Camp Camp Season Finale

What did you guys think?

I thought it was pretty good. I really liked the series overall.

Didn't take any big risks, kind of a bastard child of Gravity Falls and South Park and, I don't know, Psychonauts or something? But it was still pretty good. I'll keep putting in 10 minutes a week if they keep making more.

are they making a season 2? i hope so

From some posts I've read, it might be up in the air. It depended on how well it received, since RT is already juggling several animated shows as is.

Seems like RT already got the trick for doing good animated series. Hope in the future they can compete more with the other powerhouse studios.

I definitely prefer RT's web efforts over stuff like Cartoon Hangover's.

Pretty decent. Hopefully there's a second season.

Sure, any day. The average of quality in RT (at least in story) is better than the ones in Cartoon and Disney.

I don't know why their stuff isn't more popular on Cred Forums. Only RWBY seems to have gained any traction in terms of discussion.

Shill thread

Don't be an ignorant cunt, user.

Same here.
I'm pretty impressed with the execution of jokes, characters, and their interactions.
I've said it before, but I watched some of X-ray and Vav, and they've come a long way from that.

I also find it fun when VAs are able to show off their range, and Elizabeth Maxwell and Yuri Lowenthal as Nikki and Neil respectively were great.

RT seems to be adding some 'named' VAs to their shows. This season too, they had Chris Sabbat voice a character on Red vs. Blue.

I enjoy RWBY, and I know it's a completely different kind of show, but I think Camp Camp was better at doing what it set out to do in terms of execution. It's better than a lot of cartoons on TV right now, though I know a lot of people would say that's not saying much.

I think it deserves some more attention, but given the nature of the show I recognize that there's just not much to discuss in comparison.

south park meets camp weedonwantcha, more like.

Camp Camp is probably the most 'professional' looking production RT's put together in terms of animation. There's always those slight moments of jank in RWBY and RvB, that just don't seem to be present here.

Granted, those shows are arguably more ambitious in terms of what they're setting out to be animating, but compared to stuff like X-Ray and Vav, another comedy venture, it feels far less low budget.

Wish there was more of Gwen

Why did I get a Liberal Arts degree?

>feels far less low budget.

Well they do have more money now and more than Yssa doing animation,

Her character, outlook, and place she's stuck in her life is simultaneously entertaining and also hits too close to home.

Gwen's the fucking worst! She slacks off, reads garbage, and has no idea what she's doing with her life!





That was one of the best lines.


Gwen or these two?

I really liked it altogether as a series. I can't really tell you why, but it's enjoyable.

It's funny, the characters are charming, and the designs are cute.

I wonder, if they do pull off a season two, will they have it take place a year later, or just continue things with no sense of progression of time?

I can't put into words exactly what I find so off-putting about this show, but I'm convinced it's terrible.

For one its awfully derivative. From the premise to the plots and the characters there isn't a bit of originality to be found. The show is a lame pastiche with all its elements lifted from other media then mixed & matched together by creators without any kind of unique vision or ability to arrange those pieces into something that stands out.

The overly cutesy art style that is reminiscent of teenager doodles on tumblr doesn't mesh with the foul mouthed humor. Most of the characters are defined by a one-dimensional personality (hitler kid, space kid, magic kid, drama kid, cool kid etc...) in a way that reeks of both laziness & imaginative shortcomings.

The MC's personality seems like it's something of a web-comic gary stu. (smartass, 'above-it-all', sees through the absurdity of the cartoons world). Almost an author's self insert.

I could go on, but ultimately I guess my gripes are that this show is made by people who think regurgitating & rehashing media is a substitute for creativity, insight & originality.

I can see it being one month later

But if they do a next year

Who would return and what would the new kids be

>The overly cutesy art style that is reminiscent of teenager doodles on tumblr doesn't mesh with the foul mouthed humor

That's kind of the point, though? It's meant to look like a kids show, but it subverts that idea. You gonna knock points off for South Park doing that as well?

And while no, the characters aren't exactly all fully fleshed out human beings, I think you don't give credit enough overall. Neil comes off as the typical wimpy nerd, but you see that when push comes to shove, he's got plenty of spine, and David, underneath the happy go lucky demeanor, genuinely has ideals and conviction that the other cynical jaded cast members can't break.

Max I don't believe is a gary stu. It's pointed out he's kind of a horrible person, and even slightly gets shown up by David in the Finale.

Ultimately it's not like, super deep, but it's an episodic cartoon series with a pretty damn large cast, and only two hours of animation to work with.

If you want to see these guys do more serialized, character development driven dramedy, go watch Red vs. Blue. That's 14 seasons of a continuous plot with a constantly evolving cast and set of events.

it doesn't work for me either. the designs aren't cutesy or well drawn enough to just be good, and not quite bad enough to be funny, like South Park. nothing about this show seems thought out, or like people cared.

>You gonna knock points off for South Park doing that as well?

