Is it me or soutpark became shit


Not just you
Inb4 shitposting with that member thing from the new episode

South Park plotlines were always based on current events, you're just too young to remember which ones.

Fuck off Trump and/or Hillary supporter.

Whats a leppo?

South Park in 1998 was literally nothing but fart jokes. Nothing creative about that. South Park today is fart jokes with subtext.

Memeber anal prob ! Yea yea member kick the baby ooh ohh member stan vomiting on wendy ooh yea I member


Yeah, stupid and shitty subtext.

It's you.

I'm sorry that the creators' politics don't align with your own. Perhaps you'd prefer a more progressive cartoon? Try , I think you'll find it does a better job of reinforcing your prejudices and world view.

Season one included:

>A Dante's Peak/Volcano parody the same year both of those movies released
>Plastic surgery
>Starving Ethiopians (with Sally Struthers)
>Removing religion from holidays as to not offend anyone
>Fucking America's Funniest Home Videos as a plot point

All hot-button shit in the 90s. South Park has ALWAYS been topical, and America today is more political divisive than it has ever been. You expect them to NOT comment on that shit?

>I think you'll find it does a better job of reinforcing your prejudices and world view.

To be honest, SU would be a pretty bad choice if you're looking for something to support your prejudices.


Surprise, surprise, it's always been that way. The content they make fun of just changes.

It was honestly funnier before Cartman became evil, so basically like the first 3 seasons and the movie. I realize I'm probably in a serious minority in thinking that.

Also, anyone trying to claim that it was just as political in the early days as it is now is talking bullshit. It satirized late 90s culture, sure, but it rarely did so as lazily as it does these days. It also didn't tend to force Matt Stone and Trey Parker's exact political views down your throat, as far as I recall.

Look up Dr. Kevorkian.



It's a misspelling of youth-in-asia

only a truly developmentally retarded, self-loathing moron would fail to recognize the 1998 plotlines as opinionated political commentary on what was topical.

go have some coffee with cream, jeez

I think he means the one where Stan's grandpa tries to kill himself

I miss the REAL Kenny.

I think the complaints about over-use of current events is valid.

The older episodes usually parody one or two things in an episode, and have a primary topic as the central focus for satire. In the latest episode you have black lives matter, the national anthem, twitter harassment, the presidential election, star wars, ghostbuster, etc, all in the first 10 minutes. It's exactly the same as how it was during the last season, and arguably the one before that.

>creative and entertaining
They weren't really all that creative
I think of early southpark as an edgier, more crude/explicit Regular show, purely in terms of content

Why would you think regular show instead of Charlie Brown?

Why are they all smiling? It looks wrong.

This, this seasons first episode feels to bloated. I just fear that every episode of this season will be a continuation of a bunch of plots instead of each episode having a specific plot for each one. Fine if they are doing political commentary, but it will probably grow stale near the end of the season.

underrated post

Season 1 - Good
Seasons 2-3 - Pretty Bad
Seasons 4-6 - Pretty Good
Seasons 11-14 - Pretty Good
Seasons 15-17 - Good
Seasons 18-Current - Good

South Park doesn't just go bad to good in a linear pattern like most long-running shows, it has waves. It's changed a lot from when it first started because it's evolved with the world instead of staying outdated and stale.

I agree its been ass since season 10
Its a very different show now, no longer fun, it just repeats the news

Doing it on broad subjects like cloning and plastic surgery, isnt the same as doing an episode on what a person did or said that week

1-7 best
8-9 okey
10 and above shit

this isn't the simpsons user

desu I prefer the satire episodes, so I'm in bliss

Its gotten just as bad

this guy gets it

I miss the real cartman
an innocent little fucked up brat spouting bigotry is funny
a normal-voiced normal kid who is just a psychopath is just stewie griffin without the rex harrison

>Regular show

It's just about two stoners right?

It's you.

I haven't watched SP in years, but were these grapes grown on Pepperage Farms?

>not liking Whale Whores or Pandemic

you are a faggot

member when south park was good

2008 was 8 years ago


How original

I don't think you read his post right

Like the one with zombies or sticking a pole up in Kyles ass and scare the fourth graders with it?

>an innocent little fucked up brat spouting bigotry is funny
That's still what he is.
He thinks vaginas have balls in the recent episode for fuck's sake.

