What if South Park does a Cred Forums/Pepe episode?

What if South Park does a Cred Forums/Pepe episode?

It's kind of inevitable at this point

What if they did a chocolate rain episode or a numa numa episode?
Would we have won?

Then it means they really are desperate for anything and need to end the show. Hasn'tbeen good since Imagination Land

We have these threads every fucking season. It's not going to happen, it's never going to happen you egotistical piece of shit.

Pretty much, if it didn't happen in season 19 it will never happen.

I mean.... do you not remember when they did that?

"Canada on Strike" from Season 12 had all the YouTube memes battling each other. Numa Numa, Chocolate Rain, Sneezing Panda, Chris Crocker, Afro Ninja, Dramatic Chipmunk, Laughing Baby, Tron Guy etc. all fought to the death.

In fairness, they're doing this thing with little girls being harassed online and covering the election. With Pepe and Cred Forums being in the news with direct relation to Hillary because of the guy who yelled out "Pepe" during her alt-right speech.

If ever there was a chance of them doing it, this would be the time.

>With Pepe and Cred Forums being in the news

A couple of minutes on a cable news channel trying to fill up time is not "in the news" no matter how much Cred Forums wants to feel more important than it actual is, the rest of the world doesn't care.

Newfriend detected. Cred Forums being on the news is not a new development.

Are you 12?

I'm aware that it isn't and that the news is hardly being considered huge, but having it fit this well with what South Park is about to spend a whole fucking season covering hasn't happened before.

>tfw you'll never get a (you) from South Park chracters


The way they do it if they do it would reveal what board they lurk.

I used to be particularly interested in a particular cartoon that became popular for a while. There was a rumor that there would be a south park episode about said show. It out course didn't happen but we still considered it "inevitable"

How did you cure yourself of being a horsefucker?

>A couple of minutes on a cable news channel trying to fill up time
Have you not been watching the last couple days? CNN and MSNBC are pushing this "Pepe is secretly a White Nationalist symbol" thing and they've been pushing it HARD.

Christ Rachel Maddow had like a 20 minute long segment of her show the other day dedicated to ranting about it like a fucking lunatic.

'Member THIS episode?

10 minutes niggers

Normies had been wearing Guy Fawkes masks for years when they made that

>every season we gather around to discuss how South Park will totally do this thing and that thing and will talk about Cred Forums
>Even tough it never happens

Matt furie will make a lot of money

There's MLP dolls in Wendy and Bebe's rooms