumes as well? In order to save time, they do more work?
Not really
Is this actually silly? Because I'm assuming the reason they didn't give Zemo a costume is because they thought casuals would think it's stupid, but this doesn't look bad.
The ski mask makes him look like some hoodlum who's robbing your house.
He could have worn it during the end part, the guy was walking through cold ass siberia after all.
I saw Retaliation with a couple of casuals and they thought Firefly looked badass.
Pretty sure the same can be said of Zemo even with the purple mask, if the movie has the charactet behave like a badass then the audience will see him as a badass.
Agreed OP, Snyder must be stopped.
He was even wearing a toboggan. How hard would it have been to make it purple.
IIRC the Russos said that theu saw no reason to give Zemo a mask.
Honestly the fact that he didn’t die is already a good thing, save him for Cap 4 or a Tbolts movie and slap the mask in him.
They said in the art book that Zemo's mask and rapier were very special things, and that they weren't going to pull them out for nothing.
Jesus, Kryptonians fight like shit.
My guess is that Zemo will eventually escape and "rediscover" his heritage.
Apparently dragonball z aired on krypton too
And find out his grandfather was highranking Hydra?
Why did they get Bruce McCulloch to play Zemo?
He had a German accent. Literally. That is the reason
But they are not that special to be saved for later!
This is the same bullshit from the Netflix shows in which having the costume is mean to be a pay off instead of a fucking given like one expects!
Make fun of him all you want, but the guy made out with Emma Watson.
There are better German actors that could've done Zemo
>wasting Zemo's mask and sword on his origin story
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he is connected to old Sokovian royalty who knew of ancient secrets beneath the country.
The original Zemo wasn't HYDRA. I doubt they would make him HYDRA in the MCU.
Did Bruehl fuck her?
They didn't include a single thing that hints this man is Helmut Zemo except for that it's his name. They could have at least had him wear purple or have him get his face scarred at the end.
Actually they had the VFX artists "paint" over the BP suit to give it an otherwordly look because its made out of vibranium. This look cant be achieved at all IRL
Considering how much shit he was talking about them in CW him turning to lead Hydra seems like a had heelturn.
Thunderbolts to counter the reformed Avengers post-Infinity War would make more sense.
More like planet Vegeta was right next door.
They make/use shitty prototype suits that weren't finished (Spidey's suit was different irl than it was in Civil War, not as noticeable as BP's though), then they 'fix' it up in post like they do with everyone else's costumes.
At least, that's what I think.
You realize the MCU Black Panther suit would be impossible to move in if it were real, right? Plus with all those little details, it would be a nightmare if a suit was damaged.
We might see some Hatut Zeraze in BP's solo movie.
>wasting Zemo's mask and sword on his origin story
Wasting WHAT? Is just a sword! Is just a mask!!
>Then what's the big deal??
That he looks like shit without them!
>You realize the MCU Black Panther suit would be impossible to move in if it were real, right?
But it's not real.
You know THAT, right?
God, I love practical effects.
What makes Hollywood think that CGI is the way to go? Isn't it more expensive?
>White Batman shooting Pucci
I'm not sure what the point you're trying to make here is.
That user said that they had to CGI it to make it look the way it did.
Less expensive, less demanding, and less chance of fucking up on you during a shoot.
CGI is less expensive than makeup?
Also in a case like superhero costumes it allows you to make a more flexible, less cumbersome costume for your actors that they can get around easily in and be made to look more intricate in post. It lets you avoid things like the X-Men actors being able to barely move in those original black leather costumes.
You're incredibly retarded.
There's a lot more to practical effects than just makeup. Often times actors have to spend hours upon hours before the shoot having makeup and prosthetics applied, things that can be easily damaged and require frequent, tedious upkeep. You also have issues like actors being allergic to the material, or they might not be able to work in it at all due to restricted movement. You end up with situations like Nightcrawler disappearing between movies because Alan Cumming was allergic to his make-up and thought getting into costume every day was a nightmare. CG and motion capture can result in a more jarring appearance but often-times its just an all around more practical choice.
they have to pay the actors to sit there for hours
Studios realized what looks better isn't always what works better.
CGI is a lot cheaper than it used to be and people who know more about movies than you or I can do the math and determine what'd be more cost effective. A couple of extra weeks worth in post versus renting out a lot or staying on location until they get something to look right.
If someone is going to be floating every scene you might as well use box with a green screen tarp thrown over it rather than setting up wires on every set.
What an ugly film.
Superman's suit is very nearly the same color as the asphalt he's standing on.
Not even close
The filters are dogshit but your neckbeard levels of exaggeration doesn't help
But Dragon Ball has great action sequences, it's Toriyama's forte.
You chose a bad example in Terminator 2. The damage done to Arnold in that movie does look fake. Check out this one from Terminator 3, it's CGI and it isn't a dog shit like the second image you showed.
