Cartoon network adds another horribly cancerous show that will probably give us another cancerous shipping fanbase

>cartoon network adds another horribly cancerous show that will probably give us another cancerous shipping fanbase

Get over it OP

Looks like a Slayers knockoff.

Western animation died in 2009 so who cares.

I miss when we didn't have fucking retarded character designs everywhere

Not that I'm saying we should go back to the psuedo anime styles of the 90's ot the blatantly anime styles of early 2000's.

I just want something different.

These SUfags are taking over and they need to go.



Fuck off, casual.


They're brother and sister tho.

I liked the anime designs. It's better than this CALART crap

Do you honestly think that will stop people?

>blatantly anime styles of early 2000's.
There was literally nothing wrong with it.

The anime was better.



I doubt it, look how fucking ugly they are.



>a cartoon about Gaudi and Lina knockoffs
>not Naga and Lina knockoffs

Wasted potential desu

I wish

Looks like someone want's to get Dragonslaved

>Being this much of a moron

Try again children


There's that word again. This show isn't even popular and you're already labeling it as a cancerous growth that must be purged. I swear, Cred Forums is infested with hipsters. Even stuff that MIGHT become popular is considered bad. Like, it's meh at best. Calm the fuck down.

>all these Slayers-fags
On the other hand, something good came out of this thread, so there's that. Lina is best girl.

>it's another Mighty Magiswords shitposting thread
Cred Forums needs to die

I'm talking about western, french or italian shows that blatanly copied anime stylings, like W.I.T.C.H

I'm suddenly interested.


literally the only good things going to come out of the shitty magisword threads are the slayerfags

Fuck this bitchy shitposting. Y'all wanna just pop over to Cred Forums and have a Slayers thread?

Yes there is little weaboo hypocrite

Kill yourself.

Where did his elbows go?

>inb4 rubberhose style
>inb4 that's not REAL rubberhose style

Is this already popular? I tried to like it at first but damn it's obnoxious as hell and the comedy is retarded.


Man the SJW's really love this board

>m-muh SJW boogeyman!

Gravity Falls...

You are the cancer, OP.

They remind me personality-wise of Cosmo and Wanda too much

Eh. I can kinda see that, but Prohyas doesn't seem as dumb as Cosmo, but he's definitely the goofy one of the duo.

>Looks like a Slayers knockoff.

This show's animation is fckign disgisting


I dont know shit about this shit all i know is i wanna fuck the shit out of that semen demon



the designs are fantastic
nearly all current animation is bad. animation is irrelevant
THIS is the problem. the art is ugly. ugly, awful art. not bad animation, not bad designs.

Then I mean the art is ugly. Ugly!

I'm fine with shows with good designs and shit animation. Archer is a good example, the first several seasons the animation was pretty bad and stiff but I overlook it since it had good designs.

No remotely. It just looks like shit.

>nearly all current animation is bad. animation is irrelevant
Not true. The work Bolder Media and Mercury is doing on Disney cartoons looks really good. Mighty Magiswords should have a similar look but instead it's almost entirely key frames with no puppetry on the models.

No one on Cred Forums knows anything about animation.

>nearly all current animation is bad. animation is irrelevant
Speak for yourself, Japan has plenty of well animated shit.
Look at One Punch Man, that wasn't even high budget.

This. I really have problems enjoying most cartoons for how shitty or distorted the art ist. Why do people believe that kids want to see that? I only watched more realistic looking cartoons or anime when I was a kid because I hated that ugly stuff. I can deal with it today but I still don't get why people think that this is a good idea.

>I only watched more realistic looking cartoons or anime when I was a kid

>liking ugly fictional things

>not trap Gourry

no one like dykes

>Liking things I don't like.

The designs in this kinda remind me of Dave The Barbarian. Might be cool. Would I like another realistic designs show like BtAS? Sure. But it's much more important that the writing is decent.

Anybody LIKE this because of Slayers, it's a fun show, you dick up yer asses faglords.

>another show with childish humor


>this show for children has childish humor REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>making cartoons for children


these are 2d dykes

the best kind of dykes


They let this loser and his wonky drawings on TV, and they won't hire me? Unbelievable.

Hey did you know the creator of the series was really rude to some guy on Deviantart a couple years ago? What an asshole, Imma boycott his show and so should you!

Oddly reminds me of Slayers with those characters

He's working on a new Ren and Stimpy cartoon with Nickelodeon.

HAHAHAHA I love this guy.

Where is the info on this? I don't see it announced anywhere.

>fuck Cartoon Network, I'll work at Nickelodeon again
>There are younger hotter bitches there

Bob Camp was butthurt because he was not hired and insulted John on a recent interview.

That doesn't sound right. Bob Camp wouldn't be butthurt over that, he hates John and has said he'd never want to work with him again.

So this is the show that they are replacing Adventure Time with? This is what, Adventure Time Go?

Bob Camp just likes to shit on him everyday no matter what,thats all.

why would tumblr like a show with anti-feminist comedians as voice actresses?

Yeah, with good reason.

He consistently wrote better episodes.

It's complete shit, but Lina Inverse is hot.

One thing that kinda freaks me out about this show is the feet. It's like they saw Adventure Time's noodle arms and said, "I'm going to make all the character's feet look like suction cups!! That's make this show unique!!"

I don't like this new Suction Cup Feet Style.

>They're brother and sister tho.

you really think that's going to stop people dingus? if anything it will influence people to ship them even more

Also, I watched one of the minisodes from Youtube just now. The cartoon is stupid but OP is going a little too far with this shit. Just let the show die.

Ooh yeah, this board doesn't mention it much but Disney is doing some neat things in their kid's animation department.

This shouldn't even catch up with the shippers. It just looks like a terrible show. Also:

>Whining about shippers on Cred Forums

>another cancerous shipping fanbase
Waifuism, actually.

t. waifuist

There really isn't enough to have much shipping yet.

But I still want Grey Griffin to read some smut in Vambre's and Zange's voices.

Martina > everyone else
I wish all OCs were that good. Her episodes are some of the best things about Next.


Has Matt Wilson finally broken into mainstream TV animation?

>realistic looking anime
Yeah what anime are you talking about?

Gravity AlextheultimatehackHirsch Falls.

why's he a hack?

To be fair Vambre is pretty hot.