Doom Patrol

>no threads
So was this good?


No one would bother trying good comics

It could be, it's weird as fuck so now we just gotta wait to see if it's weird with a purpose or just shitting out ideas with no follow through.

Casey is super cute

I don't think anyone bought it user



I liked it, but I don't have much to say about it. It's my first exposure to Doom Patrol so I don't have any insight into what could be going on.


We...we have no idea. I've read it three times and I'm still trying to figger out WTF I read...but I don't hate it. I guess it'll make more sense as more issues come out?

I'll read it right now and let you know. I was gonna save it but fuck that


So, exactly like Morrison's Doom Patrol?

It hasn't really gone anywhere yet. Could be good could be bad.


It feels like unlike Morrison's run which started off relatively mundane and then ramped up the weird, this one is starting off weird as fuck and is going to unravel it over the course of the series.
This issue did interest me more than Morrison's issue 1, though.
tl;dr wait for the trade

It'll probably be better in trade format but it was still a good first issue

It's not instantly gratifying so a lot of people are already losing their shit over how "it's bad"

Honestly, it's promising. Depends a lot of how it develops in the further issues.

Just finished it. Loved it. Arguably one of the most interesting first issues I've read since W+D. A universe of potential.

They are throwing various types of weird at the wall to see what sticks.

Hopefuly it wont take long to get into what works.

Im optimistic though one of the many amazing things about rebirth is how well they have responded to fans to improve the bad parts of the comics.
It only took 1 issue to correct the calling soccer footy mistake in suicide squad so i expect this should fond it's rhythm by issue #5

I thought it was an excellent debut for both DP and the Young Animals line. Haven't been this genuinely excited for a comic since Kot's ZERO, and that's as someone who hasn't read Morrison's run too.

Deringon and Bonvillain were absolutely on point for art and colours, so it's worth picking up for the art alone

What did you guys do with yer gyro stickers?

Is that the walking dead...

Wicked and the Divine

My LLC ran out of the gyro cover, I got this : (

I heard a lot of places sold out, wonder did they under-order or what. My LCS has tons of the Gyro and variants left on Thursday

At least it's Bolland!

>At least it's bolland
This so much

My LCS is out of stock too. They ordered a bunch but only got two - that's Diamond Distributors for ya

I can tell that this book is going to have a comedic body count.

Feels like a canadian indie comic and not my patrol

Well they already treated Casey's roomate's death like it was nothing, so probably yeah

Need more issues to conclude if it's good.

He's probably just transported somewhere

No, he's most likely dead. He exploded into cake and balloons. Nobody cares because he was a jerk for wanting rent for a page.

I bought it yesterday but I haven't read yet, spent last night with friends.
I kind of want to read every other doom patrol book first just for fun, but I probably won't.
I wanted the Boland cover but it was $3 more.

There was also a bit of brain mixed in there

I liked it. The page with Caulder was hilarious.

Yeah i hope that when they trim out the really wierd stuff they keep that sort of stuff the caulder bit was great.

I bought 2 sticker covers (worst gimmick cover ever), the Bolland, the Hernandez and the Tarr cover.

the Bolland cover is by far the best.

>worst gimmick cover ever
This fuckin pleb.

I'll trade you for my gyro cover

He was also a jerk for disliking Casey's quriky personality and robotman-parts on the kitchen desk. Fuck him.

new DC waifu

new DC side waifu

>not Terry None

I can't find that anywhere. Be happy with it nu/co/umblr

>i will never fug any of these women
why live

I'm getting the Chippendale cover from TFAW. I preordered both it and the Gyro but they must have been way more popular because I'm only getting the variant. Weird.

I'll take comics that won't sell without a gimmick cover for 200

I think this is a problem. She is too cute.
We see other characters talk about how obnoxious or spacey they think she is, but as an audience we only see that for ourselves maybe once with her monologue while playing the arcade game, and it's not even unflattering. It just makes her cute.

