would this situation have played out like this in real life?
Is this comic realistic?
Other urls found in this thread:
The guy would go way, try it on some others girls utill it works and they both would enjoy some casual sex.
No probably not.
but he was so epicly burned.....
>Would reality work the same way as a euphoric neckbeard's SICK BURN daydream?
The more interesting part of this comic is the fact that the girl is dating some fedora with a "unique, and quirky" sense of humor. Just like every other comic where his self-insert is constantly wooing the same chick while every other dude gets "fucking destroyed," either by him or her.
This whole comic is either wish fulfillment or "I am very smart." It's no wonder why Reddit is completely enamored with it.
Randall doesn't know how negging works, and uses his own misunderstanding as a way to dismiss the entire practice. "If I couldn't pull it off, no-one can".
As far as edgy fatalist/nihilist insults go, I don't get how what she said (and what the writer intended) anything that was a "sick burn XD"
>"You'll spend your life coming across epiphany after epiphany and constantly looking for new ways to improve yourself. That's just who you are."
As for as edgy insults go, it's not even that good.
>is this comic realistic?
Freaking Star Wars is more realistic and less autistic.
>My hobby is being a huge dick to people just trying to do their job
Is he trying to make me hate him? Because it's working.
I'm not even sure there's any potential humour in here. It's just obtuseness and "haha a math reference I think my audience will have heard, but which they think others HAVEN'T heard, so they feel superior for recognising it". It's the LCD of nerd humour, which means that like all LCDs its bereft of content.
literally nothing in xkcd could or should play out in real life
i swear, if he wrote a comic about gravity, god himself would hurl us off the earth rather than let "Get Out Of My Head" Randall Munroe be right about anything
"Here's two sampler plates and some hotwings."
"But that's not!"
"Price changed, we didn't update the menus."
"Look, do you want everything you eat tonight to be mostly spit?"
>is this comic realistic?
Why are you under the impression that it's supposed to be?
Strawman the comic strip
Hey guys listen to what I just learned about on some science blog, am I smart and cool or what?
That's not a hobby. Just like making gyroscopic Pokémon figures to fool Pokémon Go players isn't a hobby. I don't think this guy knows what hobbies are.
Wow, I feel like that second-to-last panel is speaking directly to me.
No. Also what is the purpose of the bowling ball guy? Is that the artist's "lol so random and spontaneous" self insert?
It's a burn in the artist's mind, that's the point. Is there a word for webcomics that constantly "btfo" all of their opponents, who are conveniently just made up caricatures in the artist's mind? I can think of Dobson as another example.
Black Hat guy's not a self-insert, he's just a gag character with no impulse control or shame. The self-insert is usually a stick figure without any defining details.
isn't everthing supposed to be at least a lil realistic?
You obviously if it was me I would have replied
Yes, I also need a nagging cunt around who only drives enjoyment in a fake sense of superiority to those around her because she would rather take a backseat in life and watch everyone else struggle, fail and struggle again to justify her own inactivity than take a chance on some or someone
Please enjoy your shallow writing and you shallow life, I'm going to be silly and attempt this a couple more times until I find someone who doesn't take herself so seriously and would rather go outside with people than seat around waiting for men to approach her to shoot them down.
But none of this is real so it doesn't matter at all
No, this is not a slice-of-life webcomic. It often centers around jokes and absurdities.
Oh so it's probably the guy's friend. Thanks.
Negging works. So do dozens of other psychological tricks, on men and women. People just get all offended because they don't like the idea that people don't really have free will and are still such slaves to base instincts and biology.
Ways to fuck with people.
>look up pic
>it's not ironic
holy fuck
strawmanhunters? strawdestroyers? scarecrow slayers?
alternatively, L'esprit de l'escalier-rants?
no, Black Hat guy is someone who only exists to epicly burn people who don't act anything like people
Your comment implies negging is a "trick" that works universally.
When really it only works on a small subset of people with really low self-esteem and you're just engaging in confirmation bias. ANYTHING would work eventually if you do it constantly over and over ignoring all your failures.
Windmill tilters?
>jokes and absurdities
Pick all of the latter and none of the former.
It's a stick figure comic.
I give them a sample platter and point out I expect a big tip from assholes who think they are better people than waiters because they have math degrees
I also ask if they want cum or shit as dipping sauce
Bugbear exterminators?
So? That makes it exempt from even a little realism?
I didn't say they were good jokes.
I find this intriguing please share your sources that confirm or st least hint at this point
Go figure.
I'm going to go ahead and say yes.
I don't know why you expect me to say no.
My source is not being a social retard who thinks they can get through life with "tricks".
I've found that women are fucking great at group socializing, but absolutely shit tier on one on one socializing. Which isn't to say that they can't socialize one on one or even that they can't do it well, but oddly enough its men who are more likely to suddenly drop some crazy desperate personal gambit on strangers.
Women only really talk like that to their fucking boyfriends, so honestly, this comic makes it come off like this chick is really fed up with her current boyfriend and is taking it out on this stranger because she's projecting onto him and kind of wants to fuck him.
Trust me, every time, every fucking time a woman is kind of bitch to you, it's because they want to fuck you. Every woman who has ever given me shit, always say yes when I pop the casual sex question. That's just the way women are wired, they never grow out of that schoolyard "pick on your crush" attitude.
Why exactly does a comic featuring stick figures exempt it from realism? Endtown has talking animal people, but doesn't forgo realism to the point where character interactions are just the artist's fantasies of being a "superior intellectual."
Have you heard of suspension of disbelief?
>random girls being ready to counter your come-on with a full paragraph
>guys with lame hats having a girlfriend
>well established normie tactic implied to "never work"
>the lol so random guy gets the girl
Ok, maybe that last one is believable, but this comic destroys my suspension of disbelief regardless.
>every time, every fucking time a woman is kind of bitch to you
So never?
>Trust me, every time, every fucking time a woman is kind of bitch to you, it's because they want to fuck you
I should've been swimming in pussy throughout high school then.
But dude, it's a comic with stick figures. It's not SUPPOSED to be realistic.
He forgot the part where you need to be at least kind of attractive.
Its still dumb, but for the record its not a math problem, its a computer science problem. Its a question of whether a given problem can be reduced to an issue that a computer can solve, and whether the computer can solve the problem without having to calculate and compare every possible outcome to find the right one or if there is a surefire way that avoids most of that work to achieve the right conclusion.
So basically "can a computer do this, and how efficiently?"
Its still a dick move to do to someone and mind bogglingly unrealistic. Its like telling your waiter that they have to solve a crossword puzzle before you will give them your card to pay the bill.
lol nobody actually likes beer
Im just answering OP's question, arguing that all stick figure comics should be expected to not adhere to reality is a different matter.