Well that's understandable since his mom does

The second one you listed is entirely focused on fucking Korn, who were huge in the 90s.

No she doesn't, watch episode 201.

2008 was 8 years ago. What is the 2016 South Park plotline summary?

True enough, friend.

It wouldn't be a very proper Peanuts clone without the social commentary and politics.


I don't mind social commentary when it's adapted into a different plot.

southpark became Cred Forums really fast.
gets kinda repetitive.

>South park makes fun of the right
Everyone laughs
>Southpark makes fun of the left
Suddenly southpark was always shit
What's the entertainment businesses obsession with people who only want to take away creative control?

Yeah, those poor little chinese children.

so which episode made you angry
was it the smoking one or the one where mr garrison got a sex change

Though the last episode was about mocking Trump, which got Cred Forums pretty booty blasted.

I don't agree. Try watching the "Super Best Friends" episode and the end of that episode has Stan pretty much espousing Trey Parker and Matt Stone's beliefs.

Remember, that was made before 9/11 and actually had a visual depiction of Muhammad.

>I can't watch this show, the political opinions espoused are different than mine! This is shit!

This is what the Internet has done to us.

>It was honestly funnier before Cartman became evil, so basically like the first 3 seasons and the movie. I realize I'm probably in a serious minority in thinking that.
I fully agree with this statement. There's been good episodes since then, but those first three seasons were gold, and the movie is still good.

I hate the plotlines now, there's no attempt at subtlety or even humor actually, it's just straight reference.

Probably the safe space song.

the ending of that episode though was soo predictable.

Have you seen SU's fandom? They're some of the least tolerant, most prejudiced people on the planet. They drove some chick to suicide for being insufficiently body-positive. It attracts some of the most repulsive elements of the LGBTQ community because they think it celebrates their lifestyle.

Zombie SouthPark started sometime between the movie and The Book of Mormon play.

yes but that's just idiots on tumblr being idiots on tumblr

That's only a select number of people from Tumblr. You can't saddle the entire fanbase with the actions of a few assholes.

> impllying tons of tumblr tards don't post on Cred Forums
> implying they don't believe they can "make these place better" after a known group of "hateful bigots" left

you must be blind if you don't want to see

not that dude but honestly not really
most the time its just shitty trolls
hell people used to admit that they were just viral marketing for the other chan because "THIS IS THE FUTURE YOU CHOSE WE ARE DIFFERENT WE PROMISE"

Literally this.

"True enough"

The episode is literally called Korn's Groovy Pirate Mystery

the seasons before the movie are always going to be the best.

they were also written better in the early seasons, so it wasn't so obvious.

>to suicide
The person in question only attempted it, but that doesn't excuse the fanbase for being terrible

Go make a "I'm super angry about Steven Universe!" thread to be a faggot in.

>more politcial divisive than its ever been
Ignoring the obvious gramatical issue, this statement is not correct at all.
Sure things are divisive now, but the fucking civil war happened m8. And the country was founded on rebellion, and not a super popular one at that. Plus there were several armed rebellions in the early days. Hell, people were killing each other in Kansas and other states over slavery years before the civil war.
This decade is probably top 5 divisive though.

But new South Park gave us the purity that is BOYZU RAVU. Are you saying you hate BOYZU RAVU?

Way to miss the point, tumblrina

i miss the simpler times 10 years ago.
It feels like politics is a part of everything now.

that's because you were a fucking child back then most likely

ITT: Memberberry consumers.

It was the same back then. You were just a lot younger.

That's a fuckhuge window

its also worth nothing seasons are now only 10 episodes
they've clearly lost their touch and ran out of ideas
and now only stick to their formula and soley topical humor
its still funny, but now hit and miss

steven universe's crew is subtly anti-SJW

>opinions = propaganda
my least favorite meme

I pretty much gave up on it around season 12 where Stan manages a hockey team of pre-schoolers 2bh. Not to say that I didn't see any epides after then if it happened to be on somewhere.


>but those first three seasons were gold
This is nostalgia talking.
First season was great, but seasons 2 and 3 were bad, even Matt and Trey said it.
Movie was of course spectacular.

You were 7 years old. How could you tell?

