They're gonna fuck it up, aren't they?

They're gonna fuck it up, aren't they?

If you wish to lower your standards before his debut or think his show will fail then I will respect your decision, OP.

But only time can truly tell.

I mean, why would anything good ever happen? They've managed to fuck up every live action version of him except this latest one.

I have a moderate amount of faith. I think DD S2 could have been handled better, but the only thing I'd really call a "fuck-up" is the medical explanation for Frank being Frank. In brief:

>He got shot in the head in such a way that he's become afflicted by a very rare kind of brain damage, and due to this he is constantly in an emotionally-heightened, "fight-or-flight" state in which he is re-experiencing the events of the day his family was killed

It's a double-whammy of needless explanation and far-fetched silliness. I mean, why did they even think Frank needed an explanation? "Revenge" has worked just fine for any number of heroes in just about any medium. Not to mention they just effectively kneecapped any future attempt to explore Frank's psyche on account of his crusade being caused by fucking *brain damage*.

This explanation makes the viewers feel "intelligent. " It also moves him away from the Exploitation territory and touches upon military related brain trauma, without saying PTSD, something he said he didn't have irc.

Dude it's just a byproduct of hyper PC culture. Making him have PTSD plays perfectly into that.

That doesn't make any sense.

>Dude it's just a byproduct of hyper PC culture
Hang yourself, Christ

This. Revenge is evil. But being traumatized allows you to commit hyper-violence while stillbeing an anti-hero, not a villain.

PTSD relieves you of all reaponsibility. It's a feminist agenda to make alleged rape victim's testimonies infallable.

>It's a feminist agenda
Oh god, don't start with your shit.

This. Everyone else ITT is probably a feminist, kek.

>that man raped me
>no witnesses
>signs of a struggle, nevermind she was drunk at a party and could have fallen or been bumped into multiple times
>go directly to jail, do not collect 200$

>signs of a struggle, nevermind she was drunk at a party and could have fallen or been bumped into multiple times
Except that's not how that works you fucking mongoloid

I'm sorry that happened to you, but you're off topic.

People are animals and they still love watching violence, especially ephasising if it is a brutal revenge.
But nowadays they are too PC and they feel guilty for enjoing a fantasy thats not so far from how a redneck or a terrorist would fantasise. So they need a convoluted explanation that it is acceptable in this case. "No no, he does it because he's psychologically forced to, not because he enjoys inflictid self-righteous justice by himself. I mean, he does think he enjoys it, but it's his brain damage doing it to him."

Which is weird. I always thought Frank's conscious decision to Punish is what made him an anti-hero. The Brain trauma putting him in a hair trigger state makes it seem like he'll go postal at some point.

Honestly the way they explain it in the show would mean he would kill anyone around him at any time. If he really is in constant fight or flight mode people around him would just constantly be murdered.

Boy I can't wait for barracuda to be ruined

How would you guys feel about OC villains, instead adapting the villains from the comics? I think in Frank's case, it would easily work.

What is John Cena doing on Netflix?

Yeah, thats the most ironic part. They didn't want to give him this "animalistic", "primitive" feel of self-justice, so they accidentaly made him a literal animal.
But now it's a touching metaphor of the horror american goverment inflicts on the soldiers, so it's ok.


Huh weird I could've sworn I saw something.

That sounds like a personal problem.

>touches upon military related brain trauma, without saying PTSD
Wasnt said brain trauma caused AFTER he and his family almost got murdered? Because if so then the damage has jack shit to do with military trauma since it happened when he was back home and not really active

I certainly can'tback pedal on that one.

i thought it was a great depiction

I thought it was just tasty bullshit Nelson was selling in the court and it didn't matter whether or not he actually had it.

Yeah, the vibe that I got from the actual episode was that Foggy was spinning that so that the jury would feel sympathy for Frank.

In the episode itself the doctor specifically states his personal opinion, not strictly speaking his medical one.

Meanwhile, why didn't court decide to put Frank into the funhouse?

>Doc says that victims of this PTSD shit don't know better and will fight for whatever idea their ill heads came up with to the end
>Frank outbursts screaming he was absolutely right and would do it again
>"welp, that looks same, put him in the prison with criminals he just said he'd kill"

I've seen a lot of praise for this version of Frank. What didn't you like about this version?

He didn't have PTSD though...

I think I couldn't comprehend half of what he was saying because it was so inaudible. I just filled the holes in with context given by half I actually managed to make out.

They knew enough of the character to introduce him into the universe as a villain.

I'm slightly optimistic.

>Hired Assassin
Was he even a vigilante in that, or just an assassin with a code of ethics?

Sure, he was a bit of a chatty catty, but overall he did a good job. I'm worried about them trying to give us too much of a good thing and mess it up in the process. They seriously need to get Ennis involved in some capacity.

Daredevil season 2 already came out but yeah they ruined him.

He's the best live action Punisher one could hope for. I still think the rooftop scene was weird given the pistol actually worked.

fuck off back to /r9k/

Rooftop scene was shit in the comics to begin with.

Ennis gonna Ennis. I did enjoy Confederacy of Dunces, too bad people take it too seriously.

I just didn't get what the fuck Ennis was trying to do with that scene.

>1) Matt has actually killed and attempted to kill before
>2) Later in the same fucking run when asked about why Frank does what he does, he just said "I hate them" and really his whole war can be only seen as something very personal with no real endgame, so what exactly the fuck was he trying to prove to Matt?

It was as close as he could get to Batman and The Punisher "debating. " That's all I can guess.

Frank needs all the fools he can Frank, why not both?

Deal but we get to have Barracuda and he gets to beat Frank into a pulp.

You mean before Frank brutally kills him with an axe?

But who could possibly do him justice now that Michael Clark Duncan is dead?

It could but they have to be good villains and not serve the purpose of some cringy real life commentary. Don't wanna see Punisher fight Trump or ISIS supporters.

yea if anything franks outburst shouldve strengthened the nuthouse argument. of COURSE he thinks hes right hes "crazy"

in his mind it is.

His ending episode was great. He finally gained the power to open up the door to FrankSpace (AKA Gun/WeaponSpace)

He was too articulate in his rant.

its not like hes retarded, just emotionally disturbed. what a stupid jury, but hey its fiction so who care.

Juries being full of window lickers is easily the most realistic part of Daredevil.

Depends, are he and Karen going to fuck?