Now that the Amazing Spider Man is objectively the most powerful character in the MCU...

Now that the Amazing Spider Man is objectively the most powerful character in the MCU, how will the inevitable power creep affect future movies?

How can he be the most powerful if he's Tony's personal boot licker?

most powerful?
these guys are the heavy hitters

He's concealing his power level.

he's at least 6th on the planet at best. he wouldn't of beat giant man by himself

or ant man, only one of his growth or shrink disks hit him, he's dead

he dodge them with his spider sense, but you can only evade something you dont see for so long

Flying Bricks:
Captain Marvel

Doctor Strange
Scarlet Witch


Iron Man

Nimble Bricks:

Catching Buckys arm was genius.

So casual, he probably doesn't even realize how strong it's supposed to be, he's just excited that it's a robot arm.
Same arm that just crushes Tony's ironman hand in the final fight

Same reason he got trashed by Cap, doesn't realize that Caps is far above a regular dude.

It was nice that this was his major problem. Peter is inexperienced and green so he doesn't know how to deal.

Lol, if anything every future hero or villain is gonna get nerfed hard, just to keep half the others relevant

>but you can only evade something you dont see for so long
>literally what Spider-sense is

He already got hit by Ant-Man, MCU's Spidey-Sense isn't absolute

It won't matter at all, since the power level of these heroes are completely different from movie to movie. See: Iron Man 1's Iron Man and Civil War's Iron Man.

You mean Dr. Strange right? His movie is going to singlehandidly make every other feat in the MCU look like shit.

I am so glad inception came out before this.

Scarce is fat.

>literally just science man: the movie

It's one thing to think Ant-Man can land a blow. Another to think he can take on Spider-Man. Ant-Man's simply not a big enough character.

probably because he didnt know about him he was in the middle of a war you think spider sense wasnt already going nuts he wasnt expecting an ant to round house kick him

I wouldn't call that playground fight a "war".

I'm about to bring a war in your asshole.


The most powerful character is whoever's name is in the title of the movie.

His suits get weaker in each film.

In Iron Man 1 it's a tank on legs. Then in Iron Man 2, Whiplash makes gashes in his armor. Finally, we have Iron Man 3, where they're literally falling apart.

>one of these two creatures can kill a human with its venom
>its not the spider
fucking australia has 7 known ant species that can kill you with one sting

Real funny, Pyro.

Pretty much this. MCU spidey's sense is way to strong for him right now which is why he has those goggle lense, and the welding goggles before that to kind of limit it. He could sense Scott, but not where, since he was much closer than his sense could predict.

Thus, getting shit on by a ant.

Hulk is massively nerfed in the MCU. Even in Age of Ultron when he was posessed by Scarlet Witch he didn't really do shit. He just got put down by iron man.

Iron Man 3 was so dumb. Fuck that movie.