PU stuff is bollocks with a kernel of truth in it. In this case, negging conveys the important principle that women don't value respect as much as men do. Cringey nice guys who don't do anything nice other than "be respectful" get no-where. In that sense, a bit of negging would be an advantage to a prospective puller, provided that they knew what they were doing.
PUAs are selfish and use a few truths to justify larger lies about how life works, but the xkcd crowd is smug and incompetent.
Yea, funny how that part always gets left out.
>i swear, if he wrote a comic about gravity
I'm pretty sure he's written like a hundred of those at least.
Give examples of NP complete and incomplete problems.
That too, but not exclusively. He's an element in strawman comics without directly standing in for Munroe.
The chick with the long hair and the guy with the black hat are recurring characters and they're sadistic smartasses, where did you get the "so-random" thing from?
but that one is actually funny. Dear God, was old XKCD consistently good or is this a rare gem?
Yeah but see the trick is you have to make the first step. They're not going to give you the bitch act and then go "u-uumm user kun d do you want to go out?" Women just don't really do that.
Listen, take it with a grain of salt since this is personal experience, but for the most part, women are intrinsically more socialized for groups than men, which means most of their persona is kind if a vapid and shallow placating facade meant to make more people like them. Thas not who they really are and you have to get personal with them to really get to them as people, but because of the way we've evolved there's just no real gain for them to just give it all out from the get go. There are exceptions, but real talk, most down to earth chick's who don't put up that facade end up being either lesbians, autists, sluts, or some combination of the three.
This is the true normie game. Women act like a bitch and it's on men to slowly break down that barrier. It'd why the bitch girlfriend archetype exosts, because the whole point is to impress on a woman thst they can drop the facade around you and trust you enough for you to pump them with babies. Or pump and dump.
And honestly, "talking to them like human beings" like Numales constantly spout is counter productive. Courtship is a game, you either learn the meta and git gud or you settle for less.
Old XKCD is pretty funny but a lot of is humor very, very tailored to the author's semi-obscure hobbies and tastes so people label it tryhard.
>black hat lad
it was a set up the whole time. That's why cueball said oh no, he knew his friend was fucked the moment the black hat guy left.
How high are the ceilings that they wouldn't be visible in his peripheral?
They're 1700+ strips, some are good, some are meh, some are good only for people with Randall's mindset (math/IT people with overthinking problems).
But you were a social retard all along
see thats the thing with "sadistic acts" in ficiton.
if they did that stuff in real life, it would be scary and a little badass, if they showed the acts of brutal crime it would be dark, or edgy, depending on how well its done.
But when its portrayed in a way such as this, it falls under "lol so random", you can find "sadism" like this in almost every "random" following, they are sadists mostly because sadism is unexpected, and its a turn from how you would normally see non-villan fictional characters to act
i hope i dont look like im pushing any sort of meme, its just that different approaches to sadism serve different ends.
No, I already know the definition. Because you seem intent on explaining it, finish the job and give examples.
It's not funny at all
I acknowledge a joke was attempted tho
>And honestly, "talking to them like human beings" like Numales constantly spout is counter productive.
I don't know if it's counterproductive as such, but it's not going to get anybody laid. If talking to dudes "like a human being" doesn't lead to gay sex, talking to girls the same way won't lead to hetero sex either.
Considering that you tried to act like negging is legit, I can't really take what you have to say about me seriously.
So my mom wants to fuck me?
Yep. Go for it.
>No, I already know the definition.
Then kindly shut the fuck up you worthless fuck.
yeah, but by their nature NuMales beleive its evil to TRY to have sex with someone, sex should just happen
to be honest, id have to say most mothers are attracted to their sons.
But usually only aesthetically, not sexually.
Nah you see sadism in lol random followings because at the end of the day absurdism is just a power fantasy for people to feel like they're ascended for being chaotic, so add sadism into the mix and they feel even more empowered for being removed from and thus superior to humanity.
Little do they know that sadism is mostly found in criminals with actual mental retardation. And autism.
Autism and sadism go hand in hand to be frank.
Well, I am a different guy but here goes.
NP means, Non-Deterministic Polynomial time.
NP-Complete means a problem belongs to a class of problems that have no known deterministic polynomial time algorithm, it means some other stuff too, but that's the basics.
This tends to mean that the time to solve a problem grows exponentially or worse as the problem set grows.
For instance, imagine sorting a list of 100 integers, the simplest algorithm to sort it, of searching through and finding the smallest, putting it at the beginning, finding the next smallest... etc. Will look at 100+99+98...+1 numbers or so to perform.
Through something called Big-O notation we will say this has a runtime of of O(n^2). This is polynomial in terms of the input size.
Now, NP-Hard/NP-Complete problems have no known polynomial time algorithms to discover. For instance, the traveling salesman problem mentioned in that comic. This problem says, given N cities, what is the shortest path to visit all of the cities exactly once, and then return to the origin. The naive algorithm of checking every possible combination of paths is N!, so, N * N-1 * N - 2...
This means that the runtime gets quick very quickly, and even for small values of N it is computationally infeasible to find the answer. For instance, we can sort 1,000,000 pretty quickly. Doing TSM for even 100 cities would take longer than the life of the universe.
Finally, his problem is not actually the knapsack problem. It's the subset sum problem. Which is related but a little different.
No.i told you you may have a valid point me asked for some developed study
But since there isn't such thing and you think k you can read my mind the same way you can know how everyone in the world feels I'm content with just calling you a moron and moving on
See this is how you call out a pompous idiot
>sex should just happen
That sounds very entitled of them.
>just talk to her
I don't even understand what you're trying to get across.
xkcd's humor is about making fun of people's quirks and customs, like pick-up guy there. When the joke is that the quirk or custom is used for manipulation, the Black Hat Guy or her girlfriend is used, since they're the "evil" stickfigures.
>yeah, but by their nature NuMales beleive its evil to TRY to have sex with someone, sex should just happen
Pic related.
>yeah, but by their nature NuMales beleive its evil to TRY to have sex with someone, sex should just happen
Pretty much the whole western society has been brought up into that belief though. This weird ultra-prudish mores that blurs the line between flirting and sexual harassment so much that decent people who don't want to cause trouble to anyone are too afraid to even explore the other sex.
>And honestly, "talking to them like human beings" like Numales constantly spout is counter productive.
It's only counterproductive because the people who need to hear that advice don't fucking know how human beings talk in the first place.
The advice itself is perfectly fine, but if you don't already know how simple asking someone out can be, whether through doing it yourself or at the very least being social enough to see it done by others on a regular basis, then you're not going to understand what the fuck it means.
