Punisher MAX - The Slavers Storytime

This story was kinda typical of the Punisher MAX series, yet somehow this one always made me think it was a damn good story, and the artwork really hits it home.

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>not posting the cover

why in the fuck?


Thanks for the storytime OP, it's one of my favourites.

You are right, must have slipped past me :(

Mine too








And with a last page like that, how can you not be hooked for the next part? I know i was.

The cover i foolishly forgot to post first :S

Part - This book had the most amazing covers.

oops ment to write part 2 :P

I really liked that this series were not afraid to touch a lot of the darker subjects.

I really feel for the poor girl already.

>The Platoon will never come out

And now we get to see one of the main baddies in this story. The old man.


That old guy is pretty crazy.

That face says it all.



Seems like its a family business. Mr and Mrs Cristu was made for each other.

I want this as well as Punisher Max in the 90's.


Whoops swapped the pages, sorry fellas.

Ennis wrote it like 3 years ago. I don't think it's even drawn yet.

thats 11
thats 12

and this is 13

Someones trying to advance his career in law enforcement it seems.







Another cop having a little row with Frank, i wonder if that cop will try to spin this too... Frank is onto them tho.

Not as strong as the ending to part 1. But none the less, end of part 2.

Part 3 commence!



What they are referring to on this page is the famous "someone pees on his families skeletons, and Frank looks hella mad" pages and the story that followed.








Im sure they used Jen Cooke in some Marvel Knights comics too, i just can't seem to remember which.









seems like this old man is military.

or at least was military.

Now the prepwork is done, time for Frank to go into action.

And it seems like someone realized just what she had set in motion.

Part 4.


>Someone dug up the grave of your mother? I would slaughter thousands.

Huh, who would have thought he was capable of affection... or some approximation of it.



Hidden, the story with the manchild who had homeless people bring him corpses to live under. I think it was #26-28, or thereabouts.

Any excuse to slaughter people i would guess, or maybe his own skewered sense of family.

I really didn't care all that much for Leandro Fernandez's art in Kitchen Irish, but thought it was great in all of the subsequent arcs he did.

Amazing what a change of inker or colorist or whatever can do.


It didn't really fit the setting and mood for Kitchen Irish, but this one it seems to have down pretty good. Its a very cold and dark style.




It begins...




I spy with my little eye a second pattern Israeli Dror light machinegun on the left in the second panel. I always knew the Punisher had good taste but damn that is REALLY good taste.

It does sound familiar, but i will have to read up on it some time.





>images in a storytime



This guy is in for a hell of an awakening.

That guy must have guts to stay awake when seeing that. And that is the end of part 4.

Part 5. I cannot say it enough, these covers are just super awesome.










Worry not, Vera will get whats coming to her.




You know your you're fuckef when you piss of the punisher


To dtupid to notice/smell the rotting corpse in front of you

To stupid to notice/smell the rotting corpse in front of you

Eh she shouldn't feel they're human traffickers

What a Sadistic dick
Not enough salt

Wonder how ducked it would be to see your own intestines hanging from a tree

having trouble posting the next image, i keep getting "possible malicious code in image" error :(

hopefully this works

there we go, back in the saddle.

Now Vera will get whats coming to her.





Frank was right, the glass didn't give in.
Now what is left of this crime family is the old soldier. Things will be very heated for him.
End of part 5.

Final part of The Slavers.

Satisfaction at its finest



You betcha, Ennis was great at writing characters you just came to despise.










Would they do this scene in the Netflix show?


I have no idea.
It would have to be rated R then, and i dont think thats where they will take it.

Yea Frank tend to give people that reaction.






This ending hits me every time. :'(

And there we have it. The end of 'The Slavers'. I really hope we see some more written by Ennis down the line, his Punisher was the best. Thanks for reading with me anons.

Still, thanks for storytime.

>I really hope we see some more written by Ennis down the line

He wrote a prequel that hasn't been released yet, and possibly never will if Marvel doesn't make an effort to get it out.

You know, whenever I read a story as dark as this one I wonder what someone more lighthearted like superman or Barry Allen would do to these guys. Like they obviously wouldn't kill them or fuck them up as bad as batman would but I guess they wouldn't get away without at least a few broken bones and the scare of a lifetime.


Bump for reading, and thanks OP.

Well, they did have the Kingpin crush a man's head with a car door. But they're also not allowed to say fuck, so who knows.

Why does the new Punisher series explicitly say it's not for kids, show explicit gore but censors cursewords?

You know about the collapse of Yugoslavia into Civil war?

