What have the Voltron fandom done that's so shit?
Fiction is reality?! Oh boy! I am no longer a virgin!
Made Lance the favorite.
*squints* It seems to be from tumblr. That kinda answers it.
This thing Jason the shittiest fans of this site.
Its pure tumblr cringe on their threads.
All fat fujoshits.
I would like to read this post properly.
The fuck?
Whatever it is, Voltron isn't the only form of media that suffers from fans that has issues.
"Promoting pedophilia in fictiin is /normalizing/ pedophilia"
I cn't say she's THAT wrong, but the whole fiction is reality thing kinda killed her whole argument.
Pretty much how most Tumblr stuff goes really. They make a good point somewhere but they trip over themselves with nonsense.
Pidge is a teen. She can consent to getting fucked. Anyone who disagress is literally retarded and should drink bleach.
Ah yes, like how Game of Thrones and that Flower in the Attic remake made incest the hot new trend a few years ago.
Eh, of course, random and infrequent instances of incest/pedophilia in media wouldn't hurt. Especially if it takes place in a different culture or time period, or if the series is just softcore porn, or otherwise is making clear that it's sense of morals isn't supposed to reflect on reality.
It's a problem of balance. In AtLA, the action, humor, and character development were all stronger draws than waifus/husbandos. Because the action, humor, and character development fell flat in Voltron S1, it doesn't have much of a fanbase outside of fujoshi. So while an AtLA thread will contain a strong mix of content, a Voltron thread will just consist of fantasy about which teenage boy is getting mpregnant.
If your creative output is restricted by an overarching sense of morality, your writing is going to get fairly boring fairly quickly.
And the answer to that will always be Keith.
It's just like Morrison predicted.
The Hypercrisis has finally made fiction reality.
We've only seen the first half of the first season so far dude.
Like I said long ago, every pint of madness tumblr suffers from can easily be attributed to their inability to distinguish fiction from reality. It's the core issue with the culture of that site and which feeds all their other delusions.
I hope more and more people realize that.
..Er, I don't know, most shows, books, movies, etc manage to be good without including something taboo, especially of they're aimed at children. And if it does have a lot of taboo material, then it falls under "it's making clear that it's sense of morals isn't supposed to reflect on reality" category.
How do you feel about antiheroes?
Ah yes, like how any story that includes killing, like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, normalizes killing. Yes.
It's 'Videogames cause violance' 2.0. Only difference is there's no debating against it, because sex crimes are a massive taboo and made worse than murder.
Like, I don't see the appeal of toddlercon and other abuse fetishes but they're about as likely to enact them as somebody is stealing cars after playing GTA. People going to jail for fiction is far more worrying.
It's just tumblr, where the latest trend is to pretend that fiction is totally reality and fanworks totally have the same content as official content so that they can hate on their notps and characters they dislike under the guise of "this pairing has a 25+ year old character paired with a minor, which means it's PEDOPHILIA, (also racist, if they're both white) which means that liking it or producing or reblogging fanworks for it is ROMANTICIZING ABUSE which actually totally creates more abuse IRL so if you like their notp you're actually legit evil and are creating suffering in the world and should stop liking things they don't like, you shitlord
It's all just a way to try to censor other people and tell them to stop liking what I don't like while using fancy sjw words and pretending that it's all for the protection of the vulnerable and oppressed.
Utter mindfuckery.
> fanworks totally have the same content as official content
Hurr durr I meant have the same WEIGHT as official content, apologies
Tumblr's codeword for "think of the children"
It is fucking bizarre how that is the one thing that society has gotten even weirder about, in this age of tolerance of disgusting perversion. Doesn't matter if our parents dated as teenagers, doesn't matter if our grandparents married as teens, doesn't matter if everyone who ever lived thought differently.. I guess that's why actually. They're only supporting NEW perversions
gotta love the mice
Fuck off retarded.
>It's all just a way to try to censor other people and tell them to stop liking what I don't like while using fancy sjw words and pretending that it's all for the protection of the vulnerable and oppressed.
