Do people actually like the trolls? They all seem godawful and Homestuck would have been better without them

Do people actually like the trolls? They all seem godawful and Homestuck would have been better without them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Homestuck wouldn't have better without them
It largely wouldn't have changed, and that's why they're bad. They contributed nothing to the story.

>"Do people actually like the most popular characters of the comic?"
You can't be this stupid.

I mean, individually the four kids still outrank them in popularity, they always did. Only Karkat approached the popularity of the original four.


Homestuck peaked in act 3, frankly. Some people say act 4, but I think that's where it started to go off the rails.
The introduction of the Alpha Kids was the sign of things getting exponentially worse, and the Dancestors were when all hope was lost.

Makes for a good self contained story at least

Oh sure I start a thread trying to discuss the classpects instead of having the same thread every single day but no nobody wants to actually discuss the comic they just want to bitch about it again, again, and again

That's because there's nothing left.

I always saw Bec as more of a husky

He's canonically an omnipoterrier

Karkat was the most popular character last time I checked

Not really, that's Dave.

>You have chalked it up to your family's longstanding propensity for eclectic fursuits wait you mean pursuits.

And people say Jade wasn't into fursuits

It was supposed to be
>What is your classpect and what does it do

You mean speculate on something that Hussie didn't even care about?



So basically we're gonna see John with a megacock at some point

my dick

It was a commission

Not trying to start a shit storm.
Asking because I never get a straight answer and everyone just throws shit at me when I do ask.
Are these two canon now or something? I thought hussie hated his fanbase too much to appeal to 13 year old girls.

Ignore the delusional Jadefags, it is.

I always saw her as white

heir/knight of rage according to some classpect quizzes I took.
I guess the more angry you are the more powerful your attack is. For a heir of rage I guess you just pisses off anyone to the point of uncontrollable rage with or without you doing anything.

I don't even like jade man.
It just came out of left field for me.
I expected Karezi if anything, because of the hella forshadowing.

No, but it's pretty close.

It isn't really. He drops some hints but then never followed through and started teasing Davejade at the end instead.

Not really

Shipping was a mistake
Hussie should have just implied shit instead of making popular pairs canon, then he would have just focused more on the plot(ha as if). romantic relationship is fine and all but at the cost of shit writing and the character becoming bland? fuck that.

>Tab soda

But davekat was nothing but implied and it still had shit writing and the characters were bland.

WV likes Tab, remember?

Trolls were good but poorly handled in a lot of parts. It's just memey and contrarian to hate them completely because that's how Homestuck got popular.

I don't think they hurt or help homestuck, since it was shit to begin with.

Terezi didn't want or need him.

>davekat was nothing but implied
Pre-retcon or post-retcon?

WTF I hate Homestuck now.

Post-retcon even. Hussie never confirmed it, starting teasing other things instead, and the only "teases" for we got at the end were things drawn by other artists that they outright stated were their own ideas.

>you don't need him
Delete this.

Davekat was pretty blatant, to the point of being annoying though.

Makes sense I guess.
Is the ending worth a look? I stopped reading after Act 5, mainly because of work, also because my friend told 6 is a bunch of preteen drama.

No, it was Hussie dancing around the issue and going "WELL SEE THEY MIIIIIGHT BE GAY, BUT I'LL ONLY TELL IF YOU BUY THESE WELOVEFINE T-SHIRTS".

Even the davekat shippers were bitching at the ending because Dave and Karkat never did anything.

"Gay singularity" though.

Didn't he confirm it on a vine? Or was he trolling or something

Why do you always post things by Piggy like they mean anything?

This is the dumb bitch that made Hussie sign his stuff as "KEK".

Neither. His girlfriend told him to do it. The same girlfriend who would run around in these threads screaming about how Davekat was totally canon, then later recanted on tumblr about it when people wouldn't stop following her from reddit.

Not the smartest person, nor a particular authority on Homestuck in the first place.

>only one actual gay ship really confirmed (Rosemary)
>Everything else doesn't happen or is straight

Lets talk about the Mayor.
I hope epilogue is only about him and the shit he's up to.

She never recanted on it. She just made a shitpost about a threesome.

This is Hussie now, recreating the pic where he stood outside a cave with chocolate.
This is what this man has become.

The epilogue will gay everyone.

I'm afraid it's worse than that.

I think this is his best outfit.
His villein outfit was a little too cheesy for me.

He legitimately looks like he's about to break into tears.

They'll turn into toddlers and then become gay.


>gay babies

So they'll actively reflect the majority of Homestuck's fanbase

Eh, it's too silly.
The generic robes worked well.

Is Hussie depressed?

Oh shit look it's the can town mayor

Homestuck Toddler Toons and Poons.

I would be too if ipgd was my girlfriend

So, I dropped in when they made that big 10min animation with a clusterfuck of events happening at once and everythig was too confuse for me to follow

How did it end? I don't mean hos they defeated the big bad guy or anything like that, but did they got back home and lived normal lives?

I dunno the white one's kinda have a bed time comfi appeal to em.

But I see where you're coming from.

>back home
>lived normal lives
yes, and we saw 20 seconds of it, with no dialogue

They went to live in Can Town. Nobody had any real resolution, it was like the Mass Effect 3 original ending where you just see them in a park having a picnic.

Did they ever answer questions like,who made Sburb? Why was the destiny of the whole reality in a PC game? why the 4 main characters were playing it instead of anyone else?

Sorry if they answered it in the parts I read, this whole webcomic made me REALY confused.

No. No. No.

Sburb the game was developed by SkaiaNet, Grandpa Harley's company.
In terms of where it comes from, it doesn't come from anywhere. Sburb is how universes (which are living creatures) reproduce. That's just how it manifests.

The 4 main characters were playing it because they were paradoxically the only ones destined to play it. Skaia exists outside of time remember.

>The 4 main characters were playing it because they were paradoxically the only ones destined to play it.
I don't think Paradox Clones are required to play the game; just increases the likelihood. Caliborn is an example.

