Who writes best Batman book and why is Scott Snyder ?
Who writes best Batman book and why is Scott Snyder ?
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Morrison's dickman was good too
Snyder's batman is godawful
I'm digging all star so far, apparently keeping Bruce is gotham was the problem
As someone who finds Batman overrated and the most boring of all DC's heroes, Tom King makes me actually look forward to reading Batman each month.
Tony Daniels
Shit taste
I've always been curious about his run.
You like Loeb, your opinion is worth noting.
Morrison's Batman was at least very smart, Snyder's Batman is a big dummy.
because Morrison sucks, and it's a fact
Denny O'Neil.
I'll counter with
There aren't digital rips of O'Neil's run, are there? Always wanted to read it...
Well, pre-Crisis anyway. Post-Crisis, I don't give a fuck.
52 and darkseid invades earth in 6 months on the 6th day
Not the best, but I liked Tomasi's Batdad.
It wasn't a "run" per se. Len Wein probably had writing dutings as often as O'Neil. And there were other writers for when O'Neil and Wein had other obligations.
I don't understand how everybody hates Batgod but loves Morrison, who is the one that gave us Batgod.
Didn't fucking realize that as I typed it. Isn't Alan Grant also a scot?
This is some hypercrisis shit.
>Isn't Alan Grant also a scot?
Yes, as is John Wagner, who worked with Alan Grant on both Judge Dredd and some Batman stories. I could be wrong, but I believe they co-created the Ventriloquist.
It's now DC canon that all Crisis events never happened, rendering the Hypercrisis concept mercifully redundant.
>not knowing about Alan Grant, the legendary but equally underappreciated Batman writer
Casuals need to leave.
That's what makes the thing so hard to track down, I'm not sure what issues he's written and I think he also wrote Detective Comics and sometimes they crossover and...ugh.
You are a fucking retard, shoot yourself.
Breyfogle and Grants runs is the stuff of legends. It their 'tec and batman runs may be the best ever.
morrison is goat though
Ty Templeton
Matt Wagner
>best Batman book
>Scott Snyder
t. Casualcucks who never read a Batman story that isn't popular OE meme-y
you are too stupid to live
And you're too casual and underage to be on this board.
This will be my last reply.
This post was meant to highlight the humor in the fact that Morrison's first name is Grant.
Good luck with your autism.
>tfw browsing YouTube comments and people were unitronically praising End Game and Death of the Family and were superior to Court of Owls, Morrison Batman and Knightfall
Scott Snyder is DC Bendis
They are. Knightfall is shit.
As someone who finds Batman overrated and the most boring of all DC's heroes, not even Tom King can make me look forward to reading Batman each month.
Knightfall is dreck.
Wellp, I know for a fact you ain't me
I don't like his writing. Not that guy btw.
I like how his writing isn't the same between his comics, the writing in Vision isn't anything like his Nightwing or his Batman.
I think everything up until the breaking was pretty good for an event. After that yes, it does turn to shit. I understand the point of Batzrael but it went for too long and didn't really pay off. And the recovering of Bruce was bullshit and prodigal was way too rushed.