Man, this is even worse than hentai dialog

Man, this is even worse than hentai dialog.

Other urls found in this thread:

>reading Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose
You'll get no sympathy, user. That's your own damn fault.

This looks awesome, something to balance all that SJW crap.

1/10 bait, see me after class user

One day I'd like to go into a thread where one of you sperglords resists the urge to relate every single thing ever to Social Justice. Isn't this book like a decade old? And crap? And barely anyone knows it? Yeah, that'll really show those teenaged girls looking at screencaps of Harley Quinn on Tumblr. The real enemy of storytelling!

Going full retard is not the answer.

Might as well keep posting

If haunted vaginas are wrong I don't want to be right.

There's nothing worse than wannabe porn. Cheesecake that tries to be porn but can't show nip is insulting to my intelligence.

This. I have instant, free access to about a billion different porn images/videos/etc. Why the fuck would I settle for a neutered version? Terrible.

Tarot is an incredibly niche fetish comic that's been published since 1999.

It's not balancing out anything you autist.

yes it is

hentai dialogue can be well-written


The comic does show nip, constantly, and sometimes vagoo. It rarely shows sex, however, and NEVER penetration. At most, it's implied.

Many times they hilariously say penetration occurred like the time that guy was running with the sister and fucked her like that

Yeah from what little I've seen Tarot is QUALITY of a type unknown in this universe. Pic related.

Derp, maybe I should attach the pic this time.

I meant "implied" more like they don't show the dick going in. Because you're right, in this page there is penetration going on, but it's still at Cinemax levels.

>haunted vaginas
I know how to deal with those.

It really makes you think.

Are my eyes deceiving me or this is Greg Land?

Perfectly logical pic

Isn't this part of the scene where her vag juice was used as jam on toast for a creepy old guy to snack on?

Jim Balent




I kind of like wannabe porn if it has any actual entertainment value besides shoving tits in my face. Which is why I can't understand people who watch bad ecchi anime. I mean, there are some that are watchable, and then there's shit like Maken Ki which I found to be so boring I couldn't even make it through the first episode. And that show's kind of popular for an ecchi anime.

He spreads it on his toast.

What comic is this? Is it good?


Nah Tarot is dogshit, isn't even good porn.

Read the thread.

It's beginners porn for curious horny teens.

> If I'm a girl Loving a man doesn't make me gay.

>At times I was laid on my back with my legs over my head and ankles tied to my horns
Dick! Behave!

Tarot is the most SJW book out there only two groups of people read this, fans of 90's Catwoman and ultra leftist lesbian Wiccans

That blood, I can't get into it.

Is she of age? Because the Harkness Test very much applies here.

>Shining Dragon
... That doesn't follow at all. What?

it's a boy



>No actual penetration
>Narration instead of dialogue
>No vag

Absolutely terrible porn.

Some hentai actually have good writing. Strictly speaking of japanese hentai here.


Literally all they know, like babies first words


this is top tier writing

>ignacio noe

Muhammad nigra




I'm dead holy shit

I would help you out and say Shindol is a good hentai artist, but he's not Japanese and everyone will just think of his edgy shit like Emergence.


Okay how did she end up in one of the bad endings of Corruption of Champions?

Ah ah ah! I'm the lonely rapist!

>To have the person I love also be a's enough to make me want to thank God with a blowjob!

That's ageist, check your privilege you fucking shitlord!

How dare you continue the cycle of comparing babies to the worst elements of society. Cred Forums ISN'T A VACUUM!

I don't think that "Men has different genitals than women" quote comes from a doujinshi. Still hilarious though.


i fap to this doujin at least twice a month. it's saved in my bookmarks.
kill me

>the Harkness Test

yeah, but funny enough is still better than most Marvel shit right now

Please sauce me senpai.

Good heavens, you really don't know about Food Network?

and when you're done dying, have some 100% authentic bogan erotica

Doesn't Tarot have a catgirl girlfriend?