Ethnic cleansing?

Crazy shit like full on rape and pregnancy camps, where they 'd rape the fuck out of women daily for a menstral cycle or two to make sure then ended up pregnant?

The Remove Kebab guy?

That's the war he's from.


Bodies don't start to smell of 'rot' until several hours have passed, particularly if it isn't in a hot environment. Assuming the dead guy didn't 'evacuate' when the Punisher killed him, at most, they'd smell a very faint scent of blood, which most people in the western world aren't very familiar with.

It's plausible enough.

They'd probably devote an afternoon to rounding up every single last one of them that they could track down through rapid-fire interrogations and computer hacking and going through every one of their hideouts as they busted them, then deliver them to 'the police'. While also delivering the girls/women to 'the authorities'.

But who are 'the police' you deliver them to when they're an international crime ring with operations in a dozen different countries all over the planet? Interpol is largely a joke, unfortunately. And who are the authorities you'd deliver the girls to, and expect them to be properly taken care of? The local authorities would just hold them as illegal aliens, to be ready to deport them back into the hands of the people who facilitated their abductions, even if just through negligence. To families that have either written them off as dead, or who would disown them if they learned the truth, for 'dishonoring' them.

They'd (Barry and Clark) probably be trying very hard not to brutalize them too much in the process, despite being sickened and enraged by what they were dealing with.

It's not a story that gets told because it's not a clean, neat, or at all happy story, and it's impossible to make it one. Notice how the Daredevil netflix series does no followup on those women in those shipping containers?

Because there isn't a way to handle it that fits a tv show, even one with a hard edge, on netflix.

Quicksilver would probably take a week or so to take care of it, but he'd probably also just kill everyone in the ring, then send the girls to the Inhumans, or one of the X-Academies, or The Avengers, or something and wash his hands of it at that point.

You don't become a social worker by not feeling, user.

Even the burnouts (meaning almost all of them, eventually) felt at some point.

The story is overrated as fuck

and the only reason people consider it a powerful story, is because the victims in the story are women. pathetic, but then again, this is Cred Forums

Poor Jen. She's getting fucked with so hard she's turning into a Grey.

This story would never be written.
You can't see this kind of horror and still be same.
Betting the slaver would be nothing and they don't fear prison.
Superman or Flash would be useless here.

Your mother is overrated, and the only reason people consider her a good lay is because of the sheer number of customers she's serviced.

Go back to tumblr.
This story is about prostitution. And the market for gay black trannie in prostition isn't the main market. And it doesn't cary the same weight.

Had you actually read the story, Jen Cooke tell it herself. If this story doesn't move you (in and outside the book), imagine your sister, mother or daughter on the hand of the slavers. The story would work with the whole SJW where all victim are equals.

And yes, the victims are women, but the slaver chief was a woman, a very very evil woman.

Think the kids would also be valuable, but then maybe they draw more attention than women.

Yeah, I have no idea either. I assume it's some kind of ethnic or military term.

>Frank was right, the glass didn't give in.

He learned his lesson with Jigsaw.

Go cry some more, faggot

Max Arcs

Anything with Barracuda > anything written by Garth Ennis > 6 hours to Kill > everything else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Punisher Max: Kingpin

Punisher Max had great side characters. You love O Brien and want her to hook up with Frank as much as you hate Rawlins and want Frank to fuck him up

Punisher Max covers are boring and in the end it will save like 5 or 6 images that could be actual content

Frank being funny is like Darth Vader cracking a joke.

My dad was a peacekeeper there in the 90's. He's got all kinds of fun stories to tell about the jolly neighborly relationships all the Serbs, Kurds and Muslims had.

Isn't the whole "I altered the deal" bit a joke? Kind of?

In that case, does "I find your lack of faith disturbing" count? After all he could have just said something like "Don't try to undermine my autority" or something.

Man, Vader is such a funny guy.

That was a snarky one-liner, yes. You just can't tell he's smirking because of the mask.
>the emperor is not as forgiving as I am
was kind of humorous too.

Looking really Clint-y there, Frank

Supes would probably throw them into the Phantom Zone, where they'd be prison whores for fucking Krypton and other alien criminals. Quite a fitting fate.

>tfw when Serb
>Albanians and Croats and fucking Bulgarians genocide us every chance they get
>no one talks about this
>all fucking 'Muricans talk about is remove kebab and bosnia during a war where everyone was doing this kind of shit
Feels horrible, man.

