/sug/ - Steven Universe General

Lil Peanut Edition

Last Thread: >Onion Gang:
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>Last One Out Of Beach City:
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>Weekly airing schedule (click to the right of the logo, times in EST)

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Here we go.

Someone requested pearl and lapiz chocking each other.


Peridot is cute, CUTE!!!!

It's hot.

Going to have these 4 pics framed

What gem would be the most fun to fug?


Lappy makes me happy

I wana fug Lapis
but I think Peri would be more fun


you're right it's damn hot
>unzips dick


>Not mixing it up

Garnet, freaky fusion fug

Peri would be alot of fun

you could bounce her on your dong while standing up due to her small body

Sweater Lap


We're back, baby!

Cozy Lappy



I don't know what to post anymore




could i request something?


I have bad news everyone, Im Steven


>>You have been visited by the Merchant user of lesbian space rock merchandise. You will be blessed with high quality Chinese merchandise and lesbian space rocks, but ONLY if you post "Good luck, Merchant user!" in this thread.

Well, I hope we manages to sell some Pokemon GO Plus accessories and some SU merch today!

Good luck, Merchant user!

holy fuck!

>Go to Hell Steven


post any funny comics

I want to chuckle

Any news about Gem Harvest?

>it's another ronaldo episode


>user what is that behind your back, please don't hide things from me

what do

Armstrong. think of all those hands carressing you everywhere while you explore each others bodies.


it's a jamie episode


Is that you armstrong fag?


I don't like that gif.


its a "horror story" airing on~ Halloween


>pulls out the dragon dildo i bought for amethyst

Knowing CN's track record for keeping SU fans informed during hiatuses, we're not going to know jack shit for quite a while yet.


So, Gem Harvest is supposed to air on thursday, right?

It might be...

I wish Peri ended up like this. I like what we got, but still.

It's too shite for anyone to want to color it.

Hows life me matey?


it sounds like a season finale desu
remember when CN's website led us to believe that Gem Drill was going to be one of the next three episodes, but really it was like 15 episodes down the road?

>tfw We still aren't in the fall yet
>tfw even if we do get a hiatus it may only be for a couple of weeks

Depending on Sugar/CN's versions of "Fall" we may be coming back sooner then you think.


part 2

Mischievous gremlin peridot would have been fun. Would have given her a chance to mess with townies. What could have been.

>how Jailbreak could have ended

Sure, but i might not draw it

She's already this insufferable.

What would have happened after that tho?


This is how it should have ended.
Jasper either makes haste and retreats.
Or she is bubbled there.
Lapis did NOT need to extend the plot of that by 9 months.


>there exists a timeline where we have jasper lapis and peridot in the intro


Could you draw Pearl doing simple gardening stuffs while steven helps?

Screenshot for the title card

I guess the writers wanted to drag that plot out for so long. Seriously, even without Lapis it was 3 vs 1. There's no way Jasper would've won.

Peridot's arc with lapis' help of course.

What moment or episode killed you? Pic related is probably in my top 3

Reminder that this will never happen because the crewniverse has shit taste


Pretty good, just working and having fun with my bf thanks for getting us together by the way

Also thinking about hands a lot more and what science could possibly do in regards to our limbs. We can give soldiers back their missing arms, so why can't we just give the people who want it, more arms?

Don't get your hopes up, it's an episode of Steven trying to replace a townie's jewlery.


This show would be dead if it wasn't for Peridot and the barn arc.

best character #2015-16

Jasper would've never let herself get captured, so she would've been poofed. Keep in mind that this was before she caught Lapis' Fusion Fever.



I miss pre-memidot /sug/
That little green ball of cancer and memes ruins everything

This. They didn't even do half of of the stuff they could have with malachite and her aftermath. They just used her for one big monster fight scene and two minutes of drama that came out of the blue in Alone at Sea

>this show keeps reminding me that my mom died when i was 3
19 later and its a short numb feeling desu
but when it breaks through I start crying all over again

Sure, i'll eat first.

that is the least funny comic I've ever read

I think I, personally, became a more serious and pensive person by reading it

Posting my art from last night

Robotic limbs and agumentations could be the very future and i love the idea of it

It still warms my heart that i created a relationship, i hope you guys work out and go on further. Also im very sorry that i have not been writing for the past few months, i currently in college and such, but i hope to write again in the future. Maybe some new Armstrong stuff for the two of you love birds?



Season 2 sucked m8 and season 4 will likely surpass it once the next new conflict starts getting focus

>Just sold a Peridot Mini and a GitD Lapis Mini for $40.

Have I finally mastered the art of the merchant?

It's just a shame I didn't have a Lion Mini, the guy looked like he would've spent more if I did.

Read Blindsight

It's not about limbs but minds.

But man the more people who read it the better.


you know the show peaked during that time, it was nowhere near as popular after the hiatus, even during week 3/4 SoS



>perifags defending peridemption


Highly doubt that.
The peak of the show's popularity was Jailbreak.
Even with her redemption i don't believe it even touched the surface of popularity Jailbreak did.


there's only like 4 good episodes from season 3.
Bismuth, Mr Greg, Earthlings and Monster reunion. Also it aired so quickly it never had the same impact as season 1/2.