The country is more politically divided since the New Deal, which is the start Modern America, when mass communication actually made this into one country.

I would say it's not one country right now, but there is still a lot of cultural homogenity than ever before. Which makes it just as odd that people seem to not even consider political opposition human.

>everyone who disagrees with me is tumblr

The same way Cred Forums is subtly anti-racist.

This, Cartman would take so much shit from the other boys about being fat or his mom being a slut and would really piss him off. Now if you piss him off he'll kill your parents into chili and have you eat it.

It's still pretty good, but you know that if it goes on long enough it'll eventually become zombie Simpsons.

>it's not propaganda when I believe it

The zombie episode is a great example. That whole episode was a thinly veiled metaphor for the bird flu scare that was going on at the time.

So, not at all?


>Tumblr is awful
Awww this just tumblr
>Pol is awful
How horrible it should get deleted

no one is stupid enough to want to delete Cred Forums
it'd just spread out everywhere and make the website (and most others) significantly worse

>it'd just spread out everywhere and make the website (and most others) significantly worse

How is that even a little bit different from now?

because it would intensify by 10 fold

Kinda like how everyone you disagree with is Cred Forums, right?

nah they're from 9gag

Because half of Cred Forums, Cred Forums, Cred Forums etc are active Cred Forums users, only newfags stay on one board. When you delete Cred Forums you will release the fags who only use Cred Forums.


Yeah. I feel like early to mid 2000's was the peak.

I never liked it, gross out humor never did it for me.

It happened before. There used to a be a board called /new/ that was meant to be news discussion but it basically turned into a proto-Cred Forums. It was deleted for that reason and all the racists and stormfags flooded the other boards. So Cred Forums was created as a way to contain them again.

It seems like it doesn't work, but things got really bad when /new/ was deleted. What we're seeing are just leaks, deleted Cred Forums would unleash a flood.

Holy shit has South Park really aged better than most shows and hasn't gone stale? How's that even possible? Most good cartoons start going to shit after 5-6 seasons.

Because most cartoons stick with the same formula, South Park is constantly experimenting.

>became Cred Forums
Didn't know Cred Forums existed in the 90's.

This. No creator can be satisfied with one project forever. The inventive spirit that spurred them to create their product from nothing in the first place is the same motive for them to do something else. Trey and Matt are wise because they find ways to re-invent SP so they don't go nuts, while still keeping a respected cast and setting alive.

You can see this force all the time across fields. The two creators I know best are Nintendo and Games Workshop, so I use them as go-to examples. Nintendo managed to keep the ball rolling for a long time with spin-off games, but they fucked up by getting too crusty and inbred and just churning out New Super Mario Bros #49 or pure gimmick titles. A recent fangame for the Metroid franchise is literally a better and more fitting Metroid game than anything Nintendo has done for most of a decade - there's a huge demand for the product, but Nintendo can't satisfy it because they don't know how to keep themselves interested. Games Workshop, the Warhammer people, used new army expansions, video games and small skirmish side-formats to keep things interesting, plus Forge World to make huge set pieces and a comics and books division. But they got greedy and lazy and exhausted their own design space, which lead them to nuke an entire setting to replace it with a saturday morning-friendly He-man version.

If I wanted to use a Cred Forums-centric example of a fuckup in this department, I'd point to Homestuck.

>tfw tumblr almost made me commit suicide because it's aggressive progressive talk actually triggered me into remembering everything I'm insecure of and the abuse I faced.

I hate them more than Cred Forums at least they're honest when they're being an a little shit and I can distance myself that, tumblr tries to convince you that you're always guilty, all while talking about gas lighting no less.

A pretty cool game.

I don't think so, MLP only blew out of proportion because a board was made to contain them and that's where they congregated into a big mess. It would be a disaster at first, but it will inevitably go away without that platform to talk about the things they all love to talk about.

/new/'s death throes weren't even as bad as Cred Forums's normal cross-board posting is now.

No, it really hasn't.

But he never said that anywhere.

>I hate them more than Cred Forums at least they're honest when they're being an a little shit
I don't consider that a positive. There's no difference to me between a guy taking a shit on my face while saying "I'm not shitting on you" and the guy gloating about how much he's shitting on me. I don't want fucking shit on my face I don't fucking care what attitude you have while shitting on me.