Is that a derogitory term for a Britbong?

not the user that bitched about it on the first place, but

it's ok, user
thank you for the cover
and thank you for cool storytime

>Frank actually has bants

I love you, Ennis

Not really doing good on cutting back on your homophobic jokes, but it gets a pass officer.

If I remember well, people can't die on the Phantom Zone. And I don't think Zod, despite being a bad guy would be OK with them running around.

They would be unkillable puching ball for evil Krytonian. I like the idea.


total clintface right there

Yea, that's exactly what i thought. And there are other things there too, Some telepath is bound to read their minds and tell the others what they do.

This kinda makes me want to see how Ennis would do with Foolkiller.

Jesus i fucking hate Cooke. She was an even bigger retard in 616. Frank literally accomplished far more in a single night then she did in 2 years, and she gives him shit.

4channer wondering why normies don't condone murder, vol. 145920495965

This run has so many great "you're gonna get Franked" moments.

This is why Frank is my favorite Marvel hero. The sheer cathartic release you get from his comics is unsurpassed.

Maybe you just all suck.

You Serbs really are all brainwashed.

Got to live Frank's deadpan sense of humor.
Punisher war journal #435 : just made witty banter, Maria would've loved it.

Everybody sucks.

>it does not good, the way he works
>Frank saved hundreds personally and literally tens of thousands and maybe even more through butterfly effect
>people that criticize him often haven't done shit
Man this pisses me off.

4channer wondering why normies don't condone murder, vol. 145920495966

That's just the way it is. The funny thing is that in Barracuda, a man gets buggered and while Frank does kill the rapists, he doesn't get all touch feely with the male. Frank attitude varied between annoyed and uncomfortable. But lets be real, the primary chattels in sex slavery are women and children. Mind you the men in their regular lives are most likely dead, but that's another story . It would be interesting to see Ennis write about Fuck boys in the Middle East, it's an interesting and disgusting loophole.

>i've only read Max so that makes me and expert on Punisher-the post
Frank's inner monologues and his dry, black sense of humor are among his main character traits, which you would've know had you actually read the fucking character beyond a single alt-universe run.

Maybe you should really fuck off, eh? This is about ''muh it doesn't make a difference'' when the man is very clearly making a fucking difference.

Normies wonder why the world is such a shithole full of rapist. Vol. 78416525

That story really showed what a fucking white knight Frank is, and this is coming from a massive Frankfag. He basically told the dude to walk off being a sex slave for a bunch of dirty spic drug dealers for weeks. But i get why old school manly dude like Frank would react that way.

Their death is the reason he went back to becoming a killing machine.

4channer wondering why normies don't condone murder, vol. 145920495967 & 145920495968

Spider-Man, stop.

Normie scum trying to justify his holier then thou attitude while living a save and happy life vol 1273902183092183

It's because Barracuda was a comedy series, while this isn't.

What other Punisher should I read that isn't written by Ennis? Fucker hit gold with his run and I want something as near as possible with the same character.

Remender's run is amazing, whatever the faggots tell you. Yes, including Franken-Castle. Also read Dixon, as well as alt-reality shit written by Ennis like Punisher vs Marvel Universe.

Don't forget assholes from Western nations that exploit kids in 3rd world places.

Oh certainly the tones were very different, Ennis isn't exactly above female sexual assault being humorous. But there's still a part of me that thinks Frank wouldn't pour a nice cup of cocoa for a man that's been buggered.

I'm sorry user, but you're just too dumb. Do you think anyone is happy with the various terrible things that go on in the world? Do you think that social worker in this arc rubs her fingers and says KACHING every time she hears of another human trafficking operation?

Your stance is literally "let's all kill whoever we think is really bad" and as evidence of the efficacy of that philosophy you present a COMIC BOOK CHARACTER. Think about that for a bit. You are basing your opinion on someone who isn't real and who is written as a superhuman warrior.

>all this projecting
What i was doing was justifying the actions of a fictional character in the context of the situation, and you used that to project this image of me as some black and white simpleton, in short you erected a strawman to knock down. Why don't you take a step back and fuck off. My stance on the whole situation is ''yes, Frank is doing good and the people he kills deserve death and he is saving lives'' not ''lelelel kill all de bad ppl''.

You do understand that helping Frank makes you an accessory to murder and eligible for a prolonged vacation in prison?
And that all he does is create holes that are filled up the minute he turns his attention to others?
Do you honestly think that tape of his will stop human trafficking in NY?

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he's killing all of these bastards, but ragging on someone because they don't want to help a murderer is silly.

