Who's worse, Deadpool fans or Harley Quinn fans?
Who's worse, Deadpool fans or Harley Quinn fans?
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Deadpool, by far
Easily harley, because most of her fans don't know anything about her.
Deadpool fans at least aren't SJWs trying to claim the character.
Harley Quinn fans, mostly because she's been shit for years now and she used to be a character I liked but they'll never bring her back to what she once was because everyone likes the garbage version we have now. Also fuck Suicide Squad.
Harley by far.
At least Deadpool has some good runs that justify his popularity.
People who say Deadpool ate Dkeks. Deadpool has had good story arcs and writers along with modern classic runs. Deadpool has his own trademarks like breaking the forth wall.
Harley has her origin story and that's about it.
>yfw the Fandoms are the same
Harley Quinn
Deadpool actually had some good shit going for him at some point or another
Harley never really had anything worth noting
>liefeld shit
>never good
>the N52 happened
Deadpool fans are redditors.
Harley fans have tits.
Harley wins.
>He's never read Kelly Deadpool
>He's never read Duggan Deadpool
>thinks Pre 52 Harley was good
Harley fans made her become something she never was. They put her on a pedestal when the whole tragedy of the character is that she's dependant.
There's plenty of female DC characters to push, but somehow two of the least likely candidates are pushed to the forefront (Harley and Barbara as Batgirl)
Harley didn't have her own solo book for over a decade before N52. Harley was a literal nobody and mostly villain fodder up until recently.
>implying 99% of harley fans aren't neckbeards
Deadpool's got hundreds of quality comics and a surprisingly decent movie, while Harley's comics have been really meh, and she hijacked the Suicide Squad franchise for half a decade and ate up way too much screentime in it's movie for a character from the run nobody cares about. Deadpool is comparatively benign, even when you consider how he has all those spin-off coming out.
Both fandoms tend to be incredibly annoying, so idk
I sorta feel bad for Harleyfags, though. Imagine if they made Deadpool be his Wolverine Origins version, then had him hijack Guardians of the Galaxy as the main character for the past five years and going, with Wolverine Origins Deadpool being the Deadpool in all other media too.
>This whole ongoing
>Not quality
>Not good
It's really true, Cred Forums doesn't read comics
There is a rack at my LCS where employees put their picks for the week. At my LCS there works a millennial gamer gurl who is mostly into gaming (Vidya and TCG) and reads very few comics. Almost every week her pick is something Harley related. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even read most of her picks.
harley quinn having her own comic is such a fucking stupid thing, the essence of her character is her relationship to joker. take joker out of the picture, and she's just some "lolrandum" shit that appeals exclusively to neckbeards and legbeards
that being said, harley is fine in the Timmverse. she has a role and serves it fine.
Yeah, I wouldn't call that good
Dodson helped make it readable
Sirens would have been a better example 2bh
Oh come on!. How can that book be bad? It's the natural transition of Harley from DCAU to DCU without losing her charm
Regardless of Deadpool, at some point Harley turned from an amusing, perky, fanatic evil minion into some sort of edgy, bland piece of eye candy.
That post gave me cancer, but your dub trips cured it. Also that page is fucking halarious.
This. They are the same thing, just wrapped in a diffrent package
she gotten better, especially in squad
>Also fuck Suicide Squad.
oh, so you're a retard
I think he's saying he liked Ostrander squad but loathes the New 52 Squad.
fucking shit taste right there
i loved Ostrander but for the most part 52squad is good, especially the recent seely run. If they meant the mid 2000's run then maybe
I once bought a copy of Ostrander's Suicide Squad, and the clerk tried to push New 52 Suicide Squad onto me, telling me it's an overall better comic because it has Harley Quinn in it.
Harley Quinn was a mistake, and yet somehow she sells more than any other DC brand.
I've met several fans of both with giant tits.
Only with Harley did those belong to women.
So I'm going to say Deadpool's fans are worse.
People who complain about both.
Why are you faulting Harley for being edgy, and then simply disregarding Deadpool for being edgy?
Man, I loved DP when I was in high school (class of 05), back when he was a relatively obscure D-lister who'd gotten some attention for managing to make a new Cable book appealing... this page? This page right here? I read it when it came out, and this was the exact moment I stopped reading Deadpool. I'm sure the Brian Posehn run is good and there've probably been a few other decent writers to handle him since, but holy shit, I could not stand Waypool even when I was a dumb teen.
Inb4 "doesn't count"
people who complain about either
I would recomend Spider-Man and Deadpool. Kelly does a very good job with making Wade annoying, but heartfelt too.
When is deadpool edgy?
He's usually just
Deadpool fans, at least Harley Quinn's fans aren't ebin redditor xD randumb chimichanga!!!! shitheads
Mega64 said it best
Yep, Harley Fans are the "Relationship Goals" people
>one created the cringy memehumour that is going to destroy comics
>the other one is a people's favourite, example of organic diversity (opposed to forced diversity, see Marlel) and the one bringing new people to the dying industry of comics, most of them women (so neckbeards will follow naturally)
Wew this was an easy one
>but only one of them has actually a good number of good comics.
>the other tries to copy the later.
>organic diversity
you lost me here, bud
Harley Quinn saved DC
>YFW Halloween
I've already seen a glimpse of Halloween this year, yea, one or two ladies will make the costume look amazing, but get ready for a shit ton of landwhales to be walking around in straining booty shorts.