I don't want to get a ban by posting the ex link, so I'm not gonna risk it.

Thanks user.


These are all fun, man.


So basically Tarot is written by a husband and wife team to spice up their sex lives right?

This is cute.

Dicks are pretty cute.

The early works have no nudity but the later ones do.


I know. Doesn't make me any less horrified.


>0.01 MB larger

The fuck did you do user?

The smaller one is optimized.

>use your dick and make cheese fondue in my pussy




Best Cred Forums thread right now.

One of these days I'd like to go into a thread where people don't fall for the most obvious, transparent fucking bait ever devised by mankind.

Keijo is gonna save ecchi genre

Looking at some of the stuff he puts in his sketchbook of his wife?


>I'm gonna cum from my asshole! I'm gonna have a shitgasm!


nutsVSguts made a manga?


You're a couple of years late mate, now the entire site as devolved into an astroturfed cesspit of half-assed off-topic posting with far too many underage newfags that cannot bother to lurk a little before spouting shit to ''fit in'' or in truth, just being obnoxious shit for the sake of it because they saw some retard on modern Cred Forums do the same and believe it is the pinnacle of Cred Forums culture made manifest.

Pic related, this is what Cred Forums as become as of late, its truly saddening.

It seem the cancer has gone terminal, t'was nice riding the boat with you user's, god speed.

>Man, this is even worse than hentai dialog.

I came in this thread only for the rebuttals and hilarious hentai dialog. I wasn't disappointed.
Thank you, crossboarder anons.


I'm disappointed it's not Digger Harkness, who'd also probably fuck anything he could get hold of.


That's adorable.






>implying Boomerang has any standards whatsoever


Used to, they broke up but still hook-up from time to time.



The worst thing about Tarot is that it was never just porn


Ray Smuckles commissioned that doujin.

>crossdressing male lesbians
Has porn gone too far?

Isn't there a better translation out there?

"If I'm a bitch, then liking cocks doesn't make me a fag!"

Oh, I don't know. Grown ass adults who post pictures of underage little Japanese girls because they want to fuck them while pretending they're not fucking freaks of human nature are pretty bad, too.

More of this.

For you.

That character's 29.

You're a fucking idiot. Drawing a picture of a 7 year old and calling it a "magical immortal dragon who's really totally a hundred thousand years old and not at all a delicious hairless loli that means lolita you baka white devils" doesn't make you not a pedophile.

Kill yourself, etc.

Cred Forums is easily one of the worst boards on this site, simply because of how out of sync they are with the rest of it. It's like a leddit colony or something. A leddit colony of lepers.

So why are you here? Did you get lost on your way to /cm/?

Sauce? Moar?

You got something against cute things?

Truth hurts, fag fucker?

I actually like reading tarot. I still keep up with it. They really just need to get over themselves and let the skeleton boyfriend fuck some other chick.

There's not much else that happens in that scene of accidental fucking, but here's the page that preceded it...

...and the page after it.

Aaand a page detailing the other times he had his dick inside Raven without his consent.

I doubt this will be the last time, either.

He's also banged a bunch of supernatural creatures, sometimes under the effects of some kind of hallucinogenic, or the time he was forced to bang a harem of snake women.


Oh fuck, I said Tatsumaki is 29, she's actually 28. I am a fucking idiot.

I'm so much of an idiot, I even forgot to put the in my post.


My mom always said that to me. Then later she started molesting me with the excuse of "looking for evidence."

>the time he was forced to bang a harem of snake women.
Can't just say that without pics m8


I've got some questions about your childhood mate

Yeah, my childhood was fucked up.

>no ones posting the robin shota hentai dialog
Shame on you Cred Forums

Tarot, Moon Over June and Our Love is Real - the unholy trinity of comics I can never ever fap to. Even after a solid fucking year on nofap.

This needs to be said more often, and in more situations.

I don't read Tarot, is Skeleton Man living the dream, or trapped in a living hell?