Caliborn is also playing a singleplayer session, which is not what you're meant to do.

That doesn't disprove anything though.

Every instance we see where the players were NOT paradox clones were failed sessions. Of the millions of people playing Sburb, none of them save the four were meteor babies, and all of them failed, which is stated.
It's pretty clear that to play Sburb you need to be paradoxically destined to play Sburb (as the actual game's start takes place way before any game starts, with dreamselves and all that shit). Normally a ton of people play Sburb, but Earth was unique because it was fucked up.

The only known non-ectobiologically made players are Calliope and Caliborn, who are obviously a special case, and their existence is a paradox anyway.

We have the wind aspect, so it's not so far-fetched to think there's water and fire aspects?

Failed sessions basically mean nothing because of all of the shit that can happen in Sburb.
Still not Paradox Clones.

We have a breath aspect.
The original four kids, because they had though put into them, did correspond to classical elements: John was wind, Rose was water, Dave was fire, Jade was earth, and also contrasted each other (John was an optimist in a shadow land, Rose a pessimist in a light land. Jade a hothead in a land of frost, Dave a coolkid in a land of heat)

I made ocs for failed sessions, because it's fun to think on how they failed it

>Failed sessions basically mean nothing because of all of the shit that can happen in Sburb.

When the kid's session is the ONLY one that doesn't fail, yeah it means something.
Occam's Razor: Every thing we've seen suggests that only paradox clones have successful sessions, and Skaia's nonlinear nature means it sets these things up ahead of time.

No, I mean, non-Paradox Clones, even if destined to fail, could somehow come out on top through shenanigans.

Because the only people we've seen play are Paradox Clones. It's still vague.

two questions:
Are there other seasons for this

And why is every picture Jade about to beat up Dave?

SBURB doesn't simply exist, it's maintained as an agreement between the Horrorterrors and Skaia, another layer of chess game between creation and nothingness.

>Are there other seasons for this


>And why is every picture Jade about to beat up Dave?

Dave exists to get beaten up by girls.

Don't the Horrorterrors want to destroy Skaia?

Probably. We just know they want to destroy existence while Skaia wants it perpetuated, and this was how they agreed to settle it. It's possible the whole thing is rather unimportant to both parties and they're just doing it for kicks, we don't know.

Personally it always struck me as a Cold War sort of setting, a battle of proxies to avoid a more devastating conflict, but since the entire thing got brought up all of one time in Act 6, and in an offhand remark at that, we will never know for sure.

>that picture
>worst vriska
>some tumblrista so asspained that their precious gay ship got sank

Things in Homestuck with wasted potential number #3023145

You are shit and your opinion is shit

He loves their money more than he hates them.


Also does anyone have his personal twitter?

I also thought it would turn out that Doc Scratch was Skaia, pulling the LE plot line and setting together in to something cohesive, but nope.

The most fuckin' baffling thing that they didn't explore was Sburb itself. After so much of the early comic was showing the post-apocalyptic world, and numerous references to humanity being wiped out being a big deal (Especially when it comes to Condy later in the comic), at no point do the cast go "Hey, maybe this game that annihilates all life bar an arbitrarily low number of individuals is the real enemy? Why aren't we trying to stop THAT?"

Instead they just calmly go to a new universe which will be wiped out later anyway.

>pic is what shelby cragg now does with their sad life

Skaia/Horrorterrors are just a parallel to Cherubs. They are the antibodies of the universe in a sense.

Holy shit, man, me too. I thought Doc Scratch was Skaia and Lord English was created to destroy this session's multiverse because they had essentially broken the game; like the game's failstate whenever a glitch happens. And that Skaia would try to reinvent itself in a whole other plane of existence entirely that couldn't be reached through even Sburb.
Because Davekat.

>Instead they just calmly go to a new universe which will be wiped out later anyway.
Not by Sburb. They aren't connected to Paradox Space any more.

Hussie tried to implement that a couple times
But instead of spending time exploring for a couple weeks IRL he tried a couple things to make it seem like the characters were doing that in universe, with the flashes and walk arounds

Of course, homestuck was supposed to be a test of sorts for the format

u wot

>Instead they just calmly go to a new universe which will be wiped out later anyway.
>I didn't read the comic/I don't really know what I'm talking about.

We have no allusions to this. They are the patrons of destruction/creation, but exist as outside entities and have created a cycle of existence based on a pact, by definition an intelligent decision outside the natural order.

They may simply exist as universal forces, but we have no evidence to this effect, and their natural state would still not include SBURB.

... When, exactly, do they manage to excise the future creation of S/aurb/burb/curb/durb/eurb/furb/grub from reality?

i wonder if hussie ever pictured his life after homestuck to be taking ironic pictures of himself spread out over months

Hussie did it with more regularity in the early days of Homestuck, too. Homestuck has actually lessened the supply of Sad Hussie in Ironic Snow images.

I don't think it's ever implied that it would be recreated. Sburb is meant to weed out bad timelines and limit the amount of universes down to a choice few. It'd be redundant for it to perpetuate its existence over and over again.

I was more of the opinion that the events of the comic were leading to his Ascension. Before the ending I settle upon the theory that the purpose of everything, from the creation of SBURB, to the ascension of LE, was all meant to scare the Horrorterrors into creating dream bubbles. They can, after all, do and create anything that exists within an occupant's mind. So, say someone with a mind that contained literally everything were to enter one, someone like Scratch, you may well end up with a God like orb, which peering into may grant visions of the future.

I'm just making an educated guess why Hussie had them in the stories. The man is obsessed with motifs and symmetry in his stories.

That's wrong. All planets with intelligent life will eventually play the game, all species will eventually be survived but by the few winners assuming there are any. Chess People planets may be the exception on account of their origins, but who knows.

This is the kind of stuff I wish were got more of, right here. This kind of fate of universes stuff that got completely swept under the table in all the run-up to LE.

