Will it even be half as good as The Brave and The Bold?

Will it even be half as good as The Brave and The Bold?

It would be pretty hard to top Brave and the Bold.

>Muh sidekicks
It's SJW garbage

I wish there was Green Lantern and Flash with Trinity.

you got a green guy and a guy who looks like a lantern is that close enough

We're getting Hawkman, Plastic Man, Shazam and Space Cabbie


>>Hawkman : What version?
>>Plastic Man : I like this one. I hope they write it not too much annoying or like a total morron.
>>Shazam : Please don't make him too much an anooying child. Billy can act mature when he want.
>> Space Cabbie : Shit

>Hawkman : What version?
>In space
>fighting The Main Man
I'm assuming Thanagarian space cop

Kill yourself, parasite

>yfw we get Alan Scott and Jay Garrick

I want Wally West and Kyle Rayner

I'd even take Simon or Jessica, anyone but Hal or John again

I like the colors

>These MEN are your friends, Diana?
>More like sidekicks, mother.
Why does every single DC cartoon make Diana into an asshole? Who does that appeal to? She's supposed to be nice. What's wrong with nice? Not EDGY enough? Fuck this show.


BATB was the best DC adaptation ever so no. JLA isn't even character or plot oriented. It's closer to Fleischer Superman: 10 minute action shorts.

Are you implying it's a bad thing?

Also, it's doing some multi-episode arcs. The first one is a Halloween one with the Demons Three.

I never thought BatB was really that good, the lack of an overarching story made it kind of boring unless you really give a shit about EVERY D-list character.

it's something we won't be able to discuss on here along side Luke Cage because of the trolls


>that one Cred Forums poster so triggered by the Wonder Woman line that he rushes into any thread about this show and cries about it within the first five posts

this is why we wanted Cred Forums out of here but everyone was to pre-occupied on splitting comics and cartoons and trying to shove Cred Forums on one them

Whatever came out of that? I remember majority wanted to remove Cred Forums and wanted to keep cartoons.

I don't think anythings ever going to come out of it, I remember the one guy thinking that putting Anime and Cartoons and Comics and Manga into one board was a good idea

Why are you this much of a delicate flower? Who hurt you as a child that you get this bent out of shape over one line? Was it your momma? Did she do anything bad to you?

A superhero board is a fantastic idea.

Nigga, I just want adaptations to stop making Wonder Woman act like an asshole. Is that really so much to ask? In her own book, she's calm, friendly, and a bit stern. She will almost always attempt to talk down an enemy before resorting to violence, and she is compassionate to a fault.

But so many people have this image of her as a surly, violent jerk who loves to cut people's heads off. Does the public prefer that? Is that really what you people want from your heroes? For them to be hateful monsters? Come the fuck ON.

If it's even half as good as brave and the bold then it'll be a success.

I'm worried about the 11 minute run time though

I wish there was a Flash & GL team up cartoon or at least a Flash TAS with extended flash family

in what way?

I got the feeling she was saying that to appease her mother.

you know, leader of the island of 'FUCKING MEN REEEEEEEEEE'.

>I got the feeling she was saying that to appease her mother.
Hell no. If this was being written competently, she would told Hippolyta to be nice. She's not her mom's bitch, so she has no reason to appease her.

That line is simply an indication of shit writing that happens with all adaptations of the character.

>all adaptations
My goodness, did you just criticize JLU?

Did I just criticize Justice League Unlimited? The show that convinced an entire generation that Diana is Princess No Fun Allowed? The show where even the creators admitted they had no idea what to do with the character because they didn't bother to do any research on her at any point? Why yes, yes I did. What of it?

60's Superman was 7 minutes per episode and that was awesome. Just takes good writers to make proper stories in a small amount of time.

Mods should just permaban that guy. Everyone knows he's an idiot.

>She would tell hippolyta to be nice
This is not a fan fiction.

Right on cue, autism is a hell of a drug.

>fan fiction
I'm talking about the fucking comics, dipshit. She never does this kind of limp-wristed capitulating to mommy dearest's bullshit in the books.

I wouldn't mind that if you took anime out of the mix.
I've been to Cred Forums; I've seen what those people are like.

>Most likely just a cute little line under the context of WW using Themyscira's ignorance of the outside world matters to gloat & showboat her involvement with the JL as well as appease Hippolyta's bias towards men to begin with.

