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Guarantee they'll do that somehow and then call you fags for thinking it

Then they'll be immune to criticism

Why is this hated so much? The member berries looks fucking adorable.




'member webrings?

'Member geocities?

>mfw jesus is the one making them into wine and is giving it to jews, and then it falls near christmas



'Member Kazaa?

'member when Cred Forums was love?

Member when Cred Forums didnt exist?

Member when south park didnt force their anti-semetic unennecery LOL IT WAS LE JEWS ALL ALONG! xD shit?

Last season?



member napster, winMX and direct connect?

Remember using Hamachi to fake IP connections so you could play Icewind Dale online with friends?

That fucking sucked. So did direct connect and dial-up and everything that came with it. I am not at all nostalgic for that bullshit.

'member when you weren't triggered?

Member when elections werent a fucking joke and a demagogue might win on baseless fears and racism alone?

'Member when Trump was less of a racist than Clinton?

Stop kidding yourself.

>South Park
>Anti Semetic

Have you not noticed that Kyle, the Jew is usually the voice of reason (albeit preachy), and that Cartman is usually portrayed as an idiot because of his bigotry, not in spite of it?

Wendy, the left leaning feminist is also usually shown as a voice of reason.

Yet despite this Parker and Stone fucking hate Liberals and clearly shit on them all the fucking time on their show.

South Park is actually pretty good at being neutral when you actually think about it.

>why is this hated so much?
People hated this?

I can't remember things that never happened.

Can anyone say Clinton is anything?

Besides bent as a nine-bob note.

Trumpfags are salty that Clinton didn't get shat upon as much as The Donald did in the episode, so they're nitpicking the memberberries because they objectively aren't as funny or as biting as some of South Park's older material

One element of one episode does not a marker of a decline in quality make

Parker and Stone made Garrison their Trump analogue around the time when it was still somewhat conceivable that he might not actually do it, the fucking madman and now it seems they're basically locked in with having to skewer Trump more by virtue of the fact that their Trump is a character that has been in the majority of episodes ever made, and even the focus of a few.

>Clinton didn't get shat upon as much as the donald
She's a turd sandwich, they called her a turd sandwich throughout the episode.

Almost all my criticism of Clinton just equals up to
>she's a politician

As much being the key part of that sentence.

Their shitting on "Trump" is a story arc, so far all they've done is depict Shillary in a less than flattering way and called her a Turd sandwich

>trumpfags call Trump "daddy"

These threads are just excuses for Cred Forums to shitpost off-topic.

>every Cred Forums thread lately

Because Trump is a piece of shit and a complete idiot just like his supporters, deal with it.

Hi Cred Forumsmblr

>one below average episode

Fuck you guys.

Yeah this episode was kinda bad but that doesnt mean its all gone to shit


> I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals.
Matt Stone, 2005
> Ripping on Republicans is not that fun for us only because everyone else does it
Matt Stone
>We avoid extremes but we hate liberals more than conservatives and we hate them [conservatives]
Trey Parker

They just want to make fun of everybody

>Supporting a meme politician
Stop shitposting Cred Forums you're ruining America.

what the fuck is that and why are people angry? i don't watch south park

>supporting a literal supervillain
CTR pls

>Clinton is a literal Supervillain
So I guess that means this is Cred Forums-related.

'member when Kenny died?

Member when op wasn't a faggot?

My mistake he always was one.

Who is this gay french boy?

People are eating berries that always say "Remember X? Yeah, I remember.", tying into the thousand reboots, re-imainings and sequels that get shit out lately like the new Star Wars

Maybe alsp tying into a plot where these berries are used to distract people from the election or something else.

I didnt watch the episode with the board but I looked it up later and people seemed to find it really funny up until giant douche was shown as the worse canidate and it kept going to Garrison. They said both canidates sucked but saying Garrison was worse caused a bunch to change tone.

Yes. ;_;


Often left leaning social beliefs tend to be about not hurting people and sticking up for the little guy and being respectful. On paper these are all wonderful ideas, and south park is paper, so of course it's going to have a lot of liberal voices of reason.

given some of the things these berries say, it seems the entirety of garrison's (trump / the giant douche) followers have been eating them a long time ago, garrison said that no matter what he does, he cant be hated now, and he wouldnt be able to fulfill its promises.

>'Member when there were less mexicans?

if i were to bet, the message this season is that extremist nostalgia is bad, and sometimes we must accept and embrace change, cuz some of the ideas of the past were simply horrible.

I don't like the season long storylines. I know it got good reviews last season but for me it just makes the episodes repetitive.

