So I just started watching this and why did they just make her girl Superman? They threw Kara's entire personality away. What makes her interesting is she is much more violent and less restrained than Clark. Pretty stupid choice.
So I just started watching this and why did they just make her girl Superman? They threw Kara's entire personality away...
Oh I forgot Cred Forums doesn't read comics.
she sure is a QT though
>more violent, less restrained female superhuman
>on daytime tv
come on user, even in some fantasy world where execs would let that happen it would probably be garbage
>we will never get moments on the show where Kara is absolutely wrecking an enemy and Clark has to intervene to stop her and remind her what she stand for
Feels bad man
>What makes her interesting is she is much more violent and less restrained than Clark
Is that you admitting to being retarded and knowing nothing about Kara?
>why did they just make her girl Superman?
That's been her gimmick from the beginning.
>They threw Kara's entire personality away.
Hard to throw away something that doesn't exist.
>What makes her interesting is she is much more violent and less restrained than Clark.
Being a psychotic asshole with no self-restraint makes one interesting now? Sounds like the set up for some Sasuke-tier annoyance.
>tldr I know nothing about Supergirl
>I only read New52 Supergirl
Karas thing has always been that she doesnt see why Clark holds back.
Is that you admitting to being retarded and knowing nothing about Clark?
You know, the truck-throwing, neck-snapping, father-abandoning horse drowner?
Because nobody who watches tv gives a shit about comics any more, user, so that's who Clark is now. The guy from the movies.
10/10 excellent thread tho, you got two replies out of me and I'm still not sure if you're just trolling
I know she's a bland piece of waifubait who has no reason to exist and makes me want to vomit every time I see her. And that's really all there is to her, regardless of what delusional fanboys insist upon.
Are you sure you're not thinking of another Danvers?
user probably implied Benoist fappening pictures.
I want Cred Forums to leave
It makes sense that she would be though.
She would be less restrained because she wouldn't know her own strength and she would be more violent because she wasn't raised to keep her temper in check like Clark did.
No Carol enjoys being violent, Kara just doesnt believe in holding back
There is an episode of the show dedicated to her anger issues (The one with Red Tornado if I'm not wrong). It starts with her breaking a guy's hand because he was yelling at her for totaling his car.
Then there is the red kryptonite episode where her inner bitch gets let loose.
Neat looking forward to those. I guess they didnt know they were adding Supes but now her characterization just seems redundant. Maybe theyll evolve her into thinking that its pointless to hold back because more people get hurt if you do.
I'm still going to pretend they're faked. Kara is too pure to make passionate love to another person.
>It starts with her breaking a guy's hand because he was yelling at her for totaling his car.
Oh, so on top of her being blander than tofu, she's also a total bitch. Great.
'cept you know, black jimmy
>Superman mansplaining to Kara how to do her job
Do you really want this?
Does she have a good butt?
I know that Clark does, but does she have anything worth while?
Use real words you retard
I'm still pissed about what they did to Reactron.
He could have been a legitimate threat, a dark villain in an otherwise light-hearted series (which they later did with Toyman, White Martian, and Indigo).
A psychopathic ex-soldier with no morals versus a heroic alien who works for a secret government organization.
The worst of humanity versus the best of humanity (who's not even human).
Instead we get "muh dead wife who Superman didn't save ;-;" (don't get me wrong, I love tragic villains, but it just doesn't work for Reactron) and he's just a villain of the week.