>You do understand that helping Frank makes you an accessory to murder and eligible for a prolonged vacation in prison?
Not him, but it's pretty easy to get away with helping The Punisher. All you have to say is that he threatened and intimidated you into helping him. It's not that hard to believe considering everyone already knows he's a psychopath.

And everyone also knows that he doesn't hurt innocents, so with the social worker that defense is out.

Especially in Mother Russia. Can you imagine if that asshole Fury whipped in that arc had gotten his hands on that virus when they were capable of killing a whole plane full of innocent civilians to cover it up?

There's always that doubt. We know for sure Frank would never hurt innocent people. People in that world don't and they aren't going to bet their lives on whether Punisher is bluffing or not. Which is understandable and still holds out as a defense.

Not about affection. It's about looking strong in reaction to a slight made against him, even by proxy.

Not necessarily. Remember they just tried to spin him beating up cops while doing his work, so to maintain that lie you could spring that defense.


This was posted in Friday's thread.

You forgot to mirror the artists signature.

>And that all he does is create holes that are filled up the minute he turns his attention to others?

To be fair, the Punisher tell it itself. Helping him will remove THIS slaver ring. But in the whole order of the world, it accomplish nothing. The punisher know this, and as a reader we should too.

>Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he's killing all of these bastards, but ragging on someone because they don't want to help a murderer is silly

I think she is written correctly. She helped Punisher the first time because she was frustrated. After two years on this case, nothing changed. She NEEDED to have a win here.

But after that? She is back to working in the system. And the Punisher understand it too. In the end, she might do a real difference in the current system while the Punisher won't. And that is why Frank won't take her file from her office next time.

For Cooke, she had a Pyrric victory. That is not a durable win.

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe Cooke had a real chance. I am pessimist but Frank method would require a societal change that I better not happenning.

Frank method becoming legal, is basically making a Dreed like society, that doesn't work too.

Greg Rucka had a good run in 2011

I'm not criticizing her not wanting to help him, i'm criticizing her giving him shit constantly when he's done immeasurably more good then her. It's always
>waah no one has a right to take a life, murder is wrong no matter what
>waah they're human beings too
>waah you aren't making any difference
Just fuck off, bitch, there are literal tens of thousands of happy and save people out there that would have been dead or ruined if it wasn't for him, what the fuck did you do?

Anyone got that one shot where Frank's in prison The Cell?

Rucka's run is shit. Solid Frank memes don't change that.

>what the fuck did you do?
Devoted her adult life to attempting to help victims for shit pay. What a bitch.

>she's TRYING to help guise, so she obviously has every right to give shit to the guy that IS actually helping and has been at it far longer then her


Check under Max Related.

I love all of the scumbags from Kitchen Irish. The best part is the way they all get what's coming to them.

I see what you did there.

Pretty sure there was a Foolkiller MAX set in the same universe. I think there was even a crossover at one point.

>mfw The Platoon is the next CAGE!

>an excellent or very attractive person or thing.

He's using it ironically here.

Well, when you look at it from the perspective of how many of the people he killed actually deserved to die, it's probably a pretty small percentage. Like, everyone in this arc deserved to die, but some criminals are redeemable.

There's also the fact that, as Frank acknowledged at the end, there's always going to be people filling the void, especially in the case of big, international organized crime syndicates like this slavery ring. Even Frank can't Frank everyone. Societal change is much more likely to have a lasting effect than one guy killing people, even if he's really fucking good at it.

The Punisher is about catharsis for the readers, it's not at all a practical response to crime.

It's faggots like you that say Judge Dredd is satire, not a modest proposal for societal reform.


I sort of like that hate makes Frank fuck up here. Usually he's incredibly good about not putting civilians in danger but that window could have gone anywhere.
Or Ennis just has a blind spot about dropping shit onto streets.

I bet you'll be voting for Shillary you fucking Britbong. Faggots like you will be the first into the camps in 2017. Freedom!

There was.

It ended on a cliffhanger that will presumably never be resolved.

It's linked here

Don't worry, it was Sunday.

>But there's still a part of me that thinks Frank wouldn't pour a nice cup of cocoa for a man that's been buggered.

Sure he would. Frank bought that dude in Barracuda pancakes for breakfast.

They were cold pancakes. But Frank even with his discomfort, listened to the guy, and tracked down the outfit that had him raped. His own pathetic nature got him killed. And that kids is what they mean by tone. Both Slavers and Barracuda follow the same formula to some extent: Frank kills some gangsters, he comes across a victim, what the victim reveals, opens the door to a "unique, " type of crime.