Villains you unironically root for over the hero(es)

Villains you unironically root for over the hero(es)

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I mean seriously, when did Optimus Prime ever do anything as cool as this giga-nigga did in the OP?


The man wanted to get rid of fiat currency. He's the best.

Confa seems to have alot of job oppritunites for someone prone to violance and a love of snakes.

He actually one a battle more than once every 20+ times

I mean he had the best sneak attack in the movie and Optimus still rolled in and kicked his ass.
He was only able to get a few good shots in by acting like a bitch and then shooting prime the back once he had surrendered to Optimus.

Didn't he once steal a giant death laser simply to carve a picture his face (not his real face but his face in a cloth mask) on the moon.
And he thought it was a legit good step toward world domination.

Optimus Prime is way cooler though. All the satisfaction from Transformers comes from him stomping Megatron's face in.

If the Nazis could, you can bet your ass they'd carve a swastika/Hitler onto the moon.

She isn't a vilain.

Murrlogic, you are an autistic fuck.

Spaming your shit in every thread is against the rules.

But you're wrong she is a villain the best type of villain.

Nah, Megatron was cooler.

It's all about brand recognition

Megatron was right

Damn, i really need to read me some transformers now. Where do i get started?

It's a great way to remind people of the power of Cobra.

Megatron was right, but getting shadowplay'd (for only a couple of second) really did a number on his psyche.

I'm not sure anymore.

Looking for comics, i've seen the animations, i've loved that shit since i was a kid, but i've never read the comics, and there seems to be a significant difference. At least a pretty big difference from what i remember from when i was a kid.


... because he's really not that bad a guy and I also really don't like Reed Richards, he's a smug douche.

Amon, the Red Lotus
Wile E. Coyote
Tom from Tom & Jerry
I would've posted the YTMND but it appears the original is gone.


I can't find the Cred Forums reading guide to the Transformers comics.

You'll have to wait for another Transformers General thread.


ho shit, yeah i have to read this now, if nothing else i need this run man, i need it.


I got you, familia.
You can even jump on to the franchise starting Wednesday with Revolution which is a huge crossover between 6 titles but it's going to be fun and establishes a new status quo.


I rooted for Megs in the G1 cartoon but root for Optimus in the IDW comic books. That's probably because they made him more interesting though.

Cobra Commander was the underdog

감사 감사 based user

Pretty much anyone that's turned into a huge monster.

Have you read the Marvel Comics at least? If you haven't, make sure you read the UK-run - it has a lot more stories between the US issues and is the biggest influence on current TF comics writers.

Soooo, between the movies, IDW and Aligned... do you think Raksha is happy that she was right?

I cant for the life of me find a good torrent of the comics. Anyone have one?

Well, Megatron can't be that bad. He was respectful enough to gently set down lincoln and just wanted to borrow his chair. I can respect a transforming robot that can understand the accomplishments of old Abe even if he came from a alien planet.

I think they have everything in the Transformers General.


Oh wait, you said villain, never mind.

He's Marvel's greatest hero.

Someone needs to post the Mega.

I feel like all the other major Decepticons where cooler than Megatron. Starscream, shockwave, Soundwave, and even minor ones like Rumble where all more interesting Megatron was just kinda there most of the time.

I'm not fond of the genocide in Bialya but I would have liked it if he was never caught and lived a happy life with his resurrected wife.


Is that X the eliminator

This band of misfits pulled for each other, planned and organized towards a common goal, only for the universe to hemorrhage so that the "heroes" could win.

Zaheer, he fucking FLEW

Mr Freeze
Just wants his wife back man

The creators knew this or at least structured the show this way. Every episode starts at the Legion of Doom and centers around the villains and their plan for the week. The villains are the ones trying to complete a goal and the heroes are just there to thwart it.

All hail glorious leader doom!!!

I suppose it's true what they say. Society is to blame.

Man, I remember one episode that centers around the Legion of Doom summoning a demon out of Suicide Swamp who raises an army of the living dead, only to bite them in the ass and the rest of the episode is Night of the Living Dead but in the Hall of Doom. I don't care what anyone says, Challenge of the Superfriends was GOAT.

