What happened to this show? It's just current events shit and jokes ripped straight from Cred Forums
What happened to this show? It's just current events shit and jokes ripped straight from Cred Forums
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was there a time when it was not?
Member berries
It's been that since after the first couple of seasons; what the hell do you mean what happened? It still has its moments.
There was a time when it had original stories and didnt rely on episode cliff hangers. Now its just making fun of current events. I wouldnt be surprised if we get a Pepe episode or a Pokemo n Go episode
I miss Chef.
It used to be about the kids going on weird adventures like Cartman getting an anal probe or when they got high off cat piss. Now its political shit with Cred Forums humor.
It used to be more character and storydriven trying to mix it with social commentary but nowadays its just social commentary without the characters of south park doing anything interesting anymore we had shit like the scopby doo theme esque korn band or fucking mecha barbera streisand and now we have....some berries and pc principal back then pc principal would have most likely just been in one episode and then they would come up with something new this who PC era shit just gets boring
At least we know now that Scientology didn't make him leave.
So what you're saying is they're allowed to be stupid, as long as they don't offend you?
It doesnt offend me. Its just not funny or creative like the older episodes. If I wanted to watch satirical current I'd read the Onion or go on Cred Forums.
>or go on Cred Forums
But Cred Forums is more /x/ than /x/ is now a days. They just often talk about conspiracy theories and end of day prophecies. Hell, they were all over that whole "Beast Bill" thing where as /x/ got bored of it rather quick.
You are stupid, literally all south park is, is just ripping on what is current satire, and they have always done that.
The problem with you is that the older south park you don't know what the satire was for that era, or the problems that people talked about, so all you see is this funny crazy zaney episode where they just mention someone slightly famous.
You are literally living on shitty member berries and you are too diluted to see past those member berries that what you remember fondly is the same shit you are watching now the only difference is that you actually understand the satire now and realize it is lazy and boring.
Just don't go around pretending that a majority of south park wasn't what it always was and then try to shove it into another light that is incorrect and parade it around like that.
you are retarded
This is exactly what I came here to say.
>it's a "i was too young to realize the old episodes were also about current events so I think that it was all original plots" episode
Confirmed for being too young to remember events that season one made fun of
What did?
>didn't rely on episode cliff hangers
Who's Cartman's father episodes
>Pokemon Go
Chin Pokemon episode.
So you admit you're wrong then?
It's not that they rely on cliffhangers, they just want to give serialized arcs a try. They've expressed how annoying it is having to write every episode with a hard reset at the end.
Wonderful work user, you really showed that other guy how right you are!
>le PC PRINCIPAL XD for the 100th time
>le turd sanwich and giant douche for the 100th time
>le caitlyn Jernner for the 100th time
You must be 12 to find this funny
>douche and turd is just a callback to one episode
>caitlyn jenner is an actual character with a presence in the show and I'm pretty sure they quit doing BUCKLE UP BUCKAROOS a while ago
>fuck em to death was a callback to one episode
try again
Why shouldn't they do a pepe episode? or an episode where they shitpost on Cred Forums?
Just because they touch on a topic Cred Forums talks about doesn't mean the entirety of the audience of south park are Cred Forums retards.
How the fuck are you people so un-aware of your role in life and just assume that if something in your life is talked about or mentioned that it is directed towards YOU and not a general public.
Nothing in this episode dictates that at any point they are going to pander to you or go any further into the politics than just the generic giant douche and turd sandwich thing. They aren't going to make an episode directed at such a small demographic of the viewerbase that is south park.
Get your head out of your ass, you aren't important, none of us are.
>Cred Forums makes fun of Amy Schrumer
>Cred Forums makes of Political Correctness
>Cred Forums makes fun of Black Lives Matter
>Cred Forums turns Trump into a joke
They are retelling jokes everyone has already heard before. I already can tell Amy Schmurer is going to make an appearance this season as Ms. Piggy. They are literally stealing Cred Forums jokes
It's more like they're late coming to their conclusions than outright stealing. I seriously doubt they steal jokes from anime boards.
South Park is like the antithesis of Cred Forums, though. Cartman the racist anti semetic bigot is always the butt of jokes and the show pretty much only takes neutral, reasonable and respectful stances.
I feel that it's every season that this happens, but it is moreso that they had to wait until they have a full season to release episodes and by then the joke is more stale since the events they are referencing occur several months back. They could probably push in some more current references, but they already have the overarching story planned out.
Fucking retard.
You can stop samefagging now.
skinner is my waifu
you're an sjw aren't you.
This whole fucking entire thread needs to watch the Scrootie Mcboogerballs episode 10 times.
There was just sooooo much going on in this episode. It had no focus. The entire thing was political. It was basically M&T having an INCREASINGLY NERVOUS crisis.
Honestly, these continuity seasons are fucking shit.
I don't mind spoofing current events/media, but there's no effort here anymore. Compare anything from the last 2 or so seasons to the god-tier You Got Served satire.
When did they start making episodes in 6 days?
its been like this for years. at a certain point early on they had hot button topics from the news in the show.
the water park episode years ago about the water being pee with cartman realizing whites were the minority at the water park
scientology round 1 and round 2. round 1 being the return of chef who was voiced by isaac hays who was a scientologist. the episode was made using clips he had said in the past on the show and was about some super adventurers group who scrambled his brain and round 2 tom cruse is in the closet which is a ghey joke and tom cruise is a scientologist
>Cred Forums invented making fun of current events
are you like 15 years old or something?