In my mind, it's hard to see how the world wouldn't get recreated - The trolls made a universe through their game, which was the kids universe, and Sburb had no problem showing up and destroying it again. Why would the kids universe be any different? Because their universe frog was better, maybe? Is that the only way?

That goes away once they leave the meta.

But why would that be necessary for Skaia?
Nothing you said contradicts what I said. I never said anything about certain species being limited by Sburb. It's about timelines, not species.

That statement is based on literally nothing.

It contradicts it because timelines are irrelevant, seeding is done to every species, timelines aren't affected or accounted for. Paradox Space handles doomed timelines perfectly fine.

The idea that the cancer in the kids' universe is what caused Skaia to show up only works if you assume that any universe in which the players unambiguously win the game (successful frog without deformities, etc.) are freed from the cycle of Skaia. Which means that literally every other universe, ones in which Skaia eventually shows up, must have been created through a failed frog of some sort.

To me, the logic is kinda consistent, but I can't see any bit of evidence that being the case, or that winning frees a game from Skaia.

>But why would that be necessary for Skaia?

Because it would ensure it's own creation, obtain endless power, freedom from LE's control, and turn all of existence in a never ending series of games for his own amusement.

Not that it matters, it was clearly inaccurate.

>That statement is based on literally nothing.
Wrong. The entire story is about John getting to choose his own destiny. Your choice not to see obvious themes is your own fault.

Timelines are accounted for. Look at all of the Aspects in SBURB based around timelines and everything that comes with them. Sburb creates and destroys life on a whim; it's obviously looking for something.
That makes sense though- even considering the ending unlike poor I'm sorry this had to happen like this.

You're a moron.

bkew go to bed

Timelines are accounted for, but they aren't the purpose. They have nothing to do with selection process, the possible outcomes,.or the effects. Timelines spiral off into bul shit with or without the game. The game has one goal, to decide whether or not a Universe reproduces. Every offshoot doomed timeline is only as important as it's contribution to the Alpha, and will be swept away by nature of existence no matter what.

What do we disagree on again?

>When the kid's session is the ONLY one that doesn't fail, yeah it means something.
The main kid's session had the tumor.

No, you are. You clearly have no experience with literature. The main character is the fucking heir of breath. He literally rewrites the story to shape his own destiny for the first time in his life. How dumb do you have to be to not see that the kids leave the story?

Everything is connected to paradox space, because paradox space is everything. Plus Earth plays sburb again anyway

Never heard of that name.

i kinda forgot i made this
i gave up on trying to fix it after i realized the panels were too small

Because the kids are still in the story

Man, who knows anymore, but this is still the best discussion thread we've had in months.

My actual point is that we can't do much more than speculate as to what Skaia is, or what it's rules are, with universes after the game because that subject was literally never touched upon again. MAYBE the kids are free to guide a new universe until the end of time/their godly lives, or MAYBE Skaia will start the game again and wipe it out like the others. I could see either as possible, and there's plenty left in that storyline that could flesh out a pretty good story.

I've kinda toyed with putting something about Skaia in my Windy Boy series, but I haven't solidified it yet. and, also, that would require me actual writing it again, because work takes up too much time.

You said SBURB is meant to weed out bad timelines, and that it wouldn't be implemented in the Universe. It will. It follows a simple ruleset, if there's an intelligent species, it's going to be seeded, no if ands or buts.

Doesn't Caliborn say that Caliborn's Masterpiece happens after the story has ended?

How about the fact that the kids still go back to fight Caliborn, and are still as connected to everything as they were prior to the ending?

>or MAYBE Skaia will start the game again and wipe it out like the others
Seems pretty silly when there's already God-Tiered players in their universe.
You don't think part of the intention is to get the best timeline when timelines are accounted for? Its inevitability doesn't change that. And why will it be seeded?

Speaking of that, why didn't the Beta kids go back with the Alpha kids?

Based on the relative heights of the clay mounds and the way he describes it I think they fight caliborn before the soccer scene from Act 7. Those are the kids after they've been trapped in the juju and then freed from it at the circumstantially simultaneous moment John opens the door.

Every Universe was created by a winning game. Every winning game came from a Universe that was created by another winning game. That's how the process works. The kids created a Universe which will in turn be seeded to possibly create more Universes.


This is as explained by Hussie. There is nothing special about the Kid's Universe, no reason it's denizens would somehow be exempt from multiuniversal law.

I don't remember that being said anywhere. You got a page?

>This is as explained by Hussie. There is nothing special about the Kid's Universe, no reason it's denizens would somehow be exempt from multiuniversal law.
Where did I mention that? What did Hussie say exactly?

The Alphas were never trapped in it. They're on future Earth after the fight, so they wouldn't be dumped into the new Universe with the Betas.

Right. I just said "kids" instead of "Beta kids" because I thought it was clear contextually.

Hussies old formspring, it's where he went into a lot of detail about the Horrorterrors and Skaia, and how the how arrangement worked.

Weird I've read every entry and I still don't remember him saying every intelligent race played. I guess I'll take your word for it for now.

Man, I forgot he did all that stuff.

And based by how quickly he dropped all it for LE, so did Hussie.

dude, the same universe is where caliborn starts sburb again, you dumbass

The game was brought there by Gamzee. It's John's disc that he never used. Universe C did not spawn the game itself.

>Do people actually like the trolls?
Tumblr likes them

And they're people, in a way, I guess.

not for that particular species, but paradox space is definitely part of C

>AH's personal twitter
I'd like that as well.

drawfag here, give me something to draw

I know, but the events can't line up when we make that distinction. Even if we ignore Caliborn saying the kids must have prepared, and say they were instead dumped there right from the victory platform, and released from the Juju into the Universe, the Alpha kids wouldn't be there on account of still being stuck in Caliborn's session. So either Soccer fun times takes place prior to Masterpiece, and they proceed to go interact with Masterpiece, proving themselves still connected, or they get dumped into the Universe then go save the Alphas somehow, again proving a connection.

What did your OP say?

