Happy Batman Day, Cred Forums!
Batman Day
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to bad Cred Forums kinda hates batman
is this a real thing? I just bought my first graphic novel today and it was batman
Batman is cool. Does he use chemicals and special magic martial arts again? What's taking so long for them to bring him back to how he used to be? I miss the crazy stuff he'd do. People always forget that he's a scientist, martial artist, detective, and crimefighter.
Alan Grant captured this aspect of Batman so well. Plus his Batman was a great mix of cyncism, brutality, humor and smarts.
Best hero day.
Well I don't think he should be cynical. He should believe that his war has some purpose. Maybe he can be cynical half-way, and then regain his optimism later. I guess it depends on the story.
>go on Amazon to pick up some trades cause figure sales
>sales are literally only for the Kindle Editions
Digital was a mistake.
And happy birthday to me!
Thats beyond dumb
>Cred Forums not paying homage to Batgod
You people are going to bring the wrath down upon us.
I kinda dig that Scarecrow design, but I feel it probably wouldn't work outside of Cooke's art style.
Agree. While his Batman run didn't have that many "important" or "game changing" events, it was one of the most solid runs that didn't have to go out of character and over the top just to make an impression (yeah, fuck you Morrison).
Morrison's Batman is great because of its awareness of the different incarnations Batman has had.
It begins with a siege on an art gallery by Talia's Man-Bat commandoes for crying out loud.
What is it about Batman that inspires so much great illustration?
Congrats, Batman.
You should celebrate. Maybe take your parents out for din--oh.
It could've worked as some sort of Earth One/Elseworlds or just a separate line like All Star. As it is, it fucking ruined the character and now he's an all powerful Batgod and everything he faces has to be a world ending threat.
Fuck that shit.
I don't mind that Batman, but I just wish that we at least had someplace for just down to earth Batman stories. I thought that's what we'd be getting in Detective Comics with rebirth, but it seems that it's going to be a team book for the time being. Honestly, I wouldn't mind Detective Comics becoming sort of like Legends of the Dark Knight with just random Bat tales taking place in different parts of the continuity.
>While his Batman run didn't have that many "important" or "game changing" events
That's one of the things I like about it. Good stories, not a gimmicky soap opera.
Since Morrison, it feels like Batman barely does any vigilante and detective work in Gotham. I liked that about Gran'ts run (and others of course) now it's just Gotham burning down every other tuesday. Except the odd issue of 'Tec or cold opening, when was the last time he busted drug circles? Or dismantled gun running operations or took down a serial killer? I don't remember. Now it's just one over the top super-villain story/huge plot to take down the Bat all the time.
Not even counting Year One or TDKR, the 80's and early 90's were the best time for Batman.
My first batman was george clooney's movie and as a 10 years old t was awesome as fuck
Why hasn't this guy been banned yet?
Speaking of which, what are some good and recent (Let's say the last 5 years) Batman detective stories?
Inb4 butthurt Morrison-fags
I liked Buccellato and Manapul's Icarus. It's about Batman taking down a drug operation and getting involved in a gang war which involves the previously mentioned drug.
Yeah, I know. I loved those little stories he did like the one about the trash. His Batman (as in the character) was great and Grant really knew how to bring up the human aspect both in Batman himself as in the villains.
But even with events like Knightfall and No Man's Land, you could see Batman working at a street level, trying to keep the city as safe as he could, whether it was against the Joker, or just a bunch of opportunist random goons.
Of course, one has to take in account the contemporary social climate for the comics. Back then, street crime and drugs were getting pretty bad and it was what everybody was worried about, or at least that was what the media made you feel like. Nowadays it's all about international terrorism so in that respect, it makes sense that most threats are about blowing up a whole city and shit. There isn't a war against crime or even a war against drugs anymore, it's all about the war against terrorism and that permeates into the comics.
I just wish somebody would bring Batman to street level again, but it's gonna be hard.
True, true. a lot of Batman's villains have become more like terrorists rather than gangsters, organized crime bosses and bank robbers. Take Snyder's Joker for example.
Or just look at Snyder's Bloom villain who, as you say, is a terrorist and operates on that level. Signs of the time as you say.
Then you have shit like Batman Eternal where even Carmine Falcone and Penguin engage in a gang war that more or less amounts more to terrorism than gang warfare.
That said, look at cities like Baltimore, Detroit or Chicago, they still have these street crimes and I think Bat-stories focusing on that stuff would still be relevant.
Yeah, I'm not saying it can't be done but I don't see it happening soon, at least not until the social climate changes.
I hope I'm wrong though.
No seriously. What am I missing about today that has to do with Batman?
>Since Morrison
So basically just Snyder?
Has to be the most overrated character in existence with the most consistently toxic fanbase imaginable.
It's purely a marketting thing that DC does every year where there are a bunch of sales on Batman crap. It would have made a lot more sense to have it in May, but I'm sure the sales people decided that September would make the most money.
This is why cartoons needs their own board.
Or mods can DO THEIR JOB?
Wouldn't be surprised at all if it was a mod that even made that post.
Not that guy, but I'd say this includes Morrison as well.
You keep setting up those strawpolls, I'll keep voting against it.
Why isn't this a sticky?
So how does Cred Forums like their Batman
>Tacticool operative with a great arsenal of gadgets and equipment
>Mythical creature of the night in noir detective stories
Probably my favourite version is the hyper violent and edgy Goddamn Batman. I mean, Batman is kind of on the edge between people he fights and people he protects. Too sane for the crazy, too crazy for the sane. He is his own escapist character, he isn't just doing it to make Gotham better, he gets off on it.
Another reason is that the for all the threats, the absolute worst the traditional good Batman can do to a crook is punch them to the face really hard and break a couple of bones. After some time criminals are ought to stop being afraid. In telltale game, for example, there's a choice to impale Falcone on a metal spike in front of live cameras, that's the Batman criminals will be genuinely afraid of.
Campy Bat with overpowered gadgets, chemicals, powders, sprays, and fighting styles.
fuck batman
Wow that post is terrible.
the post is literally true.
fuck batman
I didn't even know it was batman day until I was checking out at the local comic store and the clerk was like "Happy batman day!! Here's a free comic!!"
And I was like: "Neat!!"
if one pic makes you this mad you are a fucking fool
who the fuck colored this piece of shit? it looks like he has an erect ball sack.
I like this. Hope they show off the new mech suit soon too.
Nite owl?
JL 3 has them fight Dr. Memehattan.
Happy birthday, user.
Shut the fuck up, Boco!
Mythical creature of the night with a noir feel to them. Sprinkling in a bit of horror with the villains, but not too overboard.
Sorry, Batman.
Here, go ahead and punch me. You'll feel better.
Two-Face is the best Batman villain
post more Batman
it literally tells you on the cover. Person who does the colouring is always the third name.
fourth*, sorry user.
no one cares.
>That one time Batman visited Cred Forums