I started watching Flash and god fucking damnit I fucking hate this bitch...

I started watching Flash and god fucking damnit I fucking hate this bitch, she wasn't this much of a cunt on the comics right?

She's alright.

From what I hear she gets better when she stops being an active love interest.

As an arrow fan, you got off lucky.

She's surprisingly cute for a black chick. She has a pretty smile.

She's not as awful in S2.

The only time she annoyed me was when she pissed and moaned when Eddie didnt tell her everything. She handled the mom situation ok though

>The only time she annoyed me was when she pissed and moaned when Eddie didnt tell her everything
I cut her some slack about being pissed about not being in the loop, in the first season it felt like Barry told everyone in Central City he was the Flash before Iris found out, though that was Joe's weird ultimatums fault .

I don't hate her.

I don't like her either though.

In my opinion, she's not a bitch or a nice person.

She just sort of exists.

That I kind of get, but Im talking about how Eddie had something on his mind, and Iris was being a complete cunt to him when he doesnt tell her. I mean she doesnt know its Flash related, and from her perspective its something troubling him related to his job. She ultimately was trying to bully Eddie into fessing up

>Tell her cops see sick shit everyday so that's why Eddie's being weird
>disregard it

Nah man she's still a bitch

>those Felicity episodes
It's only like 2 or 3 but god damn is she annoying as hell

I don't hate her, but she really feels like a nothing character. She's so boring.

Not really. She still bitches and moans all the time and every time she's on screen its a chore not to shut the TV off.

Just when she stops bitching about Barry in S1, they introduce Wally, so she spends all her time yelling at him, with the exception of when she tells her mom to fuck off and die.

In general the worst thing they did was let her know who Barry was, it gives her an excuse to shout like a Harpy when Flash is trying to do something.

Too bad that's at the expense of everything else being MORE awful in season 2.

She gets tons better in season 2 when they realize the secret id stuff is stupid

Iris's biggest problem is that the writers have no idea what the fuck to do with her. Make her the useless love interest? A low budget Lois lane?

She'll end up getting powers because they can't do anything else with her. Just look at what they're going to do with Caitlin.

>She still bitches and moans all the time and every time she's on screen its a chore not to shut the TV off.
You're overbloating the amount of conflict she has. Keep in mind that she was the only member of the main cast to be kept out of the loop of the truth for almost 2 seasons. And despite the fact that Barry and the team kept the truth from her in order to "keep her safe", she nearly died several times due to the secret Barry was keeping.
>Just when she stops bitching about Barry in S1, they introduce Wally, so she spends all her time yelling at him,
You're ignoring the fact that Wally was completely shitty to everyone and literally racist against Barry for almost every scene he existed in.
>with the exception of when she tells her mom to fuck off and die.
Yeah, the mom who abandoned her family for decades so she could keep smoking crack.

>when they realize the secret id stuff is stupid
Then why did they play the secret id schtick AGAIN with Peggy?
Seriously, there was literally no reason to not tell her
>She's a cop and a member of the metahuman brigade, she knows how to protect herself, she knows what metas are and how dangerous they can be
>All of Barry's arch-nemesis (Reverse Flash, Cold) know exactly who he is, so hiding he's the Flash from his loved one does NOT protect them from his villains
>Patty kept going on and on about honesty and let on that she knew Barry was hiding something from her and wanted him to come clean with it

There was ZERO fucking reasons to hide it from Patty but the stupid fucking writers still went through with it because "HURR MUH CWDRAMA" and "DURR HE'S A SUPER-HERO OF COURSE HE HAS A SECRET IDENTITY HE HIDES FROM EVERYONE!". Not every fucking heroes bull a Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, there's heroes that are public and it's fine, there's heroes that tell their relatives and friends about their heroics while keeping their identity secret from the general public and that's fine too. I'm getting really sick of the "MUSN'T TELL ANYONE TO '''PROTECT''' THEM!" bullshit.

>Just look at what they're going to do with Caitlin.
Make her mom primeverse Killer Frost?

