ITT "villains" who did nothing wrong
I'll start with a few
ITT "villains" who did nothing wrong
I'll start with a few
Ronnie is the most innocent here
nigga you took em all
>that fucking duck
Thread hidden
he kept the kids from seeing naughty bits you dirty waifufag
Truly, the duck is pure.
goddamn there's a lot of people there. like how long does this take to make, dang.
Without him, they would have skipped the whole bath scene. He was your pass in there.
>Peggy Hill
Okay nigga, now you're just trying to stir shit up
A few hours. I saw an image on Cred Forums like it and wanted to make one to share with Cred Forums.
Uh. Thanks for your contribution.
Yes yes yes yes no yes yes no no no yes maybe yes no no no yes deserved it no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no baby no no good night sweet prince no no yes yes no
>The Pizza Guy from Spongbob
No. NO. Fuck YOU. It wasn't the Spongebob's fault Mr. Krabs didn't tell him about the fucking drink. Him flipping dick about it at the delivery boy was the worst. And if he was REALLY "Dying for one of these" he would throw it back in the kids face. Does the guy not have ANY drinks in his place? Why not just keep the pizza while the kid drives DOWN THE STREET to get the drink for him? WHY WOULDN'T HE PAY FOR THE PIZZA THAT HE WANTED BECAUSE THE KID DIDN'T BRING A FUCKING TWO LITER OF DIET DR. KELP?!
To this day nobody has been able to explain to me why I'm supposed to hate this girl.
The ultimate
>bubble bass
>the guy from foodfight
>prince charming
>oogie boogie
>king jellybean
>stinky pete
>snake jake
>Mr. Enter
you can't fault a child for his stupidity
Why is Bill the Cat on there?
Because he's a true American hero.
What makes Mr. Enter so unlikable? He's normally right about what he talks about but I can't even bear listening to him
He's oversensitive, he gets way too serious and angry over what he's talking about, he reviews the same shows over and over and continuously makes the same points, he continues to watch shows he hates like Family Guy and Teen Titans Go, I'm pretty sure he convinced one of his fans to drop out of high school, he cried over the episode of My Little Pony where one of the characters was too mean and he is audibly tearing up in one of his videos when talking about it, he's a petulant manchild, his video editing skills are shit, he often misses the point of what he's talking about, when he talks about things he likes he doesn't even talk about what he likes in it, he just summarizes the plot, his voice is annoying, he doesn't know shit about animation and his videos on the history of it are not only redundant but they're skimmed the Wikipedia article tier, he pretty much only watches children's shows, he doesn't watch anything that isn't an American cartoon, not even Canadian stuff. He's just a fuckwit.
also this retard keeps being suggested to me on Youtube and I'm fed up with it
mfw I noticed John K
I don't think I get this meme.
Most of the characters on that image are horrible people, or just pure fucking evil.
Ozymandias is the only one who deserves to be on that pic.
>clarissa's dad
waaaait a secon--
>the guy from the Money For Nothing video
What is this, some meme I just haven't heard of yet? He moved fridges.
I would like to know who the golden dude in the bottom left is
Clay Puppington shot his own son and drank the disinfectant.
The Joker because he's insane
>John Arbuckle
He does things wrong in the sense that he's a massive failure, but morally he's about as neutral as you get
>Johnny Bravo
Depends on the season, the Tingblad episodes made him more of an active asshole
>King Bob
I remember him being pretty chill and his arrogant king persona was just an act
Ignore this, I forgot how Ozymandias looked like
All that time put into something that wont even trigger barneyfag.
I would argue with Caesar from Asterix being on that list because he wasn't really portrayed as a villain all that often. His relationship with the Gauls was certainly adversarial in nature but there was clearly a reasonable amount of respect on both sides.
Besides which, as far as the Gauls were concerned he was actually a pretty cool guy for sending them Legionnaires to fight and keeping things interesting.
The constant shit with the ball.
>Rosianna Rabbit
She's a selfish whore that literally doesn't give a shit about anyone unless she wants their dicks
>Defending Dan Backslide
how dare you
She did more for Europe than Europeans themselves, though.
>barry b benson
To this day i still have no idea why she coughed.
Did she think the marker would not last the extra 30 seconds it would have taken for the officers to look into the truck anyway.
Guaranteed replies.
How does a mass murderer do "nothing wrong"?
they probably didn't make it for replies
they probably thought it would be funny
I aim to entertain.
>Brian Griffin
>AND the car that killed him
Kekaroni and chease
>Mr. Enter and Dobson.
You're missing someone.
I figure at this point I could make a second image with different Cred Forums characters only and still have nearly as many faces.
He should have learned to play guitar.
You could try.