What are you basing that on? Because it's supposed to be part of every universe?

>the Alpha kids wouldn't be there on account of still being stuck in Caliborn's session
When were they stuck in Caliborn's session? I must be missing something.

hussie said in formspring that it's a part of EVERY universe

C is already a part of paradox space, it's literally inside a session, as a huge sburban frog

Because it still interacts with it. There's no reason to assume it operates under special rules.

Sollux and Feferi cuddling

John zipped them into Masterpiece, John is then trapped in the Juju which then gets sent into the outer rim, blah blah blah. But the Alphas are still standing there, Johnless, in Caliborn's session.

Needs some cropping but it's funny

Yeah, they kinda were stranded, weren't they?

But hey, who has time to think about that, we need to spend five minutes watching this frog fly into a hole, man

How do they get out? Couldn't John just go back in time and get them once he's freed from the juju?

Does anyone have an analysis of Slyph of Rage?

Maybe, depends on if the Juju still works, since John interacting with it while he was trapped inside was probably what unstuck him in the first place, and getting out again may have "righted" himself. In which case the Betas could damn well also be trapped next to a giant black hole at the edge of reality.

God that ending sucked.

i don't know where i'm going with this

I liked it ;_;

You are literally worse than Hitler.

Make her happy and put Dave rubbing her belly

That's not ever stated anywhere. It's why the game ends with 'Thanks for playing' rather than 'You won'. The game continued to exist, it's ultimate and only goal.

As far as we can see, prior to Sburb, there was only a single timeline.

This is conjecture. John has zero to no agency throughout the story.

If you're into masochism, read Act 6 and then watch the finale.


Why would Jade's dog instincts tell her to scratch stuff when Bec never did anything like that


Hey, Grandpa was a good dad!

He lost his dad and burned himself out on one of the most ambitious projects of the aughts. I'd be depressed too

He barely watched her and let her play with guns

oh she played with his guns alright

That's normal rearing policy for a toddler

Don't besmirch Grandpa's good name by replacing him with Jape.

>As far as we can see, prior to Sburb, there was only a single timeline.
Why would there be? And why would Sburb create multiple timelines?

sorry guy but he is who he is

Ultimate selves

would it be awkward for jake and joey to meet?


he's her REAL dad
not just a fake ectodad

and he's gay now!

Joey would attack him for leaving her mom

Joey will have TWO dads now.

You can take Vriska away! Just don't hurt Aranea!

Homestuck has no themes.
This whole thing about "escaping the game/meta/paradox space" is fanon and never alluded to in the story.

Isn't the theme of Homestuck the concept of "ultimate selves"? Or that different iterations of the same person throughout different timelines are all the same person?

It's been about four days since the last thread. Is that a new record?
It seems there's more discussion than shitposting now, though.

Who cares, Homestuck got so far up its own ass after just a little while that it was insufferable. His previous series was much more interesting and genuine, Homestuck is for the worst kind of internet trash.


Rose's lips

That takes me back


My harem is growing.

>can barely read the text

Go back to the wild where you belong you savage ape

Open it in a new tab you dumb fucking phoneposter.

I'm on my laptop. i can read it, the text is just really small

Then zoom in on it, the text is normal sized you dumb cluckfucker


Why, that is no way to treat a lady sir

I'll treat your lady

Now what is that supposed to mean?

I mean you either shut your mouth or I'm going to fuck it.

Wha... How rude, do you kiss your other with that mouth

>what is bisexuality


Last one was 2 days ago.






Ain't that right

Why is discussion about exploring the possibilities of settling down and having domestic life with a relevant Cred Forums alien species looked down upon... but shit like

Because the only Homestuck you should want to domesticate is Jade.


Remember in which fandom you are you dumb fucking cunt. That's why.



Oh, so just dated memes. That's why. I was hoping for a real reason.


this thread is shit
>30 posters

I have such a boner right now.




Jadeposting is worse.


pic related slaps your ass

keep in mind he's only 10

what do?



He's 13 and the filename says 14?

that's his birthday user.

the tenth of April.

Shoot the post then the poster and immediately kill myself after.


john. put arms in shit


What is this thing?

I know but it says he's 10.


I like to RP as Bec and fuck some of them
I guess


Would you RP as Jade in a similar situation to this?

He was born on 4/10/99.
He is 10 in this universe of 2009.


I do this sometimes. Homestuck ERP ruined my life.

Wanna share logs?


ERPers are the worst because they never share logs. fuck you faggots.

sent ;)


Why not?


i wanna fuck doublejade


Because that's gay


post yfw vriskagram

That's the spirit!

Aw come on. Be a sport!

>second post in a row stating this thread is shit that gets trips

what does it mean??

skull fucking for everybody!

I have hundreds of actual Homestuck logs, but I feel compelled to share this specific one for some reason.

>fat gross nerd
Fuck off this isn't japan, that sorta shit ain't on


I'm the Terezi and merely wanted to do something depraved.



Tiny, tiny Jade

Fine here you go







Hussie, please come back Hussie! Give me an update! I need it!


>image dump of shit art

But he willingly murdered it. Why would he do that?

This is mesmerizing.


But John is the babyfucker, not Dave

Jade isn't a baby, she's just small

Why did Karkat end up being shit?

It's like the whole comic is making fun of him.


He was always shit.

Speaking of which those pictures are unfortunately on Paheal now.

>Things talked about a billion times before the post.



i hope that's sarcastic

That's not a tiny Jade, that's an underage Jade

So fuckable Jade you mean

user, when I say babyfucking I'm not being sarcastic.
You can go look at them yourself.

All the girls are better as MILFs, get your shit taste out of here.






the level of degeneracy in just one picture



i honestly thought you were exagerating

She's too fat to be fuckable.



Nigga that's the perfect fuckability ratio
What, do you want to fuck skeletons or something?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>too fat
no such thing


Because Hussie hates manlets.


How tall is Huss?


You don't want it.


Am i going to be put on some sort of list for this?

