
I just finished the first season of Waifu and im absolutely in love!

Basically I just kinda wanted to see what the people of Cred Forums think of the show!

Also does the movie (Dofus) come between seasons or at the end of the series?

Other urls found in this thread:


Most people on here just talk about a couple of the girls in it, at least from what I've seen.

Waifufags ruin everything.

>first season of Waifu

Freudian Autocorrect

(I'm on mobile and I've apparently used the word waifu enough for it to do that.)

The girls are great an all but that kinda sucks if that's all people talk about. The world feels so colorful and dense, and the animation beautiful.

Plus I haven't enjoyed a villain as much as Nox in a long time.

The Movie technically comes before Wakfu in terms of Time.

If your talking about the actual Show Dofus, it comes at the end of that

What I love about Nox to this day is you can see the exact moment where everything just hits him all at once after realizing he only makes it back by 20 minutes. He convinced himself for centuries that all the atrocities he's committed won't count for anything since he'll revert it all anyway, so when he realizes that he's been wrong this whole time, it just crushes him all at once. Never woulda thought I'd feel so much for a cartoon villain

>but that kinda sucks if that's all people talk about. The world feels so colorful and dense, and the animation beautiful.

It's not, he's full of shit. Or he's not, but he probably gave you the wrong impression. Besides OP, you literally called it Waifu yourself. Cred Forums talks plenty about the show and there's generally a thread every Thursday for no real reason but they're decently active.
People love a lot of things about Wakfu, also dislike quite a few things too. If you've a point of discussion, bring it up and you'll probably get some replies.

The only thing is, Wakfu content isn't really here in abundance, yet we still have threads very often. Since it's been out there a while with Season 3 who knows how long away, there's nothing for us to really discuss anymore within the threads. It just sort of dies down, so then yeah, you might see more grill posting in the threads but it's mostly due to a lack of content.

There's been periods where there's just been a ridiculous amount of threads for the show and Anakama's work, but those seem to be behind us for now.

You might want to stay away from the threads if you've only seen Season 1 though. There's plenty more to see. If you've not seen the Nox OVA, watch that. Then it's on to Season 2, but you're probably better off with the Ogrest OVA first. After Season 2 comes the Wakfu OVA's which are set some years later.

Before you watch the Wakfu OVA's though, you should probably watch Dofus since some characters from there appear. It's not essential but it certainly helps. Dofus is its own series set in the same world as Wakfu, but long before the events of Wakfu. It's quite different in tone to Wakfu.

I suppose after all that comes the Dofus movie, but that has less to do with Wakfu and more to do with Dofus so I think you might even be OK watching it before you even start Wakfu Season 2 if you're that eager

Nox is literally one of my all time favorite villains

Where can you guys watch this show? Netflix?

Make sure you watch the Japanese OVA that explains Nox's backstory. Though it's not really necessary or integral to the plot, it adds perspective.

just wait
2nd season somehow manages to keep the quality ball rolling
>dat boufball arc

For those that care Dofus touch launched world wide a few days ago.

Tried a little of it but my phone is too small. May as well play the actual game.

Nox is really good but I think Qilby is also pretty good as a Villain.

It's funny all people talk about are the girls, because my only 2 major flaws with this series is:
-The world is barely developed, hoping you'll just play the game to get any details about the world
-Over half the characters (especially the girls) barely get any real character arcs or times to shine

That aside, I love the show. Season 2 decides to put all its sidequests awkwardly in the middle instead of at the end, but I love the finale of it even more than I liked the season 1 finale. The special episodes are also pretty good but kinda contrived. You should watch Dofus or at the very least the movie. The Dofus Movie kinda stands on its own well enough, but the more you see of Dofus, the better it will be.

Qilby is kinda held back because you don't really get a feel for his motivations until the very end, but he was still great. Better in my book because he's actually directly tied to Yugo and his backstory instead of just being completely unrelated to him. Also was kinda great giving us all the complete insanity on the island for the rest of the characters to partake in instead of awkwardly just fighting one inconsequential robot losing horribly.

Yeah I liked him as well for all those reasons you listed and feel he is a bit underrated when compared to Nox but I like both of them quite a bit. Here's hoping Season 3's villain is also good.

