Season 5 trailer. It actually looks pretty good.

Is there still hope, Cred Forums?

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Go home Stephen nobody cares.

I want to believe.

I refuse to ever bear hope for this series again.

And now they're going to ruin my husbando Ragman along with it.

Hope is for people who don't learn

Don't fall for the meme again, OP.

>no sign of felshitty
somewhat hopeful

Why are they even doing Ragman? He won't be magical. And he's being played by a little boy.

How can it have a 5th season when it doesn't even exist? There's no such thing as a show called Arrow.

Season 4's trailer looked good too. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I'm not falling for it again. Season 3 burned hard and season 4 was like slapping the burn that hadn't healed yet.

Despite the show's numerous flaws, I can't deny Wild Dog and Mister Terrific are on point.

>a green costume without a filter
Well that took long enough

He probably will be magical.

Because the showrunners think they can replace actual character development and world-building with just throwing namedrops and character appearances everywhere.

Well, as long as we're here.

It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters.

Okay Mr. Terrific actually looks pretty good, won't deny that.

ARROW was never good to begin with. Flash is unfortunately going down the same route

There's always room for hope, no one can blame you for that.

But I won't be on that boat this time. We're at the point where I demand proof of course correction, and not just empty promises

Is that supposed to be Henry or Jay?

I was out. But Wild Dog? I can give it a chance.

Jay I think.

He'll be magical, they started doing magic last season.

It'll still be shit though. Ragman needs a tv miniseries to himself, not being relegated to this show.

>There's always room for hope
Shut up despair, I'll kill you

I know Cred Forums is triggered by the name, but I'm kinda' hyped for this version of Prometheus. He looks pretty good and it will be interesting if he really is Tommy.

>corrupt cops
the other black guy from the wire, too

idunno i never watched the arrow
looks neat

>Triggered by the name
No we're upset because its more batman shit ripped off and hes doesnt even remotely look, nor will probably act like, Prometheus. You went full beaten wife user.

Well, I'm gonna give it the first few episodes but no way I'm watching last season. Only made it through episode 10 or so and that was about 9 episodes too far.

I never cared for comics Prometheus. It's moreso that I don't care he's being "subverted" or whatever.

Man I can't wait for Tommy to come back as an inconsequential villain who will probably be strung along by Malcolm fucking Merlyn for half the season and then die/disappear with no pay off

Something tells me theres a lot in comics you dont care for. But in truth, its not like Prometheus has a devote following anyway. Its just the fact that we're getting ANOTHER evil archer for fuck sake. But why is anyone surprised? They pissed away Count Vertigo on 2 separate occasions

Reminder that the Season 4 trailer looked great, too:

Don't let yourself get played by a nice-looking trailer.

Episode loglines.

1. Legacy (October 5, 2016)
>Oliver struggles to protect Star City alone as he faces Tobias Church (Chad L. Coleman), a criminal mastermind uniting the city's crime families under his command. A vicious new vigilante known as "Prometheus" emerges.

2. The Recruits (October 12, 2016)
>Oliver decides assemble a new team, but struggles to turn the unexperienced recruits - Technology expert Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), rebellious runaway teenager Emily Sharp (Madison McLaughlin) and cocksure ex-marine Rene Ramirez (Rick Gonzalez) - into a true unit.

3. A Matter of Trust (October 19, 2016)
>After a field mission gone awry, Oliver and his team realize they need to earn each other's trust in order to protect the city.

4. Penance (October 26, 2016)
>Oliver and his team cross paths with Rory Regan (Joe Dinicol), a young man with abilities beyond his understanding who has come to Star City in search of answers.

5. Human Target
>Target for assassination, Oliver hires specialized bodyguard Christopher Chance (Will Traval) to protect him ahead of an important political summit that could define the fate of Star City.

6. So It Begins
>Oliver sets out to stop Prometheus' rampage and uncover his real identity.

7. Vigilante
>Oliver is placed on a collision course with his friend, District Attorney Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra), who is driven to become a crimefighter known as "The Vigilante".