Are you retarded? Look at that stomach.
Go to India then.

Oh please. Haven't you learned?

It's just a muffintop user

[/spoiler]>She wraps an arm around the dog's neck and opens her mouth allowing the dog's tongue to stroke against hers, the around around his back holding him close as they kiss and shortly pretty much make out.[/spoiler]


Truly the best thing to come from this dreadful comic.

Too much, man. Not saying that amount of it is a deal-breaker but it's not preferable.


WTF I hate Homestuck now!!!!!!!!!!!

And the best part is that NONE of those are from the actual comic.

>too much
Learn to embrace the MILF man, love the MILF

Yes there is, there is definitely such a thing.

I like MILFS, just not muffin tops.


mods since you are fucking garbage at your job
i'll help you out

this thread?

nuke it.
delete it.

i can see you're already here eliminating the fatties

but just

get rid of the whole thread

thank you.




Kill yourself.






Hey dude don't shoot the messenger!


Shoot the messenger AND grind him up along with their message and turn them into sausage meat!


Being pants is hard life.


It's a damn shame I just jerked off.
This is some top tier boner porn.

80% of the cast is not needed. Why didn't any of them just kill themselves?

ain't it

>Why didnt any of them just kill themselves
Well, some might as well have. Eridan for one.


The game certainly don't make any rule that all of them have to survive. And whatever supposed character developement they needed through their relationship with others was thrown straight into the trash because everything can be just retconned. Or you can add Vriska.

Eridan needed a hug.


80% of things and 'habenink's never mattered. They were just there to pass the time. It could've started and endend in like 3 months instead of 7 years.

The classpects mean nothing

They were a half-baked plot point that got abandoned entirely. There is no way to analyze them because there isn't anything to analyze.

The only thing that's left is bitching and porn.


Jade "No Brown in Can Town" Harley is a pure Aryan girl.

Seriously though I like brown Jade


If 80% percent of the comic is bullshit what even is there to like? You would obviously answer with all fan/fap material you got out of it. And what does that have to do with the original comic canon-wise? Absolutely nothing. So why did we even need the comic in the first place?

John not being allowed Jade's puppies because of his... tendencies


Only if you hate yourself.

We should make a PSA

"Kids, this is what irony does to you. It may seem fun and harmless at first, but before you know it, you'll be wearing mismatched clothing, trying to recreate something you did years ago that wasn't really all that funny then. If someone asks you if you want to be ironic, just say no.

"Irony. Not even once."

Hello Karkat
We Missed You So Much
Come Hug Your 8est Pale Friend

Using vris as a replacement, or catalyst depending on how you wanna look at it, was a pretty poor choice i agree. Like what said, sometimes the characters only a fucking chance to do anything redeemable, but we didnt get that i guess. Vriskagram kinda sucked dong. Moonsetter is a nice track tho.

Im pretty sure he wanted it to be much shorter in the beginning. Probably kept going cuz of ad revenue, merch bux, and to troll the fans, then slowly stopped giving a shit. Ah, I feel like that is a bit cynical of me though, forgive me.

>He literally rewrites the story to shape his own destiny for the first time in his life.

John is probably terrible in bed is what you're saying

If he stopped giving a shit why didn't he just give the reins of the comic to us completely?

Something like that community paradox space update model some user posted like 2 threads ago.

It would've made more people happy than what he actually did.

I hope a rock falls on him and dies or something before he gets the idea to continue this mess in whatever capacity he might want to honestly.

John is a kid bred in the Common Core era. It all makes sense.

B R E A T H = F R E E D O M

I couldnt say, im not the guy himself. My best guess is that he wanted to give the fans, for the most part, a shitty ride more than he didnt give a shit about where it really ended up going?
>Where are we goin unca huss?!
>*magic school bus theme song plays*


Uncle Hussie would probably molest the underage Vriska cosplayers.

Eridan deserved better.

>not the time honored tradition of fucking underage Jade cosplayers

Do I have to post the pic?

>no tiny floating spade

>Myyyyyyyy myyyyyyyy uncle huss what 8ig lips you have :::;)

>Unca Huss we're heading towards that pit of eldritch autistic demons pretty fast! What are you going to do about it?
>Imm outtie here! Have fun LOL

What pic?

This classic pic.


Getting a girl drunk is daterape now? And who says she's underage?

well actually it IS considered rape now...

I don't understand.

>Unca Huss, why did you shoot Karkat in the head?

But it's not so fuck that dumb dumb poster.

If only I woulda thought of programming some shitty paint software. I probably woulda become autistic enough after that to come up with rainbow blooded space aliens. I woulda made BILLIONS from T-shirt money! BILLIONS!!!

Muffin tops aren't really my thing desu.

Your thing sounds like it's cocks.

tell that to the judge

Why are the trolls so shitty now?

I remember when this was posted on Cred Forums and then suddenly they were all interested in Homestuck

Fucking horny nerds

>Because you're a dirty homophobe little Timmeh

Nah. I was kind of exaggerating when I said she wasn't fuckable. It's not my thing but I'd make due with it.

Here, since you guys liked my little analogy, i made some oc. Hope you like it! 1gorillion hours in mspaint.

It's OK, Rose loves getting drunk!

bec would never...

Well no, because Bec is gone and is Jade now.

Should be going straight into a canyon or into the Twin Towers. Or both.

John and Bec would never...

They were always shit. You were fooled to believe otherwise.

oh yeah??

Memey contrarian opinion.

I tried, is this okay?

That's Jade's daughter, and since lesbians can't have babies together, it's probably Dave or Dirk via rape as the father.

Homestuck fart headcannons go.

I can confidently say every single person who resides on Cred Forums would either be doom, space, void or rage.

It's awful but fitting. Make the kid in the hat /hsg/-tan and the rest random Homestuck characters.

Aight, i could artifact it up too if you want.

If you can bothererd enough, throw some chaos demons painted completely grey and with shitty troll horns near it and it's perfect.