>If talking to dudes "like a human being" doesn't lead to gay sex, talking to girls the same way won't lead to hetero sex either.
Like. Fuck, man."Talk like a human being" isn't like one singular conversation. It's just the general attitude of not rehearsing your lines and speaking your mind, but not the parts of your mind that's too personal or would freak people out.
It's not something you study and perfect, it's something you practice, it's just that everyone else has been practicing since they were infants that it seems like they never practiced in the first place.
>pic related
Seems like something a NuMale would do, funnily enough. Most guys don't care enough to go through such effort.
I think I defined something in there incorrectly, so take this with a grain of salt before trying to shit talk a CS professor.
>i'm going to the bathroom to roll a bowling ball down under the line of stalls
this is retarded even by le so quirky standards
>overexplains comics
>calls others worthless fucks
>The advice itself is perfectly fine, but if you don't already know how simple asking someone out can be, whether through doing it yourself or at the very least being social enough to see it done by others on a regular basis
How the fuck could you possibly see that? Nobody does it when other people are present.
Don't ask for examples if you know them already. That's rude as fuck.
Does this answer your question?
Are you like a high school teacher or something? I swear theres like 4 replies in this thread that are just, "Ah, thats very interesting, please explain and give examples"
thats plausible.
brother im not sure how further i can explain it, or maybe i just dont care to make the effort beyond this post, i dont have anything against xkcd's humor, im pretty sure i like some of thier stuff. I just feel like theres different levels of sadism, and at the lowest point is "lol so random" sadism, which often happens for no reason, to no consequence, and without graphic depiction "just because"
>How the fuck could you possibly see that? Nobody does it when other people are present.
I've seen it. It's not some crazy secret thing that only the rarest of individuals do.
Do you think people exclusively ask each other out in a dark alley or something, what the fuck.
I see a lengthy, unnecessary explanation of what an NP-complete problem is, and no example of an NP-incomplete problem as asked for contrast. If I'm missing something please point it out.
It's a thing that's done in fucking private. You need to be some kind of a mutant Chad Thundercock to ask people out in a crowd.
I gave sorting as a non NP-Complete problem.
I made one comment to a guy who insisted on jumping into a pointless explanation but gave no examples. What other comments are there?
>Do you think people exclusively ask each other out in a dark alley or something,
Out of earshot of other people. That's how it's done.
>Reddit memes
Right, you could've labelled it better that's all. Cheers anyhow.
Is this your way of rationalizing your complete lack of a social life?
Look, it's nothing to be ashamed of. There's no time limit on this shit, except for when you die, you don't have to beat yourself up for not hanging out around people as much as others have.
I used to hang out with a friend and his friend, who was tall, handsome and rich and I have seen him ask girls out in a back alley and it works every time
>finally get a gf
>it actually isn't that great and after a while it loses the new shine and just gets kinda boring
>thinking of dumping her
Man, girls are...
Pretty boring, actually.
Well yeah, if you take girls into a back alley and show them your favorite handgun/knife they always swoon and say yes.
Dating 101 man.
You could just have a boring girlfriend.
It was probably a shitty girl
>Is this your way of rationalizing your complete lack of a social life?
I am fucking social you cock. I'm in some fucking bullshit party every week. Only time I have seen somebody ask somebody out was when the guy was high as a fucking kite and drunk out of his mind. He wasn't successful.
See, you had to be cringe-y about this.
Of course there's a kernel of truth to PUA shit. Most people aren't abnormal, therefore, certain trends in psychology will work on a neurotypical human being.
But what the fuck do you mean women don't want respect. That's like, the fastest way into a girl's pants. You SHOW her respect. You SHOW her that you value her as another human being. Not TELL her, but show her.
Then when you're actually willing to hook up/have sex, then you call her a dirty whore, slap her around, whatever gets you and her off. But the thing is, most of the autistic virgins that hear "women like to be degraded" automatically assume that it means constantly and always.
You are being a moron
He approached girls he didn't know and they were all over him
He once approached them in the streets yelling I'm not a rapist just to show us how easy it is for him
You are just mad because it's hard for you or you are one of the girls who would have fucked a stranger provided he was tall and handsome
>Like. Fuck, man."Talk like a human being" isn't like one singular conversation. It's just the general attitude of not rehearsing your lines and speaking your mind, but not the parts of your mind that's too personal or would freak people out.
People shit on pick up because they see some loser guy talking to a girl by repeating something he read in a book and fucking it up. But they don't realise that the guy is actually practising talking to girls by using these lines. A pick up artists talks to girls every single day, he makes an effort to meet new people and puts himself in situations where he will meet new girls. Over time he learns to drop the stuff which doesn't work for him and build on the stuff that does. And after a year of talking to girls like this, practising his social skills and making an effort to improve every single day he is the smoothest guy around.
It's like criticising a skinny guy for lifting weights because he isn't /fit/. Of course he isn't /fit/ that is why he is lifting weights and putting the work in.
'Just be yourself' only works if you are naturally an attractive outgoing person. Everyone else has to be willing to work hard and make changes.
you could be gay
No, for real, I just show them my favorite handgun in a back alley and they always say yes.
/k/ is always right.
Holy shit, is this what people actually think? No wonder you don't get any.
"Talking to them like human beings" means talking to them like a human being. It doesn't mean bending over backwards. It doesn't mean simpering and choosing your words carefully.
Speaking to another human being, boys and girls, is basically a give-and-take conversation, where both partners are enriched by it.
Betas think it means acquiescing to their every whim. Neckbeards think it means talking down to them. In reality, it's nothing of the sort. Just sort of, imagine that you're them and they're you. Mentally put yourself behind their eyesockets. Everything will become a lot clearer then.
Eh, maybe. I've got a tranny friend who honestly seems like a better catch than my gf. They're actually a but more attractive and kinda THICC compared to my skinny gf, they have a job, they have decent taste in videogames compared to my normie gf who just plays fucking lol and wow and overwatch all the time while shitposting on tumblr.
Man, I'm honestly thinking of dumping my girlfriend for a tranny right now.
Pretty sure people shit on PUAs because they're against the whole notion of actively and systematically trying to seduce people for the purpose of consensual sex. It's a taboo. You're not supposed to strive towards sex the way you strive towards any other goal in the world, sex just happens through some mysterious process that starts with "talking like a human being", then there's a huge question mark, and finally there's sex.
You jest, but bitches love firearms. Taking them to a shooting range, or any open place fit for easy target practice, is a fun time.
Are you for real?
"Hey, are you busy later? I want to ask you out."
Seriously, the biggest hurdle is inside people's heads. Nobody fucking kills you if you don't got game. It just means that this woman is not interested. Shrug and move on.
