Why did Disney change this line in Phineas and Ferb?
Why did Disney change this line in Phineas and Ferb?
Is this an edit?
The line was in the original airing, but it was changed a few months or a year later.
I think some moms of kids with genetic disabilities complained or something. Not unlike the situation with the character from the other board that will get you banned if you name it.
we cant be offensive to the "developmentally impaired" don't you know.
Yet they can make fun of kids from broken homes just fine? The fuck?
>I get picked on by bullies so I pick on retards
shameful tbqh
Pretty sure the original made it to DVD
Scientific inaccuracy. Down syndrome comes from an extra chromosome, not a missing one.
Well, down syndrome isn't the only chromosome abnormality, and I just searched this so there are conditions with missing chromosomes.
>Implying there is a difference between soccer moms and Cred Forums at this point
Got a source on that? I'm not finding anything in my searches.
Interesting if true, though, considering in season 3 Doof built a "de-evolution-inator" which clearly referenced evolution and its process.
the second line is funnier
Probably some sort of relation with FilthyFrank, I dunnow.
Soccer moms have had sex.
Phineas and Ferb was an awesome show. The fourth season could be a bit eh at times, but it was overall a great show.
>Best Boy
The font isn't even the same in the first image. Obvious edit.
I remember it and it's on the wikis. I also think it's on the DVD with the episode. But I can't find an unaltered version online.
Yeah. It is an edit. But only to illustrate the difference. That was the line.
This whole bit was fucking hilarious.
>mfw the Downs Syndrome joke in Xaiolen Showdown.
remember when everyone decided to tell the I Can Count to Potato girl to feel bad about herself and she got all offended and punk goff?
when are people going to realize that if you don't tell them to be offended, then it won't be an offense
>female feels offended about something
every day, how public did she go with her cries?
It's a retard joke. People are sensitive about that kind of thing nowadays.
Yeah, but this was 8 years ago.
if anything its weird they even had this line
thing is, it was a buttoned-down show going all the way back. they werent allowed to have the bully actually fight anyone, he had to thumb wrestle.
they cleverly made fun of not being allowed to have any actual imitatable violence, but still
What do you mean? "His hobby's breaking bones" was always there.
No it wasn't. "Phineas and Ferb: The Fast and the Phineas" DVD has the original version the way it aired.
Hey. At least it's not Canada where you can get fined $42,000 for telling a joke about them.
Holy shit that was great
I like how Buford seemed to pursuing film production in the time skip.
Quebec isn't Canada.
I know you guys hate each other. But don't deny they're part of the same country.
Doof is the funniest cartoon character to come from the last decade.
Prove me wrong.
He's up there
Yeah. Pretty much.
Honestly, I mostly watched it just for him.
So,was he just adopted or was did he just pop out of nowhere?
>The little bastard, he’s just not dying. Me, I defended him, like an idiot, and he won’t die.”
Good. He sounds like a jackass
Buford did get confused in clever ways sometimes.
>You know if we had two Perrys we could put a net between them and play platypult badminton.
>Who's Annette?
>Ferb, that's it! I know what we're gonna do today.
>No, seriously! Who's Annette?
>We're just doin' the knot.
>Wait! How can we do something not?
>No. It's knot spelled with a K.
>I didn't think it was spelled with a K.
>No. It's knot. Spelled with a K.
>I don't understand your pauses.
I never understood why they kept Buford around. He was clearly a shithead bully and fucked with almost everyone, but one day he stops being a dick to the title characters and suddenly everything's A-okay?
>one day
Almost immediately. He was only really bad in his intro episode except to Baljeet, to whom he was bad all the time
Same thing happened with Binky in Arthur. Kids don't hold grudges.
He was bad in the beach episode too. But eventually evolved into the character he become. A lot of characters changed like that. Like Phineas was a bit more sarcastic in the early episodes and Doof was more of a genuine bad guy who had no trouble putting Perry (or anybody else for that matter) in intentional death-resulting situations. Also, his accent toned down a bit as the show went on.
Heinz was adopted by ocelots later on.
And he apparently popped into existence since a teleporter sent him back to that hospital and the doctor's reaction was just "Hello, Heinz."
I like how he was a gleeful rebel in every situation. in the alternate universe he was even rebelling against the rebellion. he refused to be patriotic on the unification day until he saw for himself how unified the tri-state area was.
I'd say it was a consequence of one of his inators. I mean they are his parent. They look very much like him.
And was skeptical about the existence of flying saucers even while he was in one. And doubting they could go around the world in a day.
Wait, you can get banned for naming them?
Jesus christ, can we just ban the whole board already?
Please elaborate. I autisticslly loved Xiaolin Showdown as a kid and watched it constantly, and I never caught this.
Because mothers of abominations are trying to shield society from the fact we should gas there retarded aboninations.
"That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of it?"
"My guess? An extra chromosome."
Damn Raimi.
Who was saying this, and about who?
Also what episode
>Not unlike the situation with the character from the other board that will get you banned if you name it.
You mean MLP? Guys I think he means MLP; also known as My Little Pony AKA Mizzle Lizzle Pizzle AKA M to the L to the P but usually shortened to
Animation got better as the show went on too I think.
No you idiot you get banned for talking about /mlp/ only a handful of places use the offical muffins name its derpy in all but the most sjw infested places.
The official explanation is that Phineas felt bad for him that he didn't have any friends and figured that by hanging out with them, he wouldn't be bullying everyone else.
Given that he pretty much stops after his first two episodes it seems to have worked.
His thing with Baljeet is more like Doof and Perry's escapades.
I love how artistic and romantic he ended up being
>Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by the imagination.
>Voltaire, Buford? Really?
>Oh, I can't help it. Paris does it to me every time.
I think he ended up being the second funniest character after Doof.
oh no
Because it's okay to make fun of people because they're ugly as sin, but the minute you critique a specific problem in their genetics, you've crossed the line.
Buford was great.