Post your favorite D list hero

Post your favorite D list hero


Does pic related count?


Do they have to be Marvel/DC?

thats just sad

And to think he used to be B-list during the 90s.
Eh, I'd classify him as C for the fact that his involvement in Knightfall is too prominent for people to forget him.


>Darkhawk fan
Quick question: is Darkhawk related to ROM Space Knight somehow? The two characters seem to have overlap, and I wonder if Darkhawk was a way for Marvel to continue doing ROM type stuff after the licensing deal with TOMY, or whoever had the toy line with the comic book tie in, expired.

He should be B-list. If there's one thing to give a fuck you to DC for, it's flushing Static down the shitter

She was in crappy show. She's far from D-List, she's B or at least C.

Is he a cosmic character? I know he popped up in Nova and I never read New Warriors stuff

I don't believe so.

He's involved with the Fraternity of Raptors, which is a Shi'ar thing.


Can someone explain the difference between a B-list character, a C-list one and a D-list one?

criminally underrated

No one cares about him because he's a clone of batman.

Nice double dubs.

>Moon knight
>Less than B list
>Likely getting a Netflix show

Well, he's D-List NOW.

I'm super happy he's getting a Marvel Legends


A character who already has a lot of solos is not a D-lister.

IT's what he Az deserves.

A-List are the characters that everyone knows, even people who've never read of watched the media, characters like Spider-Man and Superman.
B-List are the popular characters, but not to the degree if the A-Listers. That's people like modern Iron Man or Deadpool.
C-Listers are the ones who are big in teams, but don't have the popularity to be big on their own. Usually they're well known among people who actually are in the hobby, but that's it. Think characters like Nightcrawler or Hercules.
D-Listers are the characters that basically haven't appeared in years, and never get talked about outside of people who like discussing literally who's. That's characters in this thread.


Hell if DC hadn't dropped the ball he could've been on the road to being the same level as Superman, Batman and Spider-Man a couple decades from now.

I could name half of the JSA's roster, but Sandy is at the top of my list.


Happy he's gonna be in the Rebirth Holiday Special.

I have successfully collected every trade he has appeared in.
It was not an extensive collection.

Even Spider Island where he's just an extra and treated like shit?

I'm so disappointed that Arrow is going to ruin his character.


Nope. But now I'm off to find it. Here I go on another adventure.

Good taste, OP.

Well, I guess she used to be one

thats the gayest looking thing i've seen in a while, and I brows /f/ every day

Reading his Essential collection. So fucking good.

>Likely getting a Netflix show

Implying he will have a bigger role than a glorified cameo on Agents of Shit. user pls


villains allowed?


Do you have the Holiday Special he appears in? I can't remember if it was '05 or '06.

I really liked him, too. Did he have any major appearances outside his mini, Beyond!, and that weird Fantastic Four arc that wasn't too bad but was marred by Black Panther putting Silver Surfer in a headlock?

Has Darkhawk been in anything since Arena?

C and lower is where it's at. At those popularity levels the characters can see major changes and arcs without worrying about upsetting the status quo. Hell the characters even have an actual risk of death without the immediate assumption of resurrection in a year or two.

mystery theater had a run that went 70 issues... he's D list now but they could maybe bring him back. if he's D list then Starman is now too

lmao, I completely forgot about this... why did they do this again? Spider-Man needed new identities after the Clone Saga for some reason I can't remember and then he gave his suits to like teenagers? I barely remember this other than the black suit was given to a girl

Post your favorite Dial-A-Hero.


Or should I go more obscure?

I'd hardly call Shiera a D-lister. Maybe C now, B back in DCAU premiere days.

my dub brother your opinion is wrong. moonknight go's hard

The greatest leader the Avengers ever had is D list now? Those are fighting words son.

For most of their existence the Avengers as a team were C-List.

Him and Vance Astro, def buying them.

He was bigger back in the day. Nowadays...
And why in the holy fuck isn't he part of Braddock Academy?

You fucking serious, someone needs to stop Uncle Guggie.

He should fight the Defenestrator.


at least he got this funny moment

Any Orbital Operations newsletter evidence that Zaffino may draw #6?


muh boii

Nope, but Zaffino is still listed as the artist on previewworld despite. Normally it would have been changed when the chapter got pushed back like it did for 3-5. That being said Ellis had said he was still working on Karnak two weeks ago, which either means the delays were him and not the artist catching up, or there is more to come after chapter 6.



