>Finds himself losing his humanity as he's trapped in the body of a Hawk
>Has to hunt and kill every day to survive
>Finds out his father was an ayy lmao
>Heavily implied to have gotten cucked out of Rachel thanks to Jake
>Doesn't even get a rose ending
Did anyone in this series have it harder than Tobias?
It seems like the series went out of his way to fuck him over and punish him sometimes. He was a hardcore determiner.
Finds himself losing his humanity as he's trapped in the body of a Hawk
I don't read Animorphs because I'm hardcore like that.
Everyone has it rough in that series, but I'd have to agree with you that Tobias got it the worst.
Even when he got the power to Morph again he was Still stuck as a bird.
i mean Rachel died. say what you want about being a shape shifting bird its better then dieing
Not only did he get the power to morph again, but thanks to time fuckery he was able to get his own human DNA to transform back into himself. But still, he had it rough, at least Ax was in his forest to help keep him company.
Fuck, Animorphs comics when!?
Tobias basically turns all the "chosen one" tropes you find in YA fiction on its head
>misunderstood and lonely at school
>find out you're the son of an alien prince
>get recruited with your friends to save the world
And then all the shit happens to him in the series. I remember when the Ellimist gives him the ability to transform back into his human self as a morph, with the understood offer that he could stay in it past the two hour limit and go back to being a regular person. Of course he turns it down to keep fighting with everyone, but fuck I wonder how hard of a choice it was.
>>Heavily implied to have gotten cucked out of Rachel thanks to Jake
Assuming you actually mean cuck in what it's supposed to mean, this is factually wrong (especially since Jake is her COUSIN).
>Everyone has it rough in that series
Except Cassie. Things end pretty okay for her. Shes the only one who didn't die in the end, after all.
Cassie definitely gets out unscathed compared to the other characters, but part of that is that while she's mentally tough enough to cope with what they went through as opposed to say, Jake's PTSD, the series also reveals that that toughness means that she has moments of outright cruelty.
Some of the scenes were kinda eeeeh bad touch
It can be excused with the ghost writers not knowing what the fuck they were doing
>implying the guys died at the end.
They just pulled the same move tobias,s dad did and live
Tobias' dad was literally eaten alive and chunks of his body rained down onto the ground.
Does anyone else remember Father, the moon sized hivemind sponge god?
if i were to make a comic it would focus on Jake+Cassie,Rachel+ tobias and Marco. That's all the cast but i mean issues would switch between Jake and Cassie to show thought processes and Rachel+tobias fore more contrast and such and then light-hearted but actually the darkest issues that focus on Marco. If it was a cartoon i would do chaotic season 2 animation and just have it run as the books, thats 54(?)ish episodes to run; so alright if split up into seasons.
This is not Cred Forums related. It's either /lit/ or Cred Forums.
Don't forget the fact that he was so fucked up being a hawk for so long, he started empathizing with the animals he hunted, then by the end of that book, killed the mother rabbit he was trying to hunt and then took her as a morph and raised the babies himself.
now it is.
Animorphs was fucking brutal even by mature standards. Every book had some teenage kid being graphically disemboweled or crushed to death or trapped in some kind of worse-than-hell purgatory or some shit, when it isn't busy with the leech monsters that slither into your ear and take control of your brain, or the man-sized cannibalistic lovecraftian worm horrors.
it was so br00tal too
>Cred Forums
wew lad
It DID get a live action show that one time.
I know. It just reminded me how terrible the TV series was.
And a Transformers toyline.
It did not do great...
And then Visser Three had the balls to say he was a brave and powerful warrior whom many people respected and admired. While pretending to be his father's "sister."
Everything about that entire book was fucking insane clownshoes at all times, and it was great.
There was a book where a Yerk posed as his long lost aunt who claimed she was going to give him a home and he considered giving up his powers and just being a normal kid.
weird cause I kinda aged out of animorphs, so I missed the ending, but I really loved the series. I read a wiki on it many years ago and the ending did get kinda dark.
But I guess yeah, it was kinda brutal for a borderline teenager early teen book. But I remember it being fun and feeling like the author took what she was writing about seriously (at least as much as kid can).