It wasn't me, I'm fat and short I don't get girls easy like that
Stop being such a cunt
Or maybe you are just a little mad that your girlfriend could be swept from her feet and fucked ten times by a man only because he was born taller and more handsome than you and she would consent and you could never do anything about it?
>"Talking to them like human beings" means talking to them like a human being. It doesn't mean bending over backwards. It doesn't mean simpering and choosing your words carefully.
We know what talking like a human being does. It will literally never get you or me or anyone laid. Because FLIRTING is not a part of it. You don't flirt when you talk to people normally, but you have to flirt if you want to get laid. Doesn't matter if you want a casual fling or some magical true love that's built on mutual respect and lasts forever, neither can start without somebody putting the fucky-fucky issue on the table. And that's not a part of normal human conversation.
People forget that even couples flirt with each other.
>But what the fuck do you mean women don't want respect. That's like, the fastest way into a girl's pants. You SHOW her respect. You SHOW her that you value her as another human being. Not TELL her, but show her.
You have it backwards. Being disrespectful is much more attractive than showing respect.
Women usually 'date up', they want a guy who is higher value than she is. Showing a lack of respect straight away is basically a way of showing that higher value because it implies that you 'must' have a high value to be so cocky.
It's hard to balance, but if you want to get laid then it is better to be overly disrespectful than overly nice.
Last time a guy tried to take my girl, I took him to the alley and showed him my favorite handgun and pretty soon we were all sucking and fucking. Sweaty, nothing left unfilled, nothing left unviolated.
My friend started reading that pickup artist stuff, then got his first girlfriend. I think a lot of guys who aren't confident gravitate towards the whole pickup artist thing because these guys ooze confidence, even if they can get a little piggish.
Your post is cringey, for the same reason all posts are cringey - you assume women's priorities are the same as men. They aren't. Women value kindness, not respect. That's why buying gifts and being wealthy works but tipping a fedora and wearing novelty bowties actively shrivels vagina. Smile and be friendly to a girl, but don't try to win her over like you would a man. Being a prissy "so respectful" type screams "I can never protect nor provide".
Yeah nah. Like I said, women put up a front and the only way to approach them is to put up a kind of front yourself. Which doesn't mean you lie about being a millionare to them, but to a certain degree you have to present yourself as desirable as a mate for women, or really anyone, to be interested in you romantically. Thats why the whole JUST BEE YOURSELVES thing doesn't work, because most people are actually too nice and polite and weird to really attract anyone.
You have to project some confidence at the expense of maybe coming off as more of an asshole than you usually do and you have to make a good impression. Going in there cold just makes you come off as exactly what you are, a stranger that wants to fuck a woman.
And which would you rather have if that happened to you, the guy that presents themselves as someone desirable who isn't too easy so when you do get in the sack it's actually rewarding, or the meek desperate guy who talks to you about shit that's a little too personal for someone you just met at a bar?
Like I said, women and men are inherently different in how they act socially, as people they're about the same, but if you don't play the game by the rules don't be salty when you lose
Maybe see if your tranny friend is actually interested in that way first. She may have already friendzoned you, and if she knows and is friends with your gf at all, it could make things even more fucking awkward.
Also probably stop calling her a tranny. I understand some of them take offense to that
Just some thoughts.
Great story friend maybe you should start drawing to make your stories come to life.
You could finally show everyone your girlfriend instead of having to tell them about her
>Retrograde wheelbarrow
The trick is to understand that women see respect as a zero sum game. For men, respect is a structural thing, something that can be assembled through good spirit and cameraderie. It can also be demolished by being a sneering cunt. But women see respect as more like an elemental substance, of which there is a limited supply. If one person gains respect, it's only because others have lost it.
In this light, the average cuck's failure is illuminated with sharp relief. By pouring his respect at a woman, all he does is impoverish himself, and raise her on a pedestal, out of his height. It is likely the average man wants this deep down, as an excuse for his lack of conquests.
Flirting is a part of normal conversation you mong.
"Holy shit, I love your earrings."
"Yeah, I jut broke a new PR yesterday, so I'm all sore today."
"Hey just wanted to tell you - you look absolutely stunning today."
Please punch whomever taught you this. I mean, if you're dating women with low self-esteem, this is true. I dated a cokefiend, and yes, she loved it when I would degrade her in public. But she wasn't right in the head.
Any of my other relationships were built on the fact that we were two equals that were interested in similar things, and liked having sex.
Once again, how you talk to her, and what you do in the bedroom are two entirely different things.
>tfw every woman you ask out turns out to be a lesbian
Why is it so hard to find a girl that looks like a cuddly dyke with a big butt, who isn't a dyke.
People want excitement you moron, talking like a human being isn't exciting, getting approached by a random start who is tall and handsome and has a way with words is
I have no idea of the validity of pua but I know being attractive is the way to go not being nice or genuine, chances are the prize guy ends up getting laid every single time no matter what and people like me dont
kys faggot. You've never been laid, have you?
You can project confidence without being an asshole you fucking fedora-wearing goblin.
Honestly, I'd prefer to show you the new guy, my GF is only so-so the new guy is 10/10 hot as fuck and so fucking and being fucked by him and just all of us running complex polygonal trains on each other is great.
>Flirting is a part of normal conversation you mong.
No it's not. Flirting is only a part of flirting. You don't flirt with anyone you don't want to fuck.
So my only advice is to hang out in backalleys.
What exactly do you want from this thread?
That's great
You cant. And you thinking you can shows thst you don't know the first thing about confidence. Confidence is asserting yourself, it is figuratively becoming a transgressors in conversation and a holder of power. To do this you have to inherently step over some lines that would otherwise seem rude and out of line. You know why? Because that's a show of power, it shows people you're willing to put yourself at social risk and may even have the power to back up that social risk. It's powerful, it's exciting, it's arousing, it's how you get people to listen to you.
Women fucking love confidence. You, being a probably soft spoken slave man, could never understand this as you only think in terms of yourself. You only project yourself onto others and of course you can't appreciate confidence, as it emasculated you. You, you fucking social coward who cannot bring himself to venture just a bit in the face of romance.
Your bloodline ends with you, and you will be forgotten by the desert of time. You will never love or have progeny, and you never truly lived.
I pity you, you slime.
Wrong you inbred hick. Men and women flirt even when both of them know that it's not gonna go anywhere. You should know this.
I'm trying to steer people clear away of the dangers of either the "internet beta" or "neckbeard" mentality. Like, the amount of shit that was said in this thread is SO WRONG.
Here, I'll do a list:
>projecting confidence =/= being an asshole
>women enjoy respect in conversation
>actively seeking pussy generally tends to not getting any
>flirting can be part of casual conversation
>being nice doesn't mean acquiescing to her every whim
>normal conversation is done between two equals and is a give-and-take
Mind you, this is true only for neurotypical people. If you have some kind of disorder, or the woman does, then yes, the standard rules fly out the window.
