What's the post mortem, lads?
What's the post mortem, lads?
it sucks
Never trust a bunch of ladybabies and manchildren to make a good show, let alone make a show at all
I think the next episode's still somewhere in development hell.
Judging by the increase in the size of her calves I'm going to say deep vein thrombosis.
No more episodes, you threw your money away donating to this
>Made 5 episodes (counting the pilot)
>Over a year to since the last episode
>still no new episode
Glad I don't threw my money that this train wreck.
Haven't seen this shit posted on Cred Forums since late 2014. I'm guessing it died a quiet and well-deserved death.
Remember the kickstarter?
Now we have Long Gone Gulch to look forward to never seeing ever because Cred Forums is retarded with it's money.
>nat went from making her dream cartoon to making shitty marvel comics
Bet I could kick her ass
>making shitty marvel comics
I was about to say the same thing. Can anyone post the high res scans? I want to laugh at all the devient art tier errors in her MAHVEL comics.
isnt Frederator trying to transition to a pay-per-view platform for their shows
Considering that Frederator obviously isn't going to deliver what was promised I wonder if there's any action that can be taken against them.
Took the money and ran.
Wouldn't it be more logical to go after the creator? I was told she was the one who took away with the money.
LOL, good luck with that.
seconding this
What are the odds she took the money, turn it into cocaine, and snorted it off of Rebecca Sugar's giant clothes as she called herself Dr. Rockso?
I saw some Bee and Puppycat comics at my comic book store. What Marvel thing is she working on?
Autocorrect, you are the bain of my existence.
i dont have any higher res pics, but this is painful enough to look at.
My dumbass wife bought merch from this shit.
Shit. I hated the art style change from the initial short, and the show is so tumblr it fucking hurts, it really does feel like some idiot tumblr teenager made it.
like ugh can you like not even right now?????????
The guy is the worst offender
>Ambiguously brown
>Stupid haircut
>White hair
I liked it.
Apparently Natasha has never seen an edge before
Good for you, user.
I liked it,too but I hate how they stopped making episodes.
yeah i basically agree with all the criticisms but i still like the show and i miss it
Is the middle guy a FTM tranny?
There's a way to pull off Scott Pilgrim's "character bio with funny trivia" thing right.
That's not it.
It looks like a how-to-draw-manga book mixed with a Deviantart washable marker drawing from circa 2005.
I enjoyed it unironically. But I'm glad I didn't spend money on it.
You ain't been looking very hard
We've been bitching about it quite frequently
Don't lie, Sugar.
OLM costs alot more then Dongwoo.
Buy her this, she will thank you for it.
aw man. this paneling and everything to do with the type sucks, i wonder if it's all like that.
anyways, i liked bee and puppycat, i thought the last episode was drab. even though i liked the new artstyle, i thought the strongest plot was in the pilot.
anyways, it's kind of sad it seems to be going nowhere. i do remember reading quite recently that it's coming back in the fall for the remaining 4 episodes, which have apparently been done since the spring. i assume it's tied up in industry shit.
double anyways. gimme a break, it's 6am.
I agree that the show has gone nowhere
But people in these threads always have absolute shit taste
Death by fat and down syndrome.
never ever. Mondo media will make a happy tree friends movie before we finish this series.
This would look a little better if she did the bare minimum of shading.
so did anything actually happen that prevented them from delivering? who is to blame?
How did the pilot become this? I put the pilot as one of my favorite pieces of animation.Ive never been let down so much in my life.
Probably their reason: THE ECONOMY
Real reason: laziness
Most likely, Frederator/Cartoon Hangover is still in the process of trying to find the best way to release it, since Youtube keeps fucking over animators or whatever, and they're trying to transition to some sort of privatized, paid thing. If at this point they're STILL making episodes, and it's at a slow rate, something has to be wrong, and if they aren't, they should at least say that the episodes are done.
>How did the pilot become this?
Because, I think, you just didn't know shit about the people making it, or didn't "understand" the pilot in the first place. I stand by the idea that the show is exactly what everybody paid for, they just had no idea what they were paying for.
I feel like people wanted action-packed Sailor Moon going to different worlds and fighting shit when, since the pilot, it was always, first and foremost, about Bee, her being a womanchild, and the stupid shit she does in her life. This also should've been pretty apparent just by the creator's sense of humor.
And if we're going just by the art style that people love to complain about, yeah the change is drastic and I get how people prefer the cleaner look of the pilot, but the change is something any person donating to the kickstarter should've saw coming as the series creator drawing style changed, and the "fluffier" look fits with the "fluffy aesthetic" of the show.
I'm not sure if I can say most of this just because I didn't put any money into, so I don't feel some sort of obligation for the show to cater to me due to investing, but I feel like a lot of the complaints that are frequently brought up in these threads are just due to some form of ignorance about what you got into. Yeah, the series isn't that great, but it isn't like it suddenly deviated from what it was going to be about.
In any case, there are always the comics which you can download at beeandpuppycatcomics.tumblr.com
The real, real reason: youtu.be
Stopped caring about this once they changed the art.
I want to watch moer i already saw all of the youtube
The pilot made it seem as if other worlds magic and shit would have been the main focus and that the real life shit would have been just like the last 20 seconds of every episode and we got it the other way around, kinda
>Still waiting for Bravest Warriors
What happened to Fredinator? Was kickstarter the beginning of the end? Or were they doomed from the start?
Now I want more of Rebecca and Nat having cocaine-fueled quirky lezfests
And didn't this come out right before She Hulk got hit with the tit missile?
never liked Nat, she always came off as an annoying SJW type bitch with a tumblr blog, seeing her attempt at making a cartoon flounder gave me much pleasure and gave this board a much needed reality check.
The men look so weak and pathetic.
Is this moe
I think I'm adding this to my pull list
Take careful note of what a faggot the guy looks like.
Is that Michael Gira on the left?
I was convinced Ian was a girl until I read the yellow words.
>I can't succeed so I jerk it to people failing! Also, girls are gross!
Well, you've got one thing over her; your menstral cycle is clearly nonstop, you cunt.
Why are you taking notes on men, faggot?
Green shorts with a bear backpack is pretty pathetic.
i'm pretty sure it has something to do with the korean company animating it fucking them over
>I feel like people wanted action-packed Sailor Moon going to different worlds and fighting shit when, since the pilot, it was always, first and foremost, about Bee, her being a womanchild, and the stupid shit she does in her life. This also should've been pretty apparent just by the creator's sense of humor.
Not me. I could have dealt with the new style if it meant the characters personalities remained unchanged, but it seemed like the plot and characters "softened" with the new art. There's a bit of a stretch between "I don't have my shit together but I'm trying" like the pilot Bee seemed to be, and the "I'm blissfully unaware of how my actions affect the people around me" she became. I was looking for a bit of melancholy feeling like the opening scene featured here: But I didn't fund it, so I don't have much space to complain I guess.
I can see somebody is bad at drawing hands.