Unfortunately that FF arc is pretty important for him, considering it's when he comes back to life. After that he's part in Age of Heroes shows why he gets back into Superheroing.
He was also in Young Allies, Onslaught Unleashed, and had a decent part in Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt.
I love him because at his core he is just the simplest a hero can really be. What's his backstory? He gained superpowers one day so he moved to New York to be a Superhero, because that's what you do. His costume is so simple and practical it's amazing.
>Mask, check
>Googles to keep shit out of your eyes
>Padded gloves because you're punching stuff
>running shoes because you're running around
>Belt to keep your pants up
>Kneepads because they're always helpful
>Gravity symbol because that's his power.
and it all pulls together really well.

She never had a comic of her own

>implying having a comic automatically rockets you to A-list stardom
Ever heard of US Archer?

Wasp is not D list. She's C at the very least. One of the founding Avengers, and she's gonna be in the Ant-man sequel.

Best X-Statix girl.

U-Go Girl a shit.

I would say shes more of a low c.

That other Black Widow. Is Yelena a D lister though?

I would have thought he was c list he was in both brave and the bold and scooby team up.

>Marvel makes announcement about Monsters Unleashed
>Article mentions that Darkhawk is in the promo art
>Get all hyped, look at promo image
>It's just Blackbolt and they were mistaken
Thanks Newsrama.

Poor moth always on the cusp of the c list but never quite making it.

Fun Fact: Gravity was planned to be turned into the new Captain Marvel, following his death in the Beyond! mini-series. But then Secret Invasion happened, featuring the skrull Mar-Vell, so it got scrapped.


Husbandos may come and go, but Elixir will always hold the definitive title in my heart.

Wasn't she part of Norm's thunderbolts?

it's funny, I grew up in love with Iron Fist and Luke Cage. Never thought they'd be anything but f-listers. As terrible as Bendis has been I'll always love him for bringing my two favorite characters to the forefront.

I also like the Runaways and Booster Gold but they're a bit more almost famous than completely forgotten. (Sleepwalker is cool but I barely have read anything by him.)

OH FUCK THE SLINGERS. The Slingers were tight, they fought that giant demon rat and it was cool. Too bad we'll never see them again.

Man hunter
Wild Dog
The Spider

I know Neena gets a some loving but she needs more.

You'd think Initiative would have place for them, seeing how many obscure and irrelevant teams/team names they used.
You're fucking retard if you think she's D-lister.

I supposed Alternate version of a characters are class below.
Read Head Black Widow is low B because of the movie
The other Black Widows a D for me. I only remember her in deadpool. She will be an alternate costume on a game at best.

Green Lantern is odd, because Jordan is the prime lantern for years but Steward is most known to casual because of the JLAU. Since the movie tanked Hal isn't as know as Steward outside the comics. Hopeful that will change.

Now we got two B list lantern Hal Jordan and Steward but from completely separated crowd.

Kyle is a C and real Alan Scott become a D-List. And gay Alan will fall eve below once Earth 2 is cancelled forever.


Yea the Slingers don't really have anything. I can literally count the times they've appeared since the series ended.

Prodigy got drunk in Civil War, Hornet got killed by wolverine, Ric joined that AA meeting group for ex-young heroes in Runaways. That's it.

I had the coolest action figure of him as a kid. He has the best costume, there should be more purple in comics.

Neena Neena Neena!

Speaking of Runaways, if I ever get a chance to write for Marvel I'm just going to have the entire team show up ok and still hanging out beneath the tar pits. Excelsior too. There legitimately has been too much bullshit that fucked those characters up. They deserve to just be restarted.


I'm amazed that he's not used more. Literally tossing him into any comic makes it more interesting.

He was in League of Losers too, wasn't he? Along with Darkhawk, incidentally. It's too bad he never really took off, because there's something refreshing about him. Like he should've been a creator-owned character at Image instead of doomed to the misery that is living in 616.

Well, you say Black Widow and it's going to be associated with Romanoff. And Romanoff somewhere along the mid and low Bs.

The good thing is Gravity is totally one of those characters that got someone who'll end up writing into comics. I bet he'll end up being in an Avengers run at some point. He was a Herald of Galactus in a Fantastic Four movie.