>having no free will is right
fuck right off

Film magneto
Except for Apocalypse that was just retardation there

I won't lie, with that text and the Lincoln thumbnail I thought this was going to be a Cred Forums thread


It's Kevin time.

The alternative was a brooding asshole (too much even by Batman's standards) and a whiny edgy manchild desperate for his father's attention.

How is the utilitarian tyranny that Megatron hates so much different from the absolute tyranny that he wants to set up?

To each his own, I always found Optimus too likeable to root for Megatron.

Although Starscream is my boy.

It would be so strict that everyone would just quit fighting, eventually forget what it was like to fight in general, and thus lead to a society in which fighting and war are unknown. Something along the lines of that, it was in his book.

Shockwave would probably be the best leader for the decepticons.
>Most calculating
>Acts on logic
>Best g1 voice
Prove me wrong, he would be the best leader for them.

Definitely in G1.
Other continuities vary.
This is the single creepiest OST out of anything TF related.

But wouldn't a society as tightly controlled as the one Megatron is proposing be just as rigid and resistant to changing vocation as the one he was criticizing?

Megatron basically wanted a functioning communist society. One in which everyone perceived each other as perfectly equal and everyone was provided for.

Lincoln may have ruined the South but he sure had a bitchin beard and hat

The same thing that's always different from one regime to the other, now the oppressed have become the oppressors.

That's all any "glorious revolution" ever boils down to. One group is sick of taking shit from those in power, so they rise up and take their place, and now they're the ones throwing shit at those they deposed, because they're really no better than the other, they just pretend they have justification to be assholes.

Megatron didn't want to do what he was told to do, so he started a war so HE could tell everyone else what to do. The only glory he ever cared about was his own.

>The only glory he ever cared about was his own.
That's wrong though.
Megatron genuinely saw everything as means to an end for a utopia that everyone (who wasn't organic) could enjoy. He wanted that down to his spark. It's why characters like Soundwave and Ravage who could sense emotions and read minds believed in him so much.

Holy shit, never realised the scene in DOMC where he does this was a reference to the cartoon.

Just another reason why DOMC is the best movie

Seriously. Why wouldn't the Tri State area NOT want him for Mayor.
>Mayor allows dangerous contraptions created by children to run amuck, control the weathers and effectively cause inadvertently near Earth extinction, the Apocalypse, and a totalitarian regime which somehow held for one summer without a revolution to put Doofenshmirtz in power and actually devote funding into said kids in a controlled enviroment where less damage may be done, and the tech can be revolutionized. Employ actual policies and rebuild the glorious Tri Empire

The only true answer for a thread like this.


I think the other guy's point was that if Megatron is about totalitarian imposition of peace, he's no different than the masters he was fighting. Is he going to mix it up by using a lottery instead of the Cybertronian version of racism? His backstory is as a freedom fighter, but then freedom is antithetical to his worldview, that's just stupid. It would make more sense if he wanted to plunge Cybertron into anarchy, where only the strong would rule. Then he keeps his tyrannical character arc, but still seeks a kind of "freedom."

Dr. Doom (he started as a villain, so fuck you)
Joker (face it, he's never going to die so just enjoy whatever fucked up schemes he makes)
Zim (can a main character be considered the bad guy?)
The Red Guy
Cobra Commander

I have such a lady boner for this man

>It would make more sense if he wanted to plunge Cybertron into anarchy, where only the strong would rule.
He actually tried that.
The arc ended with a Quintesson possessing the body of a giant T-Rex and that was the end of that.


He said villain.

>twf he chomps Jerry's head off and drags the lower half and tail around the yard

>Cobra Commander
I like him when he's a competent villain.

Cobra Commander's voice was so cool, no matter what he did, it was all good. He was once a man, you know.