High chance our motor cortex is not designed (square peg circle hole style) for more than 2 arms 2 legs and I SERIOUSLY doubt we have the brain knowledge to form an Arm Brain interface that would be worth the effort/ not cause nerve brain tissue damage.

Maybe make it a learning AI system, like Dr Squid in spiderman movie (2?) but then what if it Skynets you? THIS IS DANGER YOU FAIL TO CONSIDER user.

She gonna touch you



>we will never go back jailbreak fun tier fun


That's the last of my collection

I was never around for the jailbreak thread, although it did look really fun from reading the desustorage. Catch and release was the best thread of /sug/ so far for me.



I cried at the end of Monster Buddies

so now that we're on hiatus,
when are the mods gonna kick back down to trash?

The whole episode made me cry due to how depressing it is

>jasper and lapis finally come back in super watermelon island
>gem drill
>hit the diamond
>mr greg is a musical
>centipeetle comes back in monster reunion
>pretty much all the episodes after that
>bismuth and earthlings are probably some of the best episodes of the series
The only thing that wasn't great about season 3 was a few not-so-bad townie eps between Mr greg and Monster Reunion, but every season has those, and Alone at Sea which was highly controversial but just shit in my opinion

Season 2 was the season of memes and boredom


If all goes according to plan and we spam /sug/ with as much pointless waifu and ship posting with little to no discussion then we will be banned next Thursday afternoon.

Even if /sug/ is gone, the falseflag threads are used as not generals.

this thursday

Monster Reunion hit me harder.

Why take the picture on your scooter?

so when are the new episode coming ?


neither was I user I got here like 3 weeks ago, I meant show wise.

I'm going to use the word stagnant to describe how I currently see the show

Same, the whole scene where Centi is running back to her ship while making loud cries just broke me down

Are you printeranon?

Are you sating there's a chance that I could become as pained and twisted as Armstrong? You're not making it sound unappealing exactly...

I cried during Monster Reunion too. Her tears...

at least that one had a happy ending, she's back with her crew.

We hiatus now?
pls no

You do this in person? Not over the internet?

>the shear fucking panic of centi
sugar please ;-;


it all returns to nothing

Well gosh thanks, we're very happy together. You got any ideas for it?

Never ever newepisodesfag

I don't think I'll ever cry to another episode of this show, honestly.


If things go wrong with the cybernetics and science I still win.

It's just a couple of guys spamming the same "lol no new episodes? hiatus hatus hiatus hastheuithiushtie" shit.


>an accident

And you must be.... Mulignan!

The AV Club said there was a hiatus though.

she's just checking on the cluster.

tfw you re-watch the first episode and you realize the baby centipeedles were only in Steven's house to try and access the warp pad ;_;

in Lars and the Cool Kids

>What do you know about my mom? I didn't even get to know my mom!

>Tumblrina satire group

Wow 100% legitimate reason to believe in hiatus mate.

There are better reasons then those fags to think a hiatus is coming.

I don't think I wouldn't liked Peridot as much if it wasn't for the hype of those threads, it there's a place that breeds waifufags, its Cred Forums.



Explain please.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away.

So when does the hiatus start?

you could just share the same signals. you wouldn't be able to move all your arms at once but it would work

Would work better with Peridot and Amethyst


I'm gona go fuck my wife now /sug/

Not entirely. I just lost a customer that planned on buying a 1/24 Garnet, but have another 7 hours of business.

I sell it at a swap meet that specializes in collectables like Funko and TCGs.

Thursday, at around half-past a monkey's arse and quarter to his balls.

Rebecca Sugar is a qt
this has been your daily psa

that's hot

taint o'clock?

What would a corrupted human look like?


Watch the News

who does the voice acting for Sadie?

one of filthy frank's many friends

You wish to be of pain and suffering but you want to also be the aware of it. If causes damage to brain it will leave you as carrot, your life will be wheelchair, soup and poop bag not frankenperson. If damage is found in spine you will lose the body walking and thruster ability but maybe only permanent nerve damage if 'lucky' so you get to have the horrors when you step (this is #1 personal best).

Last would be a different brain damage that leaves you insane monster, is #2 personal best because while you can recreating your hero you will not realise for you are the crazies. Make decision with long thinking, they will take arm if the badness happens remember,

Sorry if talking like this is annoying it just so fun to me

yes but if there is an issue they will just take back the gear unless they fucking drilled it into your brain etc.

I would be amazed if there was a way to split/divert the signal so you could have different controllable 3rd arm movement. But if not you may as well just tie a cotton arm to your wrist with some string and stitch it to your shirt for the same effect


Shapeshifting bra

When Pearl sings It's over isn't it and she gets to the part of "you won and she chose you and she loved you and she's gone"

Amethyst is bound to make it weird though.

i was thinking about switching it user, like left1 and left2 share the same signal but you can't move both limbs at once

No another user.

Still not decided on whether to have them famed or make a collage with them and then hang them on my wall.

you take requests?

>The two left hands thing wasn't an error from the koreans
>They literally fucked up the storyboard

She'd probably make a penis down there just for fun

Bismuth had the highest ratings in the show since season 1

she'd turn into that big cop guy for no reason

They would look NUCLEAR and WILD while perhaps also BREAKING UP INSIDE. Hopefully hey would not have HEARTs OF BROKEN GLASS that could be described as DEFILED, because that kind of damage DEEP INSIDE would be truly horrendous especially in an ABANDONDED CHILD

I feel like this is supposed to reference something, but I don't know what.
Anyone know it?

