What were they trying to do with this shit?

What were they trying to do with this shit?


Make the two most boring characters seem interesting with a shitty love triangle

They had to use Hawkgirl, and none of them liked any of the Hawkmen so he got thrown under several buses.

I actually liked how this JLU episode handled the convoluted story of Hawkman and Hwakgil, are they aliens or ancient Egyptians? Why not both?

I thought it was always both

Proving that hawkman is shit and hawkgirl is good. Also proving that Stewart and Hall and the best pairing.

Someone post the screenshot

The only winged hero worth a damn

Wish I still had the old screencaps that included the reactions to the madness.

Did you get that thing I sent?

>This is what toonfags believe


This is a buzzword I never heard of.
Anyone want to elaborate how it came into existence?

I fly for the glory of Ra.
The Sun is my strength, the sky is my home.

That entire storyline was confusing as hell to me. I couldn't tell how much was made up and how much was the actual story.

Karmic Kuckoldry
The stars literally aligned so that Carter could cuck Jon as revenge for cucking him in a past life.

Birdman, get in here!

Well it has been a Cred Forums tradition to add fag to the end of any group name.
And toon usually means cartoon

So toonfag would be a person who is mostly about cartoons.

Ya dumbass

Looks like the cucker has become the cuckee


Trying to add the Hawkman magic lore nonsense into JLU was maybe the worst decision the show ever made. There was no room for it and just making them aliens worked fine in the context of this universe, all it did was add a pointless love triangle that no one wanted to see.

Didn't Johns write those episodes?

I dropped in the middle and had to read the rest an hour latter. I will never read an Hawkman book dealing with his past story.

cuckold, it's literally the word cuck is derived from, it is literally what cuck means in its noun iteration.

John Stewart & Hawkgirl? Totally agree with you.

Hawkman is cool. Hawkgirl is a mistake.

Well lucky for you Flashpoint happened and rebooted his all.
And then his n52 stuff didn't really keep consistent with itself cause most of it was meh and more meh and JLA.


I think we can all agree the DCAU's portrayal of Hawkman was absolutely awful and a disgrace to the character.

Which one Hro Talak or Carter Hall?

Which one do you think, numbnuts?

They cribbed from Johns


This hawkman was a really pathetic beta, he wasn't cucking anyone.


If you think DCAU handled the hawk shiy poorly, you should see how badly they botched it in Arrow.

Horrible Egypt sets and costumes, hammy melodrama (that makes the main bad romance look good), bad hawk CGI, and a butchered telling of the story that's no less confusing.

I have never hated any live action cape show or movie more, and I'm including garbage like Spawn and Ghost Rider.

Except nobody gives a flying fuck about Arrow or Legends of Tomorrow. JLU was widely lauded and is most peoples' only exposure to the hawks.

Hawkman got buttfucked royally in characterization in order to prop up Hawkgirl and Dwayne McD- I mean John Stewart.

Guys, guys...

They paired Hawkgirl and Green Lantern (John Stewart) for obvious reasons.

Superman already had Lois because of his previous cartoon.
Batman was paired with Wonder Woman (because Batman had no-one in his previous cartoons).
The Flash was an eternal bachelor which fit is comedic role, and was later paired with Fire.
Martian Manhunter was a grieving widow and even later he was paired with an OC.

They could introduce a Hawkman, but that would have been redundant. The same if they had introduced Katma Tui as Green Lantern's love interest, because Katma would be redundant as another GL. So they decided to pair them with each other.



poor Kendra
killed just to be reincarnated as her aunt.

were Batman and Wonder Woman really "paired"? They just kinda flirted.

there was actual ROMANCE between GL&HG, even putting Vixen in the show to make it "dramatic"

>Thinking logically

>the old screencaps that included the reactions to the madness.

Here you go.

Part 2

Straight male and straight female fuck. Not rocket science, kiddo

Is it me or does someone in DC have a real boner for keeping Hawkman and Hawkgirl apart?

>were Batman and Wonder Woman really "paired"? They just kinda flirted.

Yes, they were. Sure, they were not fucking or even kissing most of the times, but they had a romance of sorts.

Somewhere, somehow that's become their "thing". I think Geoff Johns came up with it. If they're together one or both dies, so they have to cuck each other to remain alive. It's supposed to be romantic and tragic.

There was en episod where Wonder Woman, Batman and Green Lantern go to Batman Beyond future and find out, that GL and HG had a son. And GL was all like "I won't be pupper of destiny!"

I think I understood most of that.

>"I won't be pupper of destiny!"


Puppet, but "pupper of destiny" is actually better.

I fly for Re too user

don't b bringing that logic bullshit into our conversation

Hro did somehow manage to break a Green Lantern ring with an axe....somehow. That's a bit of wankery on the writer's part.

And then they showed their contempt for Carter by making him the biggest weirdo stalker cosplay loser of the hero world. They would not even let him in the JLU, they let Creeper and Bwanna Beast in the JLU.