I know well that women love a jackass but being a jackass alone isn't going to take you far if you are a manlet or fat or ugly
Can you guys just????
I mean really?
Really guys?
I just can't even
It's 2016
That's why you work out and groom yourself you fucking toad, it's not that hard. Just wash your face, eat healthy, and go take a jog every day. Trust me, not being a smelly slob goes a long way even if you aren't Brad pitt.
Black chicks.
>Wrong you inbred hick. Men and women flirt even when both of them know that it's not gonna go anywhere. You should know this.
Sorry, but that's just completely wrong and you're wrong. Flirting with actual pussy in your mind is one thing and talking like a human being is a completely separate, different thing. The latter is when you talk like you talk to your family members or your same-sex friends. You don't flirt with either of them, except possibly as an ironic joke that's hilarious because you're doing the obviously wrong thing.
Oh forgot the key point
Women don't fuck nice guys nor "nice guys" they fuck men that can give them a hell of a good time
How do I groom myself Into being 6'2 or having a manly jaw?
Holy fuck, this thread is a shitshow
There's literally no point to even trying to mate if you're not withing the top 1% of physical attractiveness.
Let's just invent the sexbots already and be done with this shit.
So would the waiter just give them 15 bucks worth of mixed fruit or side salad just to fuck with them?
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
But seriously, kys faggot.
Do you know how you project confidence? You act confident. Do you know how you act confident? You need things to be confident about.
>physically strong
>intellectually gifted
>good job
>connections with powerful people
Then, when you keep these things in mind, and show them off, THAT is confidence. Examples:
>"Yeah, my bro injured himself yesterday at the gym. Meanwhile, I broke a new bench PR. Feel my biceps."
>"Well, I mean, I've gotten full scholarship ever since I started attending classes. Plus quite a bit extra. And I'm already published. Wanna go back to my place, I'll tell you all about it."
>"Oh sure, the Lexus is nice, but I recently got a new Bentley. Thing runs like a song. And I decided to splurge and got this fancy-ass speaker system. Wanna go for a spin?"
>"Check out my abs."
>"Hah, well, I did a stint with Blackwater back when they were still Blackwater. Then there was that time in Afghanistan... listen, come over to my place, I'll show you my medals."
>"And then, you wouldn't believe what Cheney did! He straight up TOLD him that he was gonna have him executed for treason. Though the funny bit is the way he was acting at that dinner with the Chinese ambassador. I'll tell you about it in my place."
All you gotta do is KNOW what you're good at, phrase questions in the form of statements, and generally have a smooth flow of conversation.
Other factors apply, obviously.
>dress in a way thst complements your height
>get a hairstyle that accentuates stuff besides your jawline, like maybe your eyes or even head size, or even your forehead
>if you aren't particularly masculine, rub with it and be a pretty boy for the ladies, or if you are a masculine manlet, get a little chubby and strong fat and go dadmode, bitches love dadmode
Honestly it's mostly a fashion thing
But...pickup artist forums really ARE full of dehumanizing creeps. Like /r9k/ on steroids. Doesn't mean OPs pic isn't bullshit however.
Gb2fapping to 2d porn, you waste of space.
Except that's wrong.
No they do. Because "nice" doesn't mean "obeying her whims." Nice means donating to charity, volunteering at retard clinics, and returning lost dogs.
Proper posture, grow a beard - an actual beard not some soul patch bullshit (full goatee acceptable), and date chicks shorter or equal in height to you.
>bitches love dadmode
Can confirm. A lot of women actually fall super hard for bears.
Though the distinction needs to be made, bears =/=fatasses
Anyway, peace out. Do take my advice to heart. I'm going down to Nirvana, to get drunk, smoke hookah, and hook up with hot Russian chicks.
You don't git gud with women by living in the suburbs, you do that by being in the big cities.
>Except that's wrong.
Not. Only way flirting is a "part of normal conversation" is if you're literally trying to fuck every human you see, including your family members, the elderly, and strangers you just met, to the point that the verbal attempt to get into people's pants is the normal state of things to you. And while that's certainly an interesting medical condition, it's not normal.
/r9k/ in a nutshell people.
I'll correct this list:
>projecting confidence =/= being an asshole
Projecting confidence as a whole is meaningless and a concept for girls, and I'd argue that actually it does mean deliberately being an asshole, to better signal that you aren't willing to back down on points. That said I think we're probably agreeing on a principle here.
>women enjoy respect in conversation
They really don't care. Respect is a male-minded phenomenon, about as much as autism is. Have you ever noticed how indignant autistics get, incidentally? Regardless, thinking that women actively want it constitutes a greater error than being wilfully disrespectful from time to time.
>actively seeking pussy generally tends to not getting any
Depends on how you define "actively seeking" - if "a.s." =walking up to girls with chat-up lines, almost certainly. If on the other hand "a.s." =putting yourself out there and applying a bit of effort into presentation and not projecting yourself on others, then au contraire, it's literally essential.
>flirting can be part of casual conversation
>being nice doesn't mean acquiescing to her every whim
Nice is too vague. The Kindness/Respect split is much more functional. Kindess means doing things for her and not expecting tit-for-tat returns, but also being willing to be a tease and say no to bullshit. Respect means entertaining anything she might say, propose or do and sticking to established norms of conduct without a self-effacing display. Guess which one works.
>normal conversation is done between two equals and is a give-and-take
True and a lot of PUA-types claim otherwise. Then again, people on both sides of the aisle use equal to mean identical, which is a mistake. Women and men's values differ in several key respects.
>tfw girls try to flirt with you and it's way worse than anything any awkward neckbeard has ever said to a woman
Off the top of my head, a woman once told me "ohhh I'm a cow and I need my bull, baby"
Another once said "I want you to fuck me so hard your dick comes out of my mouth"
And another said "do you want to go back to my place and lick my feet?"
These were all the first sentences in the conversation.
Woman can be awkward as fuck too. We are all god's retarded children in the end.
>another said "do you want to go back to my place and lick my feet?"
She clearly thought you browsed Cred Forums.
girls dont have to learn how to flirt because they go through life expecting men to whip their dicks out as soon as they say anything lewd
Girls don't care about neither they want the guy who can take her in a ride on his amazing car, show around being tall and handsome and fuck them really good
Maybe being nice makes you more likable but not more fuckable stop watching Disney movies because that's not how the world works
It doesn't matter if you are nice "nice" an asshole or wathever else none kf those things will get her in bed
>It's only counterproductive because the people who need to hear that advice don't fucking know how human beings talk in the first place.
