ITT: waifus that should not give us boners

ITT: waifus that should not give us boners
>That voice
>That personality


Fuck off Murrlogic.

Go back to buy shit to be cucked by traps.

That was an impulse purchase I already regret

M-maybe because she doesn't act like a child, the two thousand year old loli argument will actually be valid?

Probably not...



Fucking die lame faggot.

Can someone post his Facebook again? It was fucking cringe.

The fact that you live for your shit comic and HAS to post it on every thread is patethic, and you still whine on your DA that nobody read it.

she is not for boners

If it's wrong I don't wanna be right


Is it okay to want to fuck her if she can speak English?

she's so damn cute and cuddly sounding



Mrs. Brisby gives me a heart boner rather than a dick boner.

Does that make sense?

it does.


Please don't get me on your degeneracy bandwagon

You ever seen something so ugly,

but still see something attractive about them?

Does she pass the Harkness Test?

I mean, presumably she's at sexual maturity, she's not a puppy. but she's probably spayed....
that said, her intelligence is more human child level

>feel bad about my taste
>go on the Cred Forumsllection
>instantly feel better

oh thank god I'm not the only one

Bitch thought that the air would escape through a hole in the wall, she's got shit- ass logic and reasoning, it'd be like boning an highly autistic person
