Which one, Cred Forums?

Which one, Cred Forums?

>sticky pussy
>hard cold pussy
>cobweb filled pussy

Gonna have to go with Dominator

Anyone but the robot

>icyhot pussy

Susie no doubt

Oh please, you wouldn't wanna eat out Bubblegum?

>Cannot even draw the characters in their native style so they just take their heads and put them on characters that look nothing like them at all
Shit pic.


>native style
It's almost like he was trying to increase the sex appeal instead of having them all look like stick figures.

>implying you always have to draw the characters in their native style every time

Why do they have stickers and tape on their nipples
who dresses like this

have you never heard of a rave?

>princess bubblegum
>lord dominator
>creepy susie
who's the 4th one?

what, really?

dead serious, never seen that character before


Her on the right


She's there ya just can't see her

...that still didn't explained who she is

Jenny Wakeman, or XJ9. Robot cutie

actually nvm, did a better reverse search and found out

thank you user

i really never seen or heard of that show thought, am i missing something good?

Fuck off you brain dead moron faggotron. That legitimately pissed me off, because I don't know whether he was serious or just baiting.

8/10, made me reply and swear.

>Condescending bitch
>Total psychopath
>Bland emo

Gotta go with Jenny

now you're making me question my life, because i legitimately never seen, heard or even ran across any references of this show til this very moment

probably xj9
i mean if she has lifelike texture

Mediocre as fuck, only good for waifus.

Dominator, she's the only one who's actually sexy in canon

Thats a hard one. Theyve all been waifus at some point. But considering i want one that matchs my personality the most, id have to go with creepy susie.

>It's another meme waifu thread
Just end me.

The goth girl on the right isn't dead right?

Because that's the only human to choose from.

Good/okay with nostalgia, probably not so much if you're watching for the first time.


umuh nigga

>waifus that are considered "Cred Forums's best"
>are usually the most boring and bland girls on the show

why does this keep happening????

Good taste friend


I'm on a diet.

>XJ9 is a robot who can be disassembled and reassembled at will.
>PB is a teenage gum golem who can be bifurcated and rebuilt with more candy mass.
>Dominator has shown to innately be a being of lava with the ability to freely reshape her limbs and form at will. That implies if her limbs were removed she could regenerate them, or with the proper equipment could be kept in a state with no limbs for an extended period of time
>3/4 of these waifus all lend themselves easily to my quadruple amputee fetish
Also Creepy Suzie is pretty cute too, I guess.

>hot magma pussy
Dude, I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of my dick being burned off.

I desire her specifically in the capacity of hate-fucking the evil out of her.

Darkseid Best Waifu.

Indeed. Rocks that mini-skirt.

This is hard to make a decision about. time to weigh known pros and cons, from left to right.

Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum
Scientist and Science enthusiast, meaning she's a person I can support and have something in common with.
Deliberately and traditionally feminine. Makes her just a bit more attractive.
Will fight when she can, good day or bad. Earns her some respect from me.
Loves her deformed and damaged brother. Earns some sympathy from me.
Built a powerful and wealthy city state. Power is sexy, and money talks.
Probably bisexual. Has had a boy friend, and has a girlfriend. Makes the possibility of threeways more likely.
As sweet as candy.
Born from a mutated tree and has human DNA, that is also mutated and from another species of human. We wouldn't be attracted to each other as it stands, as our faces are to different.
Is likely to avoid romances with mortals, as she is evidently a functional immortal.
Made a one dumb decision that lost her some of my respect. The rattle ball robots were competent enough at their jobs that the crime rate in her city state was 0. And she destroyed them because they barely damaged each other in a fighting ring. And then she replaced them with immature, incompetent, and almost insufferable BANANA GUARDS.
Her citizens are the sweetest variety of the undead. All of them basically reanimen and Frankensteinain monsters. That happen to be idiots. Save for PEPPERMINT BUTLER, who is competent, clever, loyal, and EVIL.

Lord Dominator.
Is sexy, and she knows it.
Has shown technical ability.
Is graceful, agile, and prone to dances that will result in her doing the splits in midair, and once at face level.
>Her tits actual giggle.
Loves to fight.
Has a fun personality.
Is unashamed of the joy she takes in destruction.
Likes to tell jokes.
Isn't interest in romance, might not be interested in sex with anyone that isn't something she built. I can sympathize.

Well I thought you might be gay at first, now I'm certain.


This one

Continued, so, self fagging.
I honestly don't know a thing about Creepy Sussy other than she was in the Oblongs, and her canon counter part had no T&A. I didn't make an effort to watch the Oblongs because I didn't care.

XJ9, Jenny Wakeman.
Can transform into anything.
Blushes easily, and very noticeably.
Prone too day dreams.
Has metal that is somehow elastic. I am so curious as to what that would feel like.
Seems easy to impress.
Ironically a Luddite, same as her mother who is also, Ironically a Luddite. Your a fucking robot, and you mother is a Robotics engineer. Did the writers not take that into account before writing the cliche of abandoning newly developed technology because it didn't work, work well, or was unintentionally hazardous the first time?
Not that bright.
Easily lied to.
Quick to anger.
Canonically speaking, no boobs or ass, but that's just because of style. She more than likely would have T&A.
More than likely doesn't a vagina or anal canal, let alone their openings. That could be fixed.

Dominator Con
Don't have a chin. We don't want a woman to have a large chin, but lacking one leaves the face seem deformed and incomplete.
Obvious but effective waifubait. I saw the bait, the hook, and took them both anyway.
Bubblegum Pro.
Can reshape herself. Meaning she can make her T&A any size she wants. Still can't fix her eyes.

Because I fucking hate TSUNDERES.

Why not all?



Was the intent here to pick four characters who would look weird with realistic bodies.

Someone put a brazzers logo on this

Always been a bubblebangingfag, always will be!

>Drawing characters who aren't sexy in a randomly sexy way is fine
>Drawing them as a different race and there's an outcry though


Because they don't like the characters or their design, they want a blank state they can project onto

yes, and if this bothers you, you are welcome to go elsewhere

Pretty sure Jenny would have a soft insert.

Newfag, please leave

>am i missing something good

Gotta go Dominator

>we're at that point where people not underageb& can legitimately not know MLAATR

Fuck me.

Or, alternatively, frozen off.

With that said, I will also pick Dominator.

darkseid is the best in anti-life


Not to mention XJ-9 doesn't seem to follow the laws of robotics and can be dangerously sociopathic. She almost killed people intentionally on several occasions.

Not really a con when the competition isn't other robots that do follow the three laws.

I mean, what's worse. A robot that could kill you if she wanted or a superpowered woman that could kill you if she wanted. Either way, don't give someone you sleep next to a reason to kill you.

My 14 year year old sister knows what MLAATR is, fuck, maybe he's foreign.

Obviously the bubble

i'm that user who admitted not knowing it
and i'm indeed foreign
so maybe not all hope is lost


the lot.

Susie obviously

The one who isn't a whore. None of them

Not very nice!

But suppose she's A.B.C.?

OK, they are all paid professionals in the industry of sexual encounters that still do it for free.

How about you be their manager? You could be a Player In the Management Profession.

They wouldn't make me money and I would also need to be known as A Pimp Named Slickback.