Only if she hates me for killing her mom through sex

Mystery Girl looks infinitely better without the lip ring.

Maybe in a later thread, just woke up.

Ben Levin confirmed hack

>Last two episodes have errors done by the crew
Laziness arising?


Good luck Merchant user!

all girls look infinitely better without a lip ring.

*robot noise*

No that's just awkward hand movements because she's spilling her spaghetti.

Bismuth had higher ratings than anything else at the time really.

Then again, Thursday at 7 ain't the most competitive slot.

Well i thought of maybe doing a good ole snuggle cuddle fuggle fic staring Armstrong with someone else

Not sure who else to write with or about

what two left hand thing?

why would armstrong be a robot anyway?

>I'll shatter you
Cunt I'd like to see you try

Piercings are degenerate

bottom panels both her hands have her thumb on the right side of her hands

>Pearl will never burp in your face

I see but there then rises the issue of how to determine which arm gets the signal (is the arms like a little t-rex under the pectorals, larger Doc Oct arms out the back near the spine, coming out the shoulder blade like that Machamp pokemon?)

A second issue is how will I get a fluid double handed motion when I jerk off with both left arms ?without using one hand as a hole of course Maybe it would just come down to a learning curve.

Not him, but I remember saving a screencap of a request with Armstrong from /trash/ because I thought it was hot.

Do you think this would work?

She spilled her spaghetti so hard that she forgot how hands are supposed to go.

Indeed, lots of advertising and a 22 minute length episode, just what every episode should be like

Probably worn out.. They should take a break.

user, hold your hands in that position. You'll see your hands end up the exact same.

Oh yea thaaaat, i remember that

I feel a bit guilty for not doing it because i was busy and junk, but in the future i could give it a shot, but i will warn you, i am rusty, its been a month or two since i wrote anything so don't expect the best

>Pearl gets real friendly with Mystery Girl
>Finally summons up her courage and asks her out
>Mystery Girl agrees, and they have a really fun time together
>Mystery Girl invites Pearl back to her place
>Flirting and heavy petting ensue
>Just before they are about to strip and perform acts of unnatural fornication, Mystery Girl leans in for a deep kiss
>Pearl GUURPS right in her face

I offer you one of my greatest works in exchange for showing us your staggering standard of excellence

I aspire to have lines like yours one day

Lars' mom? Since there seems to be a theme of Armstrong banging moms in the fics you've written with it.

If you were being generous you could say that since Gems can move their body parts around at will, Pearl was spilling spaghetti so hard that she forgot to keep her thumb in the right place.

You're wrong. If you cross your arms in front of you like an x you'll se both of your thumbs go inward. In the storyboard you'll see one of her hands has her thumb outward.

so are we officially on hiatus now?

Oh, no worries man. Just have fun and do what you think works and is hot.

Fly up into the air, ice lance through the gem. 2ez

you are MEAN

In the last two boards, pearl's thumbs both point in the same direction.

The moms are usually the most bangable, ill think about it actually, sounds like a good idea
Alright mate, ill do my best to do it, might take a bit cause of college shit but hey, ill try my best


The end of Rose's Scabbard when the music playing.


Lars's mom looks as if she did so much LSD when she was younger.

Jane forcing an uncomfortable Armstrong to reenact one of her favourite sex scenes from her japanese hentais involving a sweet innocent angel getting raped and manhandled by a hideous monster, but since Armstrong doesn't like how into it she is he stops and she starts to rape him instead


Gems, in order from largest to smallest bust size:


Earthlings killed Jasper, which killed me

>Amethyst that high
>Higher then Jasper and Garnet
Dumb fucking Amyfag

>Lapis over Peridot
>Either of those two over Steven

Don't be surprised if we see nothing for fucking ages. I could see CN only airing new episodes in the summer, airing the whole season during those few weeks.

Makes sense right? CN wont want the show to finish airing so soon, to keep the show going for a long time and get the ratings.

Amy's a shortstack, and Garnet's all about dem hips

Martha version when?

I scanned all the requests I did for here. imgur.com/a/45YRc

Her socks are cool.

eh, the lip ring helps make her a bit less 'literally rose with different hairstyle/skin color'

Seriously, why are you guys still here? I thought you're banned during the off-season.

That's probably why they added it.

Would make sense, Armstrong is a gentle sexual giant after all, but i don't really feel comfortable about rape

Why are you still shitposting instead of posting in a thread you like?

Nothing is officially confirmed until next thursday because CN doesn't seem to believe in communication of any kind, but no new episode titles or airdates have come out through the usual sources so it's pretty much guaranteed

So when is someone gonna sit down with Peridot/Lapis and ask for a blow-by-blow description of the state of modern Homeworld?

When is Steven gonna sit down with one of the gems and ask more than one question in a row?

demonstration if you can't see it

Sorry it took me a bit but here you go

Hmm, what if she gets really forceful before she snaps out of it and treats him really lovingly to make up for it?

Maybe some ball worship and a nice facial, ruining the costume she's wearing, to make him feel better.

Does anybody know the name of the background music for when they revealed Lars and Reynolds back story?

