Cinema Purgatorio

Avatar Press solicits dropped.
Still no sign of Ennis' new Crossed.
But Cinema Purgatorio is still going on.

So, here's all the "movies" so far all together.

I dub this:
Cinema Purgatorio: Matinee Edition

And here we go...

>Avatar Press solicits dropped.
Uber: Invasion #1 is in those solicits.


Never really got into that.
But I'm glad the hiatus is over for those that are.
















I tried, OP. I really did.

But this is just so stupid and poorly written. I can't take yet another bodily function remark from the narrator.


Alas, oh well.

It strikes me that in #5 the main Moore feature seems to be getting plot.
















And the last one so far...








Alright, onward to

Code Pru




















Thank you for storytiming.




i read the first issue and the price point didn't justify it for me. none of the stories really got me. The kid having to put down his Bulbasaur in Gillen's was great because of the latent grindhouse style way to build sympathy


No problem

I have to agree, and yeah Gillen's is probably the best one in this lot.
But overall I have to wonder why.









Last one of this one
















































I understand that I am probably in the minority here, but I really like this book. Moore's cinema bits are my favorite; the only thing that hasn't grabbed me is the Civil War against bugs story.

I've bought every issue so far, but the increase in price from $5.99 to $6.99 actually prompted me to count the pages. 48 pages - with 10 of those pages being 'covers' for the various stories.

So, ~38 pages of content for about twice the price of a regular comic is making me seriously consider dropping this book and taking if off my pull list.


You're in luck then,
A More Perfect Union starts now!

And yeah, that's cool if you like it.
I just find it a bit aimless for what Moore's bits always entice that it would be.
That's a bummer about the content/price.




This was a huge disappointment shitty creepypasta tier twists in moore's stories


We haven't even gotten to the main twist in Moore's story.

Which is why it being so apparent is dull.


The dialog in Modded is horrible


The tone is probably the most suited for this format.

Here's my sneaking suspicion.
I think that, given how long it takes for anything to happen, that this one story was actually an OGN or something.


This is what I don't get. Maybe I have terrible taste, I don't know. I'm enjoying the sense of dread and unease that each of the vignette convey.


I don't think it's really a twist when the book is called Purgatorio.


Let's call it climax then.
The climax is so far off and it can feel a bit samey.

The movies that each Moore segment has is pretty okay, but every single one is the narrator talking about the same people and the same bewilderment.
It runs and runs.



Could use final panel for storytime reactions ya don't like.





Climax is fair enough, but I don't know that the narrator realizing where they are will be all that climactic.

It's a slow burn, but we're just five issues in, and the narrator has just now shared that they can't remember where they were when they weren't at the cinema.

I'm not expecting something grandiose, more like the narrator accepting their circumstances and becoming part of it.

Alright, I think that my main point is that it's repetitive.



Point taken. I can see why it might not appeal.

Many concepts of Hell are repetitive in nature though.


Yeah, I don't fault you for liking it either.

I was just expecting something more rounded.





















And, lastly,

The Vast

I actually find the Civil War facts at the end of each chapter to be interesting. I had no idea explosive bullets were a real thing.









I really like this, thanks OP


No problem.



















The end, for now.

Hopefully the January Solicits are more exciting.

Huh no one called "SJWWWWWWWWWWWWWW REEEEEEEEEEEE" maybe people know that NYPD actually fucking sucks

This comic is the only one I ever feel good paying 6 bucks for, since you actually get several stories.

no one reads this shit loser

god bless Garth Ennis