This, I hate advice like that.
It's like when people find out you can't whistle and so their first fucking instinct is to start whistling in front of you.
>I'm a cow and I need my bull
That's so fucking hot, holy shit
And you, my friend, are in the same boat as attractive women who suddenly find god-awful men making moves on them. You need to do something to establish distance and make it clear that being sloppy won't count. I've talked about respect in thread already from the perspective of men giving it to women. As a man, your social status is based on how much respect you get. So you need to act to establish boundaries about what people can say to you.
Whether women are nice to you isn't an issue - those birds were being plenty generous in offering you sex, but it's irrelevant when it's so out of line. Catty but composed is completely preferable to friendly but piggish.
So no, no, no and never, short girls want even taller men
It's not
Sometimes I wonder how much contact with reality you guys have, I have gone to party's and i have gone clubbing and I can tell you it's always the same type of guy that gets lucky
>Look somewhere else
I did, it works exactly the same, I didn't get a single date and the tall guy had 3 girlfriends and a fuckbuddy
Holy fuck, can you get it through your thick skull:
confident =/= nice =/= asshole =/= fuckable
These are all independent things and you can be one without the other. Furthermore, you have to be one THEN the other.
>Short girls want to feel like midget/kid
Yeah, nah. Most girls are just as hung up about height. There's no more girls wanting a guy towering over them than there are guys with a giantess fetish.
t. beta male virgin
My whole point was you can be all, you can be none and anything in between but if you aren't the things women actually want it doesn't matter.
Would you fuck a polite dog? A literally dog that was really nice?
but only because im attracted to dogs
You are wrong about this, you are in absolute wish fulfillment mode, there are more tall man/short girl couples than short guy/short girl couples
Good for you but my point stands, if you aren't hot or rich you are not a sexual being for them easy as that
>be a manlet
>relatively young
>grow out hair and have a quiet but not shy demeanor
>give girls hints of a sob story since upbringing was kinda rough
>get a ton of action from hot older women because I've got that helpless young kid thing going on
>literally have older women fawn over me, give me gifts, and ask me out regularly specifically because I don't present myself as a turbo alpha and go for a completely different dynamic entirely
It all comes down to marketing, if you can't outsell to one audience, you fill the niche of another.
You're not counting the short girl/slightly taller guy couples. Guess what? Most girls who are 5 foot don't want to date a basketball player. They'll consider a 5 foot-something guy, because he's still taller than them.
And if you aren't even slightly taller than 5 foot girls, there's still midgets out there for you.
That what I meant by short girls/short guys
being hot is somewhat objective.
im not by the way, but i was sorry for jumping into the conversation
Considering you've said that you're not even going to attempt proper posture, I assume you're just a good-for-nothing sack of shit who wants to whine on the internet. No shit women won't date you, they don't even have a reason to like you. I doubt any men like you either. Your cat probably is just waiting until something better comes along too.
It's a really small tiny minuscule amount subjective
Regular people as 99% of thr population wants exactly the same with also having one or two of the 3 most popular kinks and of the 1% left 70% want something I'm also not
Then you're absolutely wrong. Only women with that particular fetish wants to feel like a goddamn kid when walking next to their boyfriend, or when they have to get picked up to be kissed. They just want someone that's a bit taller than them. Unless they're one of those who like being taller.
This thread isn't Cred Forums related at all.
Yet it's still better than the OP topic.
I don't want to whine I just want to argue my posture and I want you to acknowledge that at least 75% of your bullshit is bullshit and be a bit more honest because if you are a below average guy you have experienced this, if you are a woman you have rejected below average guys and if you are a handsome guy you have seen women go crazy over you and ignore everyone else so there is no way you can be so ignorant about this.
Actually I have a great personality and most men become my friends and a lot of women do so too but I'm not exactly attractive in any way,im the kind of guy everyone knows the name of amd I had plenty of people say hi to me I couldn't remember at all
The joke is that he was hiring prostitutes user. It's subtle.
I'm not talking about basketball players but short women don't want short men because they look like a couple of midgets together
Short women want average to better than average men
Christ you sound like a complete /r9k/ stereotype.
>short women don't want to look like a couple of midgets
>they want to emphasise how much of a midget they look like themselves by always being around a person who's a lot taller than them
How can you possibly think that's how they reason?
And you sound like hardcore tumblr like you are going to advocate for public male castration
But at least I can acknowledge that I sound like the, they are morons but if you dig down you can find that they are obviously hurt because they have obviously been rejected a lot even tho they choose to express it in the worst way
Now it's your turn to acknowledge personal flaws
Im basing it on personal experience, sadly there aren't any studies about this, not that I trust modern studies anyways
Hardcore tumblr now consists of telling you to stand up straight, grow a beard to hide a weak jawline, and go after chicks who are the same height or shorter?
I'm six foot tall, 250lbs, balding, 30yo man with seborrhoeic dermatitis working a dead end job with both motivation issues and problems with social anxiety who spends my free time lurking Cred Forums because the anonymous nature of the site relieves the stress of social interactions that have caused several of my personal relationships to wither over the years. I also have had an active dating life since high school and am currently engaged. What's your excuse?
If any of us had the ability to fill someone's niche on a regular basis, this thread wouldn't exist.
Man this takes me back.
Post the original, f-f-faggot ;_;
I don't know what the fuck that's about but I'm sad now
Why do I need an excuse
My only excuse is that to me it isn't worth it to change my life completely for a one in a thousand chance of getting a girl that will eventually leave me.
Belive it or not I'm happy even tho I'm obviously missing one aspect of the human experience, I'm just more of a realistic guy than most people I would rather consider my options than just jump into a pool of quicksand to see if I can swim in it
Is this just a long winded way of saying you've never talked to a woman one on one before?
>change my life completely
>Stand up straight, grow a bead, date short chicks
>change my life completely
Even if that's all it takes wich is not I'm still competing for a 1/1000 chance
Literally not worth it at all, the investment far outweigh the payoff, I don't even bet on those numbers
Is there more stuff like this? I like minimalistic style porn stuff
There used to be a lot of stuff like it back when Cred Forums was new, but off the top of my head I cant think of anything
jesus it's not their fault that women have made relationships adversarial. women are supposed to be the pickup artists. that's nature.
> How to identify people who will never ever tip
>its not a math problem
huh? are you saying the assholes who make these problems will never tip?
>we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone
>gyroscopic Pokémon figures to fool Pokémon Go players
This sounds hilarious and I love PGo. Do you have more information?
>It's no wonder why Reddit is completely enamored with it.
yet it's Cred Forums that's always talking about it
weird, huh?