Patty was such a garbage trash character and I'm so glad they got rid of her. Don't know who the fuck decided Flash needed it's own Felicity.

Caitlin is the Felicity of Flash
>Socially awkward genius bullshitting stuff out her ass to macguffin ways to beat villains
>Can't act

Patty was fine

>She'll end up getting powers because they can't do anything else with her.
It's better than her and Grant Gustin pretending they have the chemistry together to make it believable she's been the love of his life since he was a kid.

Dude, they were dating for like a month.

The main problem with adapting Flash was that Barry and Iris literally have no character.

Scratch that, their characters were that they were fucking boring.

That's why CW Flash is like Spider-man if he grew up to be forensic first.

You're not supposed to fall for the crackship.

>in the comics
she basically just exists in the comics. you can't put her on the same level as lois lane for instance, though people sure do try.

>In general the worst thing they did was let her know who Barry was, it gives her an excuse to shout like a Harpy when Flash is trying to do something.
hell no, the worst thing was when they DIDN'T let her know and we had to sit through 20 episodes until she finally found out. Iris got immediately better when she learned the truth. I'm not sure where you're getting this harpy nonsense from, because she's usually the one telling Barry to do his crazy shit and not worry so much.

>created a whole blog about the Flash and believed he was real no matter how many people (Joe and Barry included) tried to dissuade her.
>helped conceive the idea that Linda should pretend to be Dr. Light to trick Zoom.
>told Barry to get into the death machine to get his powers back.
>encouraged Barry to do what he thinks is best for him when Eobard gave him the deal about saving his mom.
>didn't crap on Barry when she got impaled by glass because he wasn't fast enough to get her to safety.
>was supportive when he was dating Patty.
>producers confirmed she won't shit on Barry for Flashpoint.

Iris is immensely supportive to Barry, and was significantly better in s2 because she was in on the secret.

What was so bad about Patty? She was dorky, but not overbearing about it, and she was understanding of Barry's stuff and put up with a lot of it.

Then they just shipped her off because "lol reasons".

Yet he told fucking Linda he was Flash because someone wanted to kill her.

He saved Patty a thousand times, they had chemistry and she wasn't a cunt. He should have told her.

>Already know's they're getting married

The actress got another gig and they had to write her out.

>tfw CW, a company that panders to "young adults," is bad at romance
More news at 11

She likes the kinky aspect.

Joe's just happy he only has to pay for one wedding.

Not anymore with Wally around.

Though Earth-2 marriage customs might work differently.

>is bad at romance
So are young adults

>I started watching Flash
Hey, so did I. I've gotten up through Who is Dr Wells so far. Like 19 or something.
>god fucking damnit I fucking hate this bitch
Ah-fucking-men. I'm sick and tired of Iris being the Flash version of Felicity (aka a giant Mary Sue everyone concerns over more than any logic would dictate.)
>From what I hear she gets better when she stops being an active love interest.
I hope so. A few days ago anons told me it picks up once they start moving into Well's true motive and I'll give it to them it has become a more tolerable show. The writing is up and down, but so are the other comic shows. I can at least keep more interested now and some of the camp was pulled back which helped alot. It was great to see Mark Hamill pop up, having watched the '90s show back in the day.

By the end it was just wanting to not get her involved. Barry knew that she knew, and I think it was clear that they both knew it, and by still refusing to be outright with it, he essentially rejected her. Even if it meant she walked away for good. It was less hiding and more refusing to let her get involved with his drama even if she wanted to. And that was his choice in the end.

That's what killed me. And they even gave the EXACT reason to her that I was thinking about as far as rationalization behind Eddie's behavior.
He's a homicide detective. He's going to see and hear and do some shit. Give the man his space. If he's rattled and somethings bothering him but he doesn't want to talk about it, just accept it as Detective Stuff and deal with it.

Compared to the other women, patty was amazing.

Delusional irisfags.

Now that patty is gone, isn't that where its destined to go back to?