His personality was interesting but he was hard to sympathise with.

Nox did some shit but his goal was to save his family and restore the damage I done in the process.

Qilby deliberately put his entire race on the run from mechanical monsters simply because he was bored of his planet.

>First season hits us with a 3 part boufball episode right before shit gets serious
>Second season hits us with chaos dunk levels of boufball right in the middle
>Think we're in the clear because the special episodes didn't involve Boufball
>The Dofus movie comes along and makes the entire finale center around Boufball
So season 3 is going to be half as long, but when do you think the boufball arc will hit?

the dofus era is 1000 years before the wakfu era
yes, the 2 seasons and the 3 OVA are fun
season 3 is in production right now

a villain that was a villain only because he failed

Well yeah he was less sympathetic but was pretty entertaining and had a really interesting backstory and reason for doing what he did. For me a villain doesn't need to be sympathetic to be good, though sometimes that helps too.

Confirmed for not having one

Whatever happened to his dragon sister? The egg just basically told him to fuck off but that was it, she just vanished after that. Assuming she's repentant why wouldn't they try to hatch her?

Won't hatch unless both are present

Reminder that Japanime Games has a shit ton of Wakfu stuff, all on clearance.


You watched the specials, right? Nox, Ogrest, and the three bonus OVA episodes?

Plus Treasures of Kerubim and the new movie?


But watch it in French with subs on, English dub kind of sucks. Bad mixing, half the cast really fucked up their roles.

The very definition of "you done fucked up, son".

I actually felt bad for Qilby at the end. He deserved it, and there was fuck else way to contain something like him, but the VA did a very good job at selling his absolute panic, anguish and horror at being shoved back into the white void.

I find Qilby more sympathetic. He's damned to eternity of suffering. Even death is no escape.

He's the ultimate in existential fear. Instead of the fear of oblivion, the fear of eternity.

To put things into more perspective, the only secret Qilby ever kept from her was the worst. They confided their misery in each other to cope, and she found out last out of all their siblings.

Not only that, but she was the only female dragon in the immortal twelve. So ALL of the mortal dragons that lived among the Eliatropes were her children and descendants with the other five dragons. She watched them all die so her brother's descendants could outlive his treachery.
Then she was stuck as a fetus, fully aware of everything around her, for the entire timeline of the Wakfu world, with no contact with anyone for any of it. Then out of nowhere her brother appears again, threatening the lives of the rest of her family AND all of the Eliatrope children and begging her to side with him on it, having learned absolutely fucking nothing or felt any shame or guilt.

Now she's doomed again to isolation, because her fetus state is a source of power that assholes can use. But this time, there's no end to that isolation. Ever.

Oh, and her parents are the creator gods of the universe, they made her like this and never once had any support for her or Qilby because they only talk to Nora and Efrim. So she's also got abandonment issues most likely.

At least Nox surpassed God Xelor

Even if it was only 20 min

Surpassed is a strong word. Xelor claimed that it was impossible to travel time, although we know that's not really true because he set up Krosmaster, which is canon although within its own "reset everyone and send them home afterwards".

So Xelor can travel time, he just told everyone its impossible.




Makes sense, you wouldn't want every single xelor to just fuck around with the timeline in any way they like.

just fuck my shit up

>play it
>keeps crashing every few times i mpve to different areas


Even if the game is eh. The character designs are pretty gud

It's good, but it isn't great. The first half of both seasons really just meander, including painfully long rugby episodes, and most of the characters are two-note at best.

Krosmaga has been delayed, if some miracle happens we could get it near the end of this month, but it's very likely the beta won't be released until october.

Also, the post about Sadida has been released. He doesn't look as much as a drogadict hippy as I'd like him to, but it's good. His gameplay is pretty weird too, I want to see it in action soon.

Boufball is great you fucking pussy

Just remember, the best girls don't show up until a decent way into season 2

C'est bien, mais des anons aiment trop les femmes

I enjoyed the first season, and while the other seasons/movies/ova/whatever are okay, my attention gradually declined and there's probably a couple OVAs I haven't seen. I'm not keen on the deus ex machina of characters who suddenly become super godlike in order to destroy bigger and badder enemies. I had my fill from Dragonball Z, which I also enjoyed, but that's all I can handle.