He acts like it's a living hell, because he wants to be monogamous with Tarot, but even she says "Relax, Jon, we all bang each other. You should enjoy it," but he refuses.

There's several pages, so let me find the right issue, then do some edits, and I shall deliver.

Spoiler Alert: The head snek looks like Angelina Jolie ala Tomb Raider.

Shit, there was like 6. I'm not editing all that. Plus, it's better enjoyed uncensored (due to snake pubic hair, I can't deprive anyone of that).

Here's a gallery link instead:

(pic unrelated)



>this thread

damn bob hoskins that's pretty cold

>start reading all of these post in Xavier's voice from Xavier: Renegade Angel
Oh God someone help me I can't stop laughin

There wasn't anything in that post sexualizing Tatsumaki, but you jumped on it like the indoctrinated attack dog you are.

Tell me; when you see children in the street, do you behave like this? Denouncing the nearest person as a kiddie diddler?

Btw, that octopus was taken from the woman's vagina.

Y'know. Because Tarot.




>That issue that's literally just him drunkenly stumbling around the magical forest and nailing every group of monstergirls in it.

I was surprised he didn't have some comment like "Wait, like our trolls? I know some trolls, they are good and decent people, you busty harlot."

What issue's what

Should have, hope he stops it.

You're wrong, there's a third group, anons who read it entirely for laughs together

A Prayer For My Son is better

>My comic shop has a very friendly and helpful staff
>No weird or spergy shit ever goes on
>Fair prices
>Actually really populated a lot of the time, all kinds/ages of people
>Always wonder what the fuck goes though their head when they see some of the Tarot stuff there

The best "it's okay if i'm a girl" doujin is The Cursed Prince

>But I'll take your virginity, mom
time Just, wow.

Remember when Jim Balent did the Catwoman?

Technically a mother could be a virgin. If adoption doesn't count, she could've had in-vitro. It'd be unusual, but she'd still be a virgin.

Like seriously, he used to be a decent comic book artist, now he's doing Witch of the Black Rose.

And apparently the model for Tarot is based off his wife.


He's making a porn comic about his 2D Waifu... that's actually his 3D Wife... and fuck.

Now I'm all jealous.

Just like one of my Japanese pornos!

It's actually pretty terrible, but it's hilariously terrible so it ends up being fun.

This logic is literally the reason that the middle east has the most sex change operations in the world.

The dialogue maybe shit but Tarot recs good comics.


>inpregnate my ass

>humans breed from their poopholes
kyuubey you lying piece of shit

oh shit waddup

>worse than hentai dialog

no matter how hot a woman is, there's gonna be at least one man who is sick of her shit.

Tarot is still getting published.

>have you ever tried to fuck a box

I'm sure there is even some in context rationalization for frosting a cake with your butt until you go blind, but it's funny to hear regardless.

Okay why has no one asked the most important question?

Does he milk her anyway?


This is what feminism looks like.

Tarot sort of gives mixed messages.

It's like it's not supposed to take it seriously.

I take my magical titty comics very seriously, sir.

Honestly, how did she poke him in the eyes with her nipple pointers being so far apart and at such a wide angle from each other? It doesn't look like she's "aiming" them.

Are those doctors elves? Elf doctors?




Ah yes, the ancient roman way of looking at it.

Go to Sadpanda, search Male: Demon Crossdressing
Only then will your eyes truly be open

>READING Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose
Tweaked your post a little bit to make it more true.

I thought the ancient roman way of looking at it was "If I'm the top, fucking men doesn't make me a fag."

That is the /gif/ way of looking at it.


I disagree that dialouge is fine.
I mean its a fucking stupid situation and they should just make the comic outright porn already but the auctual dialouge is fine.

Its ocasionaly brilliant some of that stuff feels like a more euphemism filled hellblazer (i especialy liked the fucking the earth stuff) but those parts are few and far between.

I have always felt you should be able to go below human intelligence.
Im not sure how much lower though.