Never forget

that would be hitler


Wasn't a fan of the accent but crazy motherfucker was more interesting than the bland bastard that was Silver Surfer in that toon.



b-but i actually like Rusty

Carmen SanDiego

Forget to add and Carmen SanDiego

I like how when he does end up in the position he wants for any time, he end up being too distracted by his duties as ruler to get round to doing evil.

Starscream's the guy you don't root to win but you also don't want to see him kept down either.

I rooted for black mask.

Even more so in the comic.


I cri evrytime

I love that short where and his mouse-scared cousin drive Jerry crazy by the end.

>those cheeks
Clever but gross.

This one?

Ok, how does he go from that to a civilizations without conflict, dissent, autonomy, personal responsibility, or free will?

Also, is this version of Megatron not turn into a tank or gun?

He didn't original. He was one of the the miner-class cybertronians.

Though I honestly don't know how he goes about changing his alt-from. And I find it interesting that his alt-form as we know it, while very powerful, can only ever be used by another.

Galvatron on the other hand was a different beast, that cannon didn't need a fellow bot to pull the trigger. I wonder if the symbolism there was intentional.

Just once I wanted to see them win.

Not this bullshit again


Though to be fair I don't really remember what he was doing that was so evil. Sometimes it seemed like he was just minding his own business, and then these turtle monsters would attack him and his friends.


that one time he was right in front of the finish line, and he turned around to set a trap. When the narrarator asked him about it, he said "id rather win my way"

This guy!

It's not a meme, sorry. I know you've been trying really hard to make it a meme but no one you is doing it.

>that smirk at the end
That's the face of a man who finally found their one true chair. His big metal ass is comfy for the first time in millions of years, and he is satisfied.

Well Megatron just wants the chair, he knows he doesn't need to be an asshole about it.

Plus, given what forms decepticons have taken and how long they've been on earth, would you want to take the risk the statue is actually one of your loyals whose been waiting for you to return?

Holy hell, I had forgotten just how hideous those character/mecha designs were.

>>"COBR- Kaff-kaf-kaf-kaf..."

I laughed.




Optimus likes basketball and things

Remember when he beats Godzilla in a basketball match? That was cool.

>Remember when he beats Godzilla in a basketball match? That was cool.
WAT? That was not Optimus Prime, that was Charles Barkley.

Jesus, Megatron really is Rose Quartz. I don't think I can sympathize with Optimus anymore.

This motherfucker was the only character in the comic who actually completed his official, cosmically-sanctioned Hero's Journey without cheating or outright skirting around it, and it was rigged against him with impossible odds from the start. He's also the only character in the comic who actually matured and grew as a person in an organic way that wasn't forced or retconned into him, which is ironic and atrocious, because he was supposed to be the villain of this coming-of-age-story, a stunted, eternal child incapable of development. God, Andrew Hussie is incompetent, but Caliborn is a legend.

I don't consider him a villain. He never really did anything wrong, in all seriousness.


Anyone have that post that wrote up this headcanon that Dick Dastardly was formerly a good guy and world class racer?

That's kinds of admirable in a very strange way.

>implying best boy is a villain
At worst he's an anti-hero who will show Steven true power when the fuse into Steven

I think he just hates the artist and is spamming it until we do too.


Not even a meme at this point.

He's my favorite character ever, also always cooler then whoever he's fighting.

Kevin is Matt Burnett's self-insert and both of them are irredeemable

I was more puzzled by the fact that this shows the carving of Lincoln to be a separate piece from the chair itself.

Yeah he's so passionate about what he does you can't help but root for him.

>rooting for Lincoln
Emancipate yourself from my presence.

>I would've posted the YTMND but it appears the original is gone.

I thought this was a troll but it's not. The fuck happened?

Fucking yes, I've grown more attached to his entourage than the good guys.

>Just once I wanted to see them win.

One time he was about to win - he was head to head with 4 other racers, but if just slammed the gas pedal he would've won since he drives a fucking rocket. But they said that they'll have a photo finish, so he stopped in front of the finish line and posed for it.

Yeah, he had so much lead that he could stop the car, get out, and strike a pose.