South Park's art style was never 'cutesy'. It was crude which matched its humor.

As for the rest, adding in drops of sporadic characterization to characters who 99% of the time are walking stereotypes is not a substitute for good character design.

You don't think people cared? Look at the animation quality. This isn't on television. It's something done up for Youtube. They even got several professional actors.

>South Park's art style was never 'cutesy'. It was crude which matched its humor.

What? South Park's style is inherently intended to come off cutesy. Curde would be fucking Ren & Stimpy, or John K's stuff as a whole. They were trying to mimic something a child might construct.

>As for the rest, adding in drops of sporadic characterization to characters who 99% of the time are walking stereotypes is not a substitute for good character design.

Well I don't exactly think the character design is ultimately bad. Simple, but aesthetically pleasing enough to the eye.

I didn't think I would enjoy the show but it was pretty good despite being so short. Felt more like a real show you see on tv then whatever the fuck RT usually puts out. My only issue was the ending credit songs were out of place except the last one for some reason. I did love how Max pretty much said what I was thinking about David killing himself or shooting everyone in the camp.

>Well I don't exactly think the character design is ultimately bad. Simple, but aesthetically pleasing enough to the eye.

It looks like someone who couldn't draw ripped off tumblr artists without knowing what they were doing.

Can you tell me what exactly is wrong with the designs on a technical level?

Ripping of 'tumblr' is again, kind of the point. It looks like a cutesy kiddy product, but has people calling each other cunts.

>South Park's style is inherently intended to come off cutesy

The style of animating with paper-cutouts was chosen primarily because of the limited means available to them. It was a primitive but effective way to make an animation without intensive drawing.

Yes? Their technical limitations at the time also played into the original premise of a cute children's animated programming, that eventually ended with Jesus and Santa Claus duking it out.

Like, the entire 'shock factor' with South Park initially was that you had these children with cutesy designs saying fuck, and doing absurd things.

Glad the show made David keep to his roots even when everything went to shit for him. Damn thing even shocked Max who was dead set on everything had be miserable like him. I wonder how a kid so young became that way? Usually it takes a few more years to reach that point.

Personally I don't believe the designs of SP were 'cutesy' in any way and the crude method of animation reflects the shows humor, but since you seem dead-set on your argument we'll have to agree to disagree.

As for your other point, does Camp Camp "shock" anyone? This is, pardon the expression, 2016. Foul language is hardly shocking. If their intent was to create something ostensibly for kids but intended for adults and 'subvert' children's programming for shock value, are you going to try and argue that they succeeded? That people get 'shocked' because a tumblr doodle said "fuck"?

It's not shocking or provocative. It's not clever or insightful. It's not original or unique. Ultimately since it fails in what it set out to do, it's a bad design choice.

>Personally I don't believe the designs of SP were 'cutesy' in any way and the crude method of animation reflects the shows humor, but since you seem dead-set on your argument we'll have to agree to disagree.

If Matt and Trey wanted crude, they could have gone cruder, instead they set the entire premise around it being a story involving kids watching Jesus and Santa fight, in a subversion of expectations.

And in regards to Camp Camp, I didn't know exactly what I was getting into when I first watched it. I, and several people in these very threads, initially thought it was just gonna be a kids show. Rooster Teeth is a pretty big production company now, and a lot of their audience, especially brought in from RWBY, skews younger.

I also don't see how the style fails in anyway. Just look at it. Almost every frame is aesthetically pleasing.

RWBY is notorious for jank, Red vs; Blue saves up the CG for key moments, while the rest of the time it's machinimated. X-Ray and Vav, another smilarly adult 2D flash cartoon, looks considerably cheaper, and follows a less 'cutesy' style.

Fuck blondie, marry the blue-haired brown-skinned beanpole bae, kill the normie in the middle.

Tabii will let you pee in her, user.

If that's not prime waifu material, I don't know what is.

>I also don't see how the style fails in anyway. Just look at it. Almost every frame is aesthetically pleasing.

Eh...agree to disagree, I guess. This to me is not aesthetically pleasing, or well drawn.

hands are hard to draw, but not THIS hard to draw.

What show doesn't have a few animation errors? It's still consistent for the most par throughout.

I question exactly how hard you can rail on something that isn't backed by a major network or studio.

i want to make her happy

I'm not the only one railing here. But ok I give it credit for not having a network backing it. I'm just mad cause I read weedonwantcha and this show is similar but uglier and not funny.

Well your opinion on humor doesn't exactly say much, Satan.

well at least we can agree that south park is funny.

>STILL no porn

I love Max his character was great and Micheal did a really good job with him. I was expecting Max to an asshole 100% but he actually had a few nice moments.

Red vs. Blue > Camp Camp > RWBY > Whatever the fuck else RT Animation has done.

I hope you mean the early seasons of RvB it got kind of shit after a while.

I honestly think there has never really been a drop in quality with RvB.

It's just changed tones.