I can't believe Michael Shannon was a PS1 cutscene this whole time.
I agree with this. With the way he went about things in the context of the movie there was never any reason for him to wear a costume. Really hoping he dons it in the future though.
I dislike how they look so unphased, like they don't stagger or even look hurt.
It kind of is. That's how tonemapping works.
It's not the exact same color, but the difference is way too subtle, especially when he breaks the asphalt.
That still looks like garbage, dumbass
I does, but it looks way better than Genysis. Take this other example. Nolan has talked about how hey couldn't solve Harvey Dent's character with practical, because it's cumbersome for the actor, and it adds mass instead of taking it away, like real burn victims.
CGI can work, you just gotta do it right.
I remember when people used to say "Snyder is good at action". This looks retarded.
Yeah but the other pic was from the latest movie, that's what sucks
Read nigga
Is the object of CGI in a superhero movie to look real or just realistic?
I feel like the former in these movies is a fool's errand, and cheapens the material it is supposed to be based on. There's no way to make the shit Spider-Man or Thor pulls look authentic.
So how does that change anything?
The problem is most people dont
In fairness, slathering the suit in KY helps to disguise that it's a suit.
it was corn syrup if memory serves
Wait, fuck, I thought you meant that the instagram post was proof that the suit was completely practical, my bad.
Looks better but still not real
Yeah plus where would they get the vibranium from?
Best fight scene in a superheroe movie.
Deal with that drones!
They do look weird, but hey, it's been 7 years.
>CGI is less expensive than makeup?
Also a fuck of a lot cheaper than actually building sets:
This would have been mind blowing in a movie 15 years ago ... now they can pull it off on a fucking TV SHOW:
One thing I like about Cap 3 is that they didn’t make Zemo HYDRA, especially considering how the comic writers have been really lazy lately making every single Cap villain into a HYDRA villain (Zemo, Red Skull, Batroc, Baron Blood, Armadillo etc... I mean seriously).
To be fair, they spend between 5 and 6 million per episode at the very least. And they do still use practical effects very creatively.
This, plus the mask and rapier aren't a one time thing he can use them again.
The comment about Cap's eye color was pretty gay and that's pretty much the only thing he shares with Comic Helmut.
>Is the object of CGI in a superhero movie to look real or just realistic?
I think they've been going for the latter; but I'd argue that they should be going for "looks baller" rather than "looks even vaguely plausible."
For an example of what I mean: Batman's cape in the comics is often absurdly expressive. It not only frames panels and indicates motion it's also usually billowing and blowing about and often times to such a degree that it'd need to be as long as a bridal train to do so. Because it LOOKS COOL.
Burton went to a lot of trouble in the first Batman movie to have a bit where Bats dropped down through a skylight and his cape flared out giving the classic "looks like a bat" shape and I wish they'd go more that direction; but I think the suits are still afraid of pulling another Batman and Robin. Hopefully the success of Suicide Squad will loosen them up a bit.
At least compare images of equivalent quality, man.
>This faggot trying to deny kino
For the most part, I agree. Pay no heed to the snobs. Film and television buffs are the most tryhard critics in existence and Cred Forums is even worse for parroting the general consensus among them. It's all one big meme. Nothing wrong with CGI when done right.
Oh, and Blade Runner is severely overrated.
Looks fine to me.
Yes, but there is a legitimate problem in the industry in that movie producers are favoring expensive CGI not because it is ideal but because it is more convenient than cheaper practical effects. Instead of juggling set design and actual filming and bringing in experts to pull off makeup and stunts, directors are just covering everything in green and saying the studio will pay for the details later. If they run out of money then they can just skimp on a few pixels here or there.
CGI promotes bad habits in the industry.
Still better than fucking suits. Fight me.
But that's just cheating. NO ONE has been able to replicate that level of quality ever since.
Practical is often better but not always...
Ridley Scott chose practical over CG in Prometheus even though the CG Fifield was far more alien and scary.
>Superman got staggered by a car
Why did they literally take off half his fucking face? They could've just burnt it and it wouldn't have looked ridiculous.
No, it really doesn't.
I fully support CGI when it comes to something that can't be made. But if we're talking costumes then Marvel's just being lazy.
Dude, that suit looks amazing. I'd love to see that turn into an actual costume.
Nearly 40 years on and the Alien is still the best looking movie monster of all time in my opinion.
RIP Based Giger.
The Thing still looks better than most CGI shit, try again.
the costume was CGI? never noticed that until you mentioned it
>>Superman got staggered by a car
Do we have any idea how fast that car was falling? In order to stop that kind of force without moving very much actually is quite a feat of strength.
It was Zemo's origin story. He'll have it next time.
Can't unsee.
