Young Superheroes

Recently, a new superhero-based tabletop RPG called "Masks: A New Generation" was released. It's about the newest generation of heroes, trying to make their own place in the world after many generations before them.

Basically, it's Teen Titans and Young Justice inspired.

While I've seen both of these series, I'm looking for more comics along their lines - fun action, great characters, and a healthy mix of action, humor, and strong character interactions and relationships, with a bit of drama.

Any recommendations?

Other urls found in this thread:

First of all is that way.

Second, there's this thing called Google. Try using it. In the same way Cred Forums is not your personal tech support line, neither is Cred Forums your personal comics directory.

There's a series of them, text based choose your adventures might not be your thing though, and the writer gets on a soapbox sometimes which can get annoying.

I'm not asking about tabletop RPGs, I was just providing context of what kind of material I'm looking for. I'm asking about comics. If I had posted this in /tg/, they would have asked me to move to Cred Forums.

I've looked into this myself, and the RPG did come with some recommendations, but while I can find options (like Young Avengers, Runaways, the Young Justice comic, etc.) but I was hoping that recommendations from people on Cred Forums might be able to lend me a sense of which are actually worth reading and most similar to what I'm looking for.

However, I understand if asking for recommendations is annoying. If it helps, we can easily convert this into a discussion thread.

>If I had posted this in /tg/, they would have asked me to move to Cred Forums.
And we would've told you to fuck off. Oh wait, we did.

>If it helps, we can easily convert this into a discussion thread.
It'd be a much greater help if you would just go away.

If you want a thread to disappear, why respond to the person? It's not like someone posting on Cred Forums isn't aware there are assholes. Being a dick to them isn't going to make them stop posting.

Perhaps, but frankly I enjoy insulting the sub-human trash that browses this site.

You're all disgusting monsters, so you don't really deserve even the most basic of courtesies.

But recs really are a cancerous thing that need to go away. All it does is invite casuals here thinking they don't have to actually read anything, because someone on Cred Forums will just tell them, and they can continue to pile up that nerd cred.

If you enjoy insulting, that's cool. It's just not gonna achieve much. To be frank, your insults barely blip on the offensiveness-meter. It feels kinda edge-lord-y.

I disagree about recs. If you want comics to thrive - that is, if you're not among the vast majority of Cred Forums who just likes to bitch about comics and cartoons without ever actually partaking in them - you need to have more people coming into the hobby. If you just instantly spout off at people who seem to have an earnest interest in checking out more comics, well, you're basically just reaffirming the negative rep that comics-fans get, and make it more and more of a niche hobby.

I like comics. I want them to do well. If I enjoyed a particular series, I'll gladly recommend to even my most 'casual' of friends. If someone's expressing interest? Damn right I'll tell them about it. I want the people who worked hard on that comic to be successful, and make more like it.

And if they don't end up actually reading, and just 'pile up that nerd cred', it's not like it hurts anyone. Thread space on Cred Forums isn't THAT valuable. There's lots of shitposts here.

Gladstone's School for World Conquerors is one of my favorite series along this line. Criminally underrated.

Ah, you're one of those naive idiots that think it's up to fans to bring in other fans. Not how it works, pal. If someone has genuine interest in something, they'll look into it themselves. Or at least, that's what should happen. The Internet is a vast repository of information, available at the mere typing of words into a search bar. So no, it is not any fans duty or obligation to bring in more fans, it's up to prospective fans to do some damn research.

I don't think it's my obligation or duty. I just think that being dicks to people interested in my hobby for no reason is hurtful to my hobby.

Oh, for fuck's sake.
You still haven't found a hobby?

Go back to Cred Forums, fuccboi.

Read Avengers: The Initiative and Avengers Academy, OP. Stay away from Avengers Arena and Undercover even if they are sequels.

OP here. Thanks. Means a lot.

I'm okay with a soapbox as long as it's got other good stuff in it and it's worth my time. A CYOA sounds fun, I'll definitely check that out.

I found Avengers Academy in my initial searches, definitely on my list. Glad to hear Avengers: The Initiative is good too. It sounded more questionable, and it's what inspired the thread; I found plenty of options, but realized a lot of them were probably crap.

>I don't think it's my obligation or duty.
Then why are you doing it? Besides abject stupidity, that is.

My hobby is reading comic books. Unlike you though, I'm not desperately looking for validation by sucking every casual's dick who comes along. If OP wants to read, they should just pick something up and not harass everyone here expecting to get spoonfed.

>Then why are you doing it?
Already answered. Reading comprehension, man.

Also, thanks for bumping OP's thread. I'm sure he appreciates it.

>If I had posted this in /tg/, they would have asked me to move to Cred Forums
No, we wouldn't, because we aren't Cred Forumscksuckers.

>Already answered.
So abject stupidity then. Gotcha.

Yeah, /tg/ is pretty accepting. Still, asking for help finding comics fitting a theme is definitely more in-line with Cred Forums. I could have framed it as a Superhero General focusing on young heroes, but I decided to not bury the lede and just be upfront in the most fitting board.

Didn't you say you hated comics, though?
Just fuck off already, you miserable lunatic.

Sorry, OP, but this thread's kinda ruined already.
This guy is way too retarded to ever quit his weird crusade.

Eh, I'm okay. Ignoring idiots on Cred Forums inside a good thread is basically as easy as breathing.

There's a M&M thread up right now, I am pretty sure that people there would be willing to recommend you something. And in fact now I remembered that M&M 2e had an entire book about young heroes, it was called Hero High, I don't know how useful that would be but I remember it having lots of tips and plots for running a campaign about teen heroes.

Ah, I figured that was more about system specifics. I'll check that out. Thank you.