>"Talking to them like human beings" means talking to them like a human being.
see >it's only counterproductive because the people who need to hear that advice don't fucking know how human beings talk in the first place.
>Trust me, every time, every fucking time a woman is kind of bitch to you, it's because they want to fuck you
Maybe women just don't like you.
Be Yourself, user
>Also probably stop calling her a tranny. I understand some of them take offense to that
More like all of them that don't browse /lgbt/
>"ohhh I'm a cow and I need my bull, baby"
Did you fuck her?
He's trying to make sure that you know that he knows what NP means.
I mean, they aren't visible in the wide shots, so presumably pretty high
>Every woman who has ever given me shit, always say yes when I pop the casual sex question.
Cool story bro, can you give me a sadpanda link to the doujin?
I know right? How could anyone be comfortable like that?
>donating to charity, volunteering at retard clinics and returning lost dogs.
Don't be ridiculous. Who the hell even does those things?
>pickup artists... see relationships as adversarial...
Only good point he made in this wall of text.
So is it just being super unfunny ironically, or...what? It's not clever and it's just a convoluted set-up for a bad, bad joke.
>girls flirt with you
Then what the hell are you complaining about?
randy and his audience are superautists who derive pleasure from ruining the days of hypothetical people less autistic than them
>old XKCD
If anything, it improved significantly. Take that for what you will.
This is insulting to the intelligence of everyone who has the misfortune of reading even most of it. It's fucking stupid. I hope ill upon whoever spawned it.
>comics are supposed to be realistic and play out as they would in real life
I don't get this meme.
sauce on that pic, sauce, sauce sauce
That would be a much better alt-text
>Why don't kids in real life talk like Peanuts or Calvin?
It's not that it's stick figures, it's that Randall (the author) is a total nerd (not in a 100% bad way though). He doesn't really understand how people work he's not alone and so he writes about how he wished the way the world worked with some jokes put in
Here's his format for a number of his stuff
>common problem/situation (either social or technical)
>Presentation of different/absurd solution, which would work in a perfectly logical world or is 'technically' correct
>discussion of said solution
Go on. Look through the archives, see if I'm wrong.
>be me
>go out drinking last night
>new to the area, so I usually end up finding weird/cool dudes and chilling with them
>they're talking about trying to chat up women to get laid
>literally go up to chick and start talking for a few minutes
>get bored, leave, go back to dudes
>looking at me, as if what have I done
>explain I got bored. No time for uninteresting women
I feel you user. But have no fear for conversation, and know you have limited time. Use it well for excitement.
No because most of PUA is about "inner game", improving one's self-esteem and self-confidence. Becoming the type of man that's worthy of a woman's attention in the first place, instead of a desperate, whiny beta. PUA focuses a lot on this and less so on pick up lines and rituals, most are just used as general examples to get you thinking in the right direction.
It's not about belitting the girl either, it's about showing her that you're funny, playful and think highly of yourself but aren't full of yourself and that you aren't scared shitless of her. So the girl's monologue is actually telling the PUA what he already knows, if that was the case he'd probably sit down and talk to her about self-improvement techniques.
So like always Randall displays a gross ignorance of what he think's he blasting and refuting. He's got second-hand information that he probably lazily picked up form some feminist blog.
And negging works pretty damn well when you pull it off right, but you have to be good looking because women don't care and respond to it better if you are since that's all they care about.
FUCKING YES! You made my night user! When I saw "duplicate file exists". No way.. someone saved it and reposted it!
See Because that's why I made that comic. It sums up the whole idea perfect.
But in the meantime he was creepy weirdo to a whole bunch of people.
Oh no, all those people had to undergo 2 minutes of minor discomfort that they're going to forget about by the end of the night, let alone by the time he shapes up, how awful.
That probably depends on how much of a creepy weirdo he was.
If he's not a complete social retard at the very start of his journey to becoming a butterfly, they won't give a shit.
None of that shit ever works because most people require atleast one date to have sex with someone, "Just be yourself" is so you can have an actual authentic personality so people actually love you, it has nothing to do with avoiding self betterment
Kek, that one's kind of funny. Anyone who knows Virtua Cop is alright in my book.
I still think like that... but I have sex pretty consistently because it's not really a problem in itself.
It only becomes a problem if you combine it with a crippling fear of talking to women or a lack of female friendship/interactions.
>mfw knew closeted homo weeb
>never got on that
Good thing to know my middle-school principal wanted to jump my bones.
It's not really important to me that a comic be realistic as long as it's entertaining. Better questions:
>Was the comic funny?
>Did the comic provoke deep thought?
>Did the comic have a dramatic payoff?
>Is the comic beautiful?
>Is the comic innovative?
The answer to all five is 'no'. It's just a white knight daydream. 'Heh, if **I** was a girl getting negged, I'd do THIS!'
And I do think Munroe has the potential to be an entertaining guy, but trying to maintain a 3-a-week schedule for a decade has made his pool run dry, or at least made it harder to discern what's worth publishing.
IIRC, Munroe used to talk to Jeph Jacques (Questionable Content) a fair amount, and they made some stuff together.
Explains a bit, doesn't it?
>It's a "my self esteem is so low that I see any woman's attempt to interact with me as an attempt to make fun of me, because I feel so worthless" episode
>It's an "I can't respect myself, how could anyone love me" episode
It doesn't matter to me whether you're right or wrong. I still wish you were dead.
>panel 8
jesus christ I want to kill myself. too accurate
> Just sort of, imagine that you're them and they're you. Mentally put yourself behind their eyesockets.
Wtf how haven't i thought it before (no kidding)
That's actually excellent advice
m8...that's a bit harsh
I like you and I support this shitposter wrecking post you made.
that was just another of his stupid "my hobby" strips
i don't think anyone's ever actually done anything like it
No. Anyone that pretentious would be ignored.
Rejection is part of bring a man. Never give up.
This comic is funnier than the entire XKCD archive.
>wanting to fuck whores who you can pick up in one line in the first place
Outside of fucking african women that's a good way to catch aids
Man she told that cis white male god i hope he goes home and kills himself he deserves it!
>but that one is actually funny.
Its a hack joke everyone knows and he basically stoled it
thats not how to flirt with someone you autistic fuck, is that how you talk to women?
Just give the guy 7 orders of mixed fruit
7 mixed fruit whats the problem here ?
>Tfw from what peoples told me I'm somewhat good looking but the only girls who shown open or somewhat obvious interest in me are the landwhales that lack any kind of subtility, to the point of licking their lips while looking at my crotch (I'd go for it to be honest if it wasn't from the risk associated with these kind of peoples, prone to blow a fuse if you even implies they should loose weight or something, its like walking on some freakin mine field)
>Tfw all the others simply judge me from a distance and never talk to me about anything, preferring their presumption over actually learning who I am, teasing me with some hope simply to back out at the last moment or I eventually learn that they are already taken and I simply can't bring myself to woo them away from their loved one
Being a pure but asocial fuck is suffering, also doesn't help that I'm godawful when it comes to breaking the ice.