>tfw you drop your spaghetti so hard that it warps your physical form

>Tfw Armstrong is a mish-mash of shards
>Somehow the shards make a loveable gem monster
So would their actual fusion if they were full gems again be massively loveable?

Its awesome, thank you very much!
Sounds bretty good, ill have to jot it down to write for way later

Because shitty generals shouldn't be a thing.

>the crystal queers pretending they don't have enough concentrated homosexuality to go around

>*Generals shouldn't be a thing
And also, welcome to Cred Forums bud, your newfag is showing.

Neither should shitty posts, yet here yours are.

The gems involved will never be the same
Wouldn't say it's really over

Reposting a question from yesterday.

What would you want a Steven Universe movie to be like?

What would you want a Steven Universe Broadway show to be like

This is some good stuff. I admit, I actually would've preferred if this was how Peridot was written, but it's a bit too late now. The crew aren't really good writers and probably only know how to write people as objectively good or objectively bad. Small Peri is still cute though


>What would you want a Steven Universe movie to be like?

>What would you want a Steven Universe Broadway show to be like

>What would you want a Steven Universe Broadway show to be like

Either really good like the Lion King, or really shit like Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark.

Deepest lore.

I like to imagine what makes Armstrong so lovable is that it's shards know what it's like to be alone and rejected due to being turned into a cluster, so it goes out of it's way to be friendly and get close to others, leading to sexy shenanigans.

It's a shame that only /sug/ seems to even acknowledge Armstrong, there's barely any art of them.

I'm also not big on the idea of it getting cured. Part of their appeal is that they are a rejected monster that I could cuddle and comfort, if they were cured I feel like they would be too good for me.

>what would you want a SU movie to be like?

it would be a flashback to the war, with a self-contained plot like Bismuth

wait isn't armstrong just a big hand monster that attacks people indiscriminately in search for a form

>implying it wasn't worth the wait

Was turn off the dark bad? I didn't really hear anything about it after the initial announcement

What's deepest lore about Steven's butt?

>Townie episodes could have actually been fun again
>Instead we get Onion's Autism Club

You're funny

I've seen a good amount of musicals on broadway and Turn off the dark wasnt anything special

if it wasnt for the people who died performing no one would remember it

Can we all agree that "Do It for Her" had one of the best instrumentals of all the song?


>Can we all agree
No, that's never going to happen.

Well, yes. But the Centpeedle and Gem Drill episodes have shown that even mindless monsters can be helped and reformed if you give them time and love.

Canon wise yes

but for my fics hes a gentle giant with a dick made of gold

Check out one of my best fics of him if you want


steven inherited rose's lust for cock. he's a slut

They had frequent technical fuckups despite it being one of the most expensive performances ever made.

I hated it.



I wish we had actual instrumentals instead of resorting to editing out the voices as much as possible.

well, this happen.

I liked pics of Lapis using Peri's butt as a pillow

>okay so next episode is called Onion gang, guess the story!
>holy fuck sugar, onion has a gang? he is going to rob people isn't he? maybe sit on a little throne pile of stolen stuff but all the stolen stuff is paid for by greg or someone?
>lol no it is about steven giving live commentary about onions and some OC's playing the mud in the woods :^)
>I hate you sugar, I'm going on break
t. transcript between lamar and sugar last week.

And the ability to arouse skinny gems.

Steven's ass has angry eyes?

If you're still taking requests, I'd like to request Pearl re-enacting the "Once in a Lifetime" video by The Talking Heads, with her holo-clones in place of the copy pastes in the background.


What a shit confession.

What's with all the Armstrong this thread?

I got others if that didn't quench your thirst


Let me know what you think of them and if you got any favorite bits


Hair like a Rose?

that blog is an almost constant stream of the stupidest possible opinions - the idea of having places to post 'confessions' or 'unpopular opinion' is really bad.

>you know those thoughts you have sometimes that you keep to yourself because something tells you they'd be poorly received? Screw social survival instincts, just dump that shit here so everyone can have a good cringe

Ruby and Sapphire literally do not want to be themselves. They find that they compliment each other as a fusion gem far better than seperate.They aren't humans. Fusion cannot be understood by us like it can be by gems. Let Garnet be Garnet.

Nobody died performing it. Permanently injured, though.

when do the fuggg

>Broadway show

I don't know. I'd want them to use the music from the show, but then I wouldn't want the Broadway show to just rehash the plots from the series.

It might be more fun if they did a one-night only staged concert with the voice actors in costume.

>Just entered dead hours.

I can only hope that the Lunch hour will cause some more customers to show up.

>Steven's hair is in the shape of a rose.

All of the Funko merch featuring Steven (Pop, Mini, and Keychain Pop) have that little easter egg, even the Pint Sized Heroes Stevens look like they'll have it.


>Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark

>tfw steven's booty is angry at you
What did I do wrong?

When they are 16.

Not before Lapis gets there first

I thought it was Connie's mom at first

>Thought it was more focused on Lapis and Bismuth
>Actually enlarged the picture
That was my mistake and mine alone.
The whole "Ruby and Sapphire are unhealthy couple11!!!" bullshit is just that, bullshit, their relationship is just too forced when they should honestly be getting developed.

