How would you write a Marvel Comics and Pokemon crossover, without it being the most autistic thing ever? I'm bored enough to hear some arguments for this.
How would you write a Marvel Comics and Pokemon crossover, without it being the most autistic thing ever...
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I wouldn't.
>Braviary and Sheildon
It has to be an official thing.
That is the only requirement.
Speaking of crossovers, what ever happened to that Marve/Attack on Titan crossover? Was it just that one issue?
Writes itself clearly
This is how you do it
Making it so that Pokémon is a fictional property inside it and just has characters playing the games in down time.
and then one day the game comes to life, due to villain who has the ability to make fiction into reality. Like that one episode of Jojo's part six. The heroes that were playing the game get their teams from within the game. All the other random pokemon cause havok and stuff at first.
Heroes use their mons to beat the villain, fiction goes back to being fiction, maybe it was all a dream, who knows, a fairly well wrapped up story.
So who is your favorite Pokemon, Cred Forums?
For me, it's either Feraligatr or Toxicroak.
Torterra is my starter
It was all one of Kamala's fanfics.
I'd rather have Marvel/Digimon. Would actually fit the MU instead of colorful mutant animals and plants that just say their names.
>just say their names.
animefag please go
>likes digimon
>dislikes Pokemon
>watching the Pokemon anime
Don't get me wrong I like both, but I like Digimon much more.
Not to mention I'd have any Digimon over any Pokemon anyday. Digimon are actually made to be your bro for life rather than a random animal shoved into a ball and brainwashed to be your personal slave.
it's the shitty anime too.
at least watch generations.
>The pokeballs are tiny cages with no room meme
>The Pokemon are brain washed slaves meme
And still the Digimon anime is better.
The point was the anime is trash and that's literally the only place where pokemon say their species.
The anime was a mistake.
I was just going through the manga again recently, how did they fuck the anime up.
I was super pissed at what happened to the Hoenn region especially.
Why do people still watch the anime? Do they not know how shit it is?
Is it out of nostalgia?
Mostly out of being 10 years old.
>tfw I find a fellow Feralibro
I love you, user. Feraligatr the best.
Most people that watch it are literal children and don't know any better; same reason it was ever watched. I know a few people that watch the finals every season just to watch Ash get his shit pushed in though.
>A Fellow Feraligatr bro, on Cred Forums no less
At the very least they're doing more of those side-pokemon stories that are a bit grittier and edgier.
Ash is just a terrible protagonist who brings down every character around him.
>People still mostly care about the anime, just because they grew up with it
>Keep willingly seeking it out, when there's a dozen other pokemon things that are better, just because its nostalgic
>But still complain about it
Just read the manga or something, and I don't mean Electric Tales which basically sucked, but also has nostalgic value for some people so its also never forgotten
Either that or the games, or the other new anime, or the other dozen manga.
Even mystery dungeon is pretty high class.
Pokemon Showdown was just hacked by some guy who was bitter about losing.
They were tiny cages in the manga too. At least in the first three volumes they were.
There are probably 200 people on Cred Forums that have Feraligatr as their favorite pokemon. Most casual pokemon fans pick a starter as their favorite pokemon, specifically the starter they first played with. Most people that started with Gen 2 are in their early/mid-20s, which is the first or second most common age group on Cred Forums, and like 55% of people have Feraligatr as their favorite Johto starter.
Works Cited
Pokemon statistics (2016). Me.
I mean, yeah.
I just get a bit giddy for some reason when I meet an anonymous stranger online who loves a giant blue alligator as well.
>I was super pissed at what happened to the Hoenn region especially.
That was a great series in the manga since they it wasn't connected to the hip of Kanto like Johto was, and the two characters were competent in their own way.
I wonder if the people doing the anime were trying to make everything different out of spite.
I haven't watched the anime in years, it's not something you can get away from though. Someone will always bring it up and the most recent failures of Ash.
I'd write my suicide note because there's no way not to make it autistic as fuck.
it's actually down