Why is this the best show created?
The Boondocks
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It had the decency to never throw a chair at you.
This show provides me with tons of fap material but none of them use their eroticism properly
Uncle Ruckus what are you doing on the internet.
what did he post ?
It was satire on black American culture and made by an actual black man who knew his shit. Unfortunately, it failed because it was exactly what I mentioned.
probably the last good show made by AS
i only watched this show for Uncle Rukus, the real star of The Boondocks
Watch mods delete tho
>because it was exactly what I mentioned.
THAT was the reason
It had it's ups and downs
It had some great one liners
Tackled some real shit from time to time
The music was always a solid 8/10
So fucking preachy, especially around season 3
Every episode that's a Riley focus is awful
Tom in general
They rarely delete Boondock threads, no matter how crazy they get and they rarely aren't crazy.
>Riley focus awful
>Forgetting the spray painting episode in season 1
Shit taste
I'll bite that bullet and say most of them.
Tasteful social commentary about blacks in America is fairly rare, especially for a cartoon.
>So fucking preachy, especially around season 3
It's fucking satire what did you expect?
The Boondock's strongest point was its volume of comedic elements. Minute by minute, scene for scene, this show managed to maintain a dramatic tone, and tackle serious or "preachy" issues, while still being hilarious all the way through. The Boondocks is like Band Geeks level of humor efficiency; every episode.
How do you mean?
I think my issue is around S3 it lost the hilarious part. It's a "Black President, Huey Freeman" is a fucking bore to watch cause I feel like it's trying to say something first and be funny last. Although dancing JB gets a chuckle.
Boondocks is a lot of things, tasteful might not be one.
Whenever a black person makes a clear critique or shows some understanding about black people, immediately, it's taken as a blugeon to bitch about black people over EVERYTHING.
There are people who thought "crabs in a bucket" was about black people, rather than Stinkmeaner's Gang being a bunch of assholes
To be fair, not just Stinkmeaner's Gang specifically but just the type of assholes who'd start Nigga Moments in the first place but yeah the first part is right. And that's why Chapelle's show was cancelled.
Lets just be glad it ended as a nearly perfect show. Just try to imagine season 8 of the Chappelle Show.