There are no words

There are no words

I dunno reverse Satan, it sounds pretty fun. Dumb but fun, at least it's not more grimdark or gender bullshit. And Bunn does horror stuff well.

>As seen above in the promotional image by Steve McNiven, that lineup includes not only classically villainous monsters like Fin Fang Foom, but also monsters like Devil Dinosaur and Groot who have fought on the side of good.

At least it's not Bendis or another hero vs hero event.

Fuck off you're just mad it's not X-Men related.

>In other words, Monsters Unleashed is something like Marvel’s version of Pacific Rim
>except instead of giant robots fighting monsters
>it’s every single Marvel superhero

I don't think they could have made this less interesting.

I want to love this because I adore the Pre-hero Atlas era monsters, but I'm sure the reality of the event will be disappointing or downright insulting to that classic source material.

is this Marvel's reply to DC's rise of the monster men event batman has going on?

but still

So it's just a long-winded throwback to the Silver Age?

Most importantly:

>The five issues of Monsters Unleashed will ship bi-weekly, starting in January.

Are they trying to copy the arc of King where Batman will fight kaijus?

Actually I like inhumans more. I wish the xmen die

no Marvel, you had it right 4 years ago, but you fucked up then, and now you have no hope of getting it right

What was that supposed to be about again.

I remember hearing about it forever ago at SDCC before they ended up canceling it along with that Doctor Doom mini.

But the X-men are on the promo art too.

same shit

>it isn't a Halloween-themed book coming out in October

So does this mean they'll be completely out of ideas for events after Spencer's Hydrated Cap arc is done?

Hopefully they'll put a leash on Bendis, and get some more good writers by then. Otherwise, I'm both terrified and excited to see what they try to do afterwards.

Nice try, shill

Why does Devil Dinosaur get so much shit? Aren't he and Moon Boy recognized as heroes?

But I like monsters.

>Marvel Kaiju fucking shit up
>not!Godzilla might return
I think it looks fun

Universe blew up and everybody forgot

Wait what's this about King's Batman fighting kaiju?

It's a Halloween Crossover for the Batman books, based on one of the early golden age stories, the Monster Men.

Probably being controlled.

That's some shitty bait you got there.


They are a few years too late for this imo.

>Marvel's been doing this shit for years

Perhaps unironically given that FF are viewed as having ended the Silver Age and now Marvel is trying to pretend they don't exist.

marvel shills in full force today

>something decent being done by Marvel
>some people are hyped for it
>hurr shills
This fucking place