Yugo's growing power was defined throughout the season, which is good. Spoiler: It's Percidal suddenly becoming the resurrected avatar of a god that annoyed me.

I also have a problem with female characters just being there and not being useful or growing in power/character themselves. They're pretty to look at, but boring. Really, they should just stay at home, cook soup, eat bonbons, and wait to get fertilized when the menfolk return.

>Also, Yugo and Amalia. Best ship.

Give it to me straight, Cred Forums. English dub or French

I watched the english dub of the first two seasons.

It's not the worst one I've ever heard. None of the Voice Actors knew what they were doing but they at least tried giving a shit sometimes.

Ca c'est bien sur.

French is infinitely better than the English dub. Also Amalia's VA does things to my heart.

Sub. Nox is the only voice in the dub who actually I'd say was quite good. others were tolerable at best. or annoying in the case of Tristepine and Ruel


its been talked about to hell and back there isnt really anything left to discuss

>I find Qilby more sympathetic.

He created all his own problems. Instead of using his expanded knowledge to better his people, he used it to destroy them. He should have just become a cutter or something to deal with his angst.

He did all this to better his people though. He just thought they were too limited by ethics and that they could do much more, which is why he stole Orgonax's heart in secret and created the Eliacube, which was extremely useful and every eliatrope ended up using. Until Orgonax and the Mechasms came back a teensy bit angry about that.

They really got stuck with the absolute worst power of the 12.

Even liking a lot of the voices and finding them quite appropriate, it's unwatchable to me in English. They have to talk way too fast to keep up with French which creates the sloppy speed racer effect and the audio balance is throw way off. Grunts in fight scenes are way louder than they should be and music is often unhearable or constantly fading in and out. Not to mention a lot of the flat out awful actors like the sadida king

I felt like he knew that was a likely outcome and did it anyway. At least given his total lack of remorse.

He seems like one of those "I'm sorry you feel that way" sociopaths that simply doesn't care about anyone but themselves.

Oh, yeah, he didn't care at all about the bad things he did, but he still thought they were the best for everyone else. He just also thought everyone else were pussies and he was the only one smart enough to decide what to do and how.

Yeah, the last OVA episode was just bad to me. It reminded me of pokemon 2000 where we just have complete power level nonsense going on in a way too long fight, but worse yet with no character to the villains. Even Ogrest being there just felt completely disconnected from what I was watching.

If they keep going in that direction, they lost me. But Percy did lose his god powers at the end there, so there's hope.

I liked it more than the two first ones, the first one had a Harebourg that wasn't like Harebourg at all and forced drama, while the second one was Jobbing: The Experience, and as you say they both lose their powerups at the end so it can go back to normal powerlevels now

>All that jobbing in the second OVA
>That random Percimol and Maskemane outta nowhere.

Well that was bleh.

>6 year time skip
>Everyone still looks the same

at least Yugo had an explanation but it was still bullshit considering it was just made up to add romance drama

Do we have a confirmed date for S3, or even just a general guess?

I've heard everything from summer 2016 to winter 2017, and last time I checked nothing from the official forums had anything actually official, it seems to be more speculation sites just making stuff up.

At least pirate loli got to stay a loli

Last official info we got said "Middle of 2017" and if you go to ankama.com it just says "Sometime in 2017"

All 3 were kinda crap, but I found the last one the worst crap. First one at least gave us a good deal of decent character moments and set up the kids well. Second one as silly as the game was, it was at least fun seeing characters we haven't really seen much of all fighting. Minus Joris suddenly not having his weapon and doing nothing useful for that first part, it wasn't that bad jobbing-wise.
Third one though had nothing character-wise outside of Adamai leaving and the entire fight was just a mess.
"Oh... there's dragons now. Aren't dragons like sentient and actual characters? Wasn't Ogrest a character? Ok, whatever, they're all mindless beasts now. More flashy god level shit to flood the screen I guess."

I don't even know where the Tormentator Knights came from. They were jus kinda...there.

