This episode

>this episode

Would you ever get plastic surgery Cred Forums?

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...I thought this only had a pilot episode?

There's two seasons, the second which was canceled unfortunately.

I've thought about it but I'm worried what would happen with age. Besides super heroes don't get plastic surgery

I got a chin implant. I hated having a weak ass facial profile. I can never play sports or get in a fight for fear I'll get struck there. It ached slightly for about 6 months afterwards. I have a tiny scar that you can't see through the beard anyway.
The effect it had on my confidence was overwhelming. It improved my looks significantly and I feel like i can handle anything. I got it put in about 3 years ago and have zero regrets. wouldenhanceagain/10

You are a dumb faggot who wasted money for the sake of vanity while there are people starving in the world.

You could have invested. You could have bought a boat. You could have made a difference. Instead you decided to be a laughable ponce with a fake chin.

nice dubs.

>I've thought about this too

Time to get augmented

Yeah, how dare him use his hard earned cash to improve his life and make himself happier. What an ungodly selfish asshole!

>for the sake of vanity
I hope you don't buy clothes or drive a car that isn't a beater

get out of here kid, men with chins are talking

What happens if you're struck there? won't it just move out of place then move back?

It wouldn't necessarily move back, but it would hurt like hell, I'm assuming.

Do it senpai. It cost a boat load but once I saw my own before photos, I was stunned by how weak my chin was. In every other aspect I look great, but that profile was depressing; the whole package let down by one feature. i did alright without a strong chin, had a few girlfriends, got married to an 8/10, successful career etc. but now I am the man everyone thought I was.

It's a hard silicone implant, feels as firm as bone to the touch. It's surgically stapled to my actual chin. If it were struck hard enough it could dislodge, in which case it would 'float' around under my skin until it could get stapled back int place. Doc said it's take a lot to do it, but football is right out of the question.

>there are people starving in the world
lmao as if you care

Yes. Selfish. You used it facetiously but that's exactly what he did. He took his money and used it in a selfish way. He used it in a vain way.

He could've done something substantial. He could've dome something important. He used his money in the vainest, most selfish, most ineffectual way imaginable.

It's his money. He earned it. He can use it the way he wants to use it. And he used it to be a selfish, vain asshole with a laughable plastic chin.

I wear simple, cheap clothes and drive a practical, economic car because I am not a cunt.

He's on the same tier as a woman who buys a 500-dollar pair of jeans and expects to be taken seriously as a human being.

But he's not actually using up other people's resources right? I don't understand how it's selfish unless he got it for free

Great Cred Forumsmblr imitation bro.

>having a weak chin
>when you have to take photos at super specific angles to even look human
this is the worst

>got married to a 8/10
I'm down, thanks for the encouragement Cred Forumsfriend

Check mate

>But he's not actually using up other people's resources right?

No, he's just using his own resources in a remarkably stupid way. That can also be ridiculed.

>I don't understand how it's selfish unless he got it for free
>Selfish = lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

How is it only selfish if he got it for free? You're saying legally earned money can't be used for selfish reasons? That he perhaps got plastic surgery out of concern for others? Fuck this guy and fuck his plastic face.

>drive a car
lol Americans I swear

If you get plastic surgery and you're not a burn victim or something then you're a retard. You could've bought a goddamn car.

You seriously come to Cred Forums to preach your self righteous bullshit? Fuck outta here, get off that high horse of yours.

You seriously come to Cred Forums and expect not to be called a retard for spending thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery? Fuck outta here, get that dildo out of your ass.

Well Cred Forums?

>The effect it had on my confidence was overwhelming. It improved my looks significantly and I feel like i can handle anything.

Just remember to refuse any friend request from austrian wannabe painters.
And limit hands movements while speaking in public.

>You could've bought a goddamn car.
I already own two cars.

I feel so much more confident. Like I'm in charge of my own life. Like I'm free now.

The second one because I've already seen the nutshack three times

You could've owned three, now you've just got two cars and a scar-ridden assface that can only be hidden by a beard.

>thanks for the encouragement Cred Forumsfriend
Anytime pham. Best five grand I ever spent, you won't regret it.

>you won't regret it

Unless you ever need five grand for something important.

Who needs three cars?

who hurt you m8?

People here buy worse things like dragon dildoes and horse-pussy flesh lights, and here you are, throwing a bitch fit over some guy with a plastic chin. You're probably a poorfag who can't afford a penis enlargement surgery.

I better start liking moeshit, because there's no way I'm passing up the opportunity to meet Tito Dick "Dickman", baby.

Who needs a fake chin?

A car can drive me places. A car can do things. A cars serves an objective purpose. A car is a well-made machine.

A fake chin is just a fake chin.

Could've bought a boat. Could've built a new room onto your house. Could've bought almost a thousand Subway five-dollar footlongs. Could've covered your food budget for years.

and floppies and $200 DC collectible statues

>False equivalencies

>People here buy worse things like dragon dildoes and horse-pussy flesh lights

They are also retards.