>Now its just making fun of current events
It always had. South Park was ALWAYS making fun of current events. You were just too young or still in your mother's womb to get the references
How can anyone hate BOYZU RAVU?
>Literally the first episode was a reaction to the resurgence of alien conspiracies in the '90s and '90s PC culture in general.
>The second episode was a parody of a film that come out just months prior
>The sixth episode was literally about the controversy South Park as a show itself had attracted at the time
You're right, even from the start the show had a topical edge to it. It's certainly no secret it became more and more topical as time went on, but it was always a part of the show's DNA from the very beginning.
Why do dumbfucks like you think they rip from Cred Forums? They have been Cred Forums before 4shit was a thing.
Yeah you can fuck off now.
So in this series they're using kyle dad as a self insert as the middle aged man surfing Cred Forums for memes and the Internet zeitgeist but he gets addicted to Cred Forums and becomes such a misogynist that he starts trolling his sons female classmates
>It used to be about the kids going on weird adventures
Just last season the boys were playing ninja and that was the main focus of the episode, you don't know what you're talking about.
I see Craig took more than just a gander at Tweek's asshole.
No i dislike their beliefs and all but making fun of them is seriously getting old
Please call me when they make something like the guitar hero episode or the 3 murders as the 3 stooges again
Both of those were pop culture episodes. It's literally the same as it's always been, the only thing different is it focuses more on other people in the town and not just the 4 boys.
>It's about the kids going on weird adventures
>Guitar queer-o and Hell on earth
That isn't a weird adventure neither of those are. Hell on earth didn't even involve the kids, it just involved butters with biggy smalls, the rest was about satan. And that whole episode was a rip on the sweet 16 bullshit that was always on MTV at the time you stupid git.
Then guitar queer-o wasn't even an adventure, it was kids playing gutiar hero and treating it like the rock and roll lifestyle and it was a joke about how most of the rock stars end up going on drugs and acting like retards. That wasn't an "adventure".
Also I just want you to know, that kids used to do a lot of shit to get high off of dumb things. That was also satire, kids are using lean now to get high so it is still topcial, they just went a retarded route with how to potray the satire. What you demand out of these episodes, is exactly what you are getting but you are too fucking stupid to correlate the references to your ideals of "adventures".
Fucking nostalgiafags. "I dun understand sum thing so I take my 12 year old understanding of it and still live under that understanding at 18+ and refuse any new viewings on it."
Unless your definition of an adventure is some basic white bitch definition where going to a new shop in town is an "adventure" you don't know the word at all.
It was always about referencing current events. Those "wacky adventures" weren't wacky adventures, they were a parody of things going on in the real world.
The Muhammad censorship was the jumping of the shark, establishing that only certain groups, namely conservatives and Christians, could be made fun of while targeting others, such as Muslims and Mexicans, would be deemed "racist" or "controversial." It essentially established it as being one and the same as any of the sleazy liberal garbage.
member "kick the baby"?
member "screw you guys; I'm going home"?
member Kenny dying?
It was always like that.
That being said, I just can't bother to watch these new episodes. They're so dull and repetitive, it definitely feels different from the earlier episodes. Everything is so fucking predictable.
But that episode contrasts the censorship of Muhammad's mere presence with Jesus shitting on people being a-ok.
I still don't know if the censorship was genuine from Comedy Central or just Matt and Trey trolling again
Obama-McCain Ocean's Eleven was also great
The censorship was genuinely from Comedy Central.
Here's the uncensored version
You realize up until 200 and 201 super best friends was actually watchable on south park studios and was for years right?
You realize what you are spouting right now is utter stupidity of being uninformed of what actually happened during the whole debacle of threatening to show an image of Muhammad. Go ahead and find the uncesored episode of 201, they literally explain the whole situation and explain straight out "You can threaten to bomb and kill anyone and you can get your way every time. Don't even bother being civil be a fucking terrorist, it works. Everyone will bend to your will." and that's what comedy central forced matt and trey to do because people's lives were in danger of crazy hijadists threatening to kill a fuck ton of people at CC headquarters if they try anything funny. And matt and trey played ball because they didn't want their bread and butter fucked with.
They wanted to poke fun at the mudslimes but the midslimes threatened voilence if they even tried to poke fun at them. The difference with Christians is that we aren't threatening to bomb anyone when people make fun of our deities :^).
Racism isn't even a problem, their selling point of one of their episodes was the ability to say Nigger without getting censored. So to say at any point that they are one stance or another is a joke. They throw punches at all sides but you choose to remember the ones that are at things you like you little baby.
I thought the reason they hold back on making fun of Muhammad/Islam was because there was a considerable chance that some pissed off Muslims would react violently.
It had a pretty clear focus user, just with a few different plot points being introduced.
Honestly it sounds like the people who didnt like the episode are just so dim they cant follow a show doing more than the usual A and B plot episodic format.
Show is more of a topical satire now. But that's rad.
You realise the Cat piss thing was making fun of a current event at the time right?