It's fashionable to have long ongoing story arcs on TV today, but I think South Park is much better suited to standalone episodes where nobody remembers anything unless it's funny for them to do so.


one of the worst south park episodes of all time

Since I'm sure this will be the biggest forced meme on the site for a while, might as well ask what the context is.

basically this : also, watch the episode, the keyword here is nostalgia...

>They said both canidates sucked but saying Garrison was worse caused a bunch to change tone.
Everyone who shat on this episode in advance was worried that they'd be too equivocating and middle of the road.

there is literally an episode where Cartman gets violently and graphically beaten up by Wendy for like 6 minutes
Wendy faces no real repercussions for it and is portrayed as nothing but brave
south park puts on airs of being this libertarian-centrist show that values free speech over everything else with their "we mock both sides equally" attitude, but Cartman didn't violate the NAP at all, he merely made jokes of breast cancer
how can anyone pretend South Park isn't just blatantly pandering to pseudo-intellectual leftists at this point

even looking away from that it just hasn't been fun for the last 4 seasons, it's relying on more and more pop-culture references and contemporary gimmicks in the newer episodes and it's attempt to explain how Kenny keeps reappearing killed a fundamental part of what made the show good in the first place and just illustrated the fact that nobody who worked on it to begin with is writing for them anymore.

He was in many episodes
Watch the fucking series

Cred Forums always existed, before as /new/ and /n/.

I've watched every single south park episode atleast 2 times. I know that he was in many episodes dude

Are you just now realizing that trumpfags have mental problems?

>Wendy faces no real repercussions for it
Because Cartman is an asshole and very few people like him?

he obviously was referring to the great expectations one which is the only one with Pip as a significant character you nit-picker
he's wrong though because that's one of the best episodes of all time

Sure do

Just saw that episode actually. Not enough time to grow a member berry


>People genuinely think South Park is unbiased

They made fun of global warming back when it was cool to make fun of global warming. It's a shit show and I wish Cred Forums would stop praising it like some masterpiece of modern animation when it's a soapbox on top of another soapbox.


I just watch it because I get a laugh out of it sometimes.
It gets really weird for me when I see people acting like it's the most important show on television because they said something they agree with (not really talking about Cred Forums or Cred Forums here because I kinda expect that here)

That's a fair opinion, but I think it should be noted that South Park has had an on-again, off-again love-affair with continuity over the years.

I do kinda agree tho, inasmuch as there was always a clear demarcation between the silly small town shenanigans and the faux-Hollywood overly-dramatic shenanigans. The latter made for fun multiparters, but it's hard for the show to keep a straight face, as it were, for a whole season without feeling like it maybe really DOES think it's serious and dramatic.

TL,DR: we need more scenes that set the mood with the signature South Park riff, and less that start with their digital-orchestra drama chords.

Matt and Trey hate it as well, most people who. Great Expectations in general is pretty shit.

Ooh yeah, definitely that last point. The thing that made me quit my chronological rewatch of the show was the change in soundfont. It's sometime between S10 and S15, and it's quite jarring.

You say that while liberal media is freaking out over a cartoon frog right now

Member when tumblr didn't get triggered by southpark and then came to shitpost about it here?

What does Hillary have to do with this?

it was always good.

Well she's running against the racist demagogue.




So the white males right?
Those white males always being white and male, fuck them

Cred Forums mentality has existed before the internet was even created dumbass, go back to your tumblr and write entire paragraphs about how raicyst we are instead of ruining my board with your retard opinions no one cares about

I didn't laugh once during the episode and the berries were just confusing, then cringe inducing. Last season was also a majority of miss rather than hit so if this continues, like Simpsons, I think I'll finally be done with the series.



Err... never?

SexuaLobster is still funny desu


I can't tell if you're serious or just trying to sound like cartman when he pretends to be a SJW

>Wendy faces no real repercussions for it
Because Cartman was the one in the wrong, not her.

The Breast Cancer show was done because Trey's grandmother had recently died from Breast Cancer, but also because he thought it would be funny to see Cartman struggle to get out of something. It wasn't some leftist pandering thing, they did it because it was funny.

how was cartman in the wrong


He was being a dick just to be a dick.
Even after he 'beat' her, he wouldn't stop.
Beating him up was the only option or he'd never let up.


Turd sammich.
Also... I've been outta the loop 4 awhile... when did Garisson return to relative maleness?

I'm afraid it's been...eight years

Since when is being a dick worth getting your ass handed to you in front of all your friends and being humiliated?

South Park is that last thing I could see trying to push a "not everything is a joke" angle, since to them, literally everything is a joke. Who are they to tell me what is "too far"?