It makes you wonder what's going to happen when these middle class kids inevitably end up going to university. It's McCarthyism all over again.
I wouldn't care if they weren't so hypocritical about using legitimate causes to further selfish ends.
It's more about having the self-mastery to be able to craft art without falling in either side: censoring yourself or using art as a soapbox. Obviously, tumblr lacks the clarity of thought and maturity to both produce and consume fiction that doesn't adjust 100% to their vision of the world.
And even then, it is one thing to choose not to consume something within which the POVs expressed a person may not agree with, and another is to believe reading/writing a story that includes a rape scene makes the reader/writer a rapist, and then another again that everybody else in the planet should read such story at all.
I honestly cannot understand the level of insanity and paranoia required to live in the tumblrites' world, where apparently everything from books to the very air are poisoned by the so-called Da Patriarchy(TM).
>It's just tumblr, where the latest trend is to pretend that fiction is totally reality and fanworks totally have the same content as official content
It's weird because it's true. Just the other day I discovered a paper on Harley Quinn online that started out seemingly academic enough, citing her actual history and personality as determined by her official creators... and then proceeds "but what's REALLY interesting is all these fanworks reappropriating her as a willingly masochistic strong woman who's secretly the one with the power in the dynamic!" Like, the whole thesis seemed to be "fanon is just as, if not more valid than canon". That's so fucking backwards to me I can only assume it's the default opinion of Kids These Days.
>It makes you wonder what's going to happen when these middle class kids inevitably end up going to university.
They'll feel right at home.
Don't you remember the protests at Yale?
In the case of Voltron it's even weirder since they're mostly calling pedo on a late teens/mid-ish 20-something ship. My first serious relationship, I was 19 when it started, my girlfriend was 24 and the power dynamics weren't weirdly skewed at all.
Then again, homo relationship. Seems like lesbian/gay relationships function differently with age gaps. You can tell a lot of these discourse girls are young, painfully heteronormative and dateless.
I like most antiheroes if their hero enough.
That's all clear fantasy to me.
>I don't see the appeal of toddlercon and abuse fetishes
As long as it's all just porn or in fetish media it's fine.
I think you guys are overestimating how strongly I feel about this, and the instances that I would consider "normalizing". I pretty much agree with .
Protests are one thing, but think of the increase in professors who are going to get accused of pedophilia for teaching Lolita in a Russian Lit class just because Klanceisreal535 didn't want to read it.
Have i gone too far guys?
Hilarious just how true it is that the more extreme you get the more you wrap back around to the other side of the spectrum. Turning into soccer moms clutching their pearls, ridiculous.
I doubt that they're going to get accused but more than likely there's going to be mobs of sheltered, privileged adult children hiding behind thick rimmed glasses and dyed hair who will constantly bitch about how it's nothing but pornography for kiddie diddlers instead of a very influential novel.
I think of what's happening, and nothing looks good. But the worst of all is that there doesn't seem to be much opposition, like said. Naturally, nobody wants to look like a conservative, a reactionary, a "square".
Unless something big happens soon, it's going to be a steady, one-way descent into madness. Among millennials there seems to be some dissent at least, and some debating in certain places; it's the generation after that, Generation Z or "Homelanders", who are going to grow inside this culture of victimhood from the start.
Like the hippies were rebelling against 1950s parents, this must be how you rebel against Generation X parents.
>painfully heteronormative
Fuck off fag.
The cancer happens to be the the kind of people who think like you.
Lance is best boy and deserves it. It's not his fault a pack of rabid mongrels decided to make a shitshow and invite hate onto him.
The horseshoe closes into a full circle.
>It makes you wonder what's going to happen when these middle class kids inevitably end up going to university.
It's happening already. They're demanding that public discourse and speakers are censored if they have a controversial ("triggering") opinion, there's for example been demands that in law school the lessons should just bypass anything to do with sexual violence legislation because again it might be triggering to survivors, certain opinons should not be allowed to be expressed, trigger warnings, jazz hands instead of applause because again, triggering etc.