It was partly cgi. It was basically a real practical costume but with CGI markers to make it have the sheen of being this fantastical vibranium weave, and also adding the cover over his eyes on the helmet.
Practical hero suits look like shit most of the time.
You need CGI effects to make them look extraordinary and larger than life.
Pure CGI makes your scenes awkward and weightless because your actors have nothing to work with, but purely practical effects are extremely limiting in terms of scene design and need true mastery or they look like silly puppets, cause that's what they are.
If you want your shit to look good, you need all of it. Having BP's suit be an overlay onto an actual suit was the best thing they could do.
No silly rubber suit, no problems with bad lighting, no weightless CGI objects.
Looks kinda cooler like it is pre cgi
You must be watching this one on a console then I take it.
I think thats why most of the stuff for the new spiderman weve seen looks like denim cloth since it wrinkles and conforms like most comic costumes do
I wanted this so fucking bad. Fuck MCU, and fuck people that go "B-but wait more movies for it to happen." Fuck you, toss in a flashback and give me a cool fucking villain, not the bullshit we got.
>Implying the fighting in DB wasn't based as fuck
I love how most the retards here are babbling about how shit CGI is when they only post the same 5 or 6 examples , ignoring that most modern CGI doesn't even get noticed because of how seem less it is.
If anything, there are far less examples of good animatronics and such because only the real expensive shit ever looks not horrifying.
shits a waste of time and money senpai
Dude, practical effects are a nightmare, just look at shit like Jaws.
If you're lucky it only breaks down one or two times, id you're not it'll need a replacement which costs a literal fucking.
>literal fucking.
I must get into animatronics. Finally I know I won't die a virgin!
You know that gag in looney tunes where a bucket falls on someone's head and they're disoriented for a few seconds.
It's more of that than Supes being genuinely physically impaired by it.
>Dude, practical effects are a nightmare, just look at shit like Jaws.
But it being a nightmare is what made Jaws so good. If the dumb shark worked right we would have a completely different movie that wouldn't be anywhere near as suspenseful
didn't even know the panther suit was CGI enhanced
absolutely based
OP and his dkeks btfo again, will they ever recover
Zemo still alive, he'll be back.
>Where's the prompts for this QTE.
>if I slow down the fight then it would look bad
really? in some scenes the way it moves look very cartoony. not even saying they did a bad job overall, but it certainly wasn't invisible cgi.
You must be eagle-eyed then.
>Make fun of him all you want, but the guy made out with Emma Watson.
Bruce McCulloch made out with Hermione Granger?
That suit was one of the best in the film, what the fuck are you on about?
Depends on the circumstances but I'll agree with you for the most part.
Jurassic Park is severely dated in some areas. Also the animtronics malfunction is very noticeable in JP1. They couldn't get Rexy to stop shaking in the rain. This problem mostly disappears in TLW though.
This is the Rhino, yes?
No one ever talks about how aged the cgi for the first dinosaur looks, they only focus on the T-Rex.
>Don't have to pay practical effects make up artist or team (they're literally dying off in main stream Hollywood productions)
>Don't have to pay the actors to come in early to get prepped
>Don't have to worry about reshoots in case the makeup fucks up in one way or another (prosthetic falls off, make up needs reapplication)
>There are people in Hollywood that truly believe CGI > EVERYTHING
eh, i can think of quite a few productions running right now that use practical make up effects
I don't understand. The Practical suit looked fine before the CG. They're just wasting money on CG.
>Black Panther
>Give him a white outfit
Makes sense
I'm an actor who's had to have extreme make-up put on me for Beauty and The Beast for a special children's showing.
It's long and tedious, but it's really not as bad as people make it out to be. If you're an actor who's dedicated and not full of thmself, there's no excuse for not wanting to undergo hours of make-up. It's part of the fucking job, and you grow used to it.
It's like hating grease if you're a mechanic--you don't like it, but it's part of the fuckin' job, so you get over it. If anything, you USE the stress from the make-up to your advantages as that character.
Yes. Paying for make up is paying multiple make up artists and paying the actor to sit in the chair, paying for CGI is paying for one guy at a computer
My question is this. If a large amount of a film cgi then why even bother with live action? Why not just make the whole thing animated?
They did originally. They went with a realistic portrayal of a burn victim, and test audiences were underwhelmed. General consensus seemed to be that it made him look bland and not very much like Two-Face.
>paying for CGI is paying for one guy at a computer
i mean, if you want it to look like shit
Did you not actually watch it? The CGI was mostly used to give the suit a more unnatural vibranium sheen, emphasize the weave of the material, and make the big ass seams between the suit's parts less noticeable. They also used CG to make the mirrored lenses of the helmet so Boseman could actually wear the helmet while filming scenes. Those things are a bitch to work with and leave the actor practically blind.
I hate Snyder so much.
tbf, scorpion king has always looked like shit, even on release