How Cred Forums responds

>Swamp Thing in a cartoon again


Eat a fat one. What I hate is poor characterization and shit writing.

And there is nothing cute about that line. It's a terrible line that only serves to highlight the impending bullshit we'll have to put up with in this show. This is going to be yet another adaptation that turns Diana into some douchebag radfem, and judging by the presence of that FUCKING sword and shield, it's going to make her a violent stab crazy radfem at that.

It's just one guy. Everyone else knows it's a joke and even makes variations on it with Batman, GL, etc.

Are you telling me that if you were introducing Superman and Batman to someone for the first time, you wouldn't introduce them as your sidekicks?

Hell no. I'm not a a fucking asshole, and neither is Diana.

>even makes variations on it with Batman, GL, etc.
Pardon? No I don't. I don't give a shit about Batman or Green Lantern. And they didn't have any stupid bullshit in the trailer anyway.

First off, watch your mouth. Secondly, . After that, Diana's just being cheeky.

To everyone else ITT, I'm looking forward to this firestorm.

>Diana's just being cheeky.
Diana is not 'cheeky'. She's an ambassador who avoids saying stupid insensitive bullshit. Read a fucking book.

Yeah Firestorm is cool. I wonder how strong they'll make him though.

Good, stay buttmad.

This is tumblr levels of sensitive.

She's not an ambassador in every incarnation of the character, you turd, go read more comics.

>insensitive bullshit
LMAO, I am sure Batman and Superman aren't triggered pussies who cry about every little thing like you do.

>She's not an ambassador in every incarnation of the character, you turd, go read more comics.
Yes she is. In every single incarnation, she is the envoy of the Amazons, the shining symbol of her people who is tasked with fostering relations between both worlds. That is her thing, and always has been. Fuckin' casual.

>LMAO, I am sure Batman and Superman aren't triggered pussies who cry about every little thing like you do.
It doesn't fucking matter, you goddamned moron. It's fucking rude and degrading. It's not something an ambassador should say, and it's damn sure not something an alleged friend should say.

fuck off, what happens to the people that don't read anything superheroic,

>I'm not a a fucking asshole
continues to shitpost and tries to derail every JLA thread since the trailer

There's always one of them in every DC thread, whether it be comics, movies, live action adaptations, shows, anything.

>not something an alleged friend should say
You don't have any friends do you ?

What I don't understand is why you people keep defending this crap. You went absolutely APESHIT over the mansplaining line, yet you're okay with this? I thought you idiots hated obnoxious radfem shit as much as I do. That was the one thing we had in common. I swear, you're just defending that awful line to be contrarian. Fuck you.

Because that was clearly feminist bullshit while this is something friends do all the time, you would know if you had any

>friends are constantly being complete cunts to each other
I've had friends. They didn't do this because they're not vile pieces of shit. Real life is not Cred Forums, retard.

>I've had friends.


People call this place Cred Forumsmblr for all the wrong reasons.

>They didn't do this because they're not vile pieces of shit
Nah, they didn't do this to you because you would have a autism attack if anyone said means words to you

You can't banter with them without getting bent out of shape over it, then they aren't really your friends. My friends and I banter and bust each other's balls all the time, and don't get triggered like a bunch of oversensitive pussies, cause it's just humor and we each know that we don't mean it.

Trips don't lie.
At the very least it was a completely unnecessary line.

>you would have a autism attack if anyone said means words to you
Yes, I'm very sensitive to mean words, which is why I'm on Cred Forums, famous for its civility.

>appease muh mother
>insult the most powerful being and the most dangerous man on the planet
So, you're trying to say that she's retarded is what you're doing?

You sure got triggered rather easily by a simple banter though

You're intentionally ignoring the actual problem. That being that a line like that is seriously out of character, and probably indicative of some obnoxiously bad writing in the show overall.

Diana doesn't talk down to friends or loved ones, not even as a joke. Because she's nice. Or at least she's supposed to be. Apparently everyone but me LIKES the idea of Wonder Woman being a total bitch.

Who cares. It looks ugly and neither are DCAU canon.

Yea, it comes off a bit immature, which is retarded, considering who we're talking about.

The DCAU was bad. You'll realize that when you're older.