Is it a porn? It looks like something want to be porn but not

I dont think your meant to far to our love is real

Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose, issue 45

great, now I must fap

kek, recommending comics in the middle of a comic. That's pretty awesome

honestly, there is some huge swing in quality with Tarot. Some can read like poetry (mostly bad poetry) and some is just words slapped on a page. The scene where nature is fucking her actually has some good prose.

>The scene where nature is fucking her actually has some good prose.

Post it. I wanna read it for literary reasons.

Here you go

You motherfucker

Tarot is a special kind of strange and retarded.

It's hell for him. He just wants to have a normal relationship with his lady, but the both of them keeping getting dragged into sexual misconduct with the supernatural world.

And that's why I love it.

That's fantastic.

>Some hentai actually have good writing.

I hope nobody actually believes this.

Okitsune-sama de Chu is one of the best love stories of all time.
Also if you expand to western, Casa Howhard is so good it has a forward by Moebius.

There is alot great love stories in hentai.

Tatsu's short and has a flat chest, other than that she looks totally grown.

Which issue is this from?

Devil's Kiss

That last page is hilarious.

That's a really cute demon.

Yes he is.

This. The percentage of Tarot's readers who are female is probably still higher than that of your typical Marvel book.

Hmmm. Ok, I can work with that too.


...wait WHAT

Any good porn comics with plot, bros?

Here are all my favorite porn comics

>Strictly speaking of japanese hentai here.
What other kind would there be?

Thank you for reminding me.

>snake pubes
Of course. That trip took a turn part way through too. I admire their commitment to audacity, if nothing else.

AH yes the Cred Forums argument.

>monster girl
That's a bit broad user.

Why is male nudity OK?

It's ok as long as you don't show penis.

>first kiss
Shut it down, it's getting too lewd in here.

What if it's a feminine penis?

There's western porn comics too, user. They're ducky though.

Then it's not "male nudity" anymore, is it?

Because if looking naked males makes you uncomfortable, you are a homosexual in secret.

It's still a penis, so no.

Are they well written?
Also no gay/traps please. I prefer mindbreak.

We've only begun the lewding.

They aren't called hentai though, saying "japanese hentai" is quite redundant.

mein negger

fuck off back to Cred Forums would you

chinese cartoons


is that the fucking wish cupcake from fairly odd parents?

It's dark and has fantasy elements and tons of kinky sexual content, I'm not saying every woman wants that kind of thing but a lot do and it is the only comic that does it.
Even if you're not a lesbian it's still kind of exciting and steamy to read and the art is really good, Balent worships the female form with his pen. I wouldn't call it a good comic but it fills a niche.

That is the sexiest depiction of handholding I have ever seen.

I remember when I was a kid, I thought everyone who wrote books, shows, or movies were allowed to because they were good at writing.

Does anybody have it i have seen it before and besides overuse of euphemisms it was ligitimantly great (the earth more then the water but they were both good)

There was an issue full of witches drawn off pics sent in from fans.

I think western porn comics are still referee to as hentai? Or at least some creators refer to it that way.

>tiptoe through the boobies.