They weren't saying that at all.
That was just Wendy's reasoning behind kicking the shit out of him, it was the only way to get him to stop messing with her.

There wasn't any message about breast cancer or anything, they just did it because it was funny.
Seeing Cartman do all this crazy shit just to get out of the mess he got himself in was funny. There's no deeper meaning behind it.

The episode just upsets you because you self-insert as him and the idea of a girl kicking your ass triggers you.

It's that true or are you fooling?




yeah, it was half of the episodes of last season

Everyone but trump is a meme though.

Trump transcends memes.

Yes. Also, Pepe is a white nationalist symbol and Cred Forums is a hacker who blows up vans.

>All this time you thought Trump was a Meme
>He was actually the shitposter

Pretty sure that episode was more about making fun of Al Gore clinging to global warming in order to stay relevant than global warming itself.

>it would be funny to see Cartman struggle to get out of something.
And he was right. That was hilarious.

When every scene at the school starts with the same music cues as the scenes in Washington or wherever-the-fuck, it makes you wonder just what, if anything, you're supposed to be invested in. It used to seem like the theme of the show was "small town life contrasted with the cultural zeitgeist of the time, showing that people are really only affected by _insert news story here_ because they dwell on it." So the cutting between the rising scare chords and idiotic adults freaking the fuck out, to comfy, folksy chords and kids just being kids in school was a big part of the humor. It put the "serious" plots in perspective, so you laughed at them. Nowadays EVERYTHING is treated dramatically, which throws off the whole yin-yang of the show.

>Since when is being a dick worth getting your ass handed to you in front of all your friends and being humiliated?
...you're not American, are you user? It's cool if not, I'm just curious.

No, they went on record (in the commentary IIRC) as not believing in global warming. They even made fun of it in other episodes! I remember one where some organization, I forget which but y'know your stock "uppity librul do-gooders" SP strawmen, was trying to promote green awareness in South Park and there was a conversation that almost literally went like
>My dad is a scientist, and he says there's no such thing as global warming.
>NO! *music and speech become stereotypical hypnotizing effect* The REPUBLICANS are trying to kill you aaaall! The REPUBLICANS!

And in the Goobacks episode, there's that whole digression at the meeting where one redneck suggests using global warming to stop the future, and the lead redneck goes
>Goddamnit Todd you're so fucking retarded! Even IF global warming was real, which all reliable scientific evidence says it is not, it would take millions of years to start an Ice Age!
>I-I was just trying to help...
>Yeah, well how bout you help yourself to a SCIENCE textbook next time, ya fuckin' retard!

How was it confusing? It was a pretty apt metaphor on how obsessing about nostalgia too much is like abusing a drug, and for when nostalgia goes sour it becomes troubling.

dude. its Cartman.
He deserved it.

But it's better than ever now


Getting gay with kids is here!

No foolies

fuck you, the latest episode is fucking glorious. one of the funniest and most redpilled epsiodes in a long time



You mean now?

>mfw jesus is the one making them into wine and is giving it to jews,
>jesus is the one making them into wine
>into wine
>Nostalgic people love to whine about how things aren't how they used to be.

Holy shit; you found this season's punchline before it ended, user


They're sour grapes right? That's the metaphor being used, correct?

That's the prevailing interpretation. Coupled with the theory that Gerald's wine is either made from or laced with memberberries, fermented nostalgia turns you into a stormfag.

Top 10 worst SP eps:

1.) The Night Of
2.) The City Part of Town
3.) Cartman Finds Love
4.) Faith Hilling
5.) Raisins
6.) The 2 Goth Kids centric-eps (I couldn't decide which was better or worse)
7.) Member Berries
8.) Last of the Meheicans
9.) Crippled Summer
10.) Going Native

>Not liking City Part of Town or the Goth Kid's episodes.
>Listing any of those instead of Ginger Cow

>Since when is being a dick worth getting your ass handed to you in front of all your friends and being humiliated?

You mean last Wednesday?

I know this is really late, but god damn this poster is the most retarded fucker alive.

Back in the early 2000s most people didn't believe in global warming, either.
Now most people have been educated and convinced otherwise, including them, so what's the problem? It's okay to be wrong sometimes.

What a shitty list, Jackovosaur isn't even on there and a lot of those episodes are great.


More like (((educated))). Global warming is actually climate change, and man's contribution to it is probably smaller than you believe it to be.

Please, do enlighten me as to why all the scientific evidence pointing otherwise is probably incorrect.

Member teen titans?

Member teen titans

Unless Milo Yianno-whatever is representative of them, no.