I'll let Garnet be Garnet but i want Ruby to show us her Ruby and Sapphire to show us her Sapphire.

when lapis/pearl comes over

Good afternoon /sug/
happy Saturday :)

>ynw fug connie
why live

when Steven somehow convinces her that it's part of an important mission

Wait it's that Broadway show we're talking about? Were there any other injuries?

Good night, kind user.

No worries
good night

TFW I shattered Amethyst
She's a bad gem anyways

Go outside and play user
There's nothing to see in this shitty thread

That's a big amethyst

>There's nothing to see in this shitty thread

When is there ever :v

>Go outside and play
I'll pass

Tons, but most of them were pre-release. One of them happened on stage where an actor literally broke his leg

wait so were they an item?

>Armstrong jerking Jasper inside her shorts

Well shit, looks like I got another fetish. Kind of wish that scene went on for a bit longer now...

It's not that big actually
The perspective might make it look like that
If it helps for scale that's my keyboard on the right
the side of it

Seems a little niche
Peribooty isn't the biggest cushion around

found a funny comic

Clearly someone needs to shop it as thus, perhaps in a lacy nightgown. Before some of you panic, she could just be going to get a taste of Murdercock Sr.

Before trying the Junior, of course.

That's a small amethyst

It's a weak amethyst
like the one on the show

>it's not actually inside her, splittng her open

once again I am let down by the Steven Universe fanbase

then they can't force morals with fusion if its not applicable to people

You lied.

Sly handies sound fun

Getting the dick all wet and moist inside the stretchy pants, making nice stains before leading a big sploosh of cum inside the shorts, causing some of it to leak down and some of the rest to spurt through the shorts in a orgasmic manor

This is jailbreak

But that Pearl looks so Raven/Paul!



>armstrong will never rub Priyankas dick through her sensible looking and priced pants until she cums hard enough that a couple of her shots shoot out onto his hand

Oh fug


for people that don't like what they just aw enjoy this cute cat

at one point Amethyst and Greg fooled around but it no doubt wasn't anything serious.

>like the idea of Jasper getting dominated
>also like the idea of Jasper dominating with her massive dick

I am conflicted

>getting fucked
>can't shapeshift

is it possible for an alien rock to be slavic?

Underage, incest and yaoi
Look budy I am no moralfag but use /y if you want to post such about a yuri-bait show, please.

It's not even the content that bothers me. I just wish it was drawn well.

That screenshot is from Full Disclosure, not Jailbreak. So it is from Raven and Paul.

god Jasper was a shit villian, didn't even need the strongest CG to deal with her.
Got herself corrupted because muh Pink diamond lmao.

>not wanting the yaoi
>not wanting buckcream
Get outta town

Really? They were beaten up that badly in The Return? What part is that

Aw, cute kitty to distract from what looks like a Russian housing estate that STALKER was modeled on.


I still can't believe they thought her holding the shield for 5+ seconds against Stevonnie was a good idea

>Underage, incest
You say both of these things like they're bad.

That's what you get for fucking an AIDS-ridden space dog.

Why did they do such a shit job with the Stevonnie fight?

disregard this post Jesus crust

This was actually a pretty good thread by obscurity standards
I mean who even remember we Dougal Dixon's Man After Man?
Pic related?

weird book, vaguely depressing too

Might as well get some practice but how about this

>Armstrongs soft but strong hands curling around user, cuddling them close as he rubs his hands all over him
>user lets out a soft moan, feeling one of Armstrongs hands brush against his hard erection in his shorts, feeling blush climb to his face as Armstrong coo's and growls softly
>A moan is let out ever so softly as Armstrong slides his hand down the shorts, grasping the member tightly but also softly, stroking it slowly, pulling on the foreskin with gentleness
>user's breaths grow more heavy, soft warm pre slowly leaks out of user's cock, making Armstrong cuddle him more, his gentle embrace making it more romantic as his cock leaks out his wet hot love slowly, dripping on Armstrong's hand
>Armstrong lets out another soft growl, feeling user tense up inside his shorts, getting sticky stains all over the shorts interior, making him feel so hot and sweaty as the precum leakage increases ever so much
>user finally lets out a gasp and a moan, his cock throbbing hard in Armstrongs hard as a few spurts of his cum goes beyond his shorts, shooting outwards as the rest are caught inside the shorts, making the insides as well as Armstrong's hand, all sticky and hot, covered in his seed as the rest of it slowly leaks down his legs before sitting down
>Armstrong cuddles user closely, cooing at him as they cuddle and hug each other, user taking deep breaths, his body in bliss as he snuggles to the nice big gentle giant, happy at the release

Hows that?

I posted the constipated sloths and I meant to say remembers instead of remember we

Amethyst didn't actually know enough about human anatomy to make the varguba. She was like a Barbie doll down there, and she just kept on mashing her featureless crotch-plate into Greg's groin. It was horribly traumatizing for him.

jesus christ you're right


I'm a perifaggot of the highest degree and I'm so fucking into the lore you have no idea.

Only few more pictures and i can finish another sketch dump.

amethyst is the closest gem to humans. of course she knows how to make a proper varguba

>>Amethyst didn't actually know enough about human anatomy to make the varguba.
Nah, Greg showed her a few videos.

Did that guy who liked the PearlxSteven greentext ever get around to drawing it?

started watching, how can you guys like this gay pandering to tumblr shit

The idea is that they're anonymous


I have never seen a cat sit that way in my entire life. It is defective.