Those ones are just random pictures.
All of those are pretty well written. I'll just break them all down
>All Shia: All of the comics by porn artist Shia, silly porn. Lots of dickgirl stuff, the best being Pippa Princess with a Horsecock. She's a Disney style princess cursed with a horsecock
>Boykakke: Pretty boy gay porn.
>Casa Howhard: Bunch of dickgirls share an house. So greatly written Moebius wrote the forward.
>Cheer: Threesome between highschool kids in a tide pool on vacation. Handholdingly lewd.
>Cherry Pink: First time between study buddies.
>Cherry Poptart: Humorous sex stories about a girl named Cherry Poptart. It's essentially a dirty version of Archie
>Chester 5000: Inventor doesn't have time to bang his wife so he invents a robot to do it for him. The wife and the robot fall in love, but it's not NTR really because the husband eventually joins in and then finds another girl that he makes time to bang.
>Dany De Groot: European humorous erotica.
>Dragonfest: Mostergirls
>Dreams Coraline: Softcore by Terry Dodson
>French Kiss Comix: Anthology sex comic magazine, lots of different stuff
>Fuck Comix: Dirty comics by Brandon Graham, has people saving the world through fucking and it's were Multiple Warheads started
>Incase: All of Incase's porn comics
>Ironwood: Fantasy porn. Elves, centaurs, that kinda stuff. Follows a dragon in human form on a quest
>Lemon: Lemonfont's porn comics
>Little Ego: Little Nemo but with a lady getting fucked instead
>Ma3: The porn comics from the webcomic Menage a 3
>Magic Tricks: Cute little porn comics featuring magic, including girls growing dicks and guys growing pussies through magical potions.
>Maka: Maka-maka, Lesbian friends with benefits porn. Yuri, SOLish

>girls growing dicks and guys growing pussies through magical potions
I don't know why, but this made me laugh.

Thanks, gonna check out some of them.

>Manaworld: Fantasy porn, dirty stuff in a D&D setting
>Oh, Wicked Wanda: Satirical porn featuring BDSM man-hating lesbian Wanda and her 16 year old nympho Candyfloss, she calls her Pusscake. While Wanda is a lesbian, Candyfloss will fuck anything.
>Okitsune-sama de Chu: Boy falls for girl but is worthless so he prays for help and a fox goddess comes to his aid with a price. They must transform together into a magical girl to exercise demons from girls butts.
>Outcast Night: Grown up versions of the PPG have dicks for some reason and fuck in an alley way.
>Ovens: All of Ovens' porn comics. She's the best, I love Ovens.
>Peaches: Adult humor, SOL kinda stuff
>Pork Parade: More Fantasy stuff
>Richard Moore: Porn comics by Richard Moore, more fantasy stuff
>Sister Wulfia Flocka: Nun getting sexed by an angel
>Slut Girl: Adventures of a forceful slut
>Small Favors: Great lesbian comic by the creator of Bandette, it's cute.
>Space Girl: Space sex adventures of a girl named Lucy, by Ovens so it's great
>Space Sex Squad: Adventures of a Sex Squad in Space
>Starship Titus: More space sex adventures
>Tail Chaser: The doujin that the "With me we did anal, do you know what that means" banner came from.
>Thunder Girl: Power Girl goes to evil sex dimension
>Wendy Whitebread: Cop goes undercover to stop sex ring as an undercover slut.
It's funny and cute.


>But I'll take your virginity, Mom...

fucking time travellers, man


why is she looking at the reader and not the person she is talking to?

Some penises are bound to be more feminine than others. You telling me that a little 4 inch flaccid flopping trap dick is as masculine as the 9 inch, wrist thick monster railing them from behind?

Just look in your pants

>implying there aren't people who would say something that retarded

>He hasn't read ring x mama

user, it's a penis. I could understand how one could be more... better looking than another, but to call a penis "feminine" is hilarious denial

I've seen some feminine penises and some manly vaginas in my time.

>I've seen some
>feminine penises
>manly vaginas
>in my time
waaait... what? No, you know what, I don't want to know.

Buck Angel has a manly vagina.

I... wow, i mean.... that is a very, very specific fetish that someone lovingly crafted.
I kind of want to steal it for my next D&D campaign. Couples keep disappearing in a town overrun by crocodiles.


Do other positions make different animals?

A feminine penis would be attached to a feminine man.


Yeah I recommend this to friends sometimes and they're always surprised by it. People just see the tits but the exaggerated proportions fit the comic's themes of the power and beauty of feminity.

275 posts and barely any Tarot porn. This thread is a disgrace.

Don't be a prude, user.

Read Henshim Emergence

Feminine and Masculine don't mean male/female, it refers to a sense of aesthetics that have become ingrained in our culture over time. A penis could be feminine, it's not denial it's just how it's presented. Though sucking a feminine penis would still be gay.