And Time. Lots of Bard, Mages, and Princes too.

The only thing that makes me madder than the fact that John got reality-warping powers is the fact that he barely warped reality with them

Giving a character deus ex machina powers is generally considered a bad move in storytelling, but if you are brain-damaged enough to think that you can make the exception, at least use the deus ex machina to its fullest potential.

>Implying epilogue ever.

What's the correct opinion then smartypants?

This is art


Try to do the character thing and then that and I'll see which I like more.

I'm sorry. I forgot what we called him.

It coulda been made funny too!

>Give a complete dofus unlimited power
>"JOHN. You gotta think VERY carefully about what you're going to do next!"
>Gets himself a sandwich
>Teleports himself to Dad
>They throw the pigskin around for eternity because everything else ceased to exist
>Good end

Trolls were good characters individually (mostly) but were bunched up together and a lot of them lost a lot of relevance/screen-time due to "lol vriska" and other things. Murderstuck was just the nail in the coffin and it really didn't satisfy anything having to do with their arcs or even their seeming narrative importance.


Why does everyone draw Dave with such awful hair

I didn't think he'd know what I'd mean with that.

Did it, sorry took me a while to decide which hsg pic i wanted to use

How mesmerizing.

shit i forgot Arnold


Arnold is my favorite Homestuck character. Didn't understand why everyone called him "Tavros" though.

HSG should be frowning. Turn that smile upside down.

>and other things

>Alright time to introduce all these alien bastards! Good thing I'm autist enough to come up with different interests for all them!
>Oh shit I forgot how to write most of their characters... welp I guess I could just kill them off and never have them return
>Psyche I decided to have them show up anyway!
>I still have no idea what I wanted to do with them oops

Nice, just gotta add "vriska enter" and youre golden friend.

Its going to be tav just for you bro.

noted, ill get to it.

Equius coming back and Erisol was the best though. Fefnep or whoever else were all abominations.

hsg wouldn't be angry all the time if he would just cuddle up with dA

I can't believe I have realized this until now.

wtf I hate Homestuck now

That's not how you use that phrase, memeo.

Haven't* dammit

>Shipping us with that fat bitch.

finished i think, any comments?


>implying HSG doesn't have way more in common with dA than with fucking tumblr
>not wanting to curl up with your thicc weeb gf and watch shitty anime while discussing the sorts of disgusting kinky shit that would make a justice-blogger turn Caucasian

She has a point

She's right.

>wanting to curl up with your thicc weeb gf and watch shitty anime while discussing the sorts of disgusting kinky shit
I could do that with Tumblr...

Something feels missing. Add "Vriska: Enter" stretched out at the bottom maybe?


>Girls who sit on their asses and complain on the Internet all day
>Not thicc

What has Jade done to be a good dog?

Sucked a lot of dick.

Aight, i cant find the comic through google though, if you have it, you could post it and ill do it, or if you want to add it yourself youre welcome to. Thatd be all i have in me for tonight anyway, Im super tired friend.

>Girls who sit on their asses and complain on the Internet all day but also have to get up and participate in the latest What Lives Matter rallies and support the local all-LGBTQTHWJ Vegansexual pan-sodiumtic farmer's market
>as opposed to girls who sit on their asses and watch anime on the Internet all day and subsist entirely on snack foods, Pocky and McDoubles

She prevented Davekat

>Morbidly obese
We've finally made the distinction.

>Implying that they would have curves and not rolls

went a little overboard with the commas there, ugh. Thats how i know for sure its way too late, jesus fuck.

There is no in-between.

You either pick one or you go sit at the Gay Table.

Somebody get this man the comic.
Tavros confirmed.

But Jade both has fangs and buck teeth, she'd be a bad dick sucker

Depends on the girl.
I have to fuck a morbidly obese woman or else I'm gay?

She's mastered the technique. She wraps it in her tongue and works it from there.

She scrapes and licks

and dave wraps it in peanut butter

oh man i love the peanut butter technique


>Implying all art of these characters isn't purely theoretical.

>Dave coercing a stupid doggirl to suck his penis through peanut butter.
What a dick.

I'd say you're grasping at straws but the only straws here are those flimsy noodle legs. Reports of their length and thiccness have been greatly exaggerated over the years.

dave would never rape jade...

That's not grasping, it's just factual. I'd cuddle with her over anime any night though.

It's not rape if she's too stupid to consent.

Tumblr has garbage taste in anime and animated shows in general, though.

>jade needing coercing to suck Dave's dicks

Don't give a shit. I'd probably make fun of it the entire time.

You mean suck peanutbutter out of his penis?

It's the non-breeding path.

Sorry bro, im off to bed, if manage you get your hands on it you are welcome to take a shot. Peace. If your on EST time, dont stay up too late, its bad for your health. Been fun!

In that case, you can take the blogger, I'll take the weeb, and we'll both be happy.

no one is happy. homosuck is shit

I hope I kill myself staying up this late.

Terezi is a ___

Sounds good to me.
WTF I hate Homestuck now

>It's the non-breeding path.

Jade can comprehend foreplay though

where did this wtf i hate X meme start i'm seeing it everywhere

More like Jade teleports his semen from her mouth directly into his womb

Cred Forums, I think.

Jade would take forepay literally and spend the rest of her life as a dog.

PSSST user


I tried this at the last con I was at. There were no Jades, only a Karkat, a John and a Cronus.

I ended up fucking the Karkat.

Was it a fat guy or a fat girl?

I don't want it. Give me the receipt.

Do you have the full comic?

They were skinny and androgynous so I honestly couldn't tell until the clothes came off. It was a dude but they put out without question and I had them face away.

Eh, I've had worse. But I think the DaveJade fangirls were one of the firsts to move on from Homestuck.

I just saw a thing with a girl stripping for guys who pretended to be Dave

user... Jade's already a dog.

So you fucked a guy?

>my edit that got blasted for being a shit edit got on tumblr


Tipsy actually used it as evidence that /hsg/ supports Davekat.

what the fug

It really is baffling.