I bet she'll be digged up as something once we get Black Widow movies or once Scarlet leaves the role.

Lex pls.
>Lex wears blue now
Fuck everything.
It's just, they revived some obscure team names like Order and... hm. Know what? Bunch of teams used there were from New Warriors.
And fucking Champions.
>pic related
My first contact with Slingers, way back in Marvel TCG vidya. I was interested in them, got some comics and rest is history.

I bet you money that from now till eternity Nextwave will show up.

I sure can't wait for Uncle Guggie to take a big fat shit on his face on the new season of Arrow.

At least the costume looks good.

kek nice

but cap at least get some pages in Nova

>never read moon knight


Good taste, user.

I'm scared he'll be neutered. Wild Dog is a killer, and what I enjoyed is that it never got to him. He kills a pack of criminals, and socialize with his friends. There no brooding or woe is me.

Ours is the generation who'll bring these guys back.

I'd say any hero who got their own tv show should at least qualify as B-List. I'd say general public knowledge of a hero trumps their status in current comic canon.

fuck that.

Nah it's the same thing with the Geoff Johns gen and the Bendis situation. A ton of obscure characters were around in the nineties and early 2ks that the millennials will bring back with utmost love like Barry Allen and Luke Cage and the like.

only showed up in spider-man that i know of.

back in some 80+ something issue of peter parker, spider-man guest starring with morbius the living vampire, another character i like a lot.

millenial here. i don't want that

God there are so many cool characters that get passed over and ignored for the same dozen being regurgitated over and over again

squandered material. had his own set of rogues set up, and he ends up being a homeless runaway that becomes another titans casualty? its like dc enjoys shitting on their fans

empress. i miss you.

10/10 would adopt and raise as my own


I can't believe that there was a time that I wanted Chloe Moretz to be her in the MCU and replace Scarjo as BW when she was done.

Oh that's fucking painful. The only thing that could make things worse is if they kill himself of too and replace him with a girl.

Every time I manage to suppress this someone brings it up and the pain sets in all over again.

What a great concept with interesting dynamics that's potential was completely thrown out. Fuck me.

Best waifu who's barely in any of the comics.

>he wants her in 2016 Marvel
You're the worst pixie_solanas ever.

I still want a Yelena Belova on MCU somehow. Other than Winter Soldier, Romanova's just an eye candy with no depth whatsoever.

Elsa Bloodstone is over in A-Force currently (before it's cancelled at least).

And had Secret Wars mini I didn't like that much.

Hourman. I always loved his mask design too.




Does he even exist in regular DC continuity?




i want a "secret superhero origins" JSA movie about the JSA as an urban legend tier underground group of vigilantes in the interwar USA

sandman, hourman, doc mid-night, wildcat, zatanna, tong, black canary, specter, dr fate

come on id even except a dcwb show

Let's not kid ourselves here.


Isn't he more of C-lister?

Millennial here. You fucking bet I'd bring back the original YJ if I ever got the chance.

On the Marvel side of things, I'd probably bring back Exiles.

You don't have a reply yet. So I will give you one and say that you are right as far as DC goes.

For Marvel, I would say Beta Ray Bill.

I would call The Spectre c-list, he's pretty damned important to the DC universe

he used to be higher but now he doesn't even exist anymore

what was that ANAD teaser for
or have they just not done anything with it

Good thing he is coming back to live in annual this November, but he will probably become the next Wither



I hate what Lemire did to him in extraordinary x-men

he's below wasp to normals. how is he not d list

>multiple solo series
not D-lister

fool killers had multiple solo series. is that the only criteria

The New X-men, they had a hard life.

I know he got 'killed' in that Death of Wolverinw tie-in, but I remember seeing him alive in the ruins of Utopia with sone other mutant refugees in some book right before 616 collided with the Ultimate Earth. Wasn't sure what was going on there chronologically, But I assumed he was alive, if not just forgotten and unused.



What did they do to him?

Turned him into retard who needs his gay-senpai to teach him ways of gayness 24/7.



Kid Eternity

Young Animal ongoing when?

W: Si Spurrier
A: Tula Lotay, Marco Rudy, Yuko Shimizu
CA: Yuko Shimizu, Tula Lotay


He was killed again in Uncanny X-men earlier this year as well.