I'm 5'10 and I've never had trouble.
Yo're just not trying bruh.
That's a big "if" actually.
Just a reminder that Randall has been hung up over his (only) college girlfriend for over 10 years now.
hehe autism xd
I can definitely see that. I bet she was fat and "meh" too, knowing STEM faggots*...
*(Not all STEM guys are faggots, but STEM faggots are the ones like Randall that are super autistically obnoxious and think they're smarter than everyone else.)
>It's a manlet biterness episode
people who have sex
I like being a 5'9 manlet. I travel for work and travel for fun, and yet planes are still comfy for me; besides, there are enough womanlets for me to be fine. However, uppity manlets should be shot.
Autists like XKCD will never grasp that it's all about fucking tone of voice and body language. If you're dead serious saying that first sentence, you WILL come across as a cunt. If you are playful and light, you come across as simultaneously acknowledging and forgiving their short-comings, if they have them. If they don't, you come across as setting up a mutual thing against people who are so hung up on that thing it would be an insecurity. Either way you are inviting them into a conversation where they are safe and it's going to be fun. This is classic flirting. Flirting has always been about repartee. There's a reason girls eat that shit up in romcoms. It is just a heightened version of something normal.
Except you can. I know it's a fictional example, but think about a person like Superman, he's always kind caring but he is confident as shit and owns any conversation he's a part of. You can be like that and be confident and commanding
I honestly wonder how many people posting ITT are femanons.
>tfw like punk girls
>tfw all girls with the punk aesthetic are just radical feminists pretending they are punk girls
>You can be like that and be confident and commanding.
You can only be like that if you overwhelmingly and obviously have the power to transgress any limit you want with impunity, user. Superman's command of situations comes from his obvious power. Normal people don't have power like they, they just have the ability to alter the social playing field by transgressing its rules, and so they have to demonstrate that on a smaller level in order to achieve the image of confidence - unless they are rich or famous.
You also don't have to do this if you are extremely handsome or sexy.
>only had one gf
>literally didnt even ask her out formally
After months of sexual tension built up we were hanging out in the park with a mutual acquaintance and eventually we fucked off under a bridge and just stared at each other for a minute before sucking face hard.
Lasted five years.
I never really thought of it this way before, but that makes a lot of sense.
As a man that has really never seen someone ask someone else out that i know of this doesnt seem right. How the hell do you get someone into a private situation if you just met them? By the way, the corner of a bar, club, or book store is not "private"
I think women really couldn't give a fuck about xkcd.
Honestly I don't think asking out actually works either. PU advice, if there's any worth in it, resides in general composure and self-conditioning.
huh huh.
I think the biggest thing to take out of PU advice is the need to be interesting, which is something that society generally fucks up teaching boys as they grow up. Amid all the calls to be manly, nice, or what have you, few people actually point out that if you make yourself interesting, or at least fake it, life becomes so much easier.
Yeah. It all comes down to confidence in the end. Sometimes you get blown off and there's nothing you can do about it, other times you manage to bed two at the same time. Being a low-confident beta male who secretly envied the Frat bros in University or the Football Team in High School is about the worst you can do.
From one social retard to another, I see.
>I think the biggest thing to take out of PU advice is the need to be interesting
The biggest thing to take out of PU is to be confident and up forward. As well as deluding yourself you're gonna "win" this interaction. The thing most guys do is, when a girl turns them down, they begin to self-loath and then stop trying. When he should really just say fuck her and try another girl.
Yeah, but I'm more practical minded, so saying "be confident" doesn't give me much tangible things to work on (although it'll be useful advice for others), whereas "be interesting" lets me know what tangible things I can do to garner her interest, both actively (I do interesting things) and passively (I make her aware that I am interesting). From this, at least for me, springs confidence.
You seem to miss the part where I said deluding yourself. That's a big part of it, is to trick your mind into making you think you're awesome. Most average looking guys don't get laid a lot, because most of the time when they approach women, they're approaching with the mentality that they have to try to impress her, instead of letting it flow naturally and giving fuck all about if she wants you or not.
user, I think we're agreeing. By making myself more awesome and/or figuring out ways to better make myself seem awesome, the confidence flows naturally.
It also has nothing to do with trying to impress her, as ideally, all these things are things that come across passively, naturally.
here's the real life version of this
>jesus christ marvel this is what I think of your civil war II megaevent crap
nice timestamp placement
>And another said "do you want to go back to my place and lick my feet?"
now that I dont believe
This makes the mistake of assuming self-criticism is worthless. While there are endless sore losers who invent excuses for their own lack of success, there are also those who would do well to back off and take stock. It's a balance - don't stop trying, but don't blame everyone but you either.
Confidence as a personality/attitude concept is largely misleading. I blame women's advertising and the promotion of you-are-beautiful-no-matter-what feelgood nonsense for helping to popularise the misconception. Study what the word confidence really means - "vouchworthy" - and how it's used functionally in other contexts, like in terms of a plan or a tool.
why you mad tho? You realize it's just a joke, right? Do you think he actually does this or something?
XKCD says some intelligent things about a variety of stuff, like computers and science
Love and relationship is not one of them
Some of Randall's infographics are competent. The one he did about colour and word use for his blog for instance was great.
That's about it. He over-simplifies and morally pontificates constantly about science topics, or uses them for non-jokes like the menu one.
Oh and Randall is intelligent, everything he does is intelligent. That doesn't stop it from being worthless.
are you bein sarcastic?
Recuse it's not funny
Over the course of my undergrad (Math/CS) I went from thinking XKCD was "cool nerd cred" to just garbage. Randall is a hack. Gets one internship at NASA and then tries to play genius. Even other math "artists" are less pretentious about it.
NP-Complete means it's fast to check if a proposed solution is correct, but getting a solution scales terribly with the size of the problem. Imagine if there were 50 items and the mixed fruit was listed last (or the last item you checked). Then imagine if there were 500 items, ...
It's a convoluted setup to a bad joke
Problem with repartee is that it goes off the rails when you try it in real life, because people aren't expecting to have to verbally spar with strangers at any moment.
No, not even in bars. Anything you say can and will be interpreted by someone you meet in the worst possible way, and if you're not ready to get your ass kicked just for saying "Hi, it's a nice night, isn't it?" you might as well stay home and watch tv.
>Every woman who has ever given me shit, always say yes when I pop the casual sex question
but they fuck him tho