Hot diggity! That was good! And as far as I can see the only mistake was the part about user becoming hard in Armstrong's hand.

Keep being you, Beef!

Are you asking for requests?
I mean, if so i would like to see Blue Diamond or someone who fits in pic related outfit

Rate my gem language fanfiction

ok so we speak

SVO or Subject Verb Object

The boy eats shit

But gems speak OSV

Shit boy eats

Now here is a simple gem sentence

I am from the planet Cryark

Cryarkmia karell ka

mia means from you put it at the end of a noun to show it

Xinmia means From the base

Xinmia aurook ren-From the base attack you

What do you think?

10/10 I shattered up a Kindergarten

It's great it gives me nostalgia for Homosuck.

aww but it's so cute :c

Oh hey that guy is me, I'm working on it right now

Thanks mate, i hope to do more in the future

Best bean.


Now for adjectives

Xinmia yane aurook ren-From the base strongly attack you

What's wrong with that?

>Hey man, it's cool. I've seen your junk before.

She's supposed to be a seasoned warrior and she had the reaction time of a sloth.


That's actually pretty cool looking outfit, i'm not really good with complicated uniforms but i could keep give it a try.

>Are you that Yellow Dimmwit guy?

Jasper looked like a fucking retard just standing there and staring at it.

She was waiting to see what "Rose" did. Rose's attack didn't even hurt her. She just retreated because she lost her corrupted dogs.


Boob (blue) Diamond
Weiner (white) diamond
YOLO (yellow) diamond

Lauryn Hill's - "That Thing" started playing when I opened this pic.

I mean, she is a Quartz, so think Rose/Steven/Amy level of retard, despite heavy battle successes.

She was referring to when Rose invited Amethyst to form a threesome with Greg.

>effectively hiatus
>waifuposting way down and thread half as fast
really makes me think

Whatcha thinkin bout

>not "P DIDDY"

Keep trying lad.
Maybe someday you'll be taken seriously.

did you ever do that jasper steven book one?

Now that you mention it...

In Beach City the booty comes for you!

I posted this in class and it make me have to fight off a smile all through class


nah didn't feel like it :P

What do you guys think about Rose Quartz? Do you think she's strong? Do you think she's stronger than Jasper? Do you think she's prettier than Jasper? If Rose Quartz and Jasper entered a Who is Prettier and Stronger Competition on Earth, who would win?



I don't even think Jasper knows the word pretty

wouldn't be nice if connie was your gf? just look at this qt



also I'm definitely not Jasper so you can answer honestly

Best ship?

If you had the opportunity would you accept a gem who is the same type of gem as your waifu as a GF (I.e. you could get A Jasper but not THE Jasper

Lapis would make a perfect Karla


All Stevens are lewd Stevens

Sisters shouldn't fight!


fuck off woskis


The design reminds me more of Yuria, desu.

I would feel bad
This Jasper would be imperfect and an even bigger dummy than the original

But then I'll realize I'm even more imperfect and an even bigger dummy, so we will fall in dummy love

they need to make up

>we'll never have an episode with the three Quartz sisters

just end my life my dude

Steven will wear Sadies clothes again

Yuria in a witch costume?
Lapis would need a headgear

you mean out

Are there any other animators in the thread rn?

>implying I'm killing myself before I hit my weight loss goals
top lel kid

o-only 16kgs until I can uses normie scales ;-;

The hat, I mean.

I don't have many Steven pics, but this is super lewd.

They're both Quartz's at the same hight, so their power should be pretty equal. If I had to guess, Jasper is stronger and hits harder, but Rose is more durable thanks to her shield. Rose with sword would probably beat Jasper's ass, though.
I thibk jasper is a very sexy muscle girl, and Rose is a very sexy THICC girl. Both are very pretty and I want them to sit on on face.

is she an assassin?
wheres her hidden blades


Lapis can't form ice, stupid

Slhoneart has been here lately, probably not right now though

OH, you mean Yuria of Londor.

No, I'm talking about Yuria, The Witch from Demon Souls.

>Matter State Manipulation: Lapis is able to change the state of matter of water using her hydrokinetic abilities, causing it to turn into ice. This is first shown when her Crystal Gem water clones create matching weapons of ice.

Rose isn't a balls out soldier like Jasper

Ian said Rose is a healer type not a tank

>not realising that Rose Quarts' are used for Riot Duty and Jasper's are used as living siege engines

She's twelve, dumbass.

can lapis join

Daily reminder bolt hates pearl

>Rose is a healer type
Oh that explains why she's been with so many people before, Rose is a healslut.

>Ocean Gem

No edge queens allowed.

oh snap son
I somehow forgot her, cause ive been glued to DaS3 my mind went to Karla

who cars

nobody cares, faggot

wew bolt, you sure are getting triggered

Lapis is only a little edgy, user.

fuck off tripfag no one cares about your drama

/r/ing Jasper version

And Steven is only a little girly.


Draw the next 2 frames of the storyboard

>can't even squash a bug

Do it for Jasper


Take your medication, Brad, the paranoia is acting up again.