As someone who was in the Order of the Arrow, this episode was pretty spot on about how it can be naively racist. When you're in it the leaders will tell you how they do that shit to "honor the traditions of the Natives," but if you look into the history it's not really true at all. The OA was made 50 years before the tribes they were mimicking (very poorly) even had religious freedoms, and the founder was the epitome of the "these noble savages need a strong white hand to guide them."

What a shit ending. I did like the final confrontation between Max and Chris (I think that's his name), I liked that it kept his ideals in place after facing the horrible truth that nobody gives a shit, it's in character and very real. But the problem is (aside from being so fucking dense to try and start a fire in a thunderstorm) there wasn't any buildup between the two. If there was progress over the course of the series of Max getting more vindictive and Chris getting more hopeless due to Max's constant put downs, that would have made it more effective.

also the singing a softer version of the theme to close it off was saccharine bullshit, just hack writing

It's David, actually.

And I don't know. I think there were a lot of events shown that made things clear that stuff wasn't going well for him. I mean there even was a whole episode about him taking a day off, and Max thinking he was about to snap.

And what about that bullying episode, where the lesson learned at the end was that Dave smacking the kid was the best solution? Left him feeling real shitty.

Also the him trying to start the fire bit was just simple symbolism for his 'never give up' attitude.

>slight moments of jank in RWBY
>SLIGHT moments

Yeah, only slightly

you idiots act like rwby is the only thing that has bad moments

>David keep to his roots even when everything went to shit for him

I've seen people talk about what would happen when Max finally got David to "break", and I really like that he not only didn't break, but doubled down on his resolve.

Overall, I liked Camp Camp overall, it knows what it is and it making what works for it, and I do look forward to a second season if it happens.

>Also the him trying to start the fire bit was just simple symbolism for his 'never give up' attitude.

Dude was having a breakdown.

He just seemed the same in every single episode, and the dynamic between him and Max, and him and the rest of the camp felt totally stagnant. With stronger writing there could have been a real progression. I guess they just wanted to keep it an accessible cartoon that is barely connected, it just felt kinda weak. I kind of expect more continuity at this point. Hopefully they can do something like that in S2, if it happens.

Well yeah, but right there he said the reason for why he kept trying.

Even if everyone else doesn't give a shit and is a cynic, he'll still do his best.

I'm not sure though that a slow decline in positivity was really the point of the 'progression' though. His whole thing was that he wasn't letting the world get him down.

Max wants to break him, and the fact that he doesn't ultimately, is the arc.

I think you're expecting too much out of an 11 minute webtoon with a dozen episodes. I'm pretty sure the only piece of direct continuity is Tabii's obsession with Neil.

>comparing a show's animation to a video game's

wew lad

I think that Max continuing to deride him snapped him out of actually breaking down.

you upset kid

You can accomplish quite a bit in 11 minutes. But regardless, the show's only intent is to just have you laugh and that's fine, but if you want a more sentimental ending then I think you should develop at least a little bit of humanity in the show.

I liked the characters well enough.

All the characters were great except the skater chick who was kind of boring. Wish the show was longer so more of them could get more focus like Gwen.

They're alright. They're basic, they work. The only ones I don't really like are the hyperactive blue haired girl and the Hitler kid. Hitler kid is a just cheap joke who gets like one good line and the blue haired girl is generic hyper random character ecks dee. If they do S2 I hope we see less of her.

Do you... do you not know what animation is?

Funny enough I actually liked Hitler kid just because he was actually pretty good kid despite the obvious joke. Nikki was okay most of the time. The only character I didn't care for was the scout master who only cared about money but never seemed to be part of the show and only showed up a few times. My favorite character was probably the thespian kid who just wanted to make a decent play and kept getting shit on by everyone.

Max grows up having a hate boner for David even after not being forced to be in the camp he still hangs around.

>Years later, Max is in charge of the camp
>A new wave of kids comes in for the summer
>"Alright you little shits, listen up. This place is terrible. The plumbing doesn't work, the food's worse than in prison, and you'll most likely wake up with bugs crawling up your ass. I don't want to be in this God-forsaken hell hole anymore than you do, but we're all stuck here, so we might as well make the best of it."
>He turns around so the campers don't see him smile
>"And if you're lucky, your summer might not turn out so shitty after all."

In some ways I think it got better. Season 13 is one of my favorites.

>As someone who was in the Order of the Arrow, this episode was pretty spot on about how it can be naively racist. When you're in it the leaders will tell you how they do that shit to "honor the traditions of the Natives," but if you look into the history it's not really true at all. The OA was made 50 years before the tribes they were mimicking (very poorly) even had religious freedoms, and the founder was the epitome of the "these noble savages need a strong white hand to guide them."
I was waiting for someone to bring up the OA parallels. The camper's general initial reaction to the sparrow's appearance is pretty much how I felt about them when they showed up in my troop.

"I already don't wanna be here and now you're trying to bait me into a secret society where I have to do MORE work?"

yes do you