There's been some talks about how it's actually bad for science, bad for western society, bad for their creative thinking because universities are where one is supposed to develop critical thinking through challenging old ideas and debating them and finding out new stuff and doing research, questioning everything, but instead the current youth are pushing hard for censorship, limiting freedom of speech and smothering "dangerous" or "harmful" opinions in the name of protecting the delicate mental health of the weak.
A bit like Hitler Youth and their book burnings and trying to ban all culture that didn't support what they deemed to be healthy values, but of course that opinion would be triggering too because a lot of them are abuse survivors and actually pointing out that something they do is, in fact, harassment or abuse or problematic is incredibly triggering so one isn't allowed to criticize them at all because you'll cause a panic attack and HARM SURVIVORS OMFG
How did i?
It's a solid point to make when the people who are pulling this shit are talking up how progressive they are.
>a lot of them are abuse survivors
How are so many people abuse survivors?
>making people with the sensible opinion look like volatile assholes with "drink bleach and kys if you disagree" bullshit
>actually making the people screaming that shipping a 24 yo and 17 yo is supporting pedophilia look like rational and civilised people
You fucking moron, you're playing right into their hand
You engaged them. Engaging them fuels their persecution complex.
Lance a best, everyone else is shit-tier
I know you agree with it but what's fucking stupid is saying that a few kids writing aged-up fanfiction of cartoon characters will have any impact on society whatsoever. If mainstream media was constantly promoting something then yeah maybe it would have some impact, that's the debate over violence in the media. Even then I think the idea that someone who plays a few violent video games is gonna kill everybody afterwards is stupid.
But this kind of thing is just crazy bullshit by people who think they're really fictional characters or it's a badly hid shipwar thing for their idiotic "shipping" that they are way too invested in to be healthy. It's a mix of genuine delusion from actual crazy people and tumblr stupidity.
They figure out that being an abuse survivor gives you an upper hand in debates and thus, after very carefully going through their memories, find out an instance where they were totally abused, so they're abuse survivors now and you can't disagree with them ever because that's triggering to them
Okay, now that I've thought about it for a bit, I think I've figured how the fuck I actually feel about the "normalization" of taboo sexual things.
I think authors can only "normalize" such things if they have NO self awareness of what they're doing. Take Twilight, or 50 Shades of Grey. They thought what they were writing was genuinely romantic and healthy, and it showed in how they portrayed it. Thus, idiots fell for it, and they longed to be in similar situations. Although I guess that shows that "normalizing " isn't something to worry about after all, because smarter people realized how abusive those relationships were.
They label the mildest things as ABUSE. Their parents spanked them one time or yelled a little too loud once. I'm not kidding.
This is what happens when you give fancy academic discourse words and theories to people who haven't put in the reading to understand how they actually work.
Yes, exactly. It's a bunch of teens figuring out that using ten-dollar words makes them sound smarter and gives their bullshit opinions and demands and air of mature, academic serious believability among their peers, so they went all out and started flinging problematic discourse this and inherent triggering ableism and appropriation that everywhere
Way more people read 50 shades than some fanfic and it didn't have a million "trigger warnings" on it about how bad it is.
As for "abuse," this is the same crowd that talks about how "abusive" the bad guy gems on Steven Universe or Bill CIpher are. That's not "abuse," it's just being cartoon bad guys. It's like saying Yosemite Sam and Wile E. Coyote are "abusive." And people who take real life relationship cues from fantasy cartoon comedies about magical gem ladies or singing triangles are way too far gone to ever be functional humans anyway so you might as well give up on them. At least with 50 shades you could imagine someone who's not schizophrenic seeing a semblance of real adult life there but that was pretty damn overblown too honestly.
They basically realized they could control other people with big words, so that's what they do. It's the only outlet they have for establishing the teenage social hierarchy after traditional bullying got taken away.
It all comes down to power in the end. This is going to be a fun generation to watch enter the workforce.
