Heathcliff buys bagels

Heathcliff buys bagels.

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That's a lot of bagels.

Requesting the comic of heathcliff with a leafblower where the caption just says "nuts"



yeah what the fuck

Is there a joke or a point?


Heathcliff went to the Bagels store to pick up his custom-made Heathcliff bagels. They're Heathcliff bagels because the bagels look like Heathcliff.

Given the number of bagels Heathcliff ordered, one can only assume what kind of antics he's going to get up to with them.

The bagels are orange and striped like Heathcliff.

>They're Heathcliff bagels because the bagels look like Heathcliff.

Now I see. Thanks.

>it's another plebs are too dumb to understand the understated genius of Heathcliff thread

I still do not understand the purpose of these Heathcliff cartoons.

Maybe there's like a 4th dimension that the joke is contained in. Yeah that's it



My favorite





what does it MEAAAN



They're funny and sometimes poignant.



Soccer (or "futball") is often called "the beautiful game." This is juxtaposed against Heathcliff getting a goal via stilts.


>that resolution
Holy shit, where'd you get that?


What the hell is this even trying to convey on the most basic level? That line that just ends behind the dude's back doesn't make sense, that midair pose doesn't make sense, stopping him there and then drawing a bunch more lines and the shaking garbage bin doesn't make sense, the garbage can being fucking upside-down for him to jump into doesn't make sense

This is just bad art, separately from the halfjoke that was being attempted.

Why a stick? You don't "call" a bird with a stick/

Here you go friend


Heathcliff does. That's the point.

The "Blatant Copyright Infringement" Saga might be my favorite.

>The "Blatant Copyright Infringement" Saga

Why no Garfield?

He's too lazy for a road trip. He just wants to stay home and eat lasagne while complaining about Mondays. Way too much of a killjoy for the Garfield posse.

I mean shit, look at Felix there. Niggas fuckin' loving it.



If he eats all those bagels will he die?




Fish football




sew khafkaesque

>this meme requires extensive Cred Forums knowledge

who are you quoting?

mission hill

a cartoon that only had one season over a decade ago but i think Cred Forums loves

this needs some dramatic DODODODO sfx


Thank you, based Heath user.









I bet they're best friends.

Something so completely inane and banal that it leaves everyone baffled

Gallagher did it again

Say what you will but this never fails to make me laugh.



There is a void in this man's soul

An unquenchable thirst

A hunger that knows no end

And I take it these shitty comics is all that prevents him from tasting nihil.

Heathcliff is the ultimate answer against ennui








Nice. Thanks


I don't know why I'm having problems with opacity, but I've been up by 5 AM so I'm posting it anyway.

Did you try putting it in a different layer?

god damnit