ITT: Good Transgender Portrayals

>The best media for MtF since Transparent is in a shitty flash cartoon

Explain this Cred Forums

>this much racism in a show

I can't believe this was on tv

Why is it that when there is a trans in media, it's always a MtF and never a FtM while both are statisticaly equivalent irl ?

Is a single shitposter posting about the nutshack over and over, or is it now an ironic meme?

You could say the same about the tomboy / tomgirl disparity.

How is it racist? It's literally aimed at Filino-Americans. It's worked on by Filipino-Americans.

'Racism' is often confused with 'Media that is not directed at white people'.


>the super fruity white landlord being shrill throughout the theme song
>not racist

I am white and I don't think it's racist. It, in no way, implies that white people are inferior to any other race. Therefore, not racist.

Fruity old white guys exist and representing them in media is not racist.

Have you ever had a landlord? Btw it's a Jewish stereotype user


That's not what it's called, and I'm pretty sure Chris-chan invented that term.

MtF are fucking psychotic. FtM actually transition and move on with their lives.

>General Generalizations reporting for duty

Blaze from Jem and the Holograms. Ten points for the original artist, Sophie Campbell, being a trans woman herself. She's left the team though, to work on her own comics.

Were people on here mad that Tedd is genderfluid? I must have missed any threads about it.

I've never seen a MTF that wasn't a raving lunatic.


Perhaps because all the crazy ones are extremely vocal? While the sane ones have also moved on with their lives?


There's only but so many trannies, mate. They barely even register as a statistic.

what happened to that awful xartoon that was "starring" some tranny voice actoress


I have a weird feeling that it somehow has to do with more people wanting to fuck a chick with a dick that a guy with a vag.


PJ Maybe

>not pic related being the most accurate mtf transition

Completely anecdotal but I have to agree. Two of my best friends were trans. The MtF eventually lost IT'S damn mind and lashed out on a wholly supportive family and group of friends.

Complete opposite with the FtM. He came out of an abusive family and aside from a little 'tism got his shit together and now has a successful job... and I also want to fuck the shit out of him

"bruh lemme fuck that puss"

Hey bro can I just stick it in real quick? No homo of course

This one?
It was a scam that failed to rake in enough money to actually make the fucking thing.

I've always had a tomboy thing and I know it's totally wrong of me but yeah, pretty much how I'd ask if I did. The semi frequent massage requests don't help and before you say he's asking for it, I've dealt with the tism romantically and they tend to be really oblivious as to what may be interpreted as a sign.

If they weren't a complete lunatic, how would you know they're MtF? Women don't generally announce "Hey, I used to have a penis!" out loud. Only the lunatics do.

>filipinos are racist against themselves
truly, they are the strongest race.

Anyone can notice a MtF.

Trixie from MLP

I'm not watching your stupid Nutshack cartoon no matter how hard you viral market it.


Woah it's a good thing you wrote "IT'S" in capital letters, otherwise I'd have no idea you hate the chick.

This. There are tons of males who wants tranny ass but no one really wants ftm except some bi men.
I saw it countless times in hentai tags, even if he is the inventor, it is widespread use.


Aside from being an all around great character there is an interesting angle since s/he transitioned back, but still expresses the desire to be female. Of course it is a little difficult to tell what is truth with Gathers.

The only trans friends I've had were all FtM and they were all assholes

no alice?


>calling you a cis guy unironically