I can finally finish that guy's work. If you guys have any more requests, I guess I can do them now. I'm thinking of adding in Eridan riding a tsunami.

You have no idea

This is too funny for Tumblr to actually make.

>inappropriate time for ham
if it had to take a form, i'm glad it took this one

Also, John is cannon kind of homophobic.


after dave went on his masculinity rant

john said he "mostly agreed" with dave

what didn't he agree with?

Probably everything but you know John, he probably didn't want to upset Dave on the verge of his mental breakdown.

The fact that Dave is gay

icels made that


someone posted the original on reddit and she made that

That retroactively taints it for me. I kind of want to kill myself now.

Next up on How It's Made

I'm not surprised.

i want to kiss kaynaya


Shut up, you fucking loser. I'm so sick of Kanaya.

>passive-aggressive response to something anti-Davekat

No shit?

Good idea.

While you're distracting Kanaya, I'll go kiss Rose.

It's the perfect crime.

I would do a lot just to kiss Aradia...

Into the collection bin where they are deposited onto a rolling conveyer. The conveyer leads to a furnace that will preheat the Jade Eyes at exactly 451 degrees Fahnrenheit for three and a half minutes before

>this is the part where I fall asleep and wake up two hours later covered in drool and with How It's Made STILL playing, and yet feel perfectly content with the experience

It could have just been something funny.

What do the Jade eyes even DO?

It's icels, it never is.


They get deposited into a collection bin.


I thought it was clever and enjoyed it when I didn't know the background.

You just had to fucking mention Kanaya, right? Now you've woken up this fucking faggot.


how do you feel knowing she's probably getting off to your comment

>yes IT is funny isn't it...yesss


It was, kind of. And knowing I'm making a girl get off makes me horny so it's a win-win.


>not hot

Marren hinted to have Heart as her aspect!

Ok so far the list is:

Sam - Hope
Alex - Void
Samantha - Life
Marren - Heart

I wonder what classes they have




Okay, so who's little bastard is this?

Nobody cares about this.

Jane rabbit is Samantha and Anadia has Time, and Samantha was one of the last characters that appeared in the webcomic

I can't say for sure but she seems to be the mix between Rose and another person
My best guess right now is Dirk


>Rose/Dirk baby



dirk gets dave levels of Freud when rose calls him daddy

it's his weakness

Dirk's rape powers know no bounds.





If Dave wasn't a closet gay, his jokes from Acts 1-5 would have been homophobic.

She's sleeping.

At least Davekat shippers would have been happy if it was confirmed. How can anyone stuff up so badly?

i-is that from honey select?


>project of the aughts
It's 2016 :(

It's ambiguous whether the kids killed Lord English or vice versa.

Why can't people just read one part of the comic.


Here is her card if you want to use her.

What do you mean?

>lady english
It's Muse English you swine.

Dave and Rose are SIBLINGS

I doubt he gets out of bed these days. Act 7 broke him.

Thanks based user!
I'll think about you when I cum while fapping to Aradia

Since the Beta kids are ectobiological clones of the Alpha kids, together they are the same Ultimate Selves.


You think that bothers them? Just look at Cuntpi and Liveblogger. They ship it regardless.

>this picture
Zoe Quinn working on the game was a myth, right?

What in the fuck? Is that actually a thing?

there's a difference between that
and wanting them to have inbred babies


When John warped back before the meteor hit, I actually got excited about Homestuck for the last time.

Ectobiology is weird. Maybe it won't happen.

It's not ectobiology, she just said she's pregnant

Ultimate Selves are a thing, but I was just joking.


I know but since they're ectobiological twins, maybe it won't have the same rules (I'm grasping at straws here). It just seems weird for the kids' session to only have two possibilities for non-retarded babies.

So it's just a plot hole.

You're grasping at a LOT of straws.

If the kids stayed in can town for an unspecified amount of time, then went to fight LE, the Alpha kids not coming as well doesn't make sense.


If the kids went to fight LE way later in life that seems kind of depressing

But the Betas didn't come.


I'd grasp those hips.

It still seems weird for Skaia to ship JadeDave and JohnRose. They're right but it's still weird.

Skaia just has taste man.

It's going for max breedability, a RoseDave offspring would be extra stupid

I want to cum inside Kanaya.

kan user what kanaya pic has your favorite face for her?

think you mean

probably this one, but i have more
but why are you asking that user?

I prefer


I want to make Kanaya in HS but I need a good face ref

Oh, ok
Is the one that I posted good enough or...?

>Not JadeJohn being megadumb

JadeJohn would be super atttractive and a savant, but a being so perfect would destroy all reality

No, it'd be a retard with incredible anger problems.

A compromise

Another good face

anything a wee bit more detailed?



Jake doesn't have anger issues.

Ugh, like this one ?
Or like pic related?

>not jade's eggs actively hunting down and capturing Dave's sperm

Prob going to use these two

I'm going to sleep now though

>alpha sperm cells bullying inferior sperm cells
this is my fetish

Oh, ok, thanks for doing it and good luck when you actually do it
Good night my sweet prince


>you will never be so much of a bitch even on the cellular level you get dommed

Why would you want that?

what's a microscopic buttplug made out of

Jade just shrunk it down.

And taught her ovaries to wield it?


Trained an army of them after she multiplied them.

>implying her eggs aren't just naturally that numerous

She's not a disgusting monster.


She is part dog though.

That's sexy though.

>dog is sexy

Doggirls are sexy. There's a big distinction.

Dogs aren't, but girls with dog qualities seem pretty hot you know


You're attracted to the dog part dude

If you're going to try to turn liking cute girls with dog-like qualities into something about bestiality then you're a faggot.

No you have to understand
>but really loyal girl that loves you unconditionally
>regularly becomes ultra fucking horny and needs you to impregnate her



Yeah sure, and I'm not suffering from crippling loneliness


Are you Jade?

Jade has a loving family and a beautiful husband tied up in the basement, I only have one of those things.