I'm worried that Way thinks making his characters miserable again would just be copying Umbrella Academy.

But I trust Way.

Just, jesus christ, give us Hotel Oblivion or whatever the UA vol3 is supposed to be.

Eat Shit.

Bolland covers are the best.


This, I'm worried he's going to play it safe.

New doom patrol issue 1

dam this cover makes me uncomfortable and it isnt the brain

So you can read about them and dream.

>That panel on the first page
Is it casey and robotman or and robotman?

I have a strong feeling this is going to be a romance comic

Where does that feeling come from? I didn't get that at all.

>I never read Morrison's DP

Has anyone considered that maybe he went boom for a reason?

bottom right and the protag is cute

>what are sexbots
>what is a tenga
>what is VR
>what is human cloning combined with CRISPR editing to make them real
>getting a significant other / high priced escort and asking him/her to dress as the characters
>just plain dreaming about it

A little imagination can take you a long way

> high priced escort and asking him/her to dress as the characters

No ones actually ever done that right?

This is garbage.

What makes you say that?

I like the issue until it randomly introduced a new character. After her introduction, the story becomes disjointed and then ends abruptly.

I liked it but I've never read DP prior to this so maybe that's why

I see absolutely no reason not to believe her when she says that shit she does

It's a showing vs telling thing. Sometimes it bugs me.

She can tell us about her prom date turning into "lavender membrane" all she wants, but it isn't real unless we see it happen. On the other hand, exploding into cake (It's implied to be cake, right? otherwise it's just soft, pink foam), balloons, and confetti happens on panel, and is as real as it needs to be.

Am I the only one who got serious Bryan Lee O'Malley vibes from this whole sequence?

Manic pixie girl enters boring person's life and causes wacky adventures. Then shit gets weird.


>When I was a little girl my mother told me, "Be a bright light in a black hole..."
>...just before she flew into the sun.
Man, these lowercase letters are tripping me out.
I processed this narration initially as implying something really weird. But I think she might just be talking in weird metaphors and about the game she's playing? I dunno. Why is there an arcade box outside wherever they are?

X-fag reporting.
Yes, yes, YES!!!!!!
Gerard Way is a shitty musician, but a promising writer

Your confusion about how to interpret that is part of what I mean.

Text alone is kind of incomplete and wildly open to interpretation. And so there is a fine line, before Terry shows up and her roommate explodes, where Casey is just a cute little weirdo who is socially stunted but otherwise a functional young adult.

I'm really liking Terry None so far. Anybody with the audacity to dress like that gets a thumbs up in my book. Plus she's going to try to save Cliff! I also hope that somebody makes a brink/Brinke joke at some point.
What's really got me confused is this blue blooded god dude. All the symbology points toward him being some form of fallen divine superhero. His radiant halo (in the form of stained glass window behind his throne) has been smashed, presumably from the outside, presumably by the brick that says "I'm sorry".
The statues all wear domino masks, and this dead lion on the steps. Hmmm.

I have a feeling Terry None is going to be the "evil-all-along" twist. Especially because, as an user in the storytime thread pointed out, she works for "Nobody".

it was weird.
but too early to say if it's the good kind of weird, or the weird kind of weird.
also, looking up for the whole gang getting together, especially flex.

Oh right. Yes, it would make a lot of sense if she worked for Nobody.

Mr. Nobody is not a villain, bitch.

I disagree.

Mr. Nobody is certainly a villain in the sense that he did actively violate the civil rights of countless civilians.

Other than that, he is only a "villain" sometimes, depending on the situation.
By the end anyway, the DP knows that the government is up to far more evil shit and Mr. Nobody is not worth antagonizing.

The cover was the coolest part of the issue

Naw, this story doesn't seem like it would go with a strictly good or evil tale.

He's no villain in Magic Bus, m8. If anything, it's actually quite tragic how he realizes he can't fight the status quo and just dies.

I'm agreeing with you....?

