I want him back.
I want him back
What you want is an HD remaster with a commentary track and plenty of extras.
Not a new series. Think about that first.
He's such a weenie
member candleja...
>What you want is an HD remaster with a commentary track and plenty of extras.
To be fair, I DO want that...
That's not how the Candlejack meme wor
>powered by the internet
Freakazoid would be a horrifying villain today.
Hey Cred Forums, you wanna get a mint?
Douglas can't handle the immense power of the Internet, splits into a couple of fresks to divert the power.
Could DC introduce him into the comics? At least he'd have a reason for being a le random character.
Do I want? Let's roll!
>20 years (give or take) after the original
>Dexter Douglas has ascended into an evil wizard who practices occult meme magic that makes shitposting real
>getting Candlejack meme THIS wrong
Fucking triggered, I'm so sick of thi
>there's three freakazoids now
>Cred Forums freakazoid
>youtube freakazoid
>facebook freakazoid
>twitter freakazoid
>tumblr freakazoid
>reddit freakazoid
>deviantart freakazoid
Well, he's kinda a product of his time i don't know if he could work today? Also who's the owner of Freakazoid? Can DC make a comic about him or just bring back the Creeper and make him like Freakazoid?
I don't want him back.
Don't get me wrong; I love the show and I'd have loved more episodes of the show at the time, but I'm fairly certain that if they tried to do more episodes today, the whole thing would be botched.
Probably Steven Speilberg's company. And I'm going to throw in with others and say a Freakazoid revival wouldn't be a good idea. I love the show -- I even bought the bootleg DVD of it when I first started going to cons as a kid -- but it's a product of its time and production crew.
Freakazoid worked off of its irreverence and old school Hollywood references, just like Pinky and the Brain and Animaniacs. If you got a new crew in for the show, it would probably turn out like Powerpuff Girls and miss the point of the show. Even if you brought in the old crew, there's a good chance the new audience wouldn't connect with its humor.
Also, we can all admit now that Cosgrove was gay, right?
Considering how much you guys demonize his style of humor, I'm not sure if you'd receive it well nowadays.
He liked monster girls though.
Bring back HUGGBEES
He's bisexual, that's what the whole point of the "meat" conversation was about.
>you can be married and still eat a lot of meat