>Kanaya never had more moth parallels

>girl that will never push you to better yourself and makes you waste thousands on child care


Actually, moths don't eat cloth. They lay eggs inside of clothing which makes it appear that the fabric has been bitten when only the eggs have hatched.

So what, Kanaya is gonna give birth all over my clothes?

>doesn't want a loyal soft dogwife who will give him strong dogsons

See, it's clear you just have shit taste.

What Do You Mean This Sweater Is Not A Maternity Ward
I Was Told On Good Authority It Was

I guess. Space is associated with the breeding, after all.

of course
all space players are breedsluts


Except Porrim who is just a slut slut.


Porrim's such a breedslut when given another go at life she tried to become a mom despite her species having no concept of it

Says the guy who likes Jade

Dubs of truth.

She just wanted to look like a MILF.


Look guy, I don't know what to tell you, but if you don't want to bang a sweet loyal doggirl, you're probably gay.

Actually it's more because I'm allergic to dogs.

I like doggirls and all but Jade is a trash character.

then you don't like doggirls

I do. Jade, as a character, isn't good though.

Which she wanted because, as a space player, she is naturally compelled to be a massive fucking breedslut.


Which is wrong.

Which is right.

Sorry man, but Jade's still a pretty good character. She had a lot of funny moments and didn't end up losing her original spark in the end, unlike say Karkat. Or Dave, or most of the cast.


Who's your waifu then user

>human with pawpads

What is that even like? Like a raised patch of skin on your hands?


>She had a lot of funny moments and didn't end up losing her original spark in the end
She didn't and she did.
I'm not telling.

Is it Roxy?

Except she did. I already posted one, her conversation with Dave about snow versus lava played well, or the Johnny-5 stuff, or the Duttle.

Plus she really didn't lose her original spark. Dave, Karkat, even John to some extent, don't read or act like their original selves anymore. Jade at least still sounds and feels like happy old constantly-being-made-to-suffer Jade.

You can't just keep saying "nuh-uh" and then not tell us who your waifu is like a spaz man.


>not telling

Then get the fuck out, you don't get to talk shit about anything if you're too much of a scared bitch to put up your own stuff.

Fuck no.
She was more "cute" than "funny". Nothing she's said has ever been funny.
She was "happy" but her personality was gone, just like John.
I don't really have one to be honest.

>waifuless peasant thinks he can talk down to anyone

I don't see how that undermines my opinion.

>Nothing she's said has ever been funny

See now you're just using hyperbole, that, or you've never read the comic.
Which is probably likely, given the claims you're making.
Just as a random example
>GG: you cant play in lava, its no fun
>GG: you can only die in lava


The point is you're such a fucking bore you can't even form enough of a opinion to have a waifu.
Why should you get an opinion on anything when you don't even have the most basic opinion all normal functional human beings have?

He's gonna respond with something stupid like "that's not funny". Which when he does, just proves that in general he doesn't like Homestuck and really shouldn't be in these threads.

what do the troll girl pussies taste like?

>u dont liek what i like so u've never read it
It's not hyperbole as much as it's a generalization. She's just not a particularly funny character- everything funny she's said just seems kind of run-of-the-mill compared to everyone else.
Please don't bully me.
My dick has very inconsistent priorities; I change "waifus" every month.

>having more than one (1) waifu
>changing waifus

Get out. Get the fuck out.
You clearly don't know what a waifu is.

Which is why I used the quotations. I guess I never truly had a waifu.

Oh, ok.
But what you had was probably a crush
Girlfriendu maybe

>changes waifus
And thus, why should your opinion have any weight when you can't even keep consistent opinions


>everything funny she's said just seems kind of run-of-the-mill compared to everyone else

That could apply to almost all the cast. In fact, almost all the characters are "run of the mill"
Almost as if they were all written by the same fucking person.

Honestly, only Karkat and Dave really had distinct voices.
And even then not really. Remember how people used to switch up character quirks and how they sounded super similar?

Is that even a thing?
My opinions stay the same, I'm just very indecisive.
And no?

You can't just keep saying "no" to things like it's an argument.
This was a thing that happened. People swapped Karkat and Dave's quirks, sounded the same. Same with a bunch of other characters. The most "distinct" they ever sounded was stuff Hussie lifted from his own real life conversations.

So whether it's davejade or davekat, Dave's destiny is to get cock up hiss ass no matter what?

nah not really
just something that i came up at the top of my head
but a crush is a ting though

I don't really believe or agree with this.

That's clearly a tail buttplug
Dave's destiny is be dressed up like Silvertail, Jade's furry OC that she made to ship with her own furry OC, get jerked off while wearing dog ears, and then impregnate his completely insane girlfriend while being forced to stay in character



And also for some odd reason his sperm cells suffer the same fate despite being microscopic and not actually sentient

I wish this was still true. Now it's just depressing to look at.

I had something vaguely similar to this happen
Not sure if I'd recommend it.

>Wont You Sit Next To Me Anonymous?

Fuck you. Get off my board, you dumb bitch.




The only one with OCs was Vriska and Rose.

Jade hid hers.


>Those last five.
>When the drugs start to kick in.

>not the one where Kanaya pulls another kanaya out of the box

Stop projecting

Dude I'm just paraphrasing the events of the comic

Kanaya was the stoner all along. Not Gamzee.

No, you're paraphrasing events from a really old DaveJade lewd pic that shou did.

Man I still remember my first Kanaya

What was it like?

It felt like heaven


I took mine and now I'm starting to fuse into some kind of blackhole with a random person named Rose. Is that normal?


>Implying she isn't morbidly obese.


There's a major when you fuse them that causes an overflow in their Snark stat, and the result ends up with shit stats. You'll be forced to completely bench them.


>707 replies
>53 posters
Holy fuck I've spent the last 12 hours of my life talking with the same persons

>that damara
god damn

Too bad. I guess I lost all personality now.

this is the most succinct description of why john sucks that i've seen