This looks like ShindoL.

That was a dumb episode.

Do you want to lose the last bit of faith you didn't even know you had?

Check out the new 404 page.

That's cause it is.

Don't read Emergence, though.

>getting arrested by transdimensional space cops becuase you took the word of a pubescent sleestak that she was an adult.


Danger Ranger strikes again

Please tell me this is Tracer from some Overwatch doujinshi

Loli only works when they are total sluts.

Where is this exactly from? Is it Tarot?

From the filename, i'd say so

Nope. Search for aussie kink.

>mfw I read it for the cheese cake and to laugh at
It might be a dumb comic, but it's a good kind of dumb.

The Animorphs are at it again I see.


Vaginas are gross. There, I said it.

>it's not Tracer from Overwatch
This is disappointing, I will however look this up and read it in her voice.

But they are sometimes tasty.

I came here looking for Keijo!!!! and I was not disappointed.

This is for you, user. I regret nothing.

Isn't there one where they're tied up in such a way that his dick is forced inside lady grey there?

There's some pretty pussy out there.


screw off we got to see him using his overdrive training again and it starred Joseph "Best Jojo" Joestar
I bet you hated the magnetism episode too

fuck that's hot


Well, that's a connection I couldn't see coming.

That means you're not a true pedophile yet. Celebrate.

that turns me on

>Danger Ranger is my homie

Why are the Japanese so obsessed with impregnation? If I'm fucking a girl and shes constantly talking about getting knocked up I'd run for the hills.

I know their birth rate is low but Jesus Christ.

Yay for me

Should have posted it yesterday in the drawthread.


Its the whole fucking point of sex.

Hentai dialog is art

>Not wanting to be tied down and forced into raw cowgirl with a qt3.14 after she's obsessively stalked you for months.
>Not wanting her to ride you like a prized stallion and wring out your essence to solidify the union.

I want summer to end.

>Tell me; when you see children in the street, do you behave like this? Denouncing the nearest person as a kiddie diddler?

Oh boy

Dont make me call the cops user

The issue is their birthrate. No one wants to have actual sex because they make the alternatives as appealing without all the drama.

Apparently Tarot's readerbase is majority female.
Weird as fuck, I know.

Issue #?

It truly is

Eroquis is also a westaboo though. So of course his dialogue can work great in English.


That's a tight wrapping.

I didn't read the thread.

I'm right in assuming this is all just tease and not a proper porno, right?

You're almost wrong
That's a goddamn Batman/Robin doujin isn't it


>That's a goddamn Batman/Robin doujin isn't it


Heart eyes are the bees knees

>unusual pupils


how high does it go

latest issue was cute

Just because

I don't know, I've saved a lot of pictures from it.

>when you're eyes are both hearts and vaginas
It's why Anna was best girl.

Yes it was.

Oh shit, didn't mean to replay.


Rip in peace. ;_;

>Right ear pierced
>Clearly the left

Did she die?
Could be translation error?

top kek

Post more character descriptions.

>Did she die?
Matsuki Miyu, her voiceactress, died last year.
she just wanted to get married ;0;

Got you senpai


The dreaded Japanese Flu. RIP.

>that feel when her voicing a character in Persona 5 made you remember her death and how fucking long that game has been in development


So Japanese people just like Batman for the porn?

>Trained as a dog slave shota

What the fuck

Sauce? (Or at least an artist name).

It means BDSM dog play.

Tarot is nothing other than a porn comic to masturbate to.

Since I'm in a good handout giving mood today

>[Chinzurena] Hakudaku MesuHomo White Day

They like the Robins I think.

Is that LadyBeard? What comic is this?!

>my hips are whooshing on their own

>Honestly, I take my hat off to the shota potential of American comics

Of course

Some hentai works are delightful literature worth reading for the plot


Funniest Cred Forums thread in a while.