>You're probably a poorfag who can't afford a penis enlargement surgery.

If I was a rich man I'd put aside enough money to live the rest of my life in comfort and spend the rest on things other than fake chins and dildos. Would be the bad guy from Jojo part 4 with only a fraction of the homicidal tendencies.

>Who needs a fake chin?

I did. The one nature gave me was weak as fuck and left me lacking confidence. 5K and an inch of silicone later and I am a much happier person. Whatever that may say about me as a person, for good or ill, doesn't make me any less happy.

How in the fuck is it a false equivalence? It's describing separate things you can do with similar amounts of money. Money is used for goods and services. Money is a variable.

It is absolutely not false equivalence to compare paying money to get plastic surgery vs. paying money to do something that isn't fucking stupid.

This gut sounds like he's loaded from his posts. He's got two cars, and probably more material wealth than I'll ever amass in my life. These type of people can afford to waste money on seemingly useless luxuries like chins and stuff

>I did.

Nah, bitch, you wanted one because of confidence issues and you spent 5k on silicone for a goddamn placebo.

>Would be the bad guy from Jojo part 4 with only a fraction of the homicidal tendencies.


It worked.
Plus my chin is measurably bigger. My face looks more aesthetically pleasing. It literally made me more attractive. Money well spent, I reckon.

Motherfucker, I don't care how rich you are. He could be a millionaire or he could've taken out a loan from the mafia. A waste of money is a waste of money.

If you get plastic surgery and you're not a burn victim who repulses people with the sight of your face then you are a faggot and I will never acknowledge your chin as legitimate.

Fuck rich people who spend their money like retards. You could've been Nick Cage or Keanu Reeves but you had to go ahead and be Mike Tyson in his prime.

>spend the rest on things other than fake chins and dildos.
For example?

>I will never acknowledge your chin as legitimate
But'll never know if it's real or not

>It literally made me more attractive

Physical attraction is subjective and you used the word literally wrong.

Could've used that money for a quality education and here you are on Cred Forums with a poor understanding of the English language and a chin made out of 80% Pamela Anderson.

>Physical attraction is subjective
Sure is, and I subjectively judge myself to be more attractive to look at post surgery, and consequently my confidence has improved, resulting in me handling many real life situations more successfully than I would have before. It's hard to put a dollar value on that feel, but if I had to, 5K doesn't seem too bad.

>watching the episode
>testicle fillings

Do those really exist?


Fuck, dude, that's more frivolous than a fake chin. At least the chin is an attempt at improving one's facial attractiveness, which is something everybody wants.

Unless you're in certain lines of work, a boat is literally nothing but a status symbol. Pure conspicuous consumption.

>this much cosmetic hate

I guess you hate Cyborg, Robotman, Wolverine and Cap too - because apparently enhancements are for faggots

>user begins punching every large-chinned man in said chin every time he's out in public from now on

Congrats, you've helped create a super-villain.

What would be his super villain name?

Glass Jaw?



Lantern Breaker

The Anti-Chin



All jaw based, not chin based.

so 90's

stan leeesque


>That feel when long chin and actually planning on getting it shaved

I wish we could just trade.

The Cleft-omaniac.


Tito Chin "Chinman" baby

Me too, tell me about it - I look like the god damn moon

It's not so painfully obvious, but when I take a photo it looks fifty times worse for some reason. It'd just help me not be so camera shy.

>tfw I look like a white male Ellen Pao
Just end it

So would this guy be the Crimson Chin's archenemy?

Well, Mr. Chin-Puncher user has admitted that he'd spend the money some would use on plastic surgery on all manner of status-enhancing materialistic possessions, instead. A boat, another car, etc etc etc, it was all more mostly useless status symbols.

So as a Super-Celebrity with the power of Super-Celebrity, the Crimson Chin would make the PERFECT archenemy for him, as someone who inherently possesses a near-limitless 'amount' of status and adoration that Mr. Chin-Puncher so deeply craves.

That, and the chin.

It's almost eerie how perfectly it fits.

Nice trips


>there are people starving in the world
Fuck them.

I spam this at every second+ generation Asian American who bitches about lack of representation. Doesn't matter that Filipinos are more Mexican than they are Asian. It gets the point across.

It had two seasons.

Fucking starving people doesn't stop them from starving... unless we are talking about prostitution in trade for food in which case that would stop them from starving.
YOU'RE A GENIUS, user! You just solved world hunger!

You don't have a chin, do you?

>A cars serves an objective purpose.
I think it's time for the test.

Which of these two shows did you prefer?

It was the one on the right, wasn't it?

>Physical attraction is subjective
But it's based on the subjective opinion of other people, not yourself. And 99% of the world considered a weak chin unattractive.

>you could have made the difference
>implying he could
>implying it matters

Let the guy enjoy the little time he has in this life, you should do the same.


Nah, it can't do the one thing I would actually want to get(bump benis up by 3 to ten inches because muh autism). Everything else lacking with me, appearance wise, I can fix with diet and exercise.

I ain't fucking no starving African. I might get AIDS