>tfw peridot didn't butt into the opening song for one of the episodes after message recieved
>lapis didn't sing with the gems either
what's the point in it all

>14 seconds apart
nigga you going full retard

>killing something for no reason


wew lad bolt i know youre a pathetic pearlfag but this is just sad

garnet: take off your pants steven

So what's the consensus on Onion Gang?


because it was pretty shit__ imo


>Even acknowledging him
Stop being retarded, he's obviously trying to bait, just filter him and move on.

didn't even watch it

The only people who liked it are the Cred Forumsntrarian retards that try to push their fucking hugbox on everyone.

>implying wanting to completely devastate and destroy something isn't ingrained in our male brains

Tits and timestamp, love.


Wait better clearer version


Shouldn't exist

Filler townie shit with characters we'll likely never see again, I'd say it's better than future boy, but worse than any episode with Jamie.

Why isn't fusion about dancing anymore


She probably has micropenis too



Fusion was never about dancing.

fucking kek

this blog is still going?

I actually think out of the last 5 eps or whatever that was my favorite
It was just kinda nice

>Periposter calling anything shit

made me ponder


Dead like lapis

Fuck you


It was about synchronicity, which could be achieved better through dancing.

I think it's around 6/10 really, just a townie episode for fun.

i want giant pearl to violate my ass roughly

Save her.


What do you rank below Onion Gang?

What? It's true, the dancing it's just supposed to represent that it's somrthing intimate.

>Pearl's gem is actually her nose.

That headcanon is deemed acceptable.


Fusion Cusisine

bro how do you not like fusion cuisine

See, I think she did the shapeshift to rose thing, and for a second, he gave in. I doubt it got past first base if it got past a kiss at that, but for a moment, he forgot. And then he remembered, and it was horrible, and he literally bolted the second he broke away from her, and Amy had a whole new rejection to add on to the history of her fucked up self-image.

She has seen his dick though. With Vidalya. Everybody was high at the time and Rose wanted to show it off.

It was a super-flaccid way to introduce Alexandrite.

fuck man, I don't know, Future boy zoltron was pretty shit, and the restaurant wars was pretty meh, but aside from those I like most episodes, I just really love the show.


Nah, Fusion Cuisine was fun. Alexandrite alone puts it over Onion Gang.

I liked it more than any other recent one desu I think
I actually smiled while watching it
none of the others have done that for me :/
I'm disappointed in the way su has been going recently

But what about the episode itself
How is the concept not amusing

>She has seen his dick though. With Vidalya. Everybody was high at the time and Rose wanted to show it off.

If you didn't know Sucrose was going to go the Gay Tumblr route, you apparently missed all of Adventure time. She wanted singing gay-nonhumans then and once she got her own show she doubled down.

So what was the best episode of season3/4 so far?

Obviously she's too old, faggot.

What way do you want the show to be user?

I'd rather see Alexandrite kicking ass and THEN having fun, not vice-versa.

If it aired after SWI I probably would've enjoyed it better.

Sitting on the floor and crying

Depends on your metric. Story-telling wise Last one out of Beach City. But as far as which was the most important to the show, definitely Earthlings.

Mr Greg desu

user I'm not that degenerated

This episode is already looking better than Onion Gang.

> That image
> 3/4
I read 34 as in rule34 for a sec

I'm not really sure
LOOOBC really put me off
and the ones that came before were sort of meh
It feels like it's not exciting anymore
there's no tension in the show now that Jasper is gone
Feels like it has no direction

had a couple of decent moments, but was underwhelming overall
would've been nicer to get something for one of the less-seen gems instead, or more actual plot.

a lapis episode now that jasper's out of the way would be great, they could actually focus on giving lapis more character than MUH TRAPPED IN A MIRROR, or some greg hanging about with steven.
something that isn't just empty filler with one and a half speaking voices throughout the episode.

oh ffs sake I keep fucking up sentences

I don't know I don't even like it any more but I can't stop watching and wasting my life shitposting here

su is a prison, thank god sug is getting deleted soon maybe it will finally set me free

that's part of why the episode is cool. I thought it was pretty funny how they introduced the cg's ultimate weapon for a dinner

Screenshot edit requests?

here captain
she'll be back man, just got to believe in steven

Earthlings imo
Bismuth is runner up

>tfw doing lines of coke before work

Last one out of beach city, Beta~Earthlings, Bismuth, Super watermelon island or bubbled.
Pick any of them, they're all good.

god I want all the boards of all my favorite episodes/Jasper episodes

>tfw no Gem Hunt Jasper boards so we know who did what, and what the Koreans altered if anything
>thankfully we got AaS boards from Kat and Amber, but not from Hilary or sucrose

Here's hoping that art book coming out next year doesn't wasn't any space with crew art we've already seen before. Such as the art that was put into the zines (i.e. Sugar's jeans series)

And then there's fucking Paul and Raven who almost never post boards. Have to be extra thankful for the boarders that do

Mindful Education, PERIOD!

Edit this in whatever pic you like.

This with both Garnet and her clone as Jasper and her clone perhaps?

Awful and another example of Townies being a separate show.


So many great ones. But I pick Super Watermelon Island, though it was spoiled to hell


Eh. Just not my preference. I thought it was a fun episode, don't get me wrong, but that's about it.

Who is the cutest gem and why is it Heaven Beetle?

have steven looking down at something else?