Yeah. Calling a character "abusive" is literally just saying that "I don't like this character, they're mean to my fave" but trying to cloak in IRL serious terms so that it'd somehow become more serious and actually a bad thing to like the character.
It's misusing big words with serious meaning and trying to make teenagers believe they're awful people for having the wrong opinions and liking the wrong fictional characters, in order to tell people to stop liking what I don't like.
50 Shades started as a fanfic, which explains a lot. Old fanfic had a lot of "problematic" content, Duo rape was practically a genre in Gundam Wing fic. One reason it's surprising fandom got so damn conservative so quickly.
If anyone is abusive its that harasser roadrunner. Shitlord.
If you actually watch the new Voltron over the original show, you deserve to be castrated.
actually they're not even mad about people pairing up pidge, they're mad about people pairing shiro/keith because it breaks their keith/lance pair, so they pretend to be incredibly concerned about keith not being able to consent with an adult because being 17-19 means you're a baby apparently.
These are the sort of people who have side blogs full of exactly all the shit that they complain about.
Wonder what theirs are.
Hey, Chuck Jones made it a rule that the Coyote can only be harmed through happenstance and his own hubris, never the Roadrunner. Although later storyboarders didn't follow that rule. 70s Looney Tunes are worst Loony Tunes.
>after traditional bullying got taken away.
Yep. Instead, they now do this Dolores Umbridge type bullying where they hide behind pastel aesthetic and pics of kittens and lofty talk of protecting the weak and oppressed sexual identities and valuing the voice of girls and poc and non-cisgendered people and whatnot - but in fact, it's still just vicious bullying for the power rush of being a fucking cunt and making someone feel bad. Just doing it while pretending that you're a good person, defending just causes, attacking terrible ableist homophobic fatphobic racist pedophilia supporters and thus fighting evil and trying to do a good thing.
But at the core is just bullying people for liking the wrong thing that you don't happen to like. That's literally at the heart of everything. They tell themselves that they're tolerant and supportive people who'd NEVER do something as HORRIBLE as attacking teen girls for their opinions, bullying, making tumblr an unsafe environment, telling others how to think and censor their opinions and self-expression - and then they turn around and do just that, but they just first dig up some bullshit reason why this particular character they happen to dislike is the worst and also a cause of irl abuse and establishes racism and queerphobia, so it's not bullying someone, it's just objectively trying to fix the problem of unhealthy representation in the media.
It's so fucking underhanded and hypocritical. Really makes me sick.
And kids riding robot tigers through space that can combine to form a giant robot isn't "clear fantasy"?
I never really said I agreed with her in that specific instance.
It's Death of the Author taken to its logical conclusion.
Now, I know citing that one codec from MGS2 is trite and clichéd as hell by now, but as I read your post, this particular bit came to my mind.
If a single person in history has ever seen a picture of Steven hugging Peridot, Mabel hugging a triangle w/ a top hat or some 19-year-old hugging a 25-year-old from Voltron cartoons and thought, "Wow, I have to become a real life pedo now," I will personally eat the keyboards of everyone on the goddamn site.
Cartoon fan art now apparently emits mind control waves.
>But at the core is just bullying people for liking the wrong thing that you don't happen to like.
And if anyone disagrees with you, you can take someone else's identity, be that gay or trans or abused or mentally ill or bi-racial thanks to a great great great grandparent of yours that happened to be black, and hide behind it.
The lack of self awareness is the worst part about it.
Yeah there's so many, so fucking many instances of 17-year olds full-on viciously harassing 13-year olds for shipping something they don't like and trying to destroy their joy in their creations, trying to gaslight these preteens into thinking that they're horrible people because of thoughtcrime, because of liking the wrong fucking fictional ship - and then if anyone tries to point out that they're being abusive bullies, they're instantly all "help I'm a minor how dare you harass me online help I'm being bullied I'm a minor I should be excused for anything I do minor here wow real assholish behavior from you, an adult, to harass minors online"
I've seen it a lot in Star Wars fandom, but also Steven Universe, Frozen, of course Voltron - I'm fairly sure it's common in every single fandom, because it's a tumblr mentality, not tied to any particular fandom
Hope you're hungry user.