>woman with vagina tentacles
>first thing user notices is that the author used "their" instead of "there"
Remember those pictures where they'd have a hot babe washing a car and there'd be a caption on it that said something along the lines of, "If you noticed that there was a car in this picture, I have some bad news for you,"?

that should be a Cred Forums banner

His works are really great

>I can't believe my ward is a slut


There is not nearly enough accidental sex fetish porn.

I don't know the context of that picture but looking at it made me really sad for some reason

And the sexiest picture of dick

Fuuga is so good that posting him feels like cheating

Nah, it's great. Most of it's in Aussie slang, though, which doesn't quite mesh with British.

I mean, as a Brit, I get the gist of it, but there's still the odd word out.

The little girl got raped and has lost the will to live.


What is the secret to Dicks tremendous ass?

with that writing, it's a good thing there isn't, quite frankly

The world will never know.

>that dialogue
I don't even want to know.

Such a shame

>The little girl got raped and has lost the will to live.
Ah yes, I remember now

I masturbated to it multiple times before

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure isn't Hentai, though.

Speedy had a cocaine adiction right why not mention that.

Pour guy can't even get an hour's rest without someone blundering onto his cock



It's squats I do squats for physical therapy and I have an ass like Dick
I thought it was heroin


Why is this thread so comfy?

Why'd they make Ron blonde?

That's Ron, right?

We have to go even deeper.

Squats huh

Talking about porn is fun

All she did was answer a door.
Why did it happen to me?
It didn't happen to any of the other little girls I know, why only me?

Porn threads are always comfy. Just a bunch of anons, discussing the finer points of getting your rocks off.

It's a shot in a million, but they do occasionally


Yup, I have to do them and I have the supple ass of a 18 year old girl.

And all the other shots are memorable because of how batshit crazy they are


>I'll put my science in all of you!
Dammit Nemesis what are you doing there

Vaginaman is a mary sue

Source please my man


That's a great rhyme.


Ha, I recognize the middle one




Etrigan doujin when

>Etrigan doujin
Fuck, now I'm sad I'll never get this.

hentai dialog is so insane nowadays, and I don't know if it is the translators spicing it up or if the original authors put in some crazy phrases in there.

On that note, I made this crop some years ago and I ended up forgetting which manga it is from.

It's from a hypnosis doujin that turns a bitchy girl into a cum addicted slut. Fairly recent, though maybe three months ago?

>hearteyes and pregnancy

I think it's just what happens when you combine the already poor writing of porn media with the weirdly theatrical, tell-don't-show presentation that is prevalent in the Japanese language.
And then there's the echo chamber effect wherein this kind of stuff is basically expected from hentai so artists feel obliged to throw it in, if only out of habit.
That's really the problem I think, you can never really tell how much the artist is actually in on the joke.


You'd think Marvel and DC would take tips from stuff like Tarot, Zenescope, Aspen, Top Cow etc. If they really wanted female readers they would put out dark fantasy comics with awesome and beautiful female protagonists instead of quirky betas.

>but I'll take your virginity, mom


And now you remind me that Megan Fox was a huge Michael Turner fan and actually tried to imitate his artstyle.

>Honestly, I take my hat off to the shota potential of American comics
they aren't wrong

Just checked the file date, its 2016 February 12. But that may just be when I read it, not when it came out.

>from trying to do such awful things to you

What sort of things is he talking about

still lookin for these 3

oh nevermind, I only had 1 zip file in my unsorted folder with the matching date.

[Akitsuki Itsuki] Senzaiishiki no Akuma Hontou no Jibun The Devil in Your Subconscious_ The Real You [English] [Aulen]

They do lewd things to his butt.

Junkrat time

Happy birthday!

Ahhh.... It's moments like this I'm glad I discovered Cred Forums.

>he makes her eat the semen at the end

for you




>Japanese flu
Is that a name for herpes now?

Asking the tough questions.

>Not having an impregnation fetish

I don't want children but the idea of knocking someone up is hot.