>Something tells me theres a lot in comics you dont care for.

That's a pretty radical assumption to make, senpai.

Hey anyone still watching Arrow probably doesnt give a shit about the material, just saying

I don't watch the arrow or dC legends or Supergirl. I only watch the flash.

I feel bad for the rest of you who , at this point, HAVE yo watch the rest.. pity

>Vigilante thread yesterday got me interested in the character
>He's going to be in Arrow

I feel like I've been taken for a ride.

Same. They've lost my trust. I pray Flash doesn't do the same

Flash blew it when they decided to end last season on Flashpoint, but it had been on a downward slide for a bit before that even.

>suit with no sleeves
>has sleeves again

Why though?

It's chilly in Vancouver.

You're like a battered housewife that just keeps going back for more. Or you're someone that works in advertising for this show.

Yeah, really. Legends lost me about 7 episodes in. Flash is the only thing I watch and it felt amazing when I dropped Arrow in the beginning of season 4.

>5. Human Target

I never really got the appeal for the show myself, it was "we want a super team but this is what we have to work with" the show.
>Lets change history! But not really
>Somehow these people arent famous in the timeline
>Cold and Heatwave have no reason to be there and they forget theyre supposed to be villains
>The Hawks suck
>Savage is awful
>Rip is a moron
>Firestorm is still a glorified Human Torch and nerfed as hell

Oh I got the appeal. What made me drop it was the godawful shit acting of their dr. who wannabe, a show I don't even fucking like, and then taking rip hunter and making him into a cheap copy. That, alongside the fact that they went to the most boring time periods imaginable. For a show about a time traveling supergroup, it was just fucking boring. And every episode had the exact same set up and ending. I still remember in the first episode when dr. who was explaining to everyone and then he looks out into the distance and goes "....the FUTURE!....." while waving his hand all dramatically. It was like a futurama parody or something. Just made me cringe like a motherfucker, and I probably should have dropped it then and there.

Nah. Arrow lost it's way after Felicity became the lead character and it got worse from there. Apparently even Willa won't be in this season from what I've heard and she was the last reason to keep watching.

all i want is another Human Target series

You could watch the trailer. She's literally right there.

I didn't want to bother at all but that's good. Still not going to pick it back up though, first half of last season was just WAY too shit for that.

Sure it LOOKS fine, but the half-assed writing has always been the problem. Throwing a bunch of action scenes at me in a trailer isn't really enough to convince me to come back.

Why do they have to put their grubby hands all over Ragman? I thought the one upside of liking c-listers is that tv and movies won't ruin them...

The only upside is that now I might be able to finally buy a Wild Dog jersey for myself.

To be fair, that entire episode only took from the season premiere, which was pretty strong regardless of how much the rest of the season shat the bed.

>buy Jersey
>people remark "oh wow you watch Arrow too! I love Felicity!"

Monkey Paw

>Oh, I don't watch Arrow. I'm just a fan of the comics.

Learn how conversations work.

Might as well.

1. Flashpoint (October 4, 2016)
>Barry realizes the repercussions of altering the timeline and faces a difficult decision.

2. Title Unknown (October 11, 2016)
>Barry grapples with the repercussions of his decision. A shadowy cult begins operating in Central City.

3. Title Unknown (October 18, 2016)
>Barry attempts to help Frankie Kane (Joey King), a metahuman with electromagnetic powers who has developed a malevolent split personality to seek revenge on those who wronged her.

4. Title Unknown (October 25, 2016)
>Barry faces a pair of meta-human criminals, Mirror Master (Grey Damon) and The Top (Ashley Rickards), who aspire to take control of Central City, which also puts them in conflict with Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller).

5. Title Unknown
>A new enemy challenges Barry. Caitlin's estranged mother, Dr. Carla Tanhauser (Susan Walters), unexpectedly arrives in Central City.