>You will never see a remake of this short.


Nox was a pretty well executed tragic character with a interesting design and abilities which were conducive to interesting fight scenes, Qilby was just generic muh kung fu is stronger than yours shonen villain and irredeemably 100% evil for no actual reason. His design is one of the show's worst up there with Adamai

Tormentator Knights were just a "Hey, remember these guys? Let's use them instead of making new random guys"

>TFW they nerfed the red one in the MMO.

I now know why it bothered me. Qilby melding with the eliacube plays off a lot like Ultimate Kars in Jojo. In fact, the characters on themselves have some resemblances

That was the whole OVA for me.
>Hey, it's Odomai! Isn't he ancient at this point and yet looks exactly the same? Yeah, whatever.
>Hey! It's Harembourg kinda and the tormentor knights! I don't remember them looking anything like this, and where's his bandages? Yeah, whatever.
>Hey, it's Kerubim and Atcham? Oh whatever...
>Here's a whole buncha random characters that we're never going to explain how or why they're here! Why not....
>Here's Ogrest back to his young self I guess?

The whole point of the OVA seemed to be to fanservice in everything, which makes me worried for season 3. They crossed the streams too hard and I just want Wakfu to be its own thing.

Grougaloragran was good in English.

Well, that and the fact that he did be a nice guy for billions of years.

How many times can you play daddy for your own siblings, then go through being changed and bottle fed while possessing all the knowledge available to mortals, before you snap?

I think the OVA aas done with the fear it was the last thing they'd ever do, so they wanted to shove every cool idea into one last push.

Then Netflix were the heroes the animation world needs, leaving Ankama going "damn, that'd have made a good season and a Boufball arc with god Grovy could have been amazing".

Where is the Dofus movie coming out next with a physical bluray release?

That would be convincing if there was even the attempt to portray his character as dramatic rather than Jared Leto levels of Hot Topic edginess

And his sister didn't go crazy so there's that
Did they actually say "billions"?

Otomaï makes sense because Ogrest is an important part of the plot. Harebourg kinda because of the Forgotten Brotherhood. Kerub and Atcham were a bit more forced, but it made sense because it happened in the Ecaflip Dimension against Ush.

Also, I don't think it's bad that they used the Tormentor Knights just because they remembered they existed, they were just created to add a new mechanic to the game anyway in the first place, I think it's better than creating random background characters.

The "billions" thing is an inference based on language in the game where you play as Nora and Efrim.

What's the difference between the two Yugos?

So Netflix and more or less our cult following saved the show?

Yugo and Eva are pretty good.
Ruel people complain about but it actually is pretty accurate to his french voice.
Amalia is meh.
Percy does the goofy side of him well but can't seem to change it at all for the more serious moments.
Adamai is hard to listen too, and worse yet they don't apply any effects to his voice when he transforms so he just has the most inappropriate voice in his giant golem form.
Nox is different but appropriate. I liked him everywhere but in his bonus episode.
Remington is surprisingly well casted, which makes it all the more baffling that the OVA has him voiced by someone completely different for his short appearance there.
Qilby sounds great before his betrayal, then sounds way too chill to fit the insane character he's working with.

They all suffer from the same problem though. They all have to talk too fast, they all didn't get appropriate direction for their emotions were supposed to be at times, and they all have awful battle grunts that sound way louder than the rest of the audio. If you must, you can watch English and I won't shame you for it, but if you want this show in the best quality, do french. The only place you absolutely should not use English is the Ogrest special. Ogrest himself sounds awful and you're stuck with him ALL movie.

This is the most optimistic opinion of the dub I've seen

who /Sram/ here?

Is there racism in the wakfu world, between the 12 gods at least? I think I remember Rogues being outcasts to the whole thing.

Rogues are technically Sram worshipers.

Sure, everyone thinks iops are simpletons as you know, and they are mostly right.

Even Iops think Iops are dumb

Iop is more or less interchangeable with idiot. Even Grovy commented on something being iopish a few times. Which makes me wonder what the other slurs are. We know entrofs are basically jews and that they're used interchangeably with cheapskate. I wonder if anyone attributes bad behavior with Sadidas or Cra.

