Have I just been meme'd on?
What the fuck is this bullshit? Does Morrison actually like this crap, or was he trolling when he said he was "proud" of this series?
Have I just been meme'd on?
What the fuck is this bullshit? Does Morrison actually like this crap, or was he trolling when he said he was "proud" of this series?
Might as well storytime the first issue, at least.
the filth is awesome. what are you on about?
It's a semi-interesting concept bogged down by crap characterization and disorientation for the sake of disorientation, mostly so that critiquing it becomes difficult.
you must be a riot at parties user
NSFW Alert: tits on the page.
More tits.
Trippy tits.
Back around 2008, the majority of Cred Forums was of the opinion that it's shit. Everyone on here sucks Morrison's dick no matter what now, so you'll hardly hear a bad word about it.
Personally, I thought it was pretty rubbish and would recommend The Invisibles instead.
End of issue.
I have to say I love the very ending of The Filth, in the same way that I like the very end to The Dark Tower.
It seemed to me that The Filth was taking the same points made in The Invisibles and turning them into negatives.
>I didn't like it, because I know about comicbooks more than one of the best authors in the bussiness
Yeah, no, you just have shit taste, kid.
It only makes sense as a whole. Read the entirety man.
I did read the entirety -- of The Filth, that is (wikipedia says it's part of a soft trilogy with The Invisibles and Flex Mentallo, neither of which I've read).
Invisibles is pretty good, Flex Mentallo is garbage, don't waste your time on it.
I was referring to The Filth as a contained work. A lot of the stuff with Ned's past and his reason for being chosen to work for the hand didn't hit me until the very end.
Ned is actually King Mob after Quimper uses the magic mirror on him to make him live through his worst nightmare (volume 2 issue 19 of the Invisibles).
That kerning on the title is making my brain itch.
It's a bit of a polarizing comic during it's first read through honestly. but in the context of his previous work right before this and the circumstances in his personal life, The Filth is a pretty brilliant self portrait story. Probably the deepest Morrison has peered into himself. The way i see it, The Invisibles is like Morrison's NGE, and The Filth is like his End of Eva,
Yeah, it's a companion to the Invisibles, the other loop in it's infinite progression.
It shows the conflict from the other side. Order instead of Chaos.
There was nothing wrong with it how it was originally.
This is interesting, but I've no faith that its going to go anywhere. I'll read it, but I'm not wasting my money on it.
Using surrealism to sell your stories moral doesn't excuse you from explaining your premise.
its 23 pages in and i have no idea whats going on. There is no protagonist and none of the characters have come clean about their agenda.
It needs to be read in full.
then you need to put it in a graphic novel, not a comic book series.
It's not like you're waiting month to month for it...
>flex mentallo is garbage
C'mon man
Just look at it as a psychedelic trip about what if everyone's worst view points of what these things are a reality. It's people's fears and paranoia taken to the most exaggerated point.
The only format it's currently being published in is a complete collection, either in trade paperback or hardcover form.
The indicia even talks about this in the trade. I currently have it lent out to a friend or I'd pull the quote verbatim but it's very much intended as a single complete story rather than a serial regardless of original method of publication.
Eh, was 20 bucks on amazon.
I went ahead and picked it up.
I am not trying to be a dick but I was wondering how often you read books vs cape comics?
I've gotten into indy comics before.
Behind the genius is a rather shallow, lowbrow view of the world.
Its kind of like listening to a manic depressive while they are on high, except you don't have to experience the crashing low that follows.
>generalising every comics not published by marvel or dc
Like I said, it was interesting enough that I bought it, but just based on the first issue I probably wouldn't have.
If I'd had to pay 10 bucks for 12 separate volumes I definitely wouldn't have.
What I mean is that I know his type. I know morrison, grant, and all them jetset around with each other. Marvel and DV throw suitcases of money at them, they are like the rockstars of the indy circuit.
In fact, calling them "rockstars" might actually be the most apt metaphore I can think of, since they share so much in common.
They are like most star performers.
They have to do something outrageous to get noticed, then for a while everything they touch is gold, then they just sort of burn out and fade away.
Okay. The issues thing just seems like a weird point of contention for a comic that finished coming out 13 years ago.
Nameless and Joe the Barbarian, two of Morrison's more recent works were good, though.
my whole life I wanted that torch, just to experience a few moments of glory, but just the same, its sour grapes to me now.
I could say its not worth it, but how would I know? I'm not famous. I'm not rich. Hottest run in my life was when I won a free steak at an indian casino.
Bullshit. I said it then and I'll say it now that this was one of the better books he wrote. Its a spiritual successor to The Inisibles and it's great.
Well, i didn't know that.
I don't follow capeshit and only go to the movies cause my friend Alan drags me.
LOL, WTF are those titles? You don't even see shit like that if you disable Addblock.
The Filth made me release that Morrison is an inmature stoner who just got lucky in comics
His comics have no art but a lot of pretintiousness that people swallow because in cape comics it is a novelty but outside of them his work is just trite
I don't hate them cause they are bad, I hate them cause they are genius. Sometimes I don't get it, other times I do and feel bad cause I still don't agree. Sometimes he hits dead center and I feel like I've completely lost my mind for a while, and I have to completely readjust my point of view to fit his narrative.
Its like somebody telling you something that you know to be true, but you just can't accept. He spends all day trying to get people to abandon their most sacred and deeply held convictions. Its sacrilege.
Chris Weston is the best Morrison artist.
I never understood the hate.
Or maybe I do.
It's not a masterpiece, obviously, but I plays with Morrison's general set of ideas in somewhat different ways.
Comparing it to the Invisibles seems like missing the point. I've thought of it as like a cynical, smaller scale, anti-Multiversity.
>people talk about the Filth at parties
How the fuck would you even explain the story?
Is the 'Detective' part of Detective Comics supposed to be figuring out why the plot got hooked on Red Bull/vodka shots?
Can you imagine being drunk and trying to explain this to a qt.
Nameless is the next step up.
The complete and utter desolate mindfuck.
I gotta read that.
So there's this bald guy, right?
He gets replaced by his clone. Well, not a clone, but consider it as a clone. An evil clone. He likes cats. Anyways original bald guy joins a secret organization that polices our world, and worships a giant god-like hand that gives them powers from the pen it holds. Y'know the ink from the pen gives them the power, I mean. Anyways, that's bald guy's hand, the end!
Shit man, that's kind of plausible.
exactly the kind of braindead shocking shit that tries to be deep I'd expect from Morrison
One of the guys greatest heroes is Aleister Crowley. It makes sense that he likes to stir up people's psyches.
>Flex Mentallo is garbage
But where do you fit in the giant killer sperm?
Oh, get off. I bet you weren't even on Cred Forums in 2008, saying crap like that. And now you're using your "oldfag status" to pretend only Cred Forumsmbler likes Morrison.
It's ironic book publishing.