6. Monster
>Barry investigates the cult and learns they worship the Speed Force. Caitlin faces her past.

7. Killer Frost
>Barry faces the master of the cult, a powerful speedster known as "Savitar". Caitlin spirals out of control.

Get comfortable, you'll be using it a lot.

That Kid Flash costume doesn't work with that guys hair. If they insist on making Kid Flash a black guy, at least give him a hi-top fade or something.


>implying Felicitydrones don't just fast forward through all scenes that their queen aren't in

>7. Killer Frost

Aww shit. Hype.

his lack of neck fucks it up for me. cavanagh and gustin have long necks that make their suits work, lonsdale just looks weird.

Nice fanfiction.


A bizarre form of denial, I'm assuming.

I will not be fooled again.

There's no source for these synopses, especially the latest ones. It's literally fucking fanfiction -- just Google the descriptions, and you'll see that these are fanmade and NOT official.

>Accurate costumes in CW show

Is this real life?

Eh isn't this thread more meant for Cred Forums?
Or do the mods allow anything as long as it's capeshit

But all the info they convey has already been reported elsewhere.

Mr. Terrific looks cool. Still dropped because last season was such shit, tho.

Almost forgot about her, post more of that ass

Sorry can't. All I have left are nipples and I can't be posting that on a Christian image board.

Only interested in Cody Rhodes' episode...

>literally just looks like Ragman
>in the season that features Ragman
>has a half-assed sword and bow just because
Oh yeah, this looks awesome my dude

they could at least have given him some bits of the prometheus costume like the helmet, gauntlets and stick thing.

>Prometheus' most defining physical features are his knight helmet and broadsword
>This guy is Scarecrow with a katana

I kind of have some hope for this even though seasons 3 and 4 should have taught me otherwise

That's how they get you


> I only watch the flash.
>I feel bad for the rest of you who , at this point, HAVE yo watch the rest.. pity
You aren't serious right?


So I don't actually watch this show; why is his costume black?

Season 3 only got bad in the second half and S4 had some great episodes. Arrow literally needs to get better if it wants to stay on air. Same with Flash. Why hasn't Geoff given us a new showrunner yet? Does he even have that much power?

And in contrast Artemis looks like shit

it's a really dark green to be tacticool

Season 4 wasn't even that bad until around the end of ep 15 when Felicity walked out on him
Call me naive but I still absolutely have hope for s5

No. Just no dude.

Funny enough, that's actually literally what it was. Rip said he only recruited people the universe wouldn't miss.

I actually like a bunch of Legends of Tomorrow's characters and their interactions alone make it fun to watch. But the plot has an insane amount of holes, Vandal Savage is a weak as fuck villain, and Rip is unbearable.

At least they seemed to have cut out some weak links for the next season.

Wild Dog!?
So many points awarded to Arrowhouse

you just enjoy swallowing shit, or are a shill, or both.

firestorm started getting his transmutation towards the end

and the entire point of the entire team was that it would be people history wouldn't miss.

and cold/heat were there to steal shit as needed/be dumb muscle.

rip, the hawks, and savage still have no excuse.

Post an imgur link.

Rich suave Cisco is my new husbando.

You know I would watch an episode if they brought in Sportsmaster

>Wild Dog

Was not expecting that.

Is Mr Terrific gonna keep the fro whilst in costume, cause that would be quite jarring to me.

would watch a Wild Dog show with a Vigilante crossover

I agree. If I had my way there would be some major changes but I do hope he can kinda drop the team sometimes and go on patrol alone

Marc, please.

>I'm recruiting a new team
I'm out...

>No Felicity name dropping in this loglines.

I still have hope.

Thank You Owl.

>It actually looks pretty good
No it doesn't. It looks like the same shit from season 4.

But wheres Felicity? This all just sounds awful. How can they not fucking include her?


Come on.

That Artemis looks like absolute garbage.

>ever being good again




Not falling for this again. Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice.

Season three was terrible right from the start and it just kept on getting worse and worse with each episode.

There's like a metre in between Amell and that punch.