Monster Reunion/Bismuth/KPDS

Could you do Ironic Edge (eg coldsteel the hedgehog) or the "Assuming direct control" from Mass effect?

Earth Beetle > Heaven Beetle

>not the ice corrupted monster

That's not Centipeetle.

Do it for her is the best song.


that bitelip


Mr. Greg

You can tell Sugar had a hand in it.

I don't understand what the Heaven Beetle is. Is it corrupted? Is it just a gem with a different, non-humanoid form?

Can Steven lick it?

>peridot will ask him where he put his clothes and promptly steal them for herself
>lapis will
I can't continue. This is a Christian image board

fuck off woskis

My sides have encircled the earth

Mr. Greg hands down.

>lapis will fuck him
finish what you started user

Brad, just stop. This is embarrassing for you.

vastly underrated post

>Daily reminder that Connie will be first kiss and Lapis first fug of Steven


>lapis will...

Crack her own gem just to relive the pleasure of a nice "healing kiss".

please dont associate me with that faggot




>A picture
>in a filename



You wanna see the gems dance every time they want to fuse? How about they get some fusion/transformation footage to recycle and shove it in every episode whenever there's a fusion to take up screen time?

Seriously, fusion has been abstracted away, we know how it works now, they don't need to explain it to the audience every time.


user, you can see the rest it f you hover your mouse over the filename.

Really suffers from being the next episode after Last One Out of Beach City.

I kinda liked the Lil' Rascals vibe, but it really did feel like an early S1 episode. 5/10, it's the second best Onion episode.

Mr Greg best episode of the show

I excreted fanart

I'm just making fun of the idea of starting an ironic filename with "A picture" when the file is an image file.

i love you

Nice meepmorp

I don't know what is wrong with me now i can't even get a pose down for that outfit, i might try again in few days but no promises.

Excreted? That's diarrhea?

It's no worry, take as long as you want.

Lamar and Katie

the fact that alexandrite is introduced, not in a hype worthy battle, but in a mundane situation is part of the joke

try drawing upside down
its a thing that works for some people

Katie as gorgeous as always.

it smells

That only works when you try to copy a picture


It's a corrupted gem.


[citation needed]

No all that's needed is pretty much not being a total retard. What the fuck else would it be?

Why did her home have a TV and a gaming console?

Probably just an artifact, like the time thingy, or the yelling thingy.

In other words you're pulling it out of your ass.

I hope Becky is having a tranquil, peaceful weekend!

oh, you write for the Eric Andre show?


Yeah you are looking for abstract shapes and negative space, rather than trying to create gesture and anatomy.

Surprise Steven!

>hurr durr guys what do you think the Lighthouse Gem Monster is?
this is how you sound


Also don't be a snarky asshole the next time you ask a fucking question and someone answers it. If you're going to be a cunt when you get an answer just don't ask.

god I want to just punch her in the stomach
and then comfort her immediately

>Mabel Juice

Why would you do that user? That is mean!

I wish I was that pumpkin

She'd break like a twig.

that's my ship

The light house gem is labradorite, Lapis' stepsister and former lover

he's fingering the pumpkin....


I can't believe Lapis has committed incest

Rose gave it as a present

What games did Rose give her?

not that user, but just popping in to mention; the link to the confirmation that the heaven beetle is corrupted is dead
probably because the twitter account's owner set the account to protected

Battle toads.


Does that make you question its canonicity?

>not Doshin the Giant


>inb4 "trusting Matt"

Why did he change his username?

It's just a theory, but he did it immediately after an user sent him the mspaint comic of Sugar having a miscarriage. He might have gotten ultra-triggered and changed his username because of that.

>MC Burnett

Would Greven fusion be David Bowie?

> tfw almost image limit


Hey guys, pearl Wall fag here. Ama





>page 9
So sad to see how dead this general is

And then there were one
quiet in here

nice bait

Hey there you two.
Shitposting about the hiatus and /sug/ being dead is a no no.
Get out of here ya spammers.

Fuck off

thanks for the (You)s :^)

New thread


I bet the heaven beetle's uncorrupted forms are mega cute. Like little tinkerbells

They're small gems

For you

tcm.com/search/?text=Steven universe&type=allSite
>new marathons
> one is titled Attack from homeworld
holy shit

Just looks like a rerun block.

it is.

How many episodes fit in "attack for Homeworld"

>the return


I still wonder what the fuck they were beyond being corrupted gems

By the look of things, they were actually fully sapient as gem monsters and identified as those monsters, as evidenced by the fact that the heaven beetle had luggage monogramed "HB"

Given that they're a pair and they come as "heaven and earth" you have to wonder what their purpose was. They seem like religious icons of some kind

Agreed, the rest of the list contains well-known rerun blocks like Stevonnie Forever and Peridot's Redemption.

Don't forget Warp Tour and Marble Madness.


Return blocks have to be at least 4 episodes surely

>attack from HW part 1
>attack from HW part 2

Jailbeeak/return/marble/warp tour is not enough

>Warp Tour
>On the Run
>Marble Madness
>The Message
>Political Power
>Full Disclosure? or space race or something idk

that's an old one. part 1 is Mirror Gem, Ocean Gem, Warp Tour, and Marble Madness. part 2 is The Message, Political Power, The Return, and Jailbreak.

if there are ever any new ones we can probably trust misseps to get them