But he also turned a man into a toilet, which isn't legally killing him, but still is a crime against his person.

It had a few threads.
But not everything is treated like a general and constantly going one to another.

Honestly it is too early to say.
Story could go annoying randomness, could go Doom Patrol levels of madness that is loved.

I'd recommend a read easily, but if you don't have much cash maybe wait and see if the trade is worth it

and don't forget the shit he was doing with that bicycle of his, and the minds of people that was near that shit.

Shit taste noted.

Doom Patrol was always a stupid comic.
The only people who unironically like it are hipsters

That, I'll let slide. If that's a crime, it's a far more abstract one.

As a toilet, the man is functionally dead.
But using paranormal and hard to define means of affecting the perception of others, is kind of normal, if you understand how the brain processes culture and media.

You can compare it to nonconsensual dosages of chemical substances, but wasn't the point of the stunt that it wasn't something anywhere near as concrete as that anyway.

Oh shit, the fun police is here, quick, hide the puppies and pinatas!

it was never even a fun book, just tried too hard to not be a cape book.

Cred Forums seemed to dislike it a lot in the first storytime thread. It was like King's first Batman issue all over again where the hype got out of control beforehand so a lot of people were shitting on it for not immediately blowing their minds. But now that his first Batman arc is over it's at the point where it has a modest amount of people who like it and dislike. I think Doom Patrol will turn out the same. It's not a blatantly shitty issue, it's just not one that's meant to stand on its own it seems.

At any rate, I think the lesson here is that the Cred Forums hype-backlash timeclock has nearly reached a crescendo. To avoid swarms of shitposting and broken expectations a book either has to come out of nowhere/no expectations (i.e. Flinstones, Vision), release nearly instantly after its announcement and thus avoid the simmering resentment bred by flooding the board with "GET HYPE" posts/threads for too long, or get lucky enough not to attract the attention of one the board's autists.

I think Batman books in general are just doomed on the autist front since we have so many that seem drawn to them (the Damianfag shitposter, the Gentry guy in the Detective Comics thread, the guy who always bitches about Batwoman, etc.) We could have a whole thread discussing why that is, though I think it basically just boils down to popularity.

To bring this rant back to Doom Patrol, I think the other Young Animal books may escape its fate. Maybe not Mother Panic; it already has the least amount of enthusiasm, and I get the feeling some well-meaning Cred Forumsmrade will waifu the main character and post too many threads trying to get people to like it and overemphasize the fact that it's technically a Batbook and unleash the floodgates for the previously mentioned Batman shitposters. The real danger for Cave Carson and Shade is that after how much Cred Forums has been hyping Young Animal in general surprised the line itself could get a dedicated group of detractors.

Best part of the issue
Niles caulder second best

Maybe a little but not much.

But holy shit im hype for dark mansion of forbidden love the 2 genres the cca hurt the most together in a big 2 comic.

I wish I shared your optimism for Deadman...

Is Niles doing some bullshit or what, man
His keyboard made a fly noise. Is it somehow connected to what's going on with Cliff? My money says yes.

I misread that as dank memes of forbidden lels

Its time you take a break

A major conceit of the plot is a super power that a very specific character has.


It was good for being just the good issue, faggot. Holy shit what did you people expect in the first issue, to be the GOAT comic? Give it some time

What the fuck, did she just kill the guy just like that and Casey gave no fucks?

Shit, I didn't notice Flex Mentallo, the Man of Muscle Mystery, was in this comic.

He isn't directly in issue one, same with Jane, the black kid, and Larry.

Jane was implied to be the subway car, in some fashion, but that's not confirmed, and the black kid was mentioned directly, as his dad seems to work with Casey.

He allegedly will be in the comic later

This is a prettyy good summation.

The characterization is good, but there's so much non sequitur and setup that it's hard to tell how things are going to develop.

He is. Who else do you think Casey's and Sam's mysterious new dispatcher, 'Em' is?