The kind your mother has

I'm pretty fucking sure it's hard to run with a boner. I tried. So running, with a boner, while fucking someone, must be fucking impossible.

Dude, the whole situation is contrived. There's no way that someone would innocently pick someone up to carry them like that, it's the least convenient position to hold someone in. There's a reason men carry their wife in their arms to the honeymoon suite and don't just pick them up with spread legs to fuck them along the way. Tripping over furniture and breaking you and your wifes spine is a poor way to begin any marriage.


>make "cheese fondue" in my pussy.
Sounds like a sure yeast infection to me.

Is that the chick from 3kittens?

Archive this shit!

Then put some clothes on when you're watching women so you won't be naked.




What is that from anyways?

All I know it from is this.

kissing his hands, taking him out on dates

Thanks for reminding me of this one. Gotta re-read it.

n-nii san!!!


Oh yeah, that pic of an "adult" drawn like a child from a manga where they keep showing pantyshots of her sure showed him.

>they keep showing pantyshots of her
But she's nopan you fucktard.

what will happen when it is finished?

iam scared

Guess, I'm getting promotion for entering this thread.

>they keep showing pantyshots of her
I fucking wish, but she goes commando

DCSS development:
>Hey i think the charms spellschool is too good
>Because it has too many buffs for so little investment
>I know, let's remove the spell that takes the most time to get online!
>Well since we've nerfed charms we might as well remove the race made for it
You cannot make this shit up

Excuse my retardation, i realized as soon as i posted that i was in the wrong thread

The writer of Tail Chaser is a godsend.

I especially love his newest serie.

> he's like the ferryman across the river styx
> pulling men into sin by their dicks


well now I have to watch

user, even humans can be 'below human intelligence' and still technically be an example of human intelligence.

I'd buy it, plus all the variant covers.

If you'll excuse me, I need to update my journal.


H-Manga is a pretty big field, some of the people working there are way better than whoever makes Tarot.

Don't die.

>So you crossdress and ejaculate prematurely... That's beyond sad.

Jesus it's like she's speaking to me

That's kinda hot.

sauce? nothing on google or iqdb, even with &safe=off

You sure about that OP? But really read Viva Freedom at your own risk.


>He hasn't read Kaname

I googled it, but I got some Bleach shit and vampires. I will assume it's neither, right?

Just type it in on Sad Panda. The artist is Locon, he's very good even if all of their traps look like the result of a cloning project.

Mystery Meat's doing the translations. The kid's kinda edgy and miserable though, so I can't enjoy the porn.

Much appreciated. - This is all I have as a trade. 3D sucks, I know, but I didn't want to seem ungrateful.

Good thing he's starting to be less of a sad, depressed trap since he found himself someone who cares about him


The fact that I helped someone is reward enough


Dance 'till Tomorrow is pretty great. One of the few series I refuse to finish because I know it's going to crush me emotionally.

gonna need sauce on this.

Is that from the same comic?

Danke Dankei Revolution.

He gets better

..well, time for dick then. Because tsundere is a best.

Volume... 5? I think? Is when he starts to fall for a classmate and it gets cute.
Read Locons other stuff too, there's a lot of similar vibes.


I tried the one about Edo-period prostitutes and it wasn't my thing. I generally find Nagi Ichi to be more to my liking.


There's one about a student who's roommate crossdresses that's pretty good.
Another one about a guy that discovers a boy dressed like a girl and they spend the summer together.

Why would they make Dick a whore like that?
He's for Bruce.

The doujin's pretty good. The part where he fucks that one dude and he's embarassed because he's not crossdressing was heartwarming desu.

Personally I like that 10 times better.

Master shake?

>ban by posting the ex link
WHAT? That can happen now?


What's this korean comic where a loser gets girls off by touching them?

It's called Sweet Guy.


I miss those times.

some comics make some people happy, while others don't. That produces debate and hostility.

On the contrary, all porn makes everyone happy.

S-sauce? For a friend.