The goreposting overrode any moral highground they may have had. No denying it's a ship war.
>The goreposting
what what what? Elaborate, please.
I have seen people on tumblr mention that they've seen shit go down in several fandoms but that Voltron proved itself to be the worst fastest. Gimme more details if you have them pls
Someone who made a " These people are pedos for shipping Sheith" list on tumblr put a minor on the list. When asked to take her name off, the list maker refused.
So these psychopaths don't care about the safety of minors either.
Some Sheith people apparently had hardcore gore sent to their inboxes multiple times recently. Shirolover69 or whatever her name is mentions it.
Not a very social justice-y tactic, is it?
Tumblr is being hypocritical? UNHEARD OF! Though seriously, as everyone who graced past these sort of things, tumblr actually goes worse than Cred Forums.
Tumblr, Cred Forums, reddit. It's all the same fucking thing man.
The funniest thing about the whole situation is that the people who are harassed for shipping things that are only tangentially pedophilic tend to be minors themselves. Apparently teenagers can sexually objectify teenagers or whatever.
I understand that fiction can affect reality, and that if a bunch of artists and shippers drew a bunch of clearly pedophilic art and portrayed the pairing in a very positive, romantic way, that, like with Lolita and such, there's going to be at least one sick fuck out there who will see that and say, "I feel ideologically justified in sexually abusing children." But most shipping art or writing I've run into involving Shiro and the other paladins doesn't look pedophilic. The art in which Keith is some blushing barely-pubescent looking teen and Shiro is clearly drawn like an adult, I can see the issue with, because emphasizing the age gap for sexual purposes was clearly the intent (but is that justification for censoring and harassing that artist? I'd say it'd be better to punish actual pedophiles instead). But most of the art I've seen about these controversial pairings doesn't try to make it look like "sexy pedophilia." They both pass for adults, albeit both young ones.
On Tumblr, it used to be that the only free pass you could get for shipping age gap/abuse/incest etc were if you were a traumatized victim of such things yourself. But then it got more specific; for example, you could only like shotacon if you were an East Asian victim of CSA, so on and so forth. And the criteria to get that get-out-of-jail-free card kept getting so specific, a bunch of people who were actual victims of CSA came out and said, "This is only a power play to feed the endless social justice machine, let people ship what they want." So the almighty ship police said "Okay now nobody can ship any age gap, fuck you" and thus this Voltron drama. It's real dumb.
Wouldn't that be a violation of tumblr's abuse and harassment policies? I'm surprised that shit hasn't been shut down.
It technically is, but Tumblr staff is notorious for never getting anything done.
Yep, doxxing, harassing, death threats are pretty common in the scene. Tumblr easily shuts down artists and even whole webcomics for the dumbest errors they could find.The scary part here is you never really know who these people are since everyone has some sort of cheery background to go with their hateblogs.
I still can't find a good place to watch this stuff
You act like Tumblr cares about investing money in moderation.
Tumblr doesn't even care enough to clean things up to make the site more appealing for attracting ad dollars.
>people used to be almost universally mocked for saying shit like "fiction influences people to do things so violence in media is bad"
>now it's becoming a widespread accepted opinion
Took long enough. When is Cyborg going to delete tumblr?
Tumblrites became their own conservative nightmare.
Your image hurts my eyes, OP.
Shit, I wouldn't know.
I'm just there for the porn. Anything with text gets scrolled right by.
It's the result of teenagers who've spent their lives being helicoptered and protected, wasting their developmental years doing bullshit tests and building their resumes to face a post-recession economy, asserting power the only way they know how.
Tumblr's a bit of an ad industry joke by now. All potential clients just think of them as hipster porn.
They're not wrong.
Are you trying to NORMALIZE it?!
>I cn't say she's THAT wrong
Right, because all the centuries of depicting murder in fiction has really normalized murder for good in all our lives.
For the most part it is, but I know some thirtysomething and even fortysomething people who engage in this behaviour, and it's sad.
Someone needs to sit these kids down and give them the "just because you think you're Lance on the astral plane doesn't mean the rest of the world can't separate fiction from reality" talk.
Those cases tend to be people who never mentally matured and are making up for their disappointing lives by fooling themselves into thinking they're liberal arts geniuses on the internet.
Happy people don't pull this shit.
>somebody on the internet said something stupid
Why again should we care? Is this person in the OP relevant in any way?
>Fiction is Reality
Man, that sounds like some killer lyrics.
Fiction is reality...
I drank her blood, tasted like tea...
She screamed out loud, "I'm so sorry..."
This could be some really good metal song!!
Yeah, I watched some friends-of-a-friend who are about 22 or so get bullied out of the blue by somebody who claimed to be 17. Eventually they struck back, and this stupid kid immediately began crying about bullying of a mentally ill minor and deleted all their shitty posts so nobody could point out how awful they'd behaved. It was fascinating to watch.
Just today Tumblr sent me a notice for a video clip I uploaded a year ago to the site. They yanked it because it was allegedly sexually explicit. You know what it was? It was a brief clip from the Batman: the Brave and the Bold cartoon of Professor Zoom punching Jay Garrick. They did reinstate it after I appealed, but this is the kind of shit that happens over there.
>Professor Zoom punching Jay Garrick
Maybe that just says something about the mod's fetish proclivities.
Yeah, I can agree with that. As always, as soon as some social justicey person turns on them they get really upset at the nerve of someone daring to question them.
The thing that bums me out is that otherwise they're good people I like. But they've got this one aspect of shittiness in their behaviour, and it's pretty pervasive.
Of course not
But it's an easy way to replies to a shit thread
Well, they took a screencap of someone else's post on another site that offended their brains out, deliberately attempting to censor everything the person was saying except for the one tiny bit that offended them, because they're so full of outrage that that one bit is all they have room for and they want everyone else's perspective to be just as limited so they'll share the anger.
Of course, it's totally unfair to blame fans of the show for being in the same fanbase as the person who does that. Just because they like the same show as OP doesn't mean they're guilty by association of his failure at logic.
The uncensored post was posted in a previous thread. Fiction is reality isn't even the most insane part of it.
fiction is reality
Accusing people of "questioning them" giving their bashers far too much credit. The type of person who uses "social justice" as an insult is more likely to compare their target to a subhuman Nazi terrorist because DISAPPROVAL IS CENSORSHIP and GUILT BY ASSOCIATION than they are to even understand what their hated enemy's views are, let alone raise any meaningful questions about them.
And yet when social justice types raise actual questions about each other's views (which is often), they're mocked for not being united enough.
Even from the poorly censored quote mine in the OP, it's clear to see that the person's actual claims aren't what the OP wants us to think they are.
Do people on Tumblr really use the nazi terrorist line or are you thinking of Cred Forums?
Are you new to this whole Voltron debate or just trolling?
Cred Forums seems to be more Anti-Marxist.
But for the most part it's usually just an arms race to degrade the opposition by likening them to worst person imaginable. It usually starts with Conservative Soccer Mom/Jack Thompson types and ends on organizations who attempted or are attempting genocide.
This thread isn't about SJWs.
It's about bullies who use SJW language to protect themselves from being called out on their shit.
There's a difference.
In it's full glory!
>nonymous asked:
FICTION IS REALITY. Promoting pedophilia in fiction is /normalizing/ pedophilia, and esp since Voltron is aimed at younger audiences if ur thirsty asses say it's okay to ship she//ith or shi//dge or the like guess what?? You're NORMALIZING pedophilia and saying to all the minors watching that these kind of relationships are okay. Yes pedophilic fiction is a huge problem just look at fucking Japan and tell me fiction has no influence. It's a real problem. Shut your ignorant ass UP.
Does Cred Forums know about this? Should we go tell them? It kinda concerns them too.