French. As a general rule something should always be watched in it's original language. It just helps that French is basically pure sex for the ears. The first link I found for season 2 was in English and it grated my ears.

I was pretty generous here. It is not a quality dub. I just think it's thanks to those universal problems more than any specific individual performance. And those problems do ruin a lot. The fight scene grunts drive me crazy. If they just turned the volume down and put the music over it, it wouldn't stand out so prominently.

More 'classism' than racism. Plus a lot of the prejudges are true and openly admitted even by those they're aimed at, because it's their creed.

Rogues for instance are outcasts because they feel morally obligated to steal and betray whenever they can. They put themselves there, willingly and proudly.

I take it goes up to Frigost?

I think so, at least Frigost 2, not sure about Frigost 3 (and therefore Harebourg's dungeon)

I checked the bestiary on the dofus touch website and I saw Harebourg himself there so it looks like it goes up to Frigost 3.



Top is smaller. Bottom is bigger and comes with two portal things for his hands and a wind-up Az plus a part of Razortime.

Here's the larger $10 one. The smaller $7 one is just Yugo and smaller with less articulation.

Here's the small Yugo. He only comes with a code for the game.
At full price, big Yugo was $25, small Yugo was $12. So big being $10 and small being $7 is an odd proportion to be at.

Are there any shows that do collaborations like this?


>Adamai apologists
Not even once.

this desu

Disgusts me to see them rise in number recently.

Adamai almost ruined the show for me.

Adamai is not a lovely sight!

Also, why are masqs cool?

He's probably going to ruin Season 3 for me when he beats up Yugo who's "holding back cause he's mah brotha"

Get that cunt off my screen

Yeah, blew it all on the remainding Krosmaster figures i didnt have that were on sale

ordered the Multiman, Young Ogrest and a Gobball Token, and they were nice enough to throw in freebies like the entire Foil card set, the XL cards, a cool ass coin and a Season 2 Blind Box

Y'know... Nox had just enough time to go back One Episode.
Did anything significant happen in the second-to-last episode?

what does it say.

Ruel est sirtic-something. It's hard to decipher


I thought it just said ruel stroud, but the letters were moving on one at a time
etc, I cba to finish it but you get the idea.

best boy by far

>n-th hype time for Tome 4
date still hasn't been moved

Ogrest 3 scans when?

Adamai pls go

>those fucking shipping costs

Just got my 2 favorites, Remington and Yugo, along with some super cheap krosmaster I was meaning to pick up. Was tempted to go for the whole crew, but Amalia was sold out and Eva/Percy weren't even on the list, and I don't like the look of Nox's model. Shame, if they weren't so expensive outside of the site, coulda made a neat shelf piece.

Which makes sense, considering half of Xelor's personality is "stop fucking up my clock holy shit it's so broken already just stop".

Best description of Xelor I've seen in a while.

I wanna fuck that pupper

An entire race died?
I don't really know what you're getting at?

all time favorite series next to avatar: TLAB

Love dofus, love wakfu, cant wait for season 3.

I'm surprised I actually found myself liking Dofus more. Wakfu is great in a lot of ways but also horribly flawed in others. Dofus sets out to do less but is way more consistently great at what it does. Also the Dofus movie >>>> Wakfu special episodes.

bim on this question since I need to know

think the current physical release is already present on Amazon.fr and FNAC (but with banding shit and no subs)

Yes, I know I have that one, I'm asking if some other country is going to get a bluray which hopefully someone else than ankama is mastering so that it doesn't contain the shitty banding all over it.
Sad isn't it?

Yeah and it's just a standard blue case with a printed cover. Nothing special.

There was news that the Dofus movie is coming to steam soon, so that might be a better alternative.

>that might be a better alternative

Not really, it will still have low bitrate since it's web and if we are lucky not that much banding than the Bluray. It's still probably worse quality like than the bluray and even that is shit. Also the filtered bluray isn't that bad, see my pics.

Still working on it.
No release date to give.

still absolute zero news from ankama about the indiesales deal, they have the rights for the international release.

where did you get the blu ray rip of the movie from?

from my bluray drive

>Well, now i'm going to have even more babies just to spite you
