ITT: Worst Cartoons Ever
ITT: Worst Cartoons Ever
Other urls found in this thread:
ITT: Ops who think 0/10 trolling attempts will give them jollies.
We already have threads bitching about shows they don't like. Kindly move it there.
Its great you fucking shithead
i could see her dying to a Pearl/a Ruby/an 'insignificant gem,' gives her an ironic fate
but that's also kinda disappointing
op is a massive faggot
I don't know about worst but SU is pretty fucking bad.
OP hasn't gotten that much attention yet. We need to help all the lonely autistic faggots here. Cred Forums is a wonderful community.
seeing as how we equate popular with bad around here, i might as well lay my own bait
OP you jest
This. Loud House sucks.
The show is really boring. I don't see the appeal. Also, some of the weakest villains I've seen in a while.
>Menacing an cold character>Willie E.Coyote>Pet
>Nappa>Cloverfield monster>suddenly tragic right before she stops being a character
Boring as fuck.
>Complaining about Loud House, in a SU hatethread using an Undertale image.
user pls.
OP your image got switched with another one by the server. Remake thread.
God dammit, user.
LH is legitimately bad. Not 'worst cartoon ever' bad, but the only people who like it are pedos who want to fug the girls.
I mean, I don't think it's shit. Just not something I'd watch regularly, if at all, because of the same reason I don't watch spongebob anymore.
I've lost taste to their kind of humor.
Excellent post op
really, just choice
Steven isnt going to let that happen.