>a batman related book saves dc
ill be glad when something not batman is the top of dc charts
>ever good
Better than Harley to he honest.
you disagree?
Fucking Harley
no contest here, a bunch of Tumblr SJW hambeast thinking she's a good character now and a perfect "role model" for women
>implying it's not true
Hey but surely Whor or Mockinbird feel just as natural
not saying they do, but she surely doesnt, ms marvel is a better example
>Those Harleyfag comments
One fandom is in it to have fun even if the humor is crap. The other tries to elevate a murderer as a positive role model for women/young girls.
Is like you forgot the whole Pansexual Deadpool shit of a few years back
did they ever try to make an attempt to make him that way?
I dunno but I still remember the whole thing, Tumblr and Twitter were up-at-arms about the whole thing
Harley had her while character reworked so they could market her as a role model. Don't forget, it's no canon that she was only pretending to be stupid because Joker liked that.
I get you, Kelly DP and Nicieza DP runs where my fav Deadpool runs.
Posehn and Duggan's run was good too, Duggan by himself is hit and miss but Iblike that he showcases Deadpool's tortured and fucked up side besides making it lolsorandumb 24/7 I even kiked how he had DP question why people think he shouts Mexican food like he had tourettes.
You mean when he's not slicing off heads, dismembering his enemies, and killing nonchalantly all while cracking jokes? Nah he's never edgy.
yeah, theres a lot of talk, but nothings happened so far
That's like asking if it's worse to get stabbed in the left eye or the right.
.....thats edgy? i think we need a new definition
>she was only pretending to be stupid
Didn't she almost kill Batman at one point, and then The Joker stopped her because it wasn't funny enough or something? I can't remember if it was the comics or the TV show, but anyway her whole ditzy persona hiding an actually intelligent person definitely is canon.
And she was a psychiatrist, which means she went to med school (even though it's implied she sucked off profs for grades) so clearly she's not completely retarded.
at least harley fans will succ your dicc
'member when DC released that on 9/11 which was also also Harley's 15th 'birthday'?
Don't forget the Suicide contest, all in the same month
Cred Forums has no idea what the word "edgy" even means anymore. It's applied to anything with violence or adult themes. He's probably a cartoonfaggot.
'Edgy' 'Cuck' and 'Meme' all mean the same thing on Cred Forums, which is "Thing I don't like"
There is no fucking way this actually happened....r-right?
Just check the release date of Detective Comics #23.2
Those are quite fun,even the ones Kesel didn't write,plus Ivy and Bizzaro have some cool bits.
Oh fuck, I can't believe it, who the Fu k thought that was a good idea? Haha oh wow that's amazing.
Thanks for the recommendations guy, and yeah I think "chimichangas" is probably the best example of the watershed moment when DP went from obscure to people-trying-so-hard-to-push-their-obscure-fave-they-make-everyone-hate-him. In context, it was just a single panel where he was reading a menu in a Mexican restaurant, and the joke was that he was thinking "Chimichanga" out loud before ordering a burrito. SOMEhow, this got turned into "LOL DEE TO THE PEE LUUUURVS CHIMICHANGAS THEY'RE HIS SIGNATURE FAVORITE FOOD LOL".
I blame Scans_Daily.
One more page, just to drive it home.
Both this thread proves it
Honestly? I mostly just feel really badly for people who became fans of those characters back in the 90s, and then watched them go from underground-favorite to being pushed to the Lowest Common Denominator, more associated with casuals who know the characters from TV and T-shirts than with a small die-hard fan-following who actually fucking read Mad Love or the Mithras arc.
>from underground-favorite to being pushed to the Lowest Common Denominator
It hurts.
Makes me wanna kill myself
>the other one is a people's favourite
I love how you make fucking Harley Quinn sound like Nelson Mandela. Think you might be exaggerating her influence?
>Deadpool invented memes
One thing for sure. Harley hasn't reach this level... Yet
because BTAS ended roughly around 18 years ago and they can't move on.
mfw I bought that cover on a whim when I had a gift certificate
i agree, that had a decent plot and was fun. to be honest, it got me back in to deadpool.
I remember meeting this one Harley Quinn fan and she said she didn't like BTAS because according to her "Harley looked like a man"
that's pretty hilarious
>that spoiler
God, it's always talked about how scarey Spidey is when he stops cracking jokes and gets mad, but a genuinely pissed off Wade is pretty fucking scarey too. Spider-Man and Deadpool has done so much good for the pair of characters
Did you counter with Duchess? Or Nocturne? Or The Wall?
Hell, counter with JEWELEE, they're basically the same character.
that page wasn't written by Daniel Way
>no Nightshade, or Vixen
No, I just told him I don't like Harley Quinn, but I should have told him about Dutchess. I'm still salty she wasn't in the SS movie.
he can go to hell!
he's the fun kind of edgy
This is the same asshole who took Spider-Man and Deadpool off of my pull list because he doesn't like that comic. Yes, little fucking NuMale can fuck off right to hell. Don't worry, I got my pull list sorted out a week later, the owner of the store even paid for the issue I missed out of his own pocket, and now I no longer see the numale come comic-day.
Same people.
>what is suicide squad
I'm not a fan of the term, but if you saw this kid you'd